id | title | lang | level | tags |
8 |
Readonly 2 |
en |
medium |
readonly object-keys |
Implement a generic MyReadonly2<T, K>
which takes two type arguments T
specify the set of properties of T
that should set to readonly
. When K
is not provided, it should make all properties readonly
, just like the normal
. For example:
interface Todo {
title: string;
description: string;
completed: boolean;
const todo: MyReadonly2<Todo, "title" | "description"> = {
title: "Hey",
description: "foobar",
completed: false,
todo.title = "Hello"; // Error: cannot reassign a readonly property
todo.description = "barFoo"; // Error: cannot reassign a readonly property
todo.completed = true; // OK
This challenge is a continuation of Readonly<T>
challenge. Everything is pretty the same, except that we need to add a new type
parameter called K
so we could specify the exact properties to be read-only.
We start with the simplest solution, the case when K
is an empty set so that
nothing need to be read-only. We just return T
type MyReadonly2<T, K> = T;
Now, we need to handle the case, when we provide the properties in K
. We can
use &
operator and make
intersection of both types:
the one is the T
we had before and the second one is the type with read-only
type MyReadonly2<T, K> = T & { readonly [P in K]: T[P] };
Looks like a solution, but we are getting a compilation error “Type ‘P’ cannot
be used to index type ‘T’”. And that is true, we do not set a constraint on K
It should be “every key from T
type MyReadonly2<T, K extends keyof T> = T & { readonly [P in K]: T[P] };
Works now? No! We do not handle the case when K
is not set at all. That is the
case when our type must behave as an usual Readonly<T>
type. To fix that, we
are just specifying the default type parameter for K
to be “all the keys from
type MyReadonly2<T, K extends keyof T = keyof T> = T & {
readonly [P in K]: T[P];
The solution above does not work in TypeScript 4.5+, because the original behavior is a bug in TypeScript, filed at microsoft/TypeScript#45122 and fixed at microsoft/TypeScript#45263.
Intersections conceptually mean “and”, so {readonly a: string} & {a: string}
should be equivalent to {a: string}
, i.e., the property a
is writable and
readable. Before TypeScript 4.5, TypeScript had the opposite and incorrect
behavior, where a final object property is readonly
if it is readonly
some intersection members. So this is the reason the solution above does not
To fix this, we omit the keys:
type MyReadonly2<T, K extends keyof T = keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & {
readonly [P in K]: T[P];