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Releases: highmed/highmed-dsf

Second Release Candidate for 0.5.0

19 Aug 23:26
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Features include:

  • Support for resources Library, Measure and MeasureReport from the Quality Reporting Framework.
  • Support for resource OrganizationAffiliation to define a organizations role within a consortium.
  • The release includes a new read access and process authorization implementation. The new read access implementation allows for specifying either ALL, LOCAL, ORGANIZATION or ROLE based tags. The new process authorization implementation allows for specifying the requester by REMOTE_ALL, LOCAL_ALL, LOCAL_ORGANIZATION, REMOTE_ORGANIZATION, LOCAL_ROLE and REMOTE_ROLE as well as the recipient by LOCAL_ALL, LOCAL_ORGANIZATION and LOCAL_ROLE. SecurityContext on Binary now works as intended and can be used to delegate the read access rule to any other resource.
  • OrganizationAffiliation resources are used to define roles of and associated FHIR Endpoints of Organizations in consortia (groups of organizations). Predefined organization types now include: TTP - Trusted Third Party, MeDIC - Medical Data Integration Center, DTS - Data Transfer Site, COS - Coordinating Site, CRR - Central Research Repository, and HRP - Health Research Platform.
  • The included NamingSystems now use the ../sid/.. schema for the uniqueId.value used as system in identifiers.
  • BPMN process names have been modified and now do no need to start with
  • A corporate internet-proxy server for accessing the local FHIR server via rest/websocket can now be defined.
  • A new docker based 3 MeDIC / TTP test setup was added. The new test setup uses a single database and a single nginx container as reverse proxy for all DSF FHIR and DSF BPE servers.
  • The VM based 3 MeDIC / TTP test setup now uses default ports mapping that allow access to the BPE only from localhost. Additionally, the link to the used Ubuntu release has been updated.
  • Source and JavaDoc jars are now generated and published.
  • Literal external references are only check and resolved if an Endpoint is known.
  • Logical references are only checked and resolved if they are based on a known NamingSystem using a uniqueId.modifierExtension with url and value true.
  • Binary resources can now be referenced as RelatesArtifact in ActivityDefinition, Library, Measure and ResearchStudy and created together with the referencing Artifact via a transaction Bundle.
  • A new operation was added to permanently delete resources from the database already marked as deleted. The $permanent-delete operation can be performed on resource instances via POST without parameters.
  • FHIR resource synchronization between BPE process plugins and the DSF FHIR server has been improved.
  • The openEHR stub client implementation has been extended to return a more complex ResultSet including lab values.
  • Additional openEHR ResultSet translators have been implemented which can be used for data sharing requests without record linkage.
  • The FHIR server now supports the _profile search parameter.
  • The trigger to start the execution of a process is no longer only dependent on the process ID but also on the message.
  • The repository now contains a CITATION.cff file containing citation information about our software in order to let others know how to correctly cite our software in Bibtex or APA style.
  • All dependencies have been upgraded to the newest applicable versions.
  • The DSF configuration has been simplified, most properties now have default values. Properties can be configured via environment variables and password properties can be configured via the content of files for example used with docker secrets.

Fixes include:

  • The BPE was unable to detect process dependencies other than .jar or -SNAPSHOT.jar. See #234
  • Updating Organization and OrganizationAffiliation resource failed If a Binary resource existed with a read access tag to the corresponding Organization or OrganizationAffiliation. See #232
  • A NullPointerException occurred when using a process specific PrimitiveValue/PrimitiveValueSerializer not loaded via the classpath. See #210
  • A NullPointerException occurred in case of a communication problem with this single target while sending a Task resource. See #201
  • A NullPointerException occurred while falsely testing Java service Bean availability for BPMN ServiceTasks not using a Java class as implementation. See #194

General remarks:

  • This is a 0.5.0 pre-release, we recommend to not use this in production.

