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bell ships with built-in support for authentication using ArcGIS Online, Auth0, AzureAD, BitBucket, Cognito, DigitalOcean, Discord, Dropbox, Facebook, Fitbit, Foursquare, GitHub, GitLab, Google Plus, Google, Instagram, LinkedIn, Medium, Meetup, Nest, Office365, Okta, Phabricator, Pingfed, Pinterest, Reddit, Salesforce, Slack, Spotify, Stripe,, Tumblr, Twitch, Twitter, VK, Wordpress, Windows Live, and Yahoo.

It also supports any compliant OAuth 1.0a and OAuth 2.0 based login services with a simple configuration object.

Providers Documentation


Social Login with Twitter using hapi.js


All Examples


// Load modules

const Bell = require('@hapi/bell');
const Hapi = require('@hapi/hapi');

// Declare internals

const internals = {};

internals.start = async function () {

    const server = Hapi.server({ port: 8000 });

    // Register bell with the server

    await server.register(Bell);

    // Declare an authentication strategy using the bell scheme
    // with the name of the provider, cookie encryption password,
    // and the OAuth client credentials.

    server.auth.strategy('twitter', 'bell', {
        provider: 'twitter',
        password: 'cookie_encryption_password_secure',
        clientId: 'my_twitter_client_id',
        clientSecret: 'my_twitter_client_secret',
        isSecure: false     // Terrible idea but required if not using HTTPS especially if developing locally

    // Use the 'twitter' authentication strategy to protect the
    // endpoint handling the incoming authentication credentials.
    // This endpoint usually looks up the third party account in
    // the database and sets some application state (cookie) with
    // the local application account information.

        method: ['GET', 'POST'],    // Must handle both GET and POST
        path: '/login',             // The callback endpoint registered with the provider
        options: {
            auth: {
              mode: 'try',
              strategy: 'twitter'
            handler: function (request, h) {

                if (!request.auth.isAuthenticated) {
                    return `Authentication failed due to: ${request.auth.error.message}`;

                // Perform any account lookup or registration, setup local session,
                // and redirect to the application. The third-party credentials are
                // stored in request.auth.credentials. Any query parameters from
                // the initial request are passed back via request.auth.credentials.query.

                return h.redirect('/home');

    await server.start();



Testing third-party authorization is often a painful process. They are hard to test, tidious to configure, and tend to break when running on local servers. If you are having issues running bell locally, you might want to look at the isSecure and isSameSite options. Since most people don't run TLS on their local test server, isSecure must be set to false to remove the TLS requirement. isSameSite might need to be set to 'Lax' in some cases.

You should also review the default scope set for each provider early in your implementation. The default scope is meant to get the minimal permissions needed to perform simple user login. In most cases, you would want to ask for more permissions as the default often does not provide access to most API calls provided by the third-party services.


bell works by adding a login endpoint and setting it to use a bell-based authentication strategy. bell will manage the third-party authentication flow and will only call the handler if the user successfully authenticated. The handler function is then used to examine the third-party credentials (e.g. lookup an existing account or offer a registration page), setup an active session, and redirect to the actual application.

bell does not maintain a session beyond a temporary state between the authorization flow. If a user authenticated once when accessing the endpoint, they will have to authenticate again. This means bell cannot be used alone as a login system except for single-page applications that require loading a single resource. Once the handler is called, the application must set its own session management. A common solution is to combine bell with the @hapi/cookie authentication scheme plugin.

// Load modules

const Bell = require('@hapi/bell');
const Hapi = require('@hapi/hapi');

// Declare internals

const internals = {};

internals.start = async function () {

    const server = Hapi.server({ port: 8000 });

    // Register bell with the server

    await server.register(Bell);

    // Declare an authentication strategy using the bell scheme
    // with the name of the provider, cookie encryption password,
    // and the OAuth client credentials.

    server.auth.strategy('twitter', 'bell', {
        provider: 'twitter',
        password: 'cookie_encryption_password_secure',
        clientId: 'my_twitter_client_id',
        clientSecret: 'my_twitter_client_secret',
        isSecure: false     // Terrible idea but required if not using HTTPS especially if developing locally

    // Use the 'twitter' authentication strategy to protect the
    // endpoint handling the incoming authentication credentials.
    // This endpoints usually looks up the third party account in
    // the database and sets some application state (cookie) with
    // the local application account information.

        method: ['GET', 'POST'],    // Must handle both GET and POST
        path: '/login',             // The callback endpoint registered with the provider
        options: {
            auth: {
              mode: 'try',
              strategy: 'twitter'
            handler: function (request, h) {

                if (!request.auth.isAuthenticated) {
                    return `Authentication failed due to: ${request.auth.error.message}`;

