HelloLLVM.org 用于我们(OSDT社区)的线下聚会通知。2019年开始,HelloLLVM社区与OSDT社区(原先的HelloGCC社区)合并。
每年的 OSDT 大会将会在 HelloGCC.org 上发布通知。
This is a virtual meetup. Let's talk in the Zoom Meeting Room.
LOS ANGELES, United States, California 6:00p Sat, Feb 20 2021 8:00p Sat, Feb 20 2021
BEIJING, China 10:00a Sun, Feb 21 2021 12:00p Sun, Feb 21 2021
LONDON, United Kingdom, England 2:00a Sun, Feb 21 2021 4:00a Sun, Feb 21 2021
- MaskRay: Recent Works about TLS, and others.
- RadarSong: Hands up on Debugging TVM using VSCode
- Hongbin Zhang: Recent Works on MLIR
- Open Discussion
No login needed. you can view it directly.
Wei Wu - PLCT Lab is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: OSDT Monthly Meetup Feb-2021
Time: Feb 21, 2021 10:00 AM Beijing, Shanghai
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 6514 2537
Passcode: 555049
欢迎报名演讲,通过 lazyparser at gmail dot com 给吴伟发邮件。
Talks are welcome. Please send your talk information to Wei Wu. Email: lazyparser at gmail dot com.
视频回看链接: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fA411H7sW
- 2021年01月24日 周日上午 09:30 - 12:00 北京时间
- 2021年01月23日 周六晚上 17:30 - 20:00 PST/PDT
- 地点:Zoom
- 汪辰 - 阿里平头哥的 AOSP for RISC-V 开源分析:爱好者是否能够快速的适配到自己手里的板子?
- MaskRay - 例行的近期工作分享,or 抢救性代码考古挖掘
- 廖春玉 - Clang/LLVM 相关的近期工作分享
- 李威威 - Introduction of SAIL Model (看多少讲多少)
- 自由讨论
ISRC ISCAS is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: OSDT Meetup 20210124
Time: Jan 24, 2021 10:00 AM Beijing, Shanghai
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 4591 8148
Passcode: 732732
欢迎报名演讲,通过 lazyparser at gmail.com 给吴伟发邮件。
2020年最后一次 OSDT Meetup 将会在12月27日周日上午举行。本次我们邀请了金诚(Cheng Jin)对OpenJ9的过去、现在、与RISC-V相关的未来进行专题介绍。同时我们也欢迎社区的小伙伴报名对自己的工作进行分享。目前还有3个30分钟的分享时间段可以报名,以及若干闪电演讲可以报名。
2020年12月27日 上午10:00至12:00
完整视频回看: 2020年最后的OSDT聚会 - OpenJ9, Musl, RISC-V
- 09:50 - 10:00 开场、自我介绍等
- 10:00 - 11:00 金诚 - OpenJ9 on RISC-V video
- 11:00 - 11:50 MaskRay - musl security features video
- 11:50 - 12:00 预留报告/闪电演讲:TBD、欢迎报名。(None)
TBD / Zoom 会议链接,后续可以通过OSDT公众号(ID:hellogcc2007)后台获取。 或通过 lazyparser at gmail dot com 邮件索取会议链接(标题写明 OSDT Zoom 即可)。
欢迎报名演讲,请联系OSDT社区负责人吴伟报名。直接负责人微信报名或通过 lazyparser at gmail dot com 后台留言。
2020年12月10日 下午3点至4点
会议采用腾讯会议形式,在 CNRV 或 OSDT 公众号后台输入「双周会」关键字即可获得会议的信息。
我们有可能会根据报告内容和参与人的需要修改为Zoom会议或其他线上方式,具体请关注 CNRV 的公众号。
与此同时,欢迎来自 Sifive 的 Kito Cheng 在12月8日周二下午做一次内容分享:
简介: 在12月5日凌晨的 RVI SSC 月度会议上,Kito 介绍了目前的 GNU 工具链管理现状以及接下来的变化。简单说就是目前RVI的GitHub下的repo管理对于 maintainers而言负担过大,而且也跟不上现在多个扩展组合使用和验证的需求。Kito 跟 Jim Wilson 等其他人进行讨论之后提出了几个方案。在SSC会后,形成了比较明确的意见,包括逐步淘汰掉 RVI 自行管理的 GNU 仓库。
这项工作的衍生影响是有的,例如有可能会崩掉现行所有的RISC-V工具链相关的文档和教程(的链接)。而对于 Unratified Extension,此项改动可能会使得更多的参与和贡献机会被东亚社区所知晓,有可能对于RISC-V的GNU工具链发展完善会有促进作用。
参与方式:Zoom会议。通过在 CNRV 后台发送「kito」就可以获得zoom会议链接。
倡议的完整文档在: https://github.com/isrc-cas/PLCT-Weekly/blob/master/RISCV-Biweekly-Sync-in-Chinese-Language.md
- 定期总结RISC-V国际基金会各个技术委员会的开会动向。由于RVI的会议总是在半夜开,中年人撑不住,需要能肝的人分享下。
- 用中文交流,效率高一点。
- 能够更多的吸引和发动国内的新人和爱好者加入 RISC-V 的生态。
目前是吴伟(lazyparser)个人组织。依托于 CNRV 社区。
联系人:吴伟 wuwei2016 [at] iscas.ac.cn
第12届开源开发工具大会(OSDT Conf,原 HelloGCC Workshop)将于12月5-6日(周六周日)线上举办。本次大会将与PLCT实验室的年度开放日(PLCT OpenDay 2020)协调举办。
开源开发工具大会是由OSDT社区(原名HelloGCC社区)组织的一年一度的开发者交流大会,我们在这里分享自己在开源软件方面的开发工作,研究成果,经验学习。话题主要面向开源开发工具,包括 GCC、Binutils、GDB、GLibc、Clang/LLVM、QEMU、Gem5、Chisel/FIRRTL、MLIR、TVM、CIRCT等。
本次大会将与PLCT实验室的年度开放日(PLCT OpenDay 2020)协调举办。PLCT Lab 全称是「程序语言与编译技术实验室」,隶属于中国科学院软件所(ISCAS)智能软件研究中心(ISRC)。每年12月份会举办一次开放日(OpenDay)活动,向外界展示和介绍这一年来PLCT做过的好玩的技术尝试,以及我们认为在某些角落改变世界的成果。此次开放日是PLCT第2次举办,欢迎来现场一起享受技术交流的快乐。(由于疫情今年还是不要来了,全线上。)
- 感谢清华大学出版社,赞助OSDT大会10本《给予FPGA与RISC-V的嵌入式系统设计》。
- 感谢电子工业出版社,赞助OSDT大会5本《程序员修炼之道(20周年纪念版)》和5本《实战Java虚拟机(第二版)》。
- 感谢澎峰科技(PerfXLab)公司赞助OSDT大会2套 Perf-V FPGA 35T 开发板、1套 Perf-GAP8 开发板。
- 感谢中国科学院软件研究所智能软件研究中心提供会议场地支持和Zoom会议室支持。
- 2020年12月4日(周五) 09:30 - 17:30 PLCT OpenDay 2020
- 2020年12月5日(周六) 10:00 - 17:30 OSDT Conf 2020
- 2020年12月6日(周日) 10:00 - 17:30 OSDT Conf 2020
- 直播观看: https://live.bilibili.com/10339607
- 腾讯会议: 注册报名后获取腾讯会议接入方式
- Zoom会议: 12月6日上午的会议通过Zoom会议举行,注册报名后获取Zoom会议接入方式
- 注册链接: https://www.bagevent.com/event/7014036
- 09:00-09:30 设备准备等
- 90:30-10:00 吴伟:PLCT Lab Roadmap 2021
- 10:00-10:30 邱吉:V8 for RISC-V:从何处来、往何处去
- 10:30-11:00 邢明杰:RISC-V向量扩展指令架构及编译器支持
- 11:00-11:30 史宁宁:方舟编译器与 Android Runtime
- 11:30-12:00 赵伟峰:九层之台,起于累土 —— TenonStudio2020功能及特性介绍
- 12:00-14:00 Break
- 14:00-14:30 许中兴:TenonStudio涉及的技术领域
- 14:30-15:00 汪达:机器人描述语言SDFormat介绍
- 15:00-15:30 张洪滨:使用MLIR完成一个端到端的编译流程
- 15:30-16:00 张尹:基于RISC-V向量扩展的OpenCV优化
- 16:00-16:30 廖春玉:RVV-Intrinsic 在 Clang 中的实现
- 16:30-17:00 陈小欧:LLVM测试框架介绍
- 17:00-17:30 (预留报告位)
- 09:30-10:00 设备准备等
- 10:00-10:30 吴章金:人生苦短,我用 Linux Lab 学内核与嵌入式
- 10:30-11:00 张先轶:基于RISC-V向量指令集优化基础计算软件生态
- 11:00-11:30 杨文章:面向IoT领域的程序设计语言——DeepLang
- 11:30-12:00 汪辰:制作一个 RISC-V 平台上的最小安卓系统
- 12:00-14:00 break
- 14:00-14:30 安龙飞:C++20协程简介和应用
- 14:30-15:00 陈嘉炜:RISC-V Binutils 简介
- 15:00-15:30 陆旭凡:RISC-V Vector object in stack and implementation on LLVM
- 15:30-16:00 陆亚涵:V8中的指针压缩及其实现源码分析
- 16:00-16:30 陶立强:V8寄存器分配源码分析——以添加RISCV-C扩展为背景
- 16:30-17:00 千里冰封:演讲题目待定
- 17:00-17:30 闪电演讲(提前或现场报名)
- 09:30-10:00 设备准备等
- 10:00-11:00 MaskRay:TBD(演讲题目待定)
- 11:00-11:30 叶锦云:华为与GCC/LLVM(是否出席待定)
- 11:30-12:00 闪电演讲环节
- 12:00-14:00 break
- 14:00-14:30 王萌:RT-Thread 的 USB-Host 在树莓派上的实现进展
- 14:30-15:00 张定立
- 15:00-15:30 王俊强:QEMU 中 RISC-V SoC 的新增与实现 -- 以 NucLei SoC 为例
- 15:30-16:00 李威威:Spike 扩展方式简介
- 16:00-16:30 郭任:TBD(是否出席待定)
- 16:30-17:00 sequencer:TBD(演讲题目待定)
- 17:00-17:30 闪电演讲环节
