File tree
1,049 files changed
lines changed- vendor
- compute/metadata
- iam
- apiv1/iampb
- internal
- trace
- storage
- internal
- apiv2
- storagepb
- Abirdcfly/dupword
- Antonboom
- nilnil/pkg/analyzer
- testifylint
- analyzer
- internal
- analysisutil
- checkers
- config
- testify
- BurntSushi/toml
- GaijinEntertainment/go-exhaustruct/v3
- analyzer
- internal/fields
- Masterminds/semver
- OpenPeeDeeP/depguard/v2
- alecthomas/go-check-sumtype
- bombsimon/wsl/v3
- butuzov
- ireturn/analyzer
- internal/types
- mirror
- internal/checker
- catenacyber/perfsprint/analyzer
- ccojocar/zxcvbn-go
- match
- scoring
- cespare/xxhash/v2
- cosmos/cosmos-sdk
- simapp
- x
- distribution/keeper
- gov
- keeper
- migrations/v046
- types
- v1
- nft/keeper
- staking
- keeper
- types
- daixiang0/gci/pkg
- config
- gci
- parse
- section
- specificity
- denis-tingaikin/go-header
- esimonov/ifshort
- pkg/analyzer
- ettle/strcase
- fatih/color
- firefart/nonamedreturns/analyzer
- ghostiam/protogetter
- go-critic/go-critic/checkers
- internal/lintutil
- rulesdata
- go-logfmt/logfmt
- go-logr/logr
- funcr
- go-toolsmith/astequal
- gofrs/flock
- golang/glog
- golangci
- check
- cmd
- structcheck
- varcheck
- go-misc
- deadcode
- gofmt
- gofmt
- internal/diff
- goimports
- golangci-lint
- cmd/golangci-lint
- pkg
- commands
- config
- fsutils
- golinters
- goanalysis
- load
- nolintlint
- goutil
- lint
- linter
- lintersdb
- logutils
- packages
- printers
- result
- processors
- lint-1
- maligned
- misspell
- revgrep
- unconvert
- google/s2a-go
- internal
- proto
- common_go_proto
- s2a_context_go_proto
- s2a_go_proto
- v2
- common_go_proto
- s2a_context_go_proto
- s2a_go_proto
- record
- tokenmanager
- v2
- tlsconfigstore
- googleapis/gax-go/v2
- apierror
- internal
- hashicorp
- errwrap
- go-multierror
- go-version
- jgautheron/goconst
- kisielk
- errcheck/errcheck
- gotool
- internal/load
- kkHAIKE/contextcheck
- kunwardeep/paralleltest/pkg/paralleltest
- ldez/gomoddirectives
- leonklingele/grouper/pkg/analyzer
- macabu/inamedparam
- mattn/go-isatty
- mbilski/exhaustivestruct
- pkg/analyzer
- mgechev/revive
- config
- formatter
- lint
- rule
- moricho/tparallel
- nishanths/exhaustive
- nunnatsa/ginkgolinter
- ginkgohandler
- gomegahandler
- reverseassertion
- types
- pelletier/go-toml/v2
- internal/tracker
- unstable
- polyfloyd/go-errorlint/errorlint
- quasilyte/go-ruleguard
- internal/xtypes
- ruleguard
- irconv
- quasigo
- textmatch
- ryancurrah/gomodguard
- sashamelentyev/usestdlibvars/pkg/analyzer
- securego/gosec/v2
- analyzers
- cwe
- issue
- rules
- sivchari
- nosnakecase
- tenv
- spf13
- afero
- mem
- cobra
- t-yuki/gocover-cobertura
- tetafro/godot
- tomarrell/wrapcheck/v2/wrapcheck
- ultraware/whitespace
- uudashr/gocognit
- yeya24/promlinter
- ykadowak/zerologlint
- contrib/instrumentation
- internal
- net/http/otelhttp
- internal/semconvutil
- otel
- attribute
- baggage
- codes
- internal
- attribute
- baggage
- global
- metric
- embedded
- noop
- propagation
- semconv
- v1.17.0
- v1.20.0
- trace
- embedded
- crypto
- blake2b
- blowfish
- chacha20poly1305
- cryptobyte
- asn1
- curve25519
- internal/field
- ed25519
- hkdf
- internal/poly1305
- nacl
- box
- secretbox
- openpgp
- armor
- errors
- pbkdf2
- ripemd160
- salsa20/salsa
- sha3
- exp
- slices
- slog
- typeparams
- mod
- modfile
- net
- http2
- oauth2
- sync
- sys
- cpu
- unix
- windows
- term
- text
- time
- tools
- go
- analysis
- passes
- asmdecl
- buildtag
- copylock
- fieldalignment
- nilness
- printf
- stringintconv
- tests
- ast/astutil
- internal/packagesdriver
- packages
- ssa
- types/objectpath
- internal
- aliases
- analysisinternal
- gocommand
- imports
- pkgbits
- stdlib
- typeparams
- typesinternal
- versions
- api
- iamcredentials/v1
- internal
- gensupport
- option
- storage/v1
- transport
- grpc
- http
- genproto/googleapis
- api/annotations
- type
- date
- expr
- grpc
- backoff
- balancer
- grpclb
- grpc_lb_v1
- roundrobin
- binarylog/grpc_binarylog_v1
- credentials
- alts/internal
- conn
- handshaker/service
- proto/grpc_gcp
- encoding
- proto
- grpclog
- internal
- backoff
- channelz
- envconfig
- grpclog
- grpcrand
- grpcsync
- resolver/dns
- internal
- transport
- metadata
- stats
- analysis
- code
- facts/nilness
- lint
- report
- config
- go
- ast/astutil
- ir
- irutil
- types/typeutil
- internal
- passes/buildir
- knowledge
- pattern
- simple
- staticcheck
- fakereflect
- fakexml
- stylecheck
- unused
- gofumpt
- format
- internal/govendor/go
- doc/comment
- format
- printer
- interfacer
- check
- lint
- unparam/check
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
1,049 files changed
lines changed+3-3
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
3 | 3 |
| |
4 | 4 |
| |
5 | 5 |
| |
| 6 | + | |
6 | 7 |
| |
| 8 | + | |
7 | 9 |
| |
8 | 10 |
| |
9 | 11 |
| |
| |||
13 | 15 |
| |
14 | 16 |
| |
15 | 17 |
| |
| 18 | + | |
16 | 19 |
| |
17 | 20 |
| |
18 | 21 |
| |
| |||
33 | 36 |
| |
34 | 37 |
| |
35 | 38 |
| |
36 |
| - | |
37 | 39 |
| |
38 | 40 |
| |
39 | 41 |
| |
| |||
79 | 81 |
| |
80 | 82 |
| |
81 | 83 |
| |
82 |
| - | |
83 | 84 |
| |
84 | 85 |
| |
85 | 86 |
| |
| |||
230 | 231 |
| |
231 | 232 |
| |
232 | 233 |
| |
233 |
| - | |
234 | 234 |
| |
235 | 235 |
| |
236 | 236 |
| |
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