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Video #29: Misc. footage: '服务器世界备份_1.flv'

Post Date Minecraft Version Length FPS Resolution Youtube Link
2023-6-10 Minecraft Alpha v1.0.16.05 R4 5:54 48 1280x720 Watch it here

The video title translates to "Misc. footage: 'Server World Backup_1.flv'


Video name: 服务器世界备份_1.flv

"This one's confusing, so I'll try to be quick in explaining what's going on here." "It's interesting for a few reasons. It was found on bilibili, and from what I can gather it's part of some kind of horror series directed using R4."

"I think it doesn't have to be said that 1.2.22,22_00 is not a real version. Whoever made the video used one of the hacked clients that were circluating around that time, one of its features was letting you change the version string. People used that back then to advertise their servers or whatever, and for the sake of making the experience as complete as it can be, we'll be adding that feature into [Cypress] too. But what's truly interesting is what happens somewhere in the middle of that footage. I'm fairly sure that part was recorded actually in [RD]. This version numbering is exactly the same, and technically, noone outside of us should have known what that looks like at the time. What's going on here?" "I'm also seeing a lot of things I don't remember from my time working on the code. Most of it is in the current dump of the code that we're basing [Cypress] off, but..."


(0:01) A large black box covers part of the screen.

(0:02) The screen glitches, and some Haiza text appears for a moment.

translation: another comes another

(0:06) A world from Branchbots streams is seen. (needs to be properly verified)

(0:22) Blackout.

(0:23) The player is in a different place, screen blinks to black again

(0:24) The screen glitches again.

(0:25) Blackout.

(0:26) A sign that when brightened, appears to say 'funny dianey land', followed by hashtags the cover the bottom line of the sign.

(0:41) Screen blacks out again, the player is back where they started.

(0:42) A slowed-down version of Faux Divinity begins to play.

(0:50) Another blackout, with Haiza that reads 'legacy' over and over again appearing for a few frames, and more to the bottom left that reads 'why even bother at all'.

(0:51) Player teleports again.

(1:00) Player lowers fog distance.

(1:04) Video becomes very bright.

(1:07) Brightness returns to normal.

(1:09) Sign that reads 'The King stands before them out here in the', and one that is extremely illegible, however the words 'know' and 'to be' can be made out.

(1:14) Blackout, player teleports yet again.

(1:23) Strange noises play.

(1:40) Blackout, player teleports.

(1:45) Player teleports again.

(1:56) Blackout.

(1:59) Player freezes, video begins to severely glitch out, while more creepy noises play and version text changes to 'right'.

(2:02) Video cuts to player walking into an area seen to the right a few seconds ago.

(2:26) Strange beep plays, version text changes to 'goupifyoucanseethis', and blocks stop rendering.

(2:27) Blocks render in again, and a popping noise begins to play.

(2:30) Blackout, video cuts to the player having climbed the ladder.

(2:40) Screen darkens, glitches out for a moment.

(2:43) Sign that reads 'i remember when this server was good. before displace'.

(2:47) Screen brightens, serveral signs that read:

'chest chest spear'

'chest spear'

'i remember doing drugs in a place like th(is) -ArlekInOfDes'

'chest chest chest'

'Nice build -Jamiebaxxfr'

'chest spear' again.

'Forgive me my weakness but i still dont know why'

(2:59) Video blacks out, and glitches out again. Version text changes to 'you know you have to doit.

(3:09) Cave sound plays, player is spooked.

(3:25) Growling(?) noise is heard.

(3:26) Video blacks out, doesn't come back until 3:30.

(3:30) Video is glitching again, version text reads 'thepathopensforknowledge'.

(3:36) Blackout.

(3:37) Video returns with the version string 'RD v1.14.07 R3', screen is blurred slightly, and a buzzing noise is heard.

(3:43) Video cuts, blur intensifies.

(4:15) Video cuts.

(4:34) Video zooms in on reticle, with two white bars as well.

(4:39) Video cuts again, the version string now reads