吴伟:PLCT Lab Roadmap 2021
回顾总结 PLCT Lab 在 2020 年的工作,规划 2021 年的工作。
吴伟是 PLCT Lab 的项目总监。
邱吉:V8 for RISC-V:从何处来、往何处去
介绍 V8 for RISC-V 的历史、现状、未来计划。
邱吉博士是PLCT实验室虚拟机分支 V8 for RISC-V 项目负责人。
史宁宁:方舟编译器与 Android Runtime
赵伟峰:九层之台,起于累土 —— TenonStudio2020功能及特性介绍
以一个简单的例子介绍使用 MLIR 完成从计算图到 X86/RISC-V 平台上的编译通路 报告人简介: 中科院软件所智能软件研究中心PLCT实验室学生 MLIR社区贡献者 (MLIR Python Bindings) 知乎/B站 - 法斯特豪斯
OpenCV提供了一个其内部通用的向量系统,叫做Wide Universal Intrinsics。这个系统为前端程序员提供了统一的接口,而在编译时,这些接口会被向量系统转换成当前平台所支持的SIMD/向量体系结构的指令。该项目为Wide Uniersal Intrinsics实现了基于RISC-V指令集及其"V"(向量)扩展(RVV)的支持,从而使OpenCV在RISC-V体系结构上也能获得向量加速。
廖春玉:RVV-Intrinsic 在 Clang 中的实现
廖春玉是PLCT实验室编译器分支 RVV-LLVM 项目编译器工程师。
吴章金:人生苦短,我用 Linux Lab 学内核与嵌入式
项目作者亲自揭秘 2020 国内人气开源项目 Linux Lab,陪您换一种方式学习和开发 Linux 内核与嵌入式 Linux 系统,更高效更经济。
吴章金是 Linux Lab、MIPS Ftrace 等开源项目作者,Linux 官方社区贡献者,国内知名 Linux 技术社区泰晓科技创建者。
简介:随着RISC-V Vector向量指令集的发展,需要基础计算软件库和框架进行针对性的优化才能发挥向量指令集的高性能优势。本报告将介绍我们针对开源矩阵计算库OpenBLAS和计算机视觉库OpenCV在RISC-V Vector指令集优化的进展。
张先轶博士本科和硕士毕业于北京理工大学,博士毕业于中国科学院大学,之后分别在UT Austin和MIT进行博士后研究工作。国际知名开源矩阵计算项目OpenBLAS发起人和主要维护者。2016年,创办PerfXLab澎峰科技,提供智能边缘计算解决方案和支持国产芯片的软件生态和计算平台。
华为编程语言实验室指导了一个开源的编程语言叫deeplang。Deeplang所有设计都是开源的,包括 spec,compiler,vm等。
汪辰:制作一个 RISC-V 平台上的最小安卓系统
如何在 RISC-V 平台为安卓制作一个最小系统,相关背景和技术介绍。
汪辰是PLCT实验室 AOSP for RISC-V 项目组主管。
陈嘉炜:RISC-V Binutils 简介
陆旭凡:RISC-V Vector object in stack and implementation on LLVM
陆旭凡是PLCT实验室编译器分支 RVV-LLVM 项目组LV4实习生。
马骏: Clang/LLVM 在阿里的开发与落地(闪电)
王萌:RT-Thread 的 USB-Host 在树莓派上的实现进展
张定立:Java on RISCV简介与毕昇JDK HiFive Unleashed测试
张定立 1.介绍目前Java世界对于RISC-V的支持; 2.简介毕昇JDK for RV64并介绍其在HiFive Unleashed上的调试方法; 3.分析毕昇JDK for RV64开源后从qemu到HiFive Unleashed的crash问题以及对应的第一个patch的代码分析 4.分享SPECjvm2008与DaCapo-9.12-bach-MR1等benchmark的测试结果
张定立是PLCT实验室虚拟机分支 OpenJDK for RISC-V 项目组成员。
王俊强:QEMU 中 RISC-V SoC 的新增与实现 -- 以 NucLei SoC 为例
如何在QMEU现有的RISC-V架构下新增Nuclei Soc,主要介绍(指令),csr,eclic, timer,uart等新增内容的原理与实现,以及如何组合成gd32vf103 和 hummingbird board来运行裸机程序和Linux系统
李威威:Spike 扩展方式简介
- OSDT 2019: https://github.com/hellogcc/OSDT2019
- OSDT 2018: https://github.com/hellogcc/OSDT2018
- OSDT 2017: https://github.com/hellogcc/OSDT2017
- OSDT 2016: http://www.hellogcc.org/?p=34295
- OSDT 2015: http://www.hellogcc.org/?p=34190
- OSDT 2014: http://www.hellogcc.org/?p=33910
- HelloGCC 2013: http://www.hellogcc.org/?p=33518
- HelloGCC 2012: http://linux.chinaunix.net/hellogcc2012
- HelloGCC 2011: http://linux.chinaunix.net/hellogcc2011
- HelloGCC 2010: http://linux.chinaunix.net/hellogcc2010
- HelloGCC 2009: https://sites.google.com/site/hellogccworkshop/hui-yi-ri-cheng
视频回看链接: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1A54y1k7q3
- 2020年11月22日 周日上午 10:00 - 11:30 (北京时间)
- 2020年11月21日 周六晚上 18:00 - 19:30 PST/PDT
- 地点:Zoom
- 陈嘉炜 - 《RISC-V Zfinx 扩展在 GNU 工具链上的实现:进展报告》
- MaskRay - TBD(近期工作)
- 自由讨论
联系OSDT社区负责人吴伟报名(微信报名标注【OSDT】)或通过 lazyparser at gmail.com 后台留言。
欢迎报名演讲,请联系OSDT社区负责人吴伟报名(微信报名标注【OSDT】)或通过 lazyparser at gmail.com 后台留言。
我们终于恢复了线下聚会了。本次活动地点杭州,依然是围绕开源开发工具的交流,包括基于GCC/LLVM/QEMU等开源系统做的二次开发工作。尤其欢迎 RISC-V 的软硬件开源爱好者、开源 EDA 工具的从业者分享自己的经验。
- 2020年10月24日 周六下午2点-5点
- 杭州市滨江区东信大道东方通信科技园4号楼3层新天鹅会议室(暂定,地址有可能变更,请留意公众号通知)
- 吴伟 - 近期RISC-V基金会的动向以及参与的机会
- 史宁宁 - ART OptimizingCompiler 简析
- 李威威 - 学习 QEMU/RISU 的经验和讨论
- Free discussion
- 陈嘉炜 - 刚开始肝GCC,就被分配了一个RISC-V的bug下周fix,有点慌
- 吴伟 - 国内的开源环境正在变得越来越浮躁和营销化,这样不好
- TBD - 现场投稿
- Free discussion
吴伟 - 近期RISC-V基金会的动向以及参与的机会
PLCT Lab 最近开始密集地参与到 RISC-V 国际基金会的各个技术讨论组(SIG和TG)的会议,并尝试进行参与。在本次报告中吴伟会分享自己参与各个讨论组的感受,并分享目前看到的可以参与到RISC-V社区工作中的机会。
吴伟是 PLCT Lab 项目总监、OSDT 社区负责人。
史宁宁 - ART OptimizingCompiler 简析
史宁宁是 PLCT Lab 项目主管、OSDT 社区活跃贡献者。
李威威 - 学习 QEMU/RISU 的经验和讨论
李威威是 PLCT Lab 项目主管、OSDT 社区活跃贡献者。
欢迎报名演讲,请联系OSDT社区负责人吴伟报名(微信报名标注【OSDT】)或通过 lazyparser at gmail.com 后台留言。
近日,Chris Lattner 带领的 CIRCT 项目已经开源并交给了 LLVM Foundation 托管。 CIRCT 含义是 Circuit IR Compilers and Tools,可以从仓库README看到建立的动机。 我们OSDT社区关注到CIRCT有可能成为最近一段时间以来开源EDA运动的一部分的,并且有可能跟 Google、lowRISC 等组织的开源项目组合起来产生无限的可能性。 同时也是更加短期和直接的,对于 Chisel/FIRRTL 会产生什么样的碰撞,是目前OSDT社区的成员最为关切的。
我们将在8月23日组织一场专门的技术讨论会,围绕 CIRCT、Chisel/FIRRTL 进行技术交流和观点讨论。欢迎报名进行技术报告或观点陈述。
Recently, the CIRCT project led by Chris Lattner has been open sourced and handed over to the LLVM Foundation for hosting. CIRCT means Circuit IR Compilers and Tools. You can see the motivation for the establishment from the warehouse README. Our OSDT community is concerned that CIRCT may become part of the open source EDA movement in the recent past, and it may be combined with open source projects from organizations such as Google and lowRISC to create unlimited possibilities. At the same time, it is more short-term and direct. The members of the OSDT community are most concerned about what kind of collisions Chisel/FIRRTL will have.
We will organize a special technical seminar on August 23 to conduct technical exchanges and discussion of opinions around CIRCT and Chisel/FIRRTL. Welcome to register for a technical report or opinion statement.
- 2020年8月23日上午10点(上海、东八时区)
-10:00 am on August 23, 2020 (Shanghai, Dongba time zone)
- 张洪滨 - MLIR及其编译过程与应用分享
- 韩博阳 - Introduction to FIRRTL
- 自由讨论环节
-Zhang Hongbin-MLIR and its compilation process and application sharing -Han Boyang-Introduction to FIRRTL -Free discussion session
张洪滨 - MLIR及其编译过程与应用分享 Zhang Hongbin-MLIR and its compilation process and application sharing
分享MLIR的背景及其编译过程(MLIR Toy Tutorial),分享MLIR在CIRCT中的应用。 Share the background of MLIR and its compilation process (MLIR Toy Tutorial), and share the application of MLIR in CIRCT.