Clients released in the binary assets:

Docker containers for this release can be access via the GitHub Docker registry -

Issues closed:

  • BPE Is Unable to Detect Process Dependencies Other Than .jar or -SNAPSHOT.jar #234
  • Updating Organization Resource Fails If Binary Exists With Read Access Tag for That Organization #232
  • Validate ActivityDefinition Against BPMN During Deployment #231
  • Refactor validation of absolute and logical references #227
  • Add new Organization Types and new Consortium to ConstantsBase #225
  • Simplify Configuration #224
  • Create a CITATION.cff file documentation #220
  • Improve Literal Reference Cleanup for _history URLs #219
  • NPE in FallbackSerializerFactory #210
  • Starting a Process should be based as well on the Message #208
  • Add Not Null Check to AbstractTaskMessageSend #201
  • Update Maven Dependencies #200
  • Improve Handling of NamingSystems via Process Plugins #198
  • Reference Resolution Not Working for RelatedArtifacts in ResearchStudy #197
  • TaskAuthorizationRule Should Support Process URLs Other Than #196
  • Add _profile Search Parameter #195
  • NPE when Implementing ServiceTask With Something Other Than Java Class #194
  • Change Default Ports Config of BPE docker-compose Files #192
  • Create translators for data sharing without record-linkage #190
  • Add Source and Javadoc Jars to GitHub Package Registry #189
  • URL Not Found (Download Ubuntu Server 18.04.3 ISO) #187
  • Rework Process Execution Authorization #186
  • Fix extension-certificate-thumbprint Regex #185
  • Return more Complex ResultSet in OpenEhrClientStub #180
  • Rework Resource Authorization Read Access #179
  • Add formatter-maven-plugin and impsort-maven-plugin #178
  • Add Quality Reporting Resources #175
  • Fix Broken Validation Tests #173
  • Implement Custom FHIR Operation to Delete Resources Permanently #98

Special Thanks:
The maintainers would like to thank @alexanderkiel, @alhersh and @nlangh for their contributions to this pre-release.

First Release Candidate for 0.5.0

19 Aug 01:58
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Features include:

  • Support for resources Library, Measure and MeasureReport from the Quality Reporting Framework.
  • Support for resource OrganizationAffiliation to define a organizations role within a consortium.
  • The release includes a new read access and process authorization implementation. The new read access implementation allows for specifying either ALL, LOCAL, ORGANIZATION or ROLE based tags. The new process authorization implementation allows for specifying the requester by REMOTE_ALL, LOCAL_ALL, LOCAL_ORGANIZATION, REMOTE_ORGANIZATION, LOCAL_ROLE and REMOTE_ROLE as well as the recipient by LOCAL_ALL, LOCAL_ORGANIZATION and LOCAL_ROLE. SecurityContext on Binary now works as intended and can be used to delegate the read access rule to any other resource.
  • OrganizationAffiliation resources are used to define roles of and associated FHIR Endpoints of Organizations in consortia (groups of organizations). Predefined organization types now include: TTP - Trusted Third Party, MeDIC - Medical Data Integration Center, DTS - Data Transfer Site, COS - Coordinating Site, CRR - Central Research Repository, and HRP - Health Research Platform.
  • The included NamingSystems now use the ../sid/.. schema for the uniqueId.value used as system in identifiers.
  • BPMN process names have been modified and now do no need to start with
  • A corporate internet-proxy server for accessing the local FHIR server via rest/websocket can now be defined.
  • A new docker based 3 MeDIC / TTP test setup was added. The new test setup uses a single database and a single nginx container as reverse proxy for all DSF FHIR and DSF BPE servers.
  • The VM based 3 MeDIC / TTP test setup now uses default ports mapping that allow access to the BPE only from localhost. Additionally, the link to the used Ubuntu release has been updated.
  • Source and JavaDoc jars are now generated and published.
  • Literal external references are only check and resolved if an Endpoint is known.
  • Logical references are only checked and resolved if they are based on a known NamingSystem using a uniqueId.modifierExtension with url and value true.
  • Binary resources can now be referenced as RelatesArtifact in ActivityDefinition, Library, Measure and ResearchStudy and created together with the referencing Artifact via a transaction Bundle.
  • A new operation was added to permanently delete resources from the database already marked as deleted. The $permanent-delete operation can be performed on resource instances via POST without parameters.
  • FHIR resource synchronization between BPE process plugins and the DSF FHIR server has been improved.
  • The openEHR stub client implementation has been extended to return a more complex ResultSet including lab values.
  • Additional openEHR ResultSet translators have been implemented which can be used for data sharing requests without record linkage.
  • The FHIR server now supports the _profile search parameter.
  • The trigger to start the execution of a process is no longer only dependent on the process ID but also on the message.
  • The repository now contains a CITATION.cff file containing citation information about our software in order to let others know how to correctly cite our software in Bibtex or APA style.
  • All dependencies have been upgraded to the newest applicable versions.
  • The DSF configuration has been simplified, most properties now have default values. Properties can be configured via environment variables and password properties can be configured via the content of files for example used with docker secrets.

