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2025-01-28 |
billing items, cancel, cancel billing items, cancel resources, delete resource, delete billing items |
account |
{: #cancel-billing-items}
You're billed for resources in your account until you cancel them. If you have deleted a resource or have resources in your account that are no longer used, make sure to cancel all billing items associated with those resources.
Billing items can't be recovered after they are canceled. {: note}
To cancel billing items, complete the following steps:
- If you haven't deleted the resource, you need to do so:
- After you delete your resource, from the {{}} console, go to Manage > Billing and usage and select Billing items.
- Expand the items to find any associated billing items to resources that you deleted.
- Click Actions > Cancel Billing Item.
- Select Immediately or Anniversary Date to specify when to cancel the item.
- Click Continue.
- Acknowledge that data loss might occur and click Cancel Service.