演讲者张洪滨来自中科院软件所智能软件研究中心PLCT实验室。MLIR社区参与者、贡献者。 The speaker Zhang Hongbin came from the PLCT Laboratory of the Intelligent Software Research Center of the Software Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. MLIR community participant and contributor.
韩博阳 ( Han Boyang )- Introduction to FIRRTL
分享 FIRRTL 编译器的安装,FIRRTL Spec简介,FIRRTL 编译器原理简介。 Share FIRRTL compiler installation, FIRRTL Spec introduction, FIRRTL compiler principle introduction.
分享者韩博阳来自厦门大学,主要研究方向为计算机体系结构安全性及EDA工具。 The sharer Han Boyang comes from Xiamen University, and his main research direction is computer architecture security and EDA tools.
(永久地址,可收藏) (Permanent address, bookmarkable)
不需要报名,直接看。弹幕提问需要登录。 No registration is required, just watch it. You need to log in to ask questions.
Video conference participation
会议主题:OSDT讨论会CIRCT主题 ( Conference theme: OSDT seminar CIRCT theme )
会议时间:2020/8/23 10:00-12:00 (meeting time)
点击链接入会,或添加至会议列表:( Click the link to join the conference, or add to the conference list: ) https://meeting.tencent.com/s/HyoQXKb69HhK
会议 ID:475 735 767 ( meeting )
会议密码:65535 ( Meeting password )
手机一键拨号入会 ( One-touch dialing to join a conference ) +8675536550000,,475735767# (中国大陆) ( China Mainland ) +85230018898,,,2,475735767# (中国香港) ( China Hong Kong )
根据您的位置拨号 ( Dial based on your location ) +8675536550000 (中国大陆) (China Mainland) +85230018898 (中国香港) ( China Hong Kong )
目前仍可以进行闪电演讲,请联系OSDT社区负责人吴伟报名。直接负责人微信报名或通过 lazyparser at gmail.com 后台留言。 Lightning speeches are still available, please contact the OSDT community leader Wu Wei to sign up. The person in charge directly sign up on WeChat or leave a message via lazyparser at gmail.com.
近日,Chris Lattner 带领的 CIRCT 项目已经开源并交给了 LLVM Foundation 托管。
CIRCT 含义是 Circuit IR Compilers and Tools,可以从仓库README看到建立的动机。( You can see the motivation for the establishment from the warehouse README )
Motivation The EDA industry has well-known and widely used proprietary and open source tools. However, these tools are inconsistent, have usability concerns, and were not designed together into a common platform. Furthermore these tools are generally built with Verilog (also VHDL) as the IRs that they interchange. Verilog has well known design issues, and limitations, e.g. suffering from poor location tracking support.
The CIRCT project is an (experimental!) effort looking to apply MLIR and the LLVM development methodology to the domain of hardware design tools. Many of us dream of having reusable infrastructure that is modular, uses library-based design techniques, is more consistent, and builds on the best practices in compiler infrastructure and compiler design techniques.
By working together, we hope that we can build a new center of gravity to draw contributions from the small (but enthusiastic!) community of people who work on open hardware tooling. In turn we hope this will propel open tools forward, enables new higher-level abstractions for hardware design, and perhaps some pieces may even be adopted by proprietary tools in time.
For more information, please see our longer charter document.
我们OSDT社区关注到CIRCT有可能成为最近一段时间以来开源EDA运动的一部分的,并且有可能跟 Google、lowRISC 等组织的开源项目组合起来产生无限的可能性。同时也是更加短期和直接的,对于 Chisel/FIRRTL 会产生什么样的碰撞,是目前OSDT社区的成员最为关切的。 Our OSDT community is concerned that CIRCT may become part of the open source EDA movement in the recent past, and it may be combined with open source projects from organizations such as Google and lowRISC to create unlimited possibilities. At the same time, it is more short-term and direct. The members of the OSDT community are most concerned about what kind of collisions Chisel/FIRRTL will have.
我们计划在八月组织一场专门的技术讨论会,围绕 CIRCT、Chisel/FIRRTL 进行技术交流和观点讨论。欢迎报名进行技术报告或观点陈述。 We plan to organize a special technical seminar in August to conduct technical exchanges and discussion of opinions around CIRCT and Chisel/FIRRTL. Welcome to register for a technical report or opinion statement.
交流内容包含或相关:( Communication content contains or relevant )
- Chisel/FIRRTL
- OpenROAD
- 其他开源EDA相关话题 ( Other open source EDA related topics )
报告和讨论使用中文。Slides等展示交流材料鼓励英文或双语。 Reports and discussions are in Chinese Display and communication materials such as Slides encourage English or bilingualism.
本次报告默认提供B站直播和腾讯会议;线下是否举办待定,看最近两周杭州和上海的新冠肺炎疫情通告,OSDT社区工作组严格遵守自肃倡议。 This report provides live broadcast of station B and Tencent meetings by default; whether offline will be held or not depends on the announcement of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hangzhou and Shanghai in the last two weeks. The OSDT community working group strictly abides by the self-elimination initiative.
Title: LLVM + RISC-V Meetup July 5th 2020
Hi all,
OSDT社区组织的 LLVM + RISC-V 技术讨论会将在7月5日周日上午10点开始。本次讨论的议题已经确定,活动形式采用线上 Zoom 会议 + B站直播的形式,欢迎国内外的小伙伴参与。报告以中文为主。 The LLVM + RISC-V technical seminar organized by the OSDT community will start at 10 am on Sunday, July 5. The topics for this discussion have been determined. The format of the event will be the online Zoom meeting + live broadcast at station B. Small partners at home and abroad are welcome to participate. The report is mainly in Chinese.
The next OSDT Meetup will happen on July 5th, 2020. The location is webinar style, using Bilibili live streaming and Zoom Meeting. Topics cover RISC-V software porting / enhancement and LLVM toolchain family.
本次活动由OSDT开源开发工具社区(含HelloGCC、HelloLLVM)与 Shanghai RISC-V Group 联合组织。感谢中科院软件所智能软件研究中心(ISRC)提供 Zoom 会议赞助。 This event was jointly organized by the OSDT open source development tool community (including HelloGCC, HelloLLVM) and Shanghai RISC-V Group. Thanks to the Intelligent Software Research Center (ISRC) of the Software Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences for sponsoring the Zoom conference.
We thank Shanghai RISC-V Group for event organization and I.S.C.A.S. for Zoom sharing. This meetup is hold by OSDT community (formerly HelloGCC and HelloLLVM communities).
2020年7月5日 周日 10:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Sunday, July 5, 2020 at 10:00:00 am CST UTC+8 hours Shanghai
Saturday, July 4, 2020 at 7:00:00 pm PDT UTC-7 hours Las Vegas (USA - Nevada)
Sunday, July 5, 2020 at 02:00:00 Corresponding UTC (GMT)
- 开场介绍(吴伟 as MC)
- Opening - Wei Wu (chair)
- 蒙斌 - VxWorks on RISC-V: 切换 LLVM 编译器遇到的一些问题分享
- Bin Meng - VxWorks on RISC-V: What we've learned about LLVM RISC-V toolchain
- MaskRay - Clang 的 gcov 实现
- MaskRay - GCov implementations in Clang
- 王萌 - Spike模拟器Snapshot功能技术方案及实现分享
- Meng Wang - implement snapshot feature for Spike RISC-V simulator
- 陈影 - 基于LLVM实现RISC-V用户自定义指令支持——以玄铁C910处理器为例
- Ying Chen - Custom ISA Support Using LLVM: XuanTie C910 as an example
- 自由话题讨论
- Free discussion
-Opening introduction (Wu Wei as MC) -Opening-Wei Wu (chair) -Meng Bin-VxWorks on RISC-V: Sharing some problems encountered when switching LLVM compiler -Bin Meng-VxWorks on RISC-V: What we've learned about LLVM RISC-V toolchain -MaskRay-Clang's gcov implementation -MaskRay-GCov implementations in Clang -Wang Meng-Spike simulator Snapshot function technical solution and realization sharing -Meng Wang-implement snapshot feature for Spike RISC-V simulator -Chen Ying-RISC-V user-defined instruction support based on LLVM-taking Xuantie C910 processor as an example -Ying Chen-Custom ISA Support Using LLVM: XuanTie C910 as an example -Free topic discussion -Free discussio
蒙斌 - VxWorks on RISC-V: 切换 LLVM 编译器遇到的一些问题分享 Meng Bin-VxWorks on RISC-V: Sharing some problems encountered when switching LLVM compiler
Bin Meng - VxWorks on RISC-V: What we've learned about LLVM RISC-V toolchain
分享 VxWorks 操作系统在支持 RISC-V 架构从 GCC 编译器切换到 LLVM 过程中遇到的各种“坑”. Share the various "pits" encountered by the VxWorks operating system in the process of supporting the RISC-V architecture from GCC compiler to LLVM.
In this talk we will share our lessons learned in the transition of using LLVM RISC-V toolchain to build VxWorks Operation System.
演讲者蒙斌来自风河系统中国研发中心,VxWorks 产品部门高级研发经理。开源社区积极参与者和贡献者,RISC-V 坚定的推广者 :) The speaker Meng Bin is from Wind River Systems China R&D Center, Senior R&D Manager of VxWorks Product Department. Active participant and contributor to the open source community, and a firm promoter of RISC-V :)
Bin Meng is from WindRiver. He is the senior R&D manager in VxWorks Department. Bin is very active tech promoter for RISC-V and other open source communities.
MaskRay - Clang 的 gcov 实现
MaskRay - GCov implementations in Clang
GCC提供 gcov 用于实现code coverage。本次主题浅析clang对它的兼容实现和最近本人的一些改进。
gcov is a code coverage tool which originated from GNU GCC. In this talk MaskRay will introduce the gcov implementation in Clang, with a few new improvements realized by him.