Fixes include:

  • A NullPointerException occurred when using a process specific PrimitiveValue/PrimitiveValueSerializer not loaded via the classpath. See #210
  • A NullPointerException occurred in case of a communication problem with this single target while sending a Task resource. See #201
  • A NullPointerException occurred while falsely testing Java service Bean availability for BPMN ServiceTasks not using a Java class as implementation. See #194

General remarks:

  • This is a 0.5.0 pre-release, we recommend to not use this in production.

Clients released in the binary assets:

Docker containers for this release can be access via the GitHub Docker registry -

Issues closed:

  • Validate ActivityDefinition Against BPMN During Deployment #231
  • Refactor validation of absolute and logical references #227
  • Add new Organization Types and new Consortium to ConstantsBase #225
  • Simplify Configuration #224
  • Create a CITATION.cff file documentation #220
  • Improve Literal Reference Cleanup for _history URLs #219
  • NPE in FallbackSerializerFactory #210
  • Starting a Process should be based as well on the Message #208
  • Add Not Null Check to AbstractTaskMessageSend #201
  • Update Maven Dependencies #200
  • Improve Handling of NamingSystems via Process Plugins #198
  • Reference Resolution Not Working for RelatedArtifacts in ResearchStudy #197
  • TaskAuthorizationRule Should Support Process URLs Other Than #196
  • Add _profile Search Parameter #195
  • NPE when Implementing ServiceTask With Something Other Than Java Class #194
  • Change Default Ports Config of BPE docker-compose Files #192
  • Create translators for data sharing without record-linkage #190
  • Add Source and Javadoc Jars to GitHub Package Registry #189
  • URL Not Found (Download Ubuntu Server 18.04.3 ISO) #187
  • Rework Process Execution Authorization #186
  • Fix extension-certificate-thumbprint Regex #185
  • Return more Complex ResultSet in OpenEhrClientStub #180
  • Rework Resource Authorization Read Access #179
  • Add formatter-maven-plugin and impsort-maven-plugin #178
  • Add Quality Reporting Resources #175
  • Fix Broken Validation Tests #173
  • Implement Custom FHIR Operation to Delete Resources Permanently #98

Special Thanks:
The maintainers would like to thank @alexanderkiel, @alhersh and @nlangh for their contributions to this pre-release.

0.5.0 - Support for Multiple Consortia (Pre-Release 2)

08 Aug 17:15
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Features include:

  • Support for resources Library, Measure and MeasureReport from the Quality Reporting Framework.
  • Support for resource OrganizationAffiliation to define a organizations role within a consortium.
  • The release includes a new read access and process authorization implementation. The new read access implementation allows for specifying either ALL, LOCAL, ORGANIZATION or ROLE based tags. The new process authorization implementation allows for specifying the requester by REMOTE_ALL, LOCAL_ALL, LOCAL_ORGANIZATION, REMOTE_ORGANIZATION, LOCAL_ROLE and REMOTE_ROLE as well as the recipient by LOCAL_ALL, LOCAL_ORGANIZATION and LOCAL_ROLE. SecurityContext on Binary now works as intended and can be used to delegate the read access rule to any other resource.
  • OrganizationAffiliation resources are used to define roles of and associated FHIR Endpoints of Organizations in consortia (groups of organizations). Predefined organization types now include: TTP - Trusted Third Party, MeDIC - Medical Data Integration Center, DTS - Data Transfer Site, COS - Coordinating Site, CRR - Central Research Repository, and HRP - Health Research Platform.
  • The included NamingSystems now use the ../sid/.. schema for the uniqueId.value used as system in identifiers.
  • BPMN process names have been modified and now do no need to start with
  • A corporate internet-proxy server for accessing the local FHIR server via rest/websocket can now be defined.
  • A new docker based 3 MeDIC / TTP test setup was added. The new test setup uses a single database and a single nginx container as reverse proxy for all DSF FHIR and DSF BPE servers.
  • The VM based 3 MeDIC / TTP test setup now uses default ports mapping that allow access to the BPE only from localhost. Additionally, the link to the used Ubuntu release has been updated.
  • Source and JavaDoc jars are now generated and published.
  • Binary resources can now be referenced as RelatesArtifact in ActivityDefinition, Library, Measure and ResearchStudy and created together with the referencing Artifact via a transaction Bundle.
  • A new operation was added to permanently delete resources from the database already marked as deleted. The $permanent-delete operation can be performed on resource instances via POST without parameters.
  • FHIR resource synchronization between BPE process plugins and the DSF FHIR server has been improved.
  • The openEHR stub client implementation has been extended to return a more complex ResultSet including lab values.
  • Additional openEHR ResultSet translators have been implemented which can be used for data sharing requests without record linkage.
  • The FHIR server now supports the _profile search parameter.
  • The trigger to start the execution of a process is no longer only dependent on the process ID but also on the message.
  • The repository now contains a CITATION.cff file containing citation information about our software in order to let others know how to correctly cite our software in Bibtex or APA style.
  • All dependencies have been upgraded to the newest applicable versions.

