This removes the older verison of sunkit_instruments.goes_xrs.calculate_temperature_em that no longer works for the re-processed netcdf files and new GOES-R data.
This also removes the sunkit_instruments.goes_xrs.calculate_radiative_loss_rate and sunkit_instruments.goes_xrs.calculate_xray_luminosity functions that also no longer work in their current form.
The new sunkit_instruments.goes_xrs.calculate_temperature_em function now returns a new sunpy.timeseries.GenericTimeSeries with the temperature and emission measure rather than appending columns to the passed XRSTimeSeries. (#81)
Create new function (sunkit_instruments.goes_xrs.calculate_temperature_em) to calculate the temperature and emission measure from the GOES XRS measurements including the new re-processed XRS data and GOES-R data.
See :ref:`` for an example. (#81)
- Added functions for SUVI:
- :func:`sunkit_instruments.suvi.read_suvi` to read FITS or NetCDF SUVI files.
- :func:`sunkit_instruments.suvi.files_to_map` to read SUVI files and turn them into :class:``.
- :func:`sunkit_instruments.suvi.despike_l1b_file` and :func:`sunkit_instruments.suvi.despike_l1b_array` to despike SUVI L1b files.
- :func:`sunkit_instruments.suvi.get_response` to get the response function for a given SUVI L1b file or wavelength. (#61)
- Fermi pointing file names changed from "_p202_v001" to "_p310_v001" upstream. (#48)
- Add :func:`sunkit_instruments.rhessi.imagecube2map` function to extract objects from a RHESSI 4D image cube. (#35)
- Creation of the package with all code from