                // Perform any account lookup or registration, setup local session,
                // and redirect to the application. The third-party credentials are
                // stored in request.auth.credentials. Any query parameters from
                // the initial request are passed back via request.auth.credentials.query.

                return h.redirect('/home');

    await server.start();



The server.auth.strategy() method requires the following strategy options:

  • provider - the name of the third-party provider ('auth0', 'azure', 'bitbucket', 'dropbox', 'facebook', 'fitbit', 'foursquare', 'github', 'google', 'googleplus', 'instagram', 'linkedin', 'live', 'twitter', 'vk', 'arcgisonline', 'yahoo', 'nest', 'phabricator', 'pinterest') or an object containing a custom provider with the following:

    • name - the custom provider name. Defaults to custom.
    • protocol - the authorization protocol used. Must be one of:
      • 'oauth' - OAuth 1.0a
      • 'oauth2' - OAuth 2.0
    • signatureMethod - the OAuth signature method (OAuth 1.0a only). Must be one of:
      • 'HMAC-SHA1' - default
      • 'RSA-SHA1' - in that case, the clientSecret is your RSA private key
    • temporary - the temporary credentials (request token) endpoint (OAuth 1.0a only).
    • useParamsAuth - boolean that determines if OAuth client id and client secret will be sent as parameters as opposed to an Authorization header (OAuth 2.0 only). Defaults to false.
    • auth - the authorization endpoint URI.
    • token - the access token endpoint URI.
    • scope - an array of scope strings (OAuth 2.0 only).
    • scopeSeparator - the scope separator character (OAuth 2.0 only). Only required when a provider has a broken OAuth 2.0 implementation. Defaults to space (Facebook and GitHub default to comma).
    • headers - a headers object with additional headers required by the provider (e.g. GitHub required the 'User-Agent' header which is set by default).
    • profileMethod - get or post for obtaining user profile by profile function. Default is get.
    • profile - a function used to obtain user profile information and normalize it. The function signature is async function(credentials, params, get) where:
      • credentials - the credentials object. Change the object directly within the function (profile information is typically stored under credentials.profile).
      • params - the parsed information received from the provider (e.g. token, secret, and other custom fields).
      • get - an OAuth helper function to make authenticated requests using the credentials received. The get function signature is async function(uri, params) where:
        • uri - the requested resource URI (bell will add the token or authentication header as needed).
        • params - any URI query parameters (cannot include them in the URI due to signature requirements).
        • returns the parsed profile response object.
  • password - the cookie encryption password. Used to encrypt the temporary state cookie used by the module in between the authorization protocol steps.

  • clientId - the OAuth client identifier (consumer key).

  • clientSecret - the OAuth client secret (consumer secret). This is usually a client password formatted as a string, but to allow OAuth2 custom client authentication (e.g. client certificate-based authentication), this option can be passed as an object. This object will be merged with the Wreck request object used to call the token endpoint. Such an object can contain custom HTTP headers or TLS options (e.g. { agent: new Https.Agent({ cert: myClientCert, key: myClientKey}) }). To allow dynamically updating secret, this option can be passed as a function returning string to be used as clientSecret.

  • forceHttps - A boolean indicating whether or not you want the redirect_uri to be forced to https. Useful if your hapi application runs as http, but is accessed through https.

  • location - Set the base redirect_uri manually if it cannot be inferred properly from server settings. Useful to override port, protocol, and host if proxied or forwarded. It may be passed either as a string (in which case request.path is appended for you), or a function which takes the client's request and returns a non-empty string, which is used as provided. In both cases, an empty string will result in default processing just as if the location option had not been specified.

Each strategy accepts the following optional settings:

