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Finding Wally using Object Detection and Neural Networks

Getting started


  • Python 3.7
  • pip >= 19


First clone the project repository to get the source

git clone

Run the following to initialize a copy of the Tensorflow Object Detection API project

git submodule init
git submodule update

(Carefully) follow the instructions here to install the API.

Create a virtualenv and install the required packages to run WALL-Y

virtualenv -p /path/to/python3.7 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Project structure

  • data/: contains the original dataset, the dataset with cropped images and the annotations (xml and csv)
  • utils/: contains the script used to reduce the original images in size ( and other helper functions to be used during inference
  • networks/: contains model configuration and checkpoint
  • src/: contains Python scripts for training (, performing object detection (, and graph freeze for inference

How to run

Every command supposes the current working directory is the project root and the venv is activated.

Training/Fine-Tuning and Evaluation

python src/ --logtostderr --model_dir="OUTPUT_DIR" --pipeline_config_path=networks/faster_rcnn_resnet101_coco.config --num_train_steps=3000

Replace "OUTPUT_DIR" with the directory where trained model and checkpoints will be saved; num_train_steps states total number of training steps. Be careful when increasing this number as overfitting problems may arise.

Evaluation Only

python src/ --run_once --pipeline_config_path=networks/faster_rcnn_resnet101_coco.config --checkpoint_dir="TRAINED_MODEL_DIR" --model_dir="OUTPUT_DIR"

Replace "OUTPUT_DIR" with the path you want to save Tensorboard data to and also replace "TRAINED_MODEL_DIR" pointing to the path containing the trained model.
NB: "TRAINED_MODEL_DIR" MUST point to the directory containing checkpoints and the last one will be automatically loaded; don't put names or suffixes (such as model.ckpt).

Inference Graph Export

python src/ --input_type=image_tensor --pipeline_config_path=networks/faster_rcnn_resnet101_coco.config --trained_checkpoint_prefix="TRAINED_MODEL_PREFIX" --output_directory="OUTPUT_DIR"

In order to use the trained model for inference, it has to be frozen with this command.
Replace "TRAINED_MODEL_PREFIX" with the path of the trained model, including model name prefix (such as model.ckpt-1000); replace also "OUTPUT_DIR" to state output directory for the frozen graph.


python src/ --label_map=data/mscoco_label_map.pbtxt --model_path="TRAINED_MODEL_DIR"/frozen_inference_graph.pb --image_dir=data/dataset_cropped/inference/ --filename=lake.jpg

Replace "TRAINED_MODEL_DIR" pointing to the path containing the trained model. The resulting image will be saved in image_dir/tmp/.