Fixes include:

  • A NullPointerException occurred when using a process specific PrimitiveValue/PrimitiveValueSerializer not loaded via the classpath. See #210
  • A NullPointerException occurred in case of a communication problem with this single target while sending a Task resource. See #201
  • A NullPointerException occurred while falsely testing Java service Bean availability for BPMN ServiceTasks not using a Java class as implementation. See #194

General remarks:

  • This is a 0.5.0 pre-release, we recommend to not use this in production.

Clients released in the binary assets:

Docker containers for this release can be access via the GitHub Docker registry -

Issues closed:

  • Create a CITATION.cff file documentation #220
  • Improve Literal Reference Cleanup for _history URLs #219
  • NPE in FallbackSerializerFactory #210
  • Starting a Process should be based as well on the Message #208
  • Add Not Null Check to AbstractTaskMessageSend #201
  • Update Maven Dependencies #200
  • Improve Handling of NamingSystems via Process Plugins #198
  • Reference Resolution Not Working for RelatedArtifacts in ResearchStudy #197
  • TaskAuthorizationRule Should Support Process URLs Other Than #196
  • Add _profile Search Parameter #195
  • NPE when Implementing ServiceTask With Something Other Than Java Class #194
  • Change Default Ports Config of BPE docker-compose Files #192
  • Create translators for data sharing without record-linkage #190
  • Add Source and Javadoc Jars to GitHub Package Registry #189
  • URL Not Found (Download Ubuntu Server 18.04.3 ISO) #187
  • Rework Process Execution Authorization #186
  • Fix extension-certificate-thumbprint Regex #185
  • Return more Complex ResultSet in OpenEhrClientStub #180
  • Rework Resource Authorization Read Access #179
  • Add formatter-maven-plugin and impsort-maven-plugin #178
  • Add Quality Reporting Resources #175
  • Fix Broken Validation Tests #173
  • Implement Custom FHIR Operation to Delete Resources Permanently #98

Special Thanks:
The maintainers would like to thank @alexanderkiel, @alhersh and @nlangh for their contributions to this pre-release.

0.5.0 - Quality Reporting Resources (Pre-Release 1)

08 Apr 18:36
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Features include:

Fixes include:

  • A NullPointerException occured while falsely testing Java service Bean availability for BPMN ServiceTasks not using a Java class as implementation.

General remarks:

  • This is a 0.5.0 pre-release, we recommend to not use this in production.

Clients released in the binary assets:

Docker containers for this release can be access via the GitHub Docker registry -

Issues closed:

  • NPE when Implementing ServiceTask With Something Other Than Java Class #194
  • Create translators for data sharing without record-linkage #190
  • URL Not Found (Download Ubuntu Server 18.04.3 ISO) #187
  • Return more Complex ResultSet in OpenEhrClientStub #180
  • Add formatter-maven-plugin and impsort-maven-plugin #178
  • Add Quality Reporting Resources #175
  • Fix Broken Validation Tests #173

Special Thanks:
The maintainers would like to thank @alexanderkiel and @alhersh for their contributions to this pre-release.

