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184 lines (152 loc) · 5.29 KB


Author: Mykola Panasiuk


This repository contains primary the source code for building NuGet packages to Open Source:

  • GR8Tech.TestUtils.Logging
  • GR8Tech.TestUtils.Logging.Extensions


GR8Tech.TestUtils.Logging and GR8Tech.TestUtils.Logging.Extensions were developed to be a unified approach for logging in all test projects and test infrastructure NuGet packages.

Both packages and the approach for test logging is based on using Serilog under the hood.

The main principles for logging are next:

  • using one type of logger - Serilog
  • write to Console with a standard and cross-team template
  • have an option to flexibly on/off logs from different sources independently from each other
  • be user-friendly and inject as low dependencies from other packages as possible

The only one place where you have to use GR8Tech.TestUtils.Logging is your final project you are going to run (tests, console app, web app). Other NuGet packages may use simple Serilog interface without other restrictions. You may use GR8Tech.TestUtils.Logging.Extensions with some helpful extensions for Serilog.

Settings file

Settings file might be named either test-settings.json or appsettings.json. It requires only to set log level for different sources.

  "Serilog": {
    "MinimumLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Override": {
        "System": "Warning",
        "Microsoft": "Warning",
        "My.First.Lib": "Verbose",
        "My.Second.Lib": "Debug"

No need to provide your own Console template as template standard is integrated into the NuGet package.

Important details

Log Context

To achieve best results for logs you have to use class context in your logger, example:

namespace DebugLibFirst

public class First
     private ILogger _logger;

     public First()
         _logger = SerilogDecorator.Logger

It will give you an option to change logs level from this source:

  "Serilog": {
    "MinimumLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Override": {
        "DebugLibFirst": "Error"

That works fine for non-static classes. If you want to have a consistent approach for logging, you have to add SourceContext for static classes as well. There are two options how to do that:

  1. Fill logger context with SourceContext property:
    logger.ForContext(Constants.SourceContextPropertyName, typeof(MyStaticClass); 
  2. Use extension method from NuGet GR8Tech.TestUtils.Logging.Extensions

Log Level

Logs have different details on different log Levels, the less level, the more details you will see. Let's look at the Information log based on different log Levels.

Original code

using GR8Tech.TestUtils.Logging;
using GR8Tech.TestUtils.Logging.Extensions;

namespace MyNamespace
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var logger = SerilogDecorator.Logger

            var id = 11;
            var name = "great";
            var payload = new { id, name };

                .AddPayload("myPayload", payload)
                .Information("---> info");

Level: Verbose

[2023-11-13T14:17:02.5407790Z] [INF] [MyNamespace.Program] [mykola] [panasiuk] ---> info
   _myPayload = {"id":11,"name":"great"}
   env = localhost
   ThreadId = 1
   MachineName = MAC-77777

Level: Debug

[2023-11-13T14:17:25.6627680Z] [INF] [MyNamespace.Program] [mykola] [panasiuk] ---> info
   _myPayload = {"id":11,"name":"great"}

Level: Information

[2023-11-13T14:17:47.6331690Z] [INF] [mykola] ---> info

Level: Warning or Error or Fatal

no output

Extensions from GR8Tech.TestUtils.Logging.Extensions

You may use this NuGet Package to easily add prefix, hidden_prefix, payload and SourceContext of static class properties to log context.

Note: payload variable name should start with _, for example _myVar to be properly parsed in log template. Method AddPayload() handles that automatically

using GR8Tech.TestUtils.Logging;
using GR8Tech.TestUtils.Logging.Extensions;

namespace MyNamespace
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var logger = SerilogDecorator.Logger
                .ForContext<Program>() // for static class use: .ForContextStaticClass(typeof(MyStaticClass))

                .AddPayload("myPayload", new object())
                .Information("---> info");

Output for Verbose level

[2023-11-13T14:24:00.8435030Z] [INF] [MyNamespace.Program] [mykola] [panasiuk] ---> info
   _myPayload = {"$type":"Object"}
   env = localhost
   ThreadId = 1
   MachineName = MAC-77777

Also there is an extension method JsonFormattingIndented() that makes it possible to easily switch payload serialization from single line to multiline formatting.