All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- (telemetry) Visitor counter
- (kebab-case) Following typst convention
- (telemetry) Visitorlink
- (tianji) Link to tianji
- (tianji) Link to tianji
- (typst) Compatibility with typst 0.13.0
- (template) Update to new template version number
- (packages) Update packages to the latest version glossarium & fracturist
- (import) Wrong package imported hei-synd-report instead of hei-synd-thesis
- (changelog) Release 0.1.1
- (glossarium) Add glossarium for the acronym and glossary function replacing the legacy acr-* tools
- (page) Summary page
- (template) Additional feature such as add_chapter, new logos ,etc.
- (lang) Add i18n features
- (lang) I18n for all elements found in the template (de, en, fr)
- (draft) Add informations on how to write each section in the draft version of the thesis
- (metadata) All metadata is optional and can be omitted
- (box) Add personnal todo and table of todos
- (template) Change page numbering before toc
- Fix justfile
- (template) Compatible with typst 0.12
- (readme) Typos and image placement
- (bibliography) Remove examples
- (toc) Maxdepth of toc
- (readme) Fix some links
- (glossary) Fix heading level for groupes title
- (image) Remove equal salary from the bottom-right logo
- Initial commit
- 🎉 inital commit
- More information in the readme, better images
- File extension
- Logo positions
- File links
- File download link
- For typst v0.8.0
- Install description in readme
- License change
- Author information
- Fonts
- Proper logos supporting github darkmode
- Readme
- Adapted for typst v0.9.0
- Karnaugh
- Paragraph spacing from 0.55em to 1em
- Sections for Titlepage
- Vhdl code syntax highlighting
- Raw settigns
- Thesis title
- For 2024 edition
- Latest version of guide_to_...
- More detailed instruction for windows (vscode gitbash ps in admin mode)
- Typos
- Merge pull request #4 from Klagarge/typos
- Typo in dean name + fix justfile
- Link typos for guide to typst
- UPD tablex from preview
- CHG use glossarium package
- RM sections
- UPD glossarium to 0.4.2
- FIX path to absolute
- ADD placeholder constant
- ADD specifications + summary
- ADD todo function
- Red callout for writter
- FIX minitoc
- ADD function to add-chapter
- ADD subtitle
- CHG refactor with add-chapter
- FIX subtitle + dates
- ADD midterm title page version
- ADD flexible type of report
- UPD logos to svg
- FIX title page and abstract
- FIX heading indent and TOC
- FIX full-page and add-chapter
- FIX summary
- ADD Todo example
- UPD glossary
- UPD Typst 0.12
- (template) Adapt project for the typst universe
- (template) Big refactor to uniform typst code from Remi across all templates
- (template) Move functions to different files where they make more sense
- (template) Page-* change to one file per templates pages-*
- (template) Move 00-templates into a the subfolder
- (template) Add 03-tails into the 00-global-template also to be distributed automatically
- (template) All path are absolute to the project source
- (template) Remove all tablex uses in the templates
- (item) Items have a body
- (font) Add new libertinus font
- (bibliography) Remove soa of soa by a own publication
- (typst) Change function and variable names according to conventions
- (img) Add sample and thumbnail images as well as latest version of all logos
- (release) Add changelog
- (thumbnail) Update thumbnail
- (sample) Update sample
- (readme) Add last extentions to the readme
- (release) Add changelog for 0.1.0 release