0.4.0 - Process Modularization System

26 Jan 16:14
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Features include:

  • A new process modularization system was implemented. This system also allows for execution of multiple versions of the same process. Metadata FHIR resources of processes are managed by the BPE with five different states: NEW (not deployed yet), EXCLUDED (previously deployed - jar deleted or excluded by property), RETIRED (retired by property), DRAFT (active SNAPSHOT builds), ACTIVE (active production).
  • New process module system allows for external implementation of processes without modifying the DSF code base.
  • The FHIR metadata resources (CodeSystem, NamingSystem, StructureDefinition, Subscription, ValueSet) are tracked by the BPE server and can be added and removed while implementing a process in DRAFT/SNAPSHOT state.
  • Upgraded dependencies where possible.
  • Token based search parameters now support the :not modifier.
  • Sending messages to a single target is now possible without using a correlation key
  • Release and develop-snapshot builds are now released in GitHub Packages Maven Registry

Fixes include:

  • FHIR server base URL in the configuration template for the single instance docker test setup was changed from localhost to fhir. This fix requires a fhir entry in the local hosts file.

General remarks:

  • The HiGHmed process modules feasibility, local-services, ping, update-allow-list and update-resources have been moved to a new repository highmed/highmed-processes and will be release separately from the main Data Sharing Framework code.
  • An example process repository was created at highmed/example-processes. The repository will contain example processes to get you started while developing for the Data Sharing Framework.
  • When upgrading from 0.3.0 it is recommended to delete/drop the existing fhir and bpe databases.

Clients released in the binary assets:

Docker containers for this release can be access via the GitHub Docker registry -

Issues closed:

  • Fix Docker Test FHIR Server Base #168
  • Can't add a New Extension to Existing Draft Process #165
  • Create highmed-processes repository and move corresponding processes & issues #164
  • Upgrade Dependencies #158
  • Create Hello World Process Repository #157
  • Change automated build to publish module-jars in github maven package registry #151
  • Implement SingleInstanceTarget for message-name based correlation #144
  • Allow for Execution of Different Versions of the Same Process #107

0.3.0 - Local Integration Test Process

03 Nov 15:04
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Features include:

  • A new process was added which allows to test the connections to local systems like the OpenEHR repository or the Master Patient Index. This process largely follows the already existing feasibility sub-process ExecuteSimpleFeasibility.
  • A second new process allows a MeDIC to download the Allow List on its own, without needing a trigger from the TTP.
  • The process step CheckRequest in the process ExecuteUpdateResources now verifies whether the request came from a TTP.
  • The FHIR client now includes a retry facade.
  • The IHE PDQ Client now uses the same security implementations as the remaining framework.
  • The path of the external patient id in an openEHR result set is now configurable.
  • Like the IHE PDQ MPI client, the openEHR client must now be provided via the plugin interface. Otherwise a stub implementation is used.
  • Process specific variables and constants were removed from the base process module and are now located in dedicated files as part of the specific process modules.
  • Integration Tests were migrated to a local Docker container using PostgreSQL 13.
  • Only one toplevel gitignore is used, all other gitignores have been removed.
  • Library dependencies were upgraded to latest versions where applicable.
  • The 3MeDIC/TTP test setup now uses PostgreSQL 13. The db volume is not automaticaly upgraded from Postgresql 12 to 13

Fixes include:

  • If the TTP cannot calculate a valid feasibility result, the process does not abort, instead a new explicit error message is sent to the leading organization.
  • The previous implementation did not allow updates of the organization's thumbprint, this has now been fixed.
  • While generating BloomFilters and retrieving IDAT via the MPI-Client a IdatNotFoundException resulted in the result-set translation failing. The fixed implementation now filters rows for non retrievable IDs.

Clients released in the binary assets:

  • MPI client PDQ (
  • openEHR client (

Docker containers for this release can be access via the GitHub Docker registry:

Issues closed:

  • Upgrade docker-compose in 3MeDIC/TTP Test-Setup #148
  • Process Simple Feasibility fails if the MPI client cannot find IDATs of patient #146
  • Upgrade Dependencies #131
  • Migrate Integration Tests to Use PostgreSQL 13 #130
  • Rework .gitignore enhancement priority low ready for release #127
  • Add field ehr_id to org.highmed.openehr.model.structure.Request enhancement ready for release #123
  • PDQ client: replace security implementations with the RWH crypto-utils library enhancement ready for release #122
  • Make openEHR MPI-ID path a changeable property enhancement ready for release #121
  • Add Retry-Facade for FHIR Client #119
  • Add process to manually download the allow list #118
  • Compute Simple Feasibility 0.2.0: Non valid Task resource send by TTP if no MeDIC result received #117
  • Update of Organization fails if thumbprint changed bug ready for release #115
  • Use Service Loader for OpenEHR Client enhancement ready for release #101
  • Create Process to Test Local DSF/openEHR/MPI Integration enhancement ready for release #96
  • Move Process Specific Variables enhancement priority low ready for release #83
  • Move Process Specific Constants enhancement priority low ready for release #82
  • Implement check resource update request #52

0.2.1 - bug fix release for version 0.2.0

06 Jul 18:07
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Fixes include:

  • Workaround added for high CPU load on BPE server after FHIR server restart due to inadequate handling of TLS 1.3 close events by client/server websocket endpoints.
  • Generated literal references removed from history bundles.
  • Updated docker-compose version in 3 MeDIC / TTP test-setup.