  • cookie - the name of the cookie used to manage the temporary state. Defaults to 'bell-provider' where 'provider' is the provider name. For example, the Twitter cookie name defaults to 'bell-twitter'.
  • isSameSite - sets the cookie same site option. Defaults to Strict.
  • isSecure - sets the cookie secure flag. Defaults to true.
  • isHttpOnly - sets the cookie HTTP only flag. Defaults to true.
  • ttl - cookie time-to-live in milliseconds. Defaults to null (session time-life - cookies are deleted when the browser is closed).
  • domain - the domain scope. Defaults to null (no domain).
  • providerParams - provider-specific query parameters for the authentication endpoint. It may be passed either as an object to merge into the query string, or a function which takes the client's request and returns an object. Each provider supports its own set of parameters which customize the user's login experience. For example:
    • Facebook supports display ('page', 'popup', or 'touch'), auth_type, auth_nonce.
    • Google supports access_type, approval_prompt, prompt, login_hint, user_id, hd.
    • Twitter supports force_login, screen_name.
    • Linkedin supports fields.
  • allowRuntimeProviderParams - allows passing query parameters from a bell protected endpoint to the auth request. It will merge the query params you pass along with the providerParams and any other predefined ones. Be aware that this will override predefined query parameters! Default to false.
  • scope - Each built-in vendor comes with the required scope for basic profile information. Use scope to specify a different scope as required by your application. It may be passed either as an object to merge into the query string, or a function which takes the client's request and returns an object. Consult the provider for their specific supported scopes.
  • skipProfile - skips obtaining a user profile from the provider. Useful if you need specific scopes, but not the user profile. Defaults to false.
  • config - a configuration object used to customize the provider settings:
    • Twitter:
      • extendedProfile
      • getMethod
    • GitHub and Phabricator:
      • uri - allows pointing to a private enterprise installation (e.g. ''). See Providers documentation for more information.
  • tokenParams - provider-specific query parameters for the token endpoint. It may be passed either as an object to merge into the query string, or a function which takes the client's request and returns an object. Each provider supports its own set of parameters which customize the user's login experience.
  • profileParams - an object of key-value pairs that specify additional URL query parameters to send with the profile request to the provider. The built-in facebook provider, for example, could have fields specified to determine the fields returned from the user's graph, which would then be available to you in the auth.credentials.profile.raw object.
  • runtimeStateCallback - allows passing additional OAuth state from initial request. This must be a function returning a string, which will be appended to the bell internal state parameter for OAuth code flow.

Authentication information

On route handlers, the authentication object may contain one or more of the following properties depending on your route configuration and whether the authentication process was completed successfully or not:

Always present

auth.credentials = {
  provider: String, // provider name

Present on successful authentication

OAuth protocol
auth.credentials = {
  token: String,
  secret: String,
  query: Object // sign-in request query params
OAuth2 protocol
auth.credentials = {
  token: String,
  refreshToken: String,
  expiresIn: Number,
  query: Object // sign-in request query params

auth.artifacts = Object; // OAuth token payload response
Present on failed authentication (route.auth.mode=try)
auth.credentials = {
  query: Object // sign-in request query params

Advanced Usage

Configuration via Environment Variables

The server.auth.strategy() method supports string representations of its boolean and number typed options. For example, forceHttps can be set to 'true', 'false', 'yes', or 'no'. In effect, this allows you to configure any strategy option using environment variables.

Handling Errors

By default, bell will reply back with an internal error (500) on most authentication errors due to the nature of the OAuth protocol. There is little that can be done to recover from errors as almost all of them are caused by implementation or deployment issues.

If you would like to display a useful error page instead of the default JSON response, use the hapi onPreResponse extension point to transform the error into a useful page or to redirect the user to another destination.

Another way to handle authentication errors is within the route handler. By default, an authentication error will cause the handler to be skipped. However, if the authentication mode is set to 'try' instead of 'required', the handler will still be called. In this case, the request.auth.isAuthenticated must be checked to test if authentication failed. In that case, request.auth.error will contain the error.

Token Refresh

To keep track of the token expiry time, request.auth.credentials.expiresIn provides you the duration (in seconds) after which you could send a refresh token request using the request.auth.credentials.refreshToken to get a new token.

Simulated authentication

Testing applications using third-party login can be challenging given the lack of user interaction to perform the third-party login flow as well as the multiple steps required. To assist in testing such application without having to modify the application with custom code, Bell provides an override method Bell.simulate() which puts the module into simulation mode and any strategies created while it is in this mode will return the simulated credentials.

The Bell.simulate(credentialsFunc) takes a single argument:

  • credentialsFunc - a function called for each incoming request to the protected resource that should return the credentials object to be set in request.auth.credentials. Note that bell will set the default keys automatically if not present except for the provider-specific values.

    has the signature function(request) where:

    • request - the hapi request object.

Note that you must call Bell.simulate() before the module is registered by your application and need to call Bell.simulate(false) to stop it from simulating authentication.

Usage without a strategy

Sometimes, you want to use bell without using specifying a Hapi strategy. This can be the case when combining the auth logic together with another module.

bell exposes an oauth object in its plugin. Therefore, server.plugins.bell.oauth now has all that's needed. For example, calling the v2 method with all the settings documented above, will handle the oauth2 flow.

Customized Scope and Params

You can pass a function, rather than an object, into the providerParams and scope config options to allow you to customize the scope or parameters based on the user's request. For example, this may be used you want people to be able to log in with a provider (and only need some basic user information) but also want to let users authorize your application to post messages or status updates on their behalf.

server.auth.strategy('twitter', 'bell', {
    provider: 'twitter',
    password: 'some cookie password',
    location: '',
    scope(request) {

        const scopes = ['public_profile', 'email'];
        if (request.query.wantsSharePermission) {
        return scopes;