MaskRay,一个活跃的LLVM开发者 (LLD+binary utilities 维护者,缓慢学习 clang/middle-end/CodeGen),退休的Algo/CTF/Student Cluster Competition 选手 / emacs-lsp 维护者。ccls++🎉
MaskRay is an active LLVM developer (maintains LLD + Binary Utilities, learning clang/middle-end/codegen slowly), a retired Algo / CTF / Student Cluster Competition athlete / emacs-lsp maintainer. ccls++🎉
王萌:Spike模拟器snapshot功能技术方案及实现分享 Wang Meng: Spike simulator snapshot function technical solution and realization sharing
Meng Wang - implement snapshot feature for Spike RISC-V simulator
Spike 是用于验证RISC-V程序的模拟器,使用 C++ 编写,提供了模拟一个或多个 RISC-V hart 的功能模型。我们在spike的基础上进行开发,为其实现 snapshot 即快照功能,用于程序状态的保存及恢复。目前,我们已经完成了部分功能开发,本次报告将针对其技术方案和具体实现进行介绍。 Spike is a simulator used to verify RISC-V programs, written in C++, and provides a functional model for simulating one or more RISC-V hart. We develop on the basis of spike, and realize the snapshot function for it to save and restore the program state. At present, we have completed the development of some functions. This report will introduce its technical solutions and specific implementation.
Spike is a simulator for RISC-V. We are implementing a few new features for Spike. In this talk, we will share details of our ongoing work for snapshot feature.
王萌,武汉大学大二和大三之间,PLCT实验室模拟器分支LV3实习生。指导老师:PLCT实验室李威威主管。 Wang Meng, between the second and third year of Wuhan University, is a LV3 intern in the PLCT laboratory simulator branch. Instructor: Director Li Weiwei of PLCT Lab.
同时我们感谢中科院信工所宋威老师提出并完善了 snapshot 功能需要达到的各项功能指标。 At the same time, we thank Mr. Song Wei from the Institute of Information Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences for proposing and improving various functional indicators that the snapshot function needs to achieve.
Meng Wang is an undergraduate from Wuhan University. He is currently working with his intern mentor Weiwei Li in PLCT Lab as intern.
We thank Dr. Wei Song from IIE. The idea was provided by Dr. Song.
陈影:基于LLVM实现RISC-V用户自定义指令支持——以玄铁C910处理器为例 Chen Ying: Realize RISC-V user-defined instruction support based on LLVM-taking Xuantie C910 processor as an example
Ying Chen - Custom ISA Support Using LLVM: XuanTie C910 as an example
基于LLVM框架,说明如何实现其中RISC-V后端的用户自定义指令的支持,并以玄铁C910处理器为例,具体说明如何在LLVM中添加其扩展指令集的支持。玄铁 C910的指令集架构是在RISC-V标准指令集架构的基础上,增加了部分自定义指令,以提高处理器性能,这部分扩展指令集主要包括有Cache指令子集,同步指令子集,算术运算指令子集,位操作指令子集以及存储指令子集。本次报告阐述的主要工作就是如何RISC-V后端实现这些扩展指令的支持。具体工作内容包括:为LLVM的RISCV后端添加一个C910命令行选项,实现llvm-mc汇编器的支持,使用TableGen语言编写全部扩展指令的汇编代码,能够将玄铁C910汇编指令汇编生成二进制文件,并编写测试用例,验证汇编指令编码的正确性。本项目对于在LLVM中添加用户自定义指令具有良好的指导意义,未来计划考虑添加对其他指令集架构的支持。 Based on the LLVM framework, explain how to implement the support of user-defined instructions in the RISC-V backend, and take the Xuantie C910 processor as an example to specifically explain how to add support for its extended instruction set in LLVM. The Xuantie C910 instruction set architecture is based on the RISC-V standard instruction set architecture, adding some custom instructions to improve processor performance. This part of the extended instruction set mainly includes a subset of Cache instructions and a subset of synchronization instructions. , Arithmetic operation instruction subset, bit operation instruction subset and storage instruction subset. The main work described in this report is how RISC-V backend supports these extended instructions. The specific work content includes: adding a C910 command line option to the RISCV backend of LLVM, realizing the support of llvm-mc assembler, using TableGen language to write assembly code of all extended instructions, and being able to assemble Xuantie C910 assembly instructions to generate binary files, And write test cases to verify the correctness of the assembly instruction encoding. This project has a good guiding significance for adding user-defined instructions in LLVM, and plans to consider adding support for other instruction set architectures in the future.
We have implemented an open source toolchain for XuanTie C910. In this talk Ying Chen will give a short tutorial about custom ISA support using LLVM. source code could be download or viewed at: https://github.com/isrc-cas/c910-llvm
陈影,就读于合肥工业大学计算数学专业,研究生在读,目前在中科院软件所PLCT实验室实习。指导老师PLCT实验室邢明杰高级工程师。 Chen Ying, a graduate student majoring in computational mathematics at Hefei University of Technology, is currently an intern in the PLCT laboratory of the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Instructor Xing Mingjie, senior engineer of PLCT laboratory.
Ying Chen is a graduate from Hefei University of Technology. She is an intern in PLCT lab. Mingjie Xing is her intern mentor.
不需要报名,直接看。如果有B站账号,登陆之后可以进行弹幕提问。 No registration is required, just watch it. If you have an account at station B, you can ask questions after logging in.
Anyone who has internet access could watch this meetup using Bilibili live streaming.
Login users could post questions using DanMu feature.
我们将在会议当天上午通过 HelloGCC 公众号(搜索 hellogcc2007)发布会议信息。请通过负责人微信或HelloGCC公众号与我们联系,获取Zoom会议室信息。没有微信的朋友请通过 lazyparser at gmail.com 跟我联系,请在邮件标题中体现本次活动信息以免被垃圾邮件过滤。 We will release the conference information through the HelloGCC official account (search for hellogcc2007) in the morning of the conference. Please contact us through the person in charge WeChat or HelloGCC official account to obtain Zoom meeting room information. If you don’t have WeChat, please contact me via lazyparser at gmail.com. Please reflect this event information in the email subject to avoid being filtered by spam.
Please drop an email to Wei Wu (lazyparser at gmail.com) for Zoom ID (and passcode).
目前仍可以进行闪电演讲,请联系OSDT社区负责人吴伟报名。直接负责人微信报名或通过 lazyparser at gmail.com 后台留言。 Lightning speeches are still available, please contact the OSDT community leader Wu Wei to sign up. The person in charge directly sign up on WeChat or leave a message via lazyparser at gmail.com.
Lightning talks are welcome. Please contact Wei Wu if you want to give a talk.
OSDT开源开发工具社区(含HelloGCC、HelloLLVM)本周日(6月7日)上午10点举办V8主题的技术交流会,线上活动,欢迎大家参加。 The OSDT open source development tool community (including HelloGCC and HelloLLVM) will hold a V8-themed technical exchange meeting and online activities at 10 am this Sunday (June 7). Everyone is welcome to participate.
本次V8主题聚会采用线上聚会形式,分为两种参与方式:观看活动可以直接通过B站( bilibili.com )看直播,不需要登陆或账号(有B站账号可以发弹幕讨论);参与现场讨论或报名参加技术分享,需要使用腾讯会议app接入,用于语音讨论或分享屏幕。由于直播的法规要求,参与腾讯会议的小伙伴要求用真实姓名和手机号码向活动负责人吴伟(lazyparser)报名(报名通过微信,请扫描文末二维码)。 This V8 theme gathering adopts the form of online gathering, which is divided into two ways of participation: you can watch the event directly through the B station (bilibili.com) to watch the live broadcast, without logging in or account (the B station account can send barrage discussions); To participate in on-site discussions or sign up for technology sharing, you need to use the Tencent meeting app to access for voice discussions or screen sharing. Due to the requirements of live broadcast regulations, the small partners participating in the Tencent meeting are required to register with the event leader Wu Wei (lazyparser) with their real names and mobile phone numbers (to register via WeChat, please scan the QR code at the end of the article).
2020年6月7日 周日 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
- 开场介绍(吴伟,主持人)
- V8引擎TurboFan后端代码浅析 - 邱吉
- QuickJS架构及源代码分析 - 丁乐华
- 闪电演讲、自由话题讨论(不局限于V8)
- Opening introduction (Wu Wei, host)
- Analysis of TurboFan backend code of V8 engine-Qiu Ji
- QuickJS architecture and source code analysis-Ding Lehua
- Lightning speech, free topic discussion (not limited to V8)
(不需要报名,可以弹幕讨论) (No registration is required, you can discuss with the bullet screen)
提前报名(实名),通过腾讯会议app接入。请联系HelloGCC负责人报名(见下方二维码) Sign up in advance (real name) and access through Tencent Conference app. Please contact the person in charge of HelloGCC to register (see the QR code below)
同时我们欢迎场地支持和赞助。欢迎有意向赞助的小伙伴联系我们。 At the same time, we welcome venue support and sponsorship. Welcome friends who are interested in sponsoring to contact us.
报名二维码(请标注「OSDT」或「HelloGCC」或「V8活动」方便通过) Registration QR code (please mark "OSDT" or "HelloGCC" or "V8 Event" for easy access)
上海的小伙伴们久等啦,下一场 HelloGCC & HelloLLVM 开发者线下聚会定于11月23日周六下午2点到5点,上海传奇广场vπ咖啡报告厅(还是老地方,虽然里面的咖啡已经变成Luckin了)靠近地铁张江高科站。 The friends in Shanghai have been waiting for a long time. The next HelloGCC & HelloLLVM developer offline meeting is scheduled for Saturday, November 23, from 2 to 5 pm, at the vπ Cafe Lecture Hall in Shanghai Legend Square (still the old place, although the Coffee has become Luckin) Close to the subway Zhangjiang High-tech Station.
目前有1个邀请报告和2个技术分享。欢迎提前或现场报名,分享自己的工作或感受。 There are currently 1 invited report and 2 technical sharing. Welcome to register in advance or on-site to share your work or feelings.
- 邀请报告:GCC/AArch64性能分析与优化 slides
- 技术分享:上手ollvm第一步:Porting slides
- 闪电分享:欢迎现场报名 -Invitation report: GCC/AArch64 performance analysis and optimization slides -Technology Sharing: The first step to get started with ollvm: Porting slides -Lightning Sharing: Welcome to register on site
GCC/AArch64性能分析与优化 GCC/AArch64 performance analysis and optimization
本次我们邀请到了 AmpereComputing 的同行来介绍一下我们Ampere在AArch64平台上对一些应用工作负载的性能分析,以及由此而发现的性能问题以及可能的编译器优化机会,同时与大家分享探讨一下我们在GCC对这些优化的实现,以及以后可能的扩展。 This time we have invited colleagues from AmpereComputing to introduce our Ampere performance analysis of some application workloads on the AArch64 platform, as well as the performance problems found from this and possible compiler optimization opportunities. At the same time, we will share and discuss with you GCC's implementation of these optimizations, and possible expansion in the future.
薛峰,曾就职于 Intel、ARM 等芯片公司,在系统软件工具链研发和系统性能调优的有超过15年的经验,现为 AmpereComputing 首席软件工程师。 Xue Feng has worked for Intel, ARM and other chip companies. He has more than 15 years of experience in system software tool chain development and system performance tuning. He is currently the chief software engineer of AmpereComputing.
上手 ollvm:Porting to LLVM 10 Get started with ollvm: Porting to LLVM 10
来自软件所PLCT实验室的同事会分享自己在刚刚入手 ollvm 时候经历的各种坑,以及选用开源工具作为研发基础时候的一些注意的细节。更主要的目的,是希望能够通过本次分享,寻找到志同道合也在从事代码混淆及反混淆工作的社区小伙伴,一起进步。 Colleagues from the PLCT laboratory of the Software Institute will share the various pits they experienced when they first started ollvm, and some details of attention when choosing open source tools as the basis for research and development. The main purpose is to hope that through this sharing, we can find like-minded community partners who are also engaged in code obfuscation and anti-obfuscation, and make progress together.
闪电分享:欢迎报名 Lightning Sharing: Welcome to register
欢迎现场报名,可以自带笔记本/slides,也可以直接口头分享。具体闪电分享个数和时间根据现场决定。随机应变。 Welcome to register on site, you can bring your own notebook/slides, or you can share directly orally. The specific number and time of lightning sharing are determined on site. Adapt to
会场的人数限制依然是50人。请通过 报名链接 进去报名页面。 The number of people in the venue is still 50 people. Please go to the registration page through registration link
Open source development tools conference OSDT19 agenda is confirmed, see you in the afternoon of November 9th! (Sign up at the end of the article
开源开发工具大会(OSDT,原 HelloGCC Workshop)是开源软件开发者的交流会,今年已经是第11届。我们在这里分享自己在开源软件方面的开发工作,研究成果,经验学习。话题主要面向开源开发工具。欢迎各位新老朋友通过点击原文报名或扫描文末二维码参加。 The Open Source Development Tools Conference (OSDT, formerly HelloGCC Workshop) is an exchange meeting for open source software developers. This year is the 11th session. We are here to share our development work, research results, and experience learning in open source software. The topic is mainly for open source development tools. New and old friends are welcome to register by clicking on the original text or scanning the QR code at the end of the text to participate.
时间:2019年11月9日周六下午1点至6点 Time: Saturday, November 9, 2019, from 1 to 6 pm
地点:北京市海淀区中关村南四街四号软件研究所5号楼4层大报告厅 (地铁知春路站西北方向300米) Location: Grand Lecture Hall, 4th Floor, Building 5, Software Research Institute, No. 4, Nansi Street, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing (300 meters northwest of Zhichun Road Station, Metro)
13:00 - 13:30 签到 & Social (Sign in & Social)
13:30 - 14:00 郭任 Csky Intro - What's the meaning of a new arch for linux(Guo Ren Csky Intro - What's the meaning of a new arch for linux)
14:00 - 14:30 邱吉 NVDLA开源编译器的功能分析和对比 (Qiu Ji's function analysis and comparison of NVDLA open source compiler)
14:30 - 15:00 朱凌宇 托管堆直写技术初探--降低JVM的序列化开销 (Zhu Lingyu A Preliminary Study on Managed Heap Direct Write Technology--Reducing the serialization overhead of JVM)
15:00 - 15:30 康烁 开源项目L2C:经过形式化验证的可信编译器 (Kang Shuo Open Source Project L2C: A Formally Verified Trusted Compiler)
15:30 - 16:00 茶歇 (Coffee break)
16:00 - 16:30 Gopher Web Assembly & Go Implementation
16:30 - 17:00 李枫 在内核虚拟机与在内核服务 (Li Feng In the kernel virtual machine and in the kernel service)
17:00 - 17:30 吴伟 共促方舟开源:HelloGCC社区和PLCT实验室做的努力 (Wu Wei Promoting Ark to Open Source Together: The efforts made by the HelloGCC community and PLCT Lab)
17:30 - 17:40 闪电1 周亚金 基于RISC-V的软硬件安全协同扩展 (Lightning 1 Zhou Yajin RISC-V-based software and hardware security collaborative expansion)
17:40 - 17:50 闪电2 詹荣开 V-Spec ISA:Keystone for RISC-V based HPC (Lightning 2 Zhan Rongkai V-Spec ISA:Keystone for RISC-V based HPC)
17:50 - 18:00 闪电3 待定 (Lightning 3 To be determined)
18:00 - 18:10 闪电4 待定 (Lightning 4 To be determined)
内容简介:The csky architecture officially merged the main line in linux-4.20. Before that, eight architectures have just been removed from the main line. Many people ask what is the meaning of csky upstream? Also includes our colleagues. Here, we will give some examples to introduce the progress of the csky architecture in the past months and the value and significance of linux-csky. This is an open discussion about the csky architecture and any questions are welcomed.
个人简介:郭任,linux kernel csky maintainer, 目前专注于 CPU ISA, IOMMU, Perf。
内容简介:NVDLA是由NVIDIA公司推出的开源深度学习推理加速器,继2017年10月开源RTL代码、模拟器、Linux内核和驱动、用户态运行时环境后,在今年8月开源了编译器代码,支持Caffe框架的模型编译。从2018年年初,台湾编译技术公司Skymizer开始开源深度学习加速器编译框架ONNC,逐渐加入并完善了NVDLA后端的支持,从公开资料上看,ONNC的NVDLA后端比NVIDIA的官方编译器具有更多功能和性能的支持。本次报告将对这两个开源NVDLA编译器的实现和功能进行剖析和比较,并探讨深度学习编译器的框架设计和实现方法。 Introduction: NVDLA is an open source deep learning inference accelerator launched by NVIDIA. Following the open source RTL code, simulator, Linux kernel and driver, and user mode runtime environment in October 2017, the compiler code was open sourced in August this year. Support model compilation of Caffe framework. From the beginning of 2018, Skymizer, a Taiwanese compiling technology company, began to open source the deep learning accelerator compilation framework ONNC, and gradually added and improved the support of the NVDLA backend. From the public information, ONNC's NVDLA backend has more functions than NVIDIA's official compiler. And performance support. This report will analyze and compare the implementation and functions of these two open source NVDLA compilers, and discuss the framework design and implementation methods of the deep learning compiler.
个人简介:邱吉,计算机系统结构博士,毕业于中科院计算所龙芯课题组,曾先后在龙芯中科和展讯通信参与多款自研架构处理器的设计验证,并主持工具链的开发,现任中科重德智能科技有限公司工具链组主管,负责通用处理器和各类领域专用处理器的工具链研发。 Personal profile: Qiu Ji, PhD in computer system architecture, graduated from the Loongson research group of the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has participated in the design verification of a number of self-developed architecture processors in Loongson and Spreadtrum Communications, and presided over the development of the tool chain. Head of the tool chain group of Kezhongde Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., responsible for the development of tool chains for general-purpose processors and special processors in various fields.
Topic: A Preliminary Study of Managed Heap Direct Write Technology--Reducing the serialization overhead of JVM
内容简介:序列化与反序列化操作被用于大数据系统的多种操作中。过去研究表明计算密集型的序列化反序列化是影响系统性能的一个显著瓶颈。现有的序列化库例如kryo虽然能够提供高性能的序列化机制,但在这些技术还是无法完全避免堆内堆外表现形式的转换过程。我们的堆对象直写技术将发送端数据直接写入到接收端的托管堆内中。工作流程是1)接收端通知发送端数据在堆内的地址;2)发送端遍历待发送对象,将其复制到发送缓冲区中,在复制过程中更新指针域,直接指向对象在远程地址的值;3)接收端接收数据,就绪后可直接使用。该技术几乎去掉了接收端的反序列化开销,而发送端的序列化操作几乎没有增加额外的开销。我们基于RDMA网络与Jikes RVM虚拟机实现了原型,其接收端的延迟基本等同于硬件延迟。对于发送端,虽然无法同样避免序列化,但是我们正在尝试将序列化的延迟隐藏于应用层的shuffle过程。 Content introduction: Serialization and deserialization operations are used in a variety of operations in big data systems. Past studies have shown that computationally intensive serialization and deserialization is a significant bottleneck affecting system performance. Although existing serialization libraries such as kryo can provide a high-performance serialization mechanism, these technologies still cannot completely avoid the conversion process of in- and out-of-heap representations. Our heap object write-through technology directly writes the sender data into the managed heap of the receiver. The workflow is 1) the receiver informs the sender of the address of the data in the heap; 2) the sender traverses the object to be sent, copies it to the send buffer, and updates the pointer field during the copy process to directly point to the object at the remote address Value; 3) The receiving end receives data and can be used directly when ready. This technology almost removes the deserialization overhead at the receiving end, while the serialization operation at the sending end adds almost no additional overhead. We implemented a prototype based on the RDMA network and the Jikes RVM virtual machine. The delay at the receiving end is basically equivalent to the hardware delay. For the sender, although serialization cannot be avoided as well, we are trying to hide the delay of serialization in the shuffle process at the application layer.
个人简介:朱凌宇,国防科技大学在读博士。主要研究兴趣包括基于持久化内存的文件系统与虚拟机内存管理技术。 Personal profile: Zhu Lingyu, PhD candidate at National University of Defense Technology. His main research interests include persistent memory-based file system and virtual machine memory management technology.
内容简介:本次话题和大家分享清华大学王生原老师的开源项目L2C,L2C是一个把工业界的模型语言Lustre转换成C语言到二进制代码的工具,由于整个转换过程经过了形式化验证,所以具有极高的安全性和可靠性,在安全攸关领域具有重要的应用价值。讨论分为两部分:第一部分、介绍形式化的编译器的背景,包括最近的一些进展,希望为没有听说过形式化的朋友做一些背景介绍。二、介绍我们的开源项目L2C,其软件架构,解决的问题,以及未来的一些展望。 Introduction: In this topic, I will share with you the open source project L2C of Professor Wang Shengyuan of Tsinghua University. L2C is a tool that converts Lustre, the model language of the industry, into C language to binary code. Since the entire conversion process has been formalized, it has Extremely high safety and reliability, with important application value in safety-critical fields. The discussion is divided into two parts: The first part introduces the background of the formal compiler, including some recent developments. I hope to make some background introductions for friends who have never heard of formalization. 2. Introduce our open source project L2C, its software architecture, the problems it solves, and some future prospects.
Personal profile: Kang Shuo, founder of Dijie Software Technology Co., Ltd., has more than 17 years of system software scientific research and engineering experience, involving operating systems, compilers, virtual machines, blockchains and formalization and other fields. Participated in a number of open source projects at home and abroad, and have been widely used in actual projects. Among them, SkyEye all-digital simulation products are used in the field of research and development and testing of many models in the domestic aerospace field; the symbolic execution software android_s2e is used by Huawei and domestic military units in software testing; the Android virtual machine based on LLVM was selected in the 2015 "LLVM Development The project display link of the "Conference"; the open source project L2C participated in was used by domestic nuclear power units in related equipment.
- 支持c++/Rust/go这样的高级语言;
- 比JS的解释执行或JIT速度快; 本文将浅析go语言对wasm的支持;
Theme introduction: Wasm is a virtual machine running on the web system (browser and node.js). Its advantages over JavaScript are:
- Support high-level languages such as c++/Rust/go;
- Faster than JS interpretation or JIT execution; This article will analyze the go language's support for wasm;
个人简介:gopher,Go 社区活跃开发者,曾给 Go 提过多个编译器优化补丁并被采纳。 Personal profile: gopher, an active developer in the Go community, has proposed multiple compiler optimization patches for Go and was adopted.
内容简介:自Linux内核3.15开始引入 eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter)后, 快速演进和不断完善中的eBPF正在成为重构整个Linux网络、安全、调试/调优等子系统的基石。本话题将一探eBPF的原理与实现,分析基于eBPF的在内核服务设计,解析相关优秀开源项目,并在ARM开放平台上实践,还将重新思考基于Lua/LuaJIT的在内核虚拟机技术、内核空间和用户空间的划分以及基于eBPF的领域专用语言。 Introduction: Since the introduction of eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter) in Linux kernel 3.15, eBPF, which is rapidly evolving and continuously improving, is becoming the cornerstone of the reconstruction of the entire Linux network, security, debugging/tuning and other subsystems. This topic will explore the principles and implementation of eBPF, analyze the design of eBPF-based in-kernel services, analyze related excellent open source projects, and implement them on the ARM open platform. It will also rethink the in-kernel virtual machine technology and kernel based on Lua/LuaJIT. The division of space and user space and domain-specific language based on eBPF.
个人简介:李枫,先后就职于摩托罗拉、三星等IT公司,现为独立开发者。在移动开发/云计算上积累了十余年的研发经验。近期主要专注于物联网/边缘计算/人工智能基础设施。积极参与包括HelloGCC在内的开源社区各种活动,并多次做过技术分享,涉及编程语言、操作系统、边缘计算等领域。 Personal profile: Li Feng, worked in IT companies such as Motorola and Samsung, and is currently an independent developer. He has accumulated more than ten years of R&D experience in mobile development/cloud computing. In the near future, it mainly focuses on IoT/edge computing/artificial intelligence infrastructure. Actively participate in various activities in the open source community including HelloGCC, and have done many technology sharing, involving programming languages, operating systems, edge computing and other fields.
Topic: Promoting Ark to Open Source Together: The efforts made by the HelloGCC community and PLCT Lab
内容简介:尽管网络上风评毁誉参半,华为方舟编译器的开源依然是国内编译技术领域的里程碑事件,让“编译器”这个概念被更多的人知晓。作为国内最早的编译技术社区,HelloGCC社区非常希望能够与方舟开源社区一起推动国内编译技术的发展与人才的培养。本次报告,我们将介绍软件所智能软件研究中心PLCT实验室与HelloGCC社区为推动和促进方舟开源社区的发展壮大所做的一系列尝试,包括:开发出第一个面向方舟编译器的 Toy Runtime、开设使用方舟编译器作为教学用具的编译技术学习班、组织方舟线下代码学习讨论会等。 Brief introduction: Despite the mixed reviews on the Internet, the open source of Huawei's Ark compiler is still a milestone in the field of domestic compilation technology, making the concept of "compiler" known to more people. As the earliest compilation technology community in China, the HelloGCC community very much hopes to promote the development of domestic compilation technology and the cultivation of talents together with the Ark open source community. In this report, we will introduce a series of attempts made by the PLCT Laboratory of the Intelligent Software Research Center of the Software Institute and the HelloGCC community to promote and promote the development and growth of the Ark open source community, including: the development of the first Toy Runtime for the Ark compiler , Set up a compilation technology study class using Ark compiler as a teaching tool, organize Ark offline code study seminars, etc.
个人简介:吴伟,HelloGCC社区和HelloLLVM社区负责人、中科重德CTO、PLCT实验室项目总监。主要研究领域包括程序语言与编译技术、系统性能分析和优化、基于ROS的机器人研发等。在方舟编译器开源之后,积极推动HelloGCC社区以及PLCT实验室参与方舟开源社区的建设。 Personal profile: Wu Wei, head of HelloGCC community and HelloLLVM community, CTO of Zhongke Zhongde, project director of PLCT laboratory. The main research areas include programming language and compilation technology, system performance analysis and optimization, and ROS-based robot development. After the Ark compiler is open sourced, actively promote the HelloGCC community and PLCT laboratory to participate in the construction of the Ark open source community.
演讲者:周亚金,浙江大学网络空间安全学院 Speaker: Zhou Yajin, School of Cyberspace Security, Zhejiang University
演讲者:詹荣开,北京希姆计算科技有限公司 Speaker: Zhan Rongkai, Beijing Cim Computing Technology Co., Ltd.
感谢中国科学院软件研究所智能软件研究中心提供场地支持。感谢浙江迪捷软件科技有限公司提供小礼品赞助。 Thanks to the Intelligent Software Research Center of the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences for providing site support. Thanks to Zhejiang Dijie Software Technology Co., Ltd. for providing small gift sponsorship.
欢迎各位新老朋友通过点击原文报名或扫描二维码报名参加 Welcome all new and old friends to register by clicking on the original text or scanning the QR code
目前已经有5个演讲报名和2个待定的演讲报名。后续可能会举办成一个「小语种专场」。欢迎投稿。 **There are currently 5 speech registrations and 2 pending speech registrations. A "Small Language Special" may be held in the future. Contributions are welcome. **
第十一届开源开发工具大会(OSDT Workshop,原 HelloGCC Workshop)即将开始征集话题。目前计划11月中旬在北京软件所举办。OSDT是开源软件开发者的交流会,我们在这里分享自己在开源软件方面的开发工作,研究成果,经验学习。话题主要面向开源开发工具。 The 11th Open Source Development Tools Conference (OSDT Workshop, formerly HelloGCC Workshop) will soon start soliciting topics. It is currently planned to be held in Beijing Software Institute in mid-November. OSDT is an exchange meeting for open source software developers. Here we share our development work, research results, and experience learning in open source software. The topic is mainly for open source development tools.
- GNU工具链(GCC,GDB,Binutils等)。
- Clang/LLVM工具链,以及基于LLVM的衍生工作。
- 端侧AI部署框架的开发、调试或性能分析工具。
- 算法在FPGA上部署的快速开发套件。
- 面向RISCV等新硬件的基础软件支持。
- 其它开源开发工具。
Topic content includes but is not limited to:
- GNU tool chain (GCC, GDB, Binutils, etc.).
- Clang/LLVM tool chain, and derivative work based on LLVM.
- Development, debugging or performance analysis tools for the end-side AI deployment framework.
- A rapid development kit for algorithm deployment on FPGA.
- Basic software support for new hardware such as RISCV.
- Other open source development tools
- 对自己在某开源软件工作上的介绍。
- 对开发工具的介绍及使用经验分享。
- 参与开源社区工作的体验和感受。
The topic form can be:
- An introduction to my work on an open source software.
- Introduction to development tools and sharing of experience.
- The experience and feelings of participating in the open source community.
如果您有相关话题,欢迎通过微信和我们联系:联系人 wuwei 微信号 15101038581 (请注明OSDT或HelloGCC/HelloLLVM) If you have relevant topics, please feel free to contact us via WeChat: Contact wuwei WeChat ID 15101038581 (please specify OSDT or HelloGCC/HelloLLVM)
往届传送: Past transmission
请注意由于周六方舟社区在北京有技术沙龙,HelloGCC/HelloLLVM组织在上海的讨论会时间从周六调整到本周日(9月8日)下午3点至6点,讨论地点是传奇广场vπ咖啡(张江高科地铁站旁)。已经报名的同学不需要再报名,尚未报名的同学请通过下方小程序报名(也可以走方舟社区在OSChina的报名通道,会合并在一起)。 Please note that because Saturday’s Ark community has a technical salon in Beijing, the time of the seminar organized by HelloGCC/HelloLLVM in Shanghai has been adjusted from Saturday to this Sunday (September 8) from 3 pm to 6 pm, and the discussion venue is Legend Square vπ Coffee (next to Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Metro Station). Students who have already registered do not need to register again. Those who have not yet registered please register through the mini program below (you can also use the registration channel of Ark Community in OSChina, which will be merged together).
另外对方舟感兴趣的朋友请留意收看北京技术沙龙的直播(应该有),那是方舟官方的活动,核心开发人员可能都会到现场。我们上海的活动是HelloGCC/HelloLLVM的社区活动,目前确定分享的小伙伴都不是华为员工(民间聚会😄)。 In addition, friends who are interested in Fangzhou, please pay attention to the live broadcast of the Beijing Technology Salon (it should be). It is an official event of Fangzhou, and the core developers may be there. Our Shanghai event is a community event of HelloGCC/HelloLLVM. At present, none of the partners who are sure to share are not Huawei employees (civil gathering😄).
方舟编译器已经部分开源并放出了一部分源代码,并且在华为云的开源代码托管网站已经可以下载(而且已经有了第一个 Pull Request)。GitHub也可以看到不少的副本,可以学习和分析(因为都不是官方的,这里就不放出链接了,可以在GitHub上自行搜索“方舟编译器”。(奇怪的是华为云上的代码地址已经404,目前尚不明白为什么。有人分析是因为一时间下载的人太多了——这个猜测不是明摆着黑华为云能力不行么(笑)肯定不是这个原因,等等看吧) The Ark Compiler has been partially open sourced and released part of the source code, and it is available for download on the open source code hosting website of Huawei Cloud (and there is already the first Pull Request). GitHub can also see a lot of copies, you can study and analyze (because they are not official, the link will not be released here, you can search for "Ark Compiler" on GitHub. (The strange thing is the code address on Huawei Cloud It has been 404, and I don’t understand why. Some people analyzed that it was because too many people were downloading at a time. Isn’t this speculation that the ability of Huawei Cloud is not good? (laughs) It’s definitely not the reason, wait and see)
目前释放出来的代码还不全。不过已经可以进行初步的讨论和分析,可以看到方舟编译器的大框架等。HelloGCC和HelloLLVM社区有计划组织一次针对方舟编译器已开源代码和架构的研讨会。类似于代码设计讨论。时间确定为9月8日周日下午,地点确定为上海市张江传奇广场vπ咖啡。 The currently released code is not complete. However, preliminary discussion and analysis can be carried out, and you can see the large framework of the Ark compiler. The HelloGCC and HelloLLVM communities have plans to organize a seminar on the open source code and architecture of the Ark compiler. Similar to code design discussion. The time is determined to be the afternoon of Sunday, September 8, and the location is determined to be the vπ coffee in Zhangjiang Legend Square, Shanghai.
- 北京9月7日周六的技术沙龙透露了哪些干货?
- 哪些部分放出来了,哪些重要的代码没放出来?
- 哪些代码实现和架构地方跟之前预期的不一样/一样?
- 后续还有哪些 open projects / features?
- 华为能够组织成功一个编译社区么?
- 感兴趣的其它代码实现。
The first discussion mainly looks at -What dry goods were revealed at the Beijing Technology Salon on Saturday, September 7th? -Which parts are released, and which important codes are not released? -Which code implementation and architecture are different/the same as previously expected? -What other open projects / features will follow? -Can Huawei successfully organize a compilation community? -Other code implementations of interest.
形式采用Talk(PPT报告)+Gossip(自由讨论)形式,提供投影仪,可以自带电脑一边展示代码一边进行讨论。架构部分讨论可以提前绘制一些架构图。Talk部分会有直播,Gossip部分没有直播和录像。 The form adopts Talk (PPT report) + Gossip (free discussion) form, provides a projector, you can bring your own computer while displaying the code while discussing. The discussion of the architecture part can draw some architecture diagrams in advance. There will be live broadcasts in the Talk part, but no live broadcasts and videos in the Gossip part.
注意本次活动是源代码讨论,如果不是做编译相关开发的工程师可能会觉得很无聊。在参加之前,需要自行浏览或阅读过方舟的开源代码。 Note that this event is a source code discussion, if it is not a compiler-related development engineer, it may be boring. Before participating, you need to browse or read Ark's open source code by yourself.
同时,欢迎在留言区留言,列出自己感兴趣、想要被讨论到的内容。讨论会之后我们会整理成公众号文章通过本公众号(HelloGCC)推送。 At the same time, please leave a message in the message area to list what you are interested in and want to be discussed. After the discussion, we will organize the articles into an official account and push them through this official account (HelloGCC).
活动报名请点击原文或直接扫描二维码👇 For event registration, please click on the original text or scan the QR code directly
(注意图片中的时间已经更新) (Note that the time in the picture has been updated)
ww HelloGCC 7月4日 HelloLLVM和HelloGCC社区将在 2019年7月20日(周六)在杭州举办线聚会。聚会地点待定,请留意后续通知。聚会内容包含(但不限于):
- TVM 的入门
- 如何做GCC新人培养
- MLIR新进展、Polyhedral现状
- 闪电演讲⚡️欢迎跟 @wuwei 报名或现场报名
ww HelloGCC July 4 The HelloLLVM and HelloGCC communities will hold an online gathering in Hangzhou on July 20, 2019 (Saturday). The meeting place is to be determined, please pay attention to follow-up notice. The content of the party includes (but is not limited to):
- Getting started with TVM
- How to do GCC newcomer training
- New progress of MLIR and current status of Polyhedral
- Lightning speech ⚡️ Welcome to register with @wuwei or on-site registration
本次活动采取报名制,感兴趣的同学和老师请点击原文链接进行报名。本次活动场地容量35人左右,会有比较深入的互动和讨论,参与者最好具备一些编译器或工具链的基础。同时欢迎来分享自己的经验和经历,现场提供投影仪,可以播放幻灯片或网页。 This event adopts a registration system, interested students and teachers please click on the original link to register. The venue capacity for this event is about 35 people, and there will be more in-depth interaction and discussion. Participants should have some compiler or tool chain foundation. At the same time, you are welcome to share your own experience and experience. A projector is provided on site to play slides or web pages.
HelloLLVM 和 HelloGCC社区将在 2019年6月22日(周六)在上海聚会。聚会内容包含(但不限于):
- MLIR 是什么,要学么?
- 近期的编译领域的八卦
- TVM Stack 前景如何?现在入还来得及么?
- 如何吸引新人参与GCC开发?
- 闪电演讲(现场排队)
The HelloLLVM and HelloGCC communities will meet in Shanghai on June 22, 2019 (Saturday). The content of the party includes (but is not limited to):
- What is MLIR and should I learn it?
- Recent gossip in the field of compilation
- What is the prospect of TVM Stack? Is it too late to enter now?
- How to attract newcomers to participate in GCC development?
- Lightning speech (queuing on site)
时间暂定为6月22日周六下午3点到6点,地点定为张江高科地铁站旁的传奇广场2楼【氪空间】。 The time is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, June 22 from 3 to 6 pm, and the location is set to be the 2nd floor of Legend Plaza next to Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Metro Station [Krypton Space].
本次活动采取报名制,感兴趣的同学和老师请点击原文链接进行报名。本次活动场地容量45人左右,会有比较深入的互动和讨论,参与者最好具备一些编译器或工具链的基础。 This event adopts a registration system, interested students and teachers please click on the original link to register. The venue has a capacity of about 45 people, and there will be more in-depth interaction and discussion. Participants should have some compiler or tool chain foundation.
HelloLLVM 与 HelloGCC 社区计划于 2019年5月25日举办线下聚会。本次聚会的内容有:
话题讨论:「大神们又在搞事情系列」之 MLIR 是什么,要学么?
话题讨论:TVM Stack 前景如何?现在入还来得及么?
Abundant coffee breaks (thanks to the gold sponsor Zhongde Smart. Hard and wide: They provide tool chain outsourcing services, if you need it, you can talk to them directly at the party at that time)
Topic discussion: What is MLIR in the "Great Gods Are Doing Things Series" and should I learn it?
Technology sharing: How to apply the attention model in deep learning to vulnerability mining
Topic discussion: What is the prospect of TVM Stack? Is it too late to enter now?
Technology Sharing: Overview of VLIW Architecture Chips (content to be determined)
时间暂定为5月25日周六下午3点到5点,地点是北京市海淀区软件研究所5号楼4层中会议室。本次活动采取报名制,感兴趣的同学和老师请点击原文链接进行报名。本次活动场地容量20人左右,会有比较深入的互动和讨论,参与者需要具备基础的工具链知识。 The time is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, May 25th from 3 pm to 5 pm, and the location is the conference room on the 4th floor of Building 5, Software Research Institute, Haidian District, Beijing. This event adopts a registration system, interested students and teachers please click on the original link to register. The venue has a capacity of about 20 people, and there will be more in-depth interactions and discussions. Participants need to have basic tool chain knowledge.
LLVM/GCC social in Nanjing China: Jan 19, 2019
Hi all,
The 5th LLVM/GCC social in Nanjing will happen on Jan 19, 2019.
Everyone interested in LLVM/GCC/Toolchain/IDE related projects is invited to join. Event details is at https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/7jupkPiRrlxjYEuglMbvFA
BoF style. Presentations are welcome :-)
Looking forward to meet you !
HelloLLVM聚会深圳站:10月20日南科大见 HelloLLVM Party Shenzhen Station: See you at SUSTech on October 20
上次因为山竹台风而取消的HelloLLVM线下聚会深圳站又回来啦~我们将于10月20日跟首届「南方程序分析日」活动一起在南科大举办。具体地点位于 The HelloLLVM offline party Shenzhen station, which was cancelled last time due to Typhoon Mangosteen, is back again~ We will hold the first "Southern Program Analysis Day" on October 20 at SUSTech. The specific location is
深圳市南山区西丽大学城学苑大道1088号 南方科技大学图书馆110报告厅 1088 Xueyuan Avenue, Xili University Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 110 Lecture Hall, Southern University of Science and Technology Library
具体日程和报名请长按下图,使用小程序进行报名。本次活动在图书馆会议室,有人数限制,请提前报名 :-) For the specific schedule and registration, please press and hold the picture below and use the mini program to register. This event is in the library meeting room, there is a limit on the number of people, please register in advance :-)
第四次HelloLLVM/HelloGCC开发者线下聚会的日程终于确定,时间是9月16日上午10点到12点,地点是深圳市「很多人咖啡馆」上梅林地铁站附近(具体地址下面有链接和地图)。本次参会不需要报名或预约,直接来咖啡馆坐一坐,跟熟人或新朋友聊聊天。同时我们准备了投影机,欢迎来做一些小规模的分享和交流。 The schedule for the fourth offline meeting of HelloLLVM/HelloGCC developers has finally been determined. The time is from 10 am to 12 am on September 16th, and the location is near Shangmeilin subway station, "Many People Cafe" in Shenzhen (the specific address is linked below) And map). There is no need to register or make an appointment to participate in this conference, just come to the cafe to sit and chat with acquaintances or new friends. At the same time, we have prepared a projector, welcome to do some small-scale sharing and exchanges.
这次特地选择跟9月15日由源伞科技和港科大、南科大举办的首届「南方程序分析日」同一个周末举办,方便外地来参加的朋友合并行程。程序分析的专题讨论在目前国内凤毛麟角,值得参加。对程序分析感兴趣的朋友可以点击这里查看15日周六的日程。 This time, it was specially chosen to be held on the same weekend as the first "Southern Program Analysis Day" held by Yuansan Technology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and SUSTech on September 15, so that it is convenient for friends from other places to join the trip. Discussions on program analysis are currently rare in China and are worth participating in. Friends who are interested in program analysis can click here to view the schedule on Saturday the 15th.
++++ 以下是 20180906 之前的信息 ++++ ++++ The following is the information before 20180906 ++++
HelloLLVM开发者线下聚会深圳站目前定于9月16日上午10点到12点在深圳市「很多人咖啡馆」上梅林店举办。具体信息稍后补齐。 The offline gathering of HelloLLVM developers in Shenzhen is currently scheduled to be held at the "Many People Cafe" Shangmeilin Store in Shenzhen from 10 am to 12 am on September 16. The specific information will be added later.
本地活动特地选择跟“南方程序分析分享日”选择在同一个周末举办:由南方科技大学计算机系、源伞科技有限公司和香港科技大学安全实验室联合举办的“南方程序分析分享日”于2018年9月15日在南方科技大学隆重举办。欢迎各位参加。 The local event was specially chosen to be held on the same weekend as the "Southern Program Analysis Sharing Day": the "Southern Program Analysis Sharing Day" jointly organized by the Department of Computer Science, Southern University of Science and Technology, Yuansan Technology Co., Ltd. and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Security Laboratory was held in 2018 It was grandly held at Southern University of Science and Technology on September 15, 2015. Everyone is welcome to participate.
“南方程序分析分享日”的微信公众号链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/MArvhbimzwCQxCoBfzBSZA Link to WeChat Official Account of Southern Program Analysis Sharing Day: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/MArvhbimzwCQxCoBfzBSZA
LLVM Developers Meeting in Hangzhou: Puffii Coffee in the afternoon on Saturday, July 28
参考微信公众号链接 Refer to WeChat public account link
HelloLLVM开发者线下聚会杭州站目前确定于7月28日周六下午2点到5点半在杭州市滨江区江陵路地铁站东南角的 Puffii Life 咖啡馆二层举办。咖啡馆环境很好。 The offline meeting of HelloLLVM developers in Hangzhou Station is currently scheduled to be held on the second floor of the Puffii Life Cafe at the southeast corner of Jiangling Road Metro Station, Binjiang District, Hangzhou from 2pm to 5:30pm on Saturday, July 28. The cafe environment is very good.
(图片略,参考微信公众号链接) (The picture is omitted, refer to the WeChat public account link)
周六的时候会将中间区域的桌椅重新布置,面向投影仪。 On Saturday, the tables and chairs in the middle area will be rearranged to face the projector.
(图片略,参考微信公众号链接) (The picture is omitted, refer to the WeChat public account link)
另外一遍是沙发聊天区域。我们包了整个二层,可以随便坐&吃喝。 The other time is the sofa chat area. We have wrapped the entire second floor, so you can sit and eat and drink.
(图片略,参考微信公众号链接) (The picture is omitted, refer to the WeChat public account link)
环境很好,安静惬意,是独立的一个建筑。 The environment is very good, quiet and cozy, it is an independent building.
(图片略,参考微信公众号链接) (The picture is omitted, refer to the WeChat public account link)
出地铁的路线图可以参考微信公众号中的信息 For the route map out of the subway, please refer to the information in the WeChat public account
(图片略,参考微信公众号链接) (The picture is omitted, refer to the WeChat public account link)
由于本次聚会地点会为每个参会者提供下午茶(咖啡/果汁/茶 + 沙拉/甜点/零食),需要提前统计一下人数,想来参加的朋友请提前微信我,我估计一下人数,好下订单。没有加我微信的可以扫描下面的二维码添加: Since the meeting place will provide afternoon tea (coffee/juice/tea+salad/dessert/snacks) for each participant, you need to count the number of people in advance. If you want to come, please WeChat me in advance. I will estimate the number of people. place an order. If you don’t add my WeChat, you can scan the QR code below to add: (图片略,参考微信公众号链接) (The picture is omitted, refer to the WeChat public account link)
HelloLLVM是一群从事LLVM开发的底层开发人员组织的一个开源社区。 我们的目标是为中国大陆的LLVM相关的工具链开发人员提供交流的机会。 HelloLLVM is an open source community organized by a group of low-level developers engaged in LLVM development. Our goal is to provide communication opportunities for LLVM-related toolchain developers in mainland China
我们计划每个月组织一次线下聚会,目前估计规模在10-20人左右(以后可能更多),北京上海杭州深圳广州轮流组织。 We plan to organize offline gatherings once a month, currently estimated to be around 10-20 people (maybe more in the future), organized in rotation in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou.
Sunday, July 1st Shanghai
HelloLLVM线下聚会上海站将于7月1日周日下午2点至5点在上海张江高科地铁站旁边的Vπ咖啡举办。欢迎各位LLVM及工具链的朋友来吃下午茶,聊聊天。默认BoF形式,自由聊天;同时,我们准备了投影机,欢迎分享。(分享形式尽量随意,大家都是一遍吃东西一边讨论的 :P) HelloLLVM offline party Shanghai Station will be held at Vπ Coffee next to Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Metro Station from 2pm to 5pm on Sunday, July 1. Welcome friends of LLVM and toolchain to have afternoon tea and chat. The default BoF format, free chat; at the same time, we have prepared a projector, welcome to share. (The sharing format is as casual as possible, everyone will eat and discuss at the same time :P)
另外6月30日周六下午有 RISC-V上海日活动,感兴趣可以从RISC-V官网或国内社区 cnrv.io 查看议程。如果有对RISC-V/LLVM感兴趣且从事这两个方向的同学(在校学生)想来上海参加,可以联系我,我可以帮助申请往返差旅和住宿的100%比例报销。 In addition, there will be a RISC-V Shanghai Day event on Saturday afternoon, June 30. If you are interested, you can check the agenda from the RISC-V official website or the domestic community cnrv.io. If there are students (students) who are interested in RISC-V/LLVM and who are engaged in these two directions and want to come to Shanghai to participate, you can contact me, I can help apply for 100% reimbursement for round trip travel and accommodation.
Vπ咖啡在传奇广场,地铁张江高科出来50米左右。我去现场看了下场地,感觉很有创业公司的气氛(楼上就是孵化器)。 Vπ Coffee is in Legend Square, about 50 meters from the subway Zhangjiang Hi-Tech. I went to the site to see the venue, and it felt like a startup company (the incubator upstairs).
Saturday, May 19, 2 p.m. Beijing
Reminder: The meeting place has been changed to meeting room 303, Xiamen Building, next to Zhichun Road Metro Station
地点由于人数比预期的多一些,软件所的大会议室已被借出,聚会地点改到知春路地铁站旁边的厦门大厦。 Because the number of people in the venue was more than expected, the large conference room of the Software Institute was lent, and the meeting place was changed to the Xiamen Building next to the Zhichun Road subway station.
请关注微信公众号 「hellogcc2007」(见下图) 接收后续的活动安排和变更。(计划中是申请一个新的HelloLLVM公众号,但是现在GOV管理得太苛刻了,个人的公众号从5个缩减到2个,改名等操作都需要手指身份证照片上传,流程越来越繁琐了。后续将继续使用HelloGCC姊妹社区的公众号发放活动通知。) Please follow the WeChat public account "hellogcc2007" (see the picture below) to receive follow-up event arrangements and changes. (The plan is to apply for a new HelloLLVM official account, but now GOV management is too harsh, and personal official accounts have been reduced from 5 to 2, and operations such as name change require uploading of finger ID photos, and the process is becoming more and more cumbersome. We will continue to use the official account of the HelloGCC sister community to issue event notifications.)
时间不变,依然5月19日下午2点到5点(这个时间段都可以来参加,到大厅之后联系我)。 The time remains unchanged, it will still be from 2 pm to 5 pm on May 19 (you can come to participate in this time period, contact me when you arrive in the lobby).
从地铁知春路口(13号线B口)出来后左手边的厦门大厦三楼303会议室。 After exiting from Metro Zhichun Intersection (Exit B of Line 13), you will see Conference Room 303 on the third floor of Xiamen Building on your left.
地图: map
主要就是吃吃喝喝,聊聊八卦。 The main thing is to eat, drink and talk about gossip.
同时会场提供投影仪,可以有报告和闪电演讲。 At the same time, a projector is provided in the venue, which can have reports and lightning speeches
Relationship with HelloGCC organization
HelloGCC是我们的兄弟组织。实际上,两个组织的创始人是重叠的 :-) HelloGCC is our brother organization. In fact, the founders of the two organizations overlapped :-)
感谢「中国科学院软件研究所智能软件研究中心」提供场地支持。 Thanks to the "Intelligent Software Research Center, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences" for providing venue support.
经费来源主要是「中科重德智能科技有限公司」赞助,感谢 (^o^)/ The funding source is mainly sponsored by "Zhongke Zhongde Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.", thanks (^o^)/