Docker containers for this release can be access via the GitHub Docker registry:

Issues closed:

  • High CPU Load on BPE Server After FHIR Server Restart #112
  • Remove Generated Literal References from History Bundles #110

0.2.0 - second feature release of the HiGHmed Data Sharing Framework

29 Jun 18:29
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Features include:

  • FHIR profiles are defined for Task, Organization, Endpoint, ResearchStudy and Group resources. All resources are validated on create or update via the REST API. The CapabilityStatement now lists supported FHIR profiles.
  • Access to FHIR resources is now dependent on access control rules. Resources can either be allowed by location (local or remote access) or based on the resource referencing the users organization.
  • Authorization to execute or continue a process via Task resources is now dependent on the users organization type (MeDIC - medical data integration center or TTP - trusted third party) and location (local, remote). Allowed combinations of recipient, and requester are configured via ActivityDefinition resources while also defining the expected Task profile.
  • Missing aspects of the FHIR HTTP API implemented: Content of Binary resources can now be directly created, updated and downloaded via content negotiation (HTTP headers Content-Type and Accept), see Binary. History URLs are now supported and a 'deleted' version is correctly created when a resource is Deleted, see history. HTTP header Prefer is now supported to set strict or lenient search parameter parsing, see handling errors, as well as minimal (status code only), representation (created/updated resource) or OperationOutcome (may include validation warnings) results in responses of create and update operations, see REST API.
  • Logical references are now resolved and if resolvable additionally stored as literal references in the database for searching. Resolved literal references are remove again before returning a resource to the user.
  • Modifies the feasibility query process: Feasibility queries are always send to every participating organisation. The aggregation of the individual results of each organisation is now performed by the TTP, so that no MeDIC can know any other MeDICs result. Feasibility results will only be released by the TTP if more than 3 organisations responded. Feasibility queries can be executed with local patient consent checks and cross organization privacy preserving record linkage.
  • A new plugin interface allows for different Master Patient Index clients, depending on the supported Master Patient Index of an organisation.
  • Adds a Master Patient Client IHE PDQ implementation based on HL7 v2 Messages using client certificate authentication.
  • Multi-stage Docker builds are used to minimized the number of layers for the fhir and bpe (business process engine) containers.
  • Library dependencies upgraded to latest versions where applicable.
  • Continues integration builds migrated from travis to GitHub Actions.

Docker containers for this release can be access via the GitHub Docker registry:

Issues closed:

  • Enable Download of Missed Task Resources in BPE Server #105
  • Enable Startup of BPE without a running FHIR Server #104
  • Upgrade Dependencies for 0.2.0 Release #103
  • Modify DELETE Implementation to Comply with FHIR REST API #99
  • Implement FHIR _history #97
  • Implement MPI client #91
  • Migrate from travis to GitHub Actions #88
  • Minimize Layers Created by fhir and bpe Docker Builds #84
  • Integrate Record Linkage and Pseudonymization Services into Feasibility Process #79
  • Adapt simple feasibility for new Requirements #68
  • Use conditional create for resources in bundles that don't change #67
  • Snapshot generation results in incomplete snapshots if differential not based on FHIR base profile #45
  • Snapshot generation fails for Task resources #43
  • Add supported Fhir profiles to the CapabilityStatement #27
  • Implement Binary resource #10
  • Add validation for HiGHmed profiles #8

0.1.0 - first feature release of the HiGHmed Data Sharing Framework

01 Apr 02:05
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Features include:

  • FHIR Webserver supporting Version R4 resources ActivityDefinition, Binary, Bundle, CodeSystem, Endpoint, Group, NamingSystem, Organization, Practitioner, PractitionerRole, ResearchStudy, StructureDefinition, Subscription, Task and ValueSet
  • Business Process Engine to execute BPMN 2.0 models

Docker containers for this version can be access via the GitHub Docker registry: