- Add a new global variable
to store the default vault name - Breaking Change: existing
has been renamed tolqf
for file search - add
for keyword search in the vault
To use this feature, make sure to change the default quick capture config in the `config.edn to the following:
{:text "{text}"
:media "[[quick capture]] **{time}**: {url}"}
- Add fleeting note to
quick capture
file withln
- Add fleeting note to
- Add TODO task to
quick capture
file withlt
- Add TODO task to
file withltj
[[by Sangmin]]
- Add web quick capture with double press on shift key
[[by @sawhney17]]
- search logseq for pages with provided keyword -
lqs textToSearchInVault
Using the lq
- search logseq for pages with provided keyword - `lqs search1
- search for journals files in Alfred and open in default .md editor -
lq journals
- search for pages files in Alfred and open in default .md editor -
lq pages
- Open the graph path in default terminal -
lq terminal
- Open the graph path in finder -
lq finder
- Open the graph path in vscode -
lq vscode
- Open the config in vscode -
lq config
- Open the preference in vscode
lq preferences
- Open the plugins path in vscode
lq plugins
- Check the installed logseq version and compare with the latest version on github -
lq version
Using the lqh
command to open logseq help and community related sites:
lqh documentation
lqh community-documentation
lqh loqseq-weekly
lqh github
lqh discord
lqh discuss
lqh twitter
lqh roadmap
lqh feature
lqh bug
lqh sdk
toggles the left and right sidebars