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File metadata and controls

executable file
658 lines (478 loc) · 21.8 KB


Te list of available methods for this plugin is described below.

method name params description
initSdk (Object options, function success, function error) SDK configuration
trackAppLaunch () Tracking session
setCustomerUserId (String customerUserId, function callback) Cross-reference your own unique ID
stopTracking (Boolean isStopTracking, function successCallback) Shut down all SDK tracking
setCollectIMEI (Boolean isCollect, function successCallback) Collect IMEI for the SDK
setCollectAndroidID (Boolean isCollect, function successCallback) Collect Android Id for the SDK
trackEvent (String eventName, Object eventValues, function successC, function errorC) Track rich in-app events
track-app-uninstalls Track app uninstalls
updateServerUninstallToken (String token, Callback callback) Pass Firebase device token for uninstall measurement on Android
senddeeplinkdata-android-only (String url) Report Deep Links for Re-Targeting Attribution (Android)
onInstallConversionData (function callback) Conversion Data from the SDK
getAppsFlyerUID (String error, String appsFlyerUID) Get AppsFlyer’s proprietary Device ID
tracklocation (float longitude, float latitute, error, function callback) Track location of the device
senddeeplinkdata-android-only (fString url) Re-Targeting Attribution(Android)
setAdditionalData (Object customDataMap, function callback) Integrate with external partner platforms
setUserEmails (Object options) report device's associated email addresses
setAppInviteOneLinkID (String OneLinkIDfunction, function callback Set AppsFlyer’s OneLink ID
generateInviteLink (Object args, function success, function error) Invite new user from the app and track the new install
trackCrossPromotionImpression (String appId, String campaign) Track cross promotion impression
trackAndOpenStore (String appId, String campaign, Object options) Launch the app store's app page (via Browser)
setCurrencyCode (String currencyCode, function callback) set the Currency Code for purchases

The list of available methods for this plugin is described below.

initializes the SDK.

parameter type description
options Object SDK configuration


name type default description
devKey string Appsflyer Dev key
appId string Apple Application ID (for iOS only)
isDebug boolean false debug mode (optional)


const options = {
  devKey: '<AF_DEV_KEY>',
  isDebug: true,

if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {
  options.appId = '123456789';

  (result) => {
  (error) => {

With Promise:

try {
  var result = await appsFlyer.initSdk(options);
} catch (error) {}

Necessary for tracking sessions and deep link callbacks in iOS on background-to-foreground transitions. Should be used with the relevant AppState logic.


state = {
  appState: AppState.currentState,

  AppState.addEventListener('change', this._handleAppStateChange);

  AppState.removeEventListener('change', this._handleAppStateChange);

_handleAppStateChange = (nextAppState) => {
  if (
    this.state.appState.match(/inactive|background/) &&
    nextAppState === 'active'
  ) {
    if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {

  this.setState({appState: nextAppState});

Setting your own Custom ID enables you to cross-reference your own unique ID with AppsFlyer’s user ID and the other devices’ IDs. This ID is available in AppsFlyer CSV reports along with postbacks APIs for cross-referencing with you internal IDs.

Note: The ID must be set during the first launch of the app at the SDK initialization. The best practice is to call this API during the deviceready event, where possible.

parameter type description
customerUserId String


const userId = 'some_user_id';

appsFlyer.setCustomerUserId(userId, (response) => {

The stopTracking API for opting out users as part of the GDPR compliance.

parameter type description
isStopTracking boolean opt-out of launch and track in-app-event


appsFlyer.stopTracking(true, (result) => {
  console.log('stopTracking ...');

By default, IMEI and Android ID are not collected by the SDK if the OS version is higher than KitKat (4.4) and the device contains Google Play Services (on SDK versions 4.8.8 and below the specific app needed GPS).

parameter type description
isCollect boolean opt-out of collection of IMEI


appsFlyer.setCollectIMEI(false, (result) => {
  console.log('setCollectIMEI ...');

By default, IMEI and Android ID are not collected by the SDK if the OS version is higher than KitKat (4.4) and the device contains Google Play Services (on SDK versions 4.8.8 and below the specific app needed GPS).

parameter type description
isCollect boolean opt-out of collection of Android ID


appsFlyer.setCollectAndroidID(false, (result) => {
  console.log('setCollectAndroidID ... ');

  • These in-app events help you track how loyal users discover your app, and attribute them to specific campaigns/media-sources. Please take the time define the event/s you want to measure to allow you to track ROI (Return on Investment) and LTV (Lifetime Value).
  • The trackEvent method allows you to send in-app events to AppsFlyer analytics. This method allows you to add events dynamically by adding them directly to the application code.
parameter type description
eventName String custom event name, is presented in your dashboard. See the Event list HERE
eventValues Object event details (optional)


const eventName = 'af_add_to_cart';
const eventValues = {
  af_content_id: 'id123',
  af_currency: 'USD',
  af_revenue: '2',

  (result) => {
  (error) => {

With Promise:

try {
  var result = await appsFlyer.trackEvent(eventName, eventValues);
} catch (error) {}

AppsFlyer enables you to track app uninstalls. To handle notifications it requires to modify your AppDelegate.m. Use didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken to register to the uninstall feature.


@import AppsFlyerLib;


- (void)application:(UIApplication ​*)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *​)deviceToken {
// notify AppsFlyerTracker
[[AppsFlyerTracker sharedTracker] registerUninstall:deviceToken];

Read more about Uninstall register: Appsflyer SDK support site

appsFlyer.updateServerUninstallToken(token, callback): void (Android only)

Updates Firebase device token so it can be sent to AppsFlyer

parameter type description
token String
callback (successString) => void Required at the moment, inject a string as parameter upon hook registration success.


appsFlyer.updateServerUninstallToken(newFirebaseToken, (success) => {

Read more about Android Uninstall Tracking: Appsflyer SDK support site

Accessing AppsFlyer Attribution / Conversion Data from the SDK (Deferred Deeplinking). Read more: Android, iOS

parameter type description
callback function returns object
callback structure:
  • status: "success"or "failure" if SDK returned error on onInstallConversionData event handler
  • type:
  • "onAppOpenAttribution" - returns deep linking data (non-organic)
  • "onInstallConversionDataLoaded" - called on each launch
  • "onAttributionFailure"
  • "onInstallConversionFailure"
  • data: some metadata,

Example of onInstallConversionDataLoaded:

  status: 'success',
  type: 'onInstallConversionDataLoaded',
  data: {
    af_status: 'Organic',
    af_message: 'organic install',

Example of onAppOpenAttribution:

  status: 'success',
  type: 'onAppOpenAttribution',
  data: {
    af_sub1: 'some custom data',
    link: '',
    c: 'my campaign',
    pid: 'my media source',

The code implementation for the conversion listener must be made prior to the initialization code of the SDK


this.onInstallConversionDataCanceller = appsFlyer.onInstallConversionData((data) => {

this.onAppOpenAttributionCanceller = appsFlyer.onAppOpenAttribution((data) => {


The appsFlyer.onInstallConversionData returns function to unregister this event listener. Actually it calls NativeAppEventEmitter.remove()


  state = {
    appState: AppState.currentState,

  componentDidMount() {
    AppState.addEventListener('change', this._handleAppStateChange);

  componentWillUnmount() {
    AppState.removeEventListener('change', this._handleAppStateChange);

  _handleAppStateChange = (nextAppState) => {
    if (
      this.state.appState.match(/active|foreground/) &&
      nextAppState === 'background'
    ) {
      if (this.onInstallConversionDataCanceller) {
        console.log('unregister onInstallConversionDataCanceller');
      if (this.onAppOpenAttributionCanceller) {
        console.log('unregister onAppOpenAttributionCanceller');

    this.setState({appState: nextAppState});

Get AppsFlyer’s proprietary Device ID. The AppsFlyer Device ID is the main ID used by AppsFlyer in Reports and APIs.

parameter type description
error String Error callback - called on getAppsFlyerUID failure
appsFlyerUID string The AppsFlyer Device ID


appsFlyer.getAppsFlyerUID((error, appsFlyerUID) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('on getAppsFlyerUID: ' + appsFlyerUID);

Track the location (lat,long) of the device / user.

parameter type description
longitude float Longitude
latitude float Latitude
callback Object Success / Error Callbacks


const latitude = -18.406655;
const longitude = 46.40625;

appsFlyer.trackLocation(longitude, latitude, (error, coords) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    this.setState({...this.state, trackLocation: coords});

Report Deep Links for Re-Targeting Attribution (Android). This method should be called when an app is opened using a deep link.


  componentDidMount() {
      .then((url) => {
        if (appsFlyer) {
          appsFlyer.sendDeepLinkData(url); // Report Deep Link to AppsFlyer
          // Additional Deep Link Logic Here ...
      .catch((err) => console.error('An error occurred', err));

More about Deep Links in React-Native: React-Native Linking More about Deep Links in Android: Android Deep Linking , Adding Filters

The setAdditionalData API is required to integrate on the SDK level with several external partner platforms, including Segment, Adobe and Urban Airship. Use this API only if the integration article of the platform specifically states setAdditionalData API is needed.

parameter type description
customDataMap Object setUserEmails configuration


    val1: 'data1',
    val2: false,
    val3: 23,
  (result) => {
    //... SUCCESS

AppsFlyer enables you to report one or more of the device’s associated email addresses. You must collect the email addresses and report it to AppsFlyer according to your required encryption method. More info you can find on AppsFlyer-SDK-Integration-Android and AppsFlyer-SDK-Integration-iOS

parameter type description
options Object setUserEmails configuration


name type default description
emailsCryptType int 0 NONE - 0 (default), SHA1 - 1, MD5 - 2
emails array comma separated list of emails


const options = {
  emailsCryptType: 2,
  emails: ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'],

  (response) => {
    this.setState({...this.state, setUserEmailsResponse: response});
  (error) => {

Set AppsFlyer’s OneLink ID. Setting a valid OneLink ID will result in shortened User Invite links, when one is generated. The OneLink ID can be obtained on the AppsFlyer Dashboard.


appsFlyer.setAppInviteOneLinkID('oneLinkID', (success) => {
parameter type description
OneLinkID String OneLink ID
callback function returns object

Allowing your existing users to invite their friends and contacts as new users to your app can be a key growth factor for your app. AppsFlyer allows you to track and attribute new installs originating from user invites within your app.


   channel: 'gmail',
   campaign: 'myCampaign',
   customerID: '1234',
   userParams: {
     myParam: 'newUser',
     anotherParam: 'fromWeb',
     amount: 1,
 (link) => {
 (err) => {
parameter type description
inviteOptions Object Parameters for Invite link
onInviteLinkSuccess () => void Success callback (generated link)
onInviteLinkError () => void Error callback

A complete list of supported parameters is available here. Custom parameters can be passed using a userParams{} nested object, as in the example above.

Use this call to track an impression use the following API call. Make sure to use the promoted App ID as it appears within the AppsFlyer dashboard.


appsFlyer.trackCrossPromotionImpression("", "myCampaign");
parameter type description
appID String Promoted Application ID
campaign String Promoted Campaign

For more details about Cross-Promotion tracking please see here.

Use this call to track the click and launch the app store's app page (via Browser)


var crossPromOptions = {
  customerID: '1234',
  myCustomParameter: 'newUser',

parameter type description
appID String Promoted Application ID
campaign String Promoted Campaign
options Object Additional Parameters to track

For more details about Cross-Promotion tracking please see here.

Setting user local currency code for in-app purchases. The currency code should be a 3 character ISO 4217 code. (default is USD). You can set the currency code for all events by calling this method.


appsFlyer.setCurrencyCode(currencyCode, () => {});
parameter type description
currencyCode String currencyCode