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LLVM + RISC-V 技术讨论会 2020-07-05

Title: LLVM + RISC-V Meetup July 5th 2020

Hi all,

OSDT社区组织的 LLVM + RISC-V 技术讨论会将在7月5日周日上午10点开始。本次讨论的议题已经确定,活动形式采用线上 Zoom 会议 + B站直播的形式,欢迎国内外的小伙伴参与。报告以中文为主。

The next OSDT Meetup will happen on July 5th, 2020. The location is webinar style, using Bilibili live streaming and Zoom Meeting. Topics cover RISC-V software porting / enhancement and LLVM toolchain family.

本次活动由OSDT开源开发工具社区(含HelloGCC、HelloLLVM)与 Shanghai RISC-V Group 联合组织。感谢中科院软件所智能软件研究中心(ISRC)提供 Zoom 会议赞助。

We thank Shanghai RISC-V Group for event organization and I.S.C.A.S. for Zoom sharing. This meetup is hold by OSDT community (formerly HelloGCC and HelloLLVM communities).

活动时间 / Time

2020年7月5日 周日 10:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Sunday, July 5, 2020 at 10:00:00 am CST UTC+8 hours Shanghai

Saturday, July 4, 2020 at 7:00:00 pm PDT UTC-7 hours Las Vegas (USA - Nevada)

Sunday, July 5, 2020 at 02:00:00 Corresponding UTC (GMT)

活动议程 / Program

  • 开场介绍(吴伟 as MC)
  • Opening - Wei Wu (chair)
  • 蒙斌 - VxWorks on RISC-V: 切换 LLVM 编译器遇到的一些问题分享
  • Bin Meng - VxWorks on RISC-V: What we've learned about LLVM RISC-V toolchain
  • MaskRay - Clang 的 gcov 实现
  • MaskRay - GCov implementations in Clang
  • 王萌 - Spike模拟器Snapshot功能技术方案及实现分享
  • Meng Wang - implement snapshot feature for Spike RISC-V simulator
  • 陈影 - 基于LLVM实现RISC-V用户自定义指令支持——以玄铁C910处理器为例
  • Ying Chen - Custom ISA Support Using LLVM: XuanTie C910 as an example
  • 自由话题讨论
  • Free discussion

蒙斌 - VxWorks on RISC-V: 切换 LLVM 编译器遇到的一些问题分享

Bin Meng - VxWorks on RISC-V: What we've learned about LLVM RISC-V toolchain

分享 VxWorks 操作系统在支持 RISC-V 架构从 GCC 编译器切换到 LLVM 过程中遇到的各种“坑”.

In this talk we will share our lessons learned in the transition of using LLVM RISC-V toolchain to build VxWorks Operation System.

演讲者蒙斌来自风河系统中国研发中心,VxWorks 产品部门高级研发经理。开源社区积极参与者和贡献者,RISC-V 坚定的推广者 :)

Bin Meng is from WindRiver. He is the senior R&D manager in VxWorks Department. Bin is very active tech promoter for RISC-V and other open source communities.

MaskRay - Clang 的 gcov 实现

MaskRay - GCov implementations in Clang

GCC提供 gcov 用于实现code coverage。本次主题浅析clang对它的兼容实现和最近本人的一些改进。

gcov is a code coverage tool which originated from GNU GCC. In this talk MaskRay will introduce the gcov implementation in Clang, with a few new improvements realized by him.

MaskRay,一个活跃的LLVM开发者 (LLD+binary utilities 维护者,缓慢学习 clang/middle-end/CodeGen),退休的Algo/CTF/Student Cluster Competition 选手 / emacs-lsp 维护者。ccls++🎉

MaskRay is an active LLVM developer (maintains LLD + Binary Utilities, learning clang/middle-end/codegen slowly), a retired Algo / CTF / Student Cluster Competition athlete / emacs-lsp maintainer. ccls++🎉


Meng Wang - implement snapshot feature for Spike RISC-V simulator

Spike 是用于验证RISC-V程序的模拟器,使用 C++ 编写,提供了模拟一个或多个 RISC-V hart 的功能模型。我们在spike的基础上进行开发,为其实现 snapshot 即快照功能,用于程序状态的保存及恢复。目前,我们已经完成了部分功能开发,本次报告将针对其技术方案和具体实现进行介绍。

Spike is a simulator for RISC-V. We are implementing a few new features for Spike. In this talk, we will share details of our ongoing work for snapshot feature.


同时我们感谢中科院信工所宋威老师提出并完善了 snapshot 功能需要达到的各项功能指标。

Meng Wang is an undergraduate from Wuhan University. He is currently working with his intern mentor Weiwei Li in PLCT Lab as intern.

We thank Dr. Wei Song from IIE. The idea was provided by Dr. Song.


Ying Chen - Custom ISA Support Using LLVM: XuanTie C910 as an example

基于LLVM框架,说明如何实现其中RISC-V后端的用户自定义指令的支持,并以玄铁C910处理器为例,具体说明如何在LLVM中添加其扩展指令集的支持。玄铁 C910的指令集架构是在RISC-V标准指令集架构的基础上,增加了部分自定义指令,以提高处理器性能,这部分扩展指令集主要包括有Cache指令子集,同步指令子集,算术运算指令子集,位操作指令子集以及存储指令子集。本次报告阐述的主要工作就是如何RISC-V后端实现这些扩展指令的支持。具体工作内容包括:为LLVM的RISCV后端添加一个C910命令行选项,实现llvm-mc汇编器的支持,使用TableGen语言编写全部扩展指令的汇编代码,能够将玄铁C910汇编指令汇编生成二进制文件,并编写测试用例,验证汇编指令编码的正确性。本项目对于在LLVM中添加用户自定义指令具有良好的指导意义,未来计划考虑添加对其他指令集架构的支持。

We have implemented an open source toolchain for XuanTie C910. In this talk Ying Chen will give a short tutorial about custom ISA support using LLVM. source code could be download or viewed at:


Ying Chen is a graduate from Hefei University of Technology. She is an intern in PLCT lab. Mingjie Xing is her intern mentor.



Anyone who has internet access could watch this meetup using Bilibili live streaming.

Login users could post questions using DanMu feature.

通过 Zoom 参加

我们将在会议当天上午通过 HelloGCC 公众号(搜索 hellogcc2007)发布会议信息。请通过负责人微信或HelloGCC公众号与我们联系,获取Zoom会议室信息。没有微信的朋友请通过 lazyparser at 跟我联系,请在邮件标题中体现本次活动信息以免被垃圾邮件过滤。

Please drop an email to Wei Wu (lazyparser at for Zoom ID (and passcode).


目前仍可以进行闪电演讲,请联系OSDT社区负责人吴伟报名。直接负责人微信报名或通过 lazyparser at 后台留言。

Lightning talks are welcome. Please contact Wei Wu if you want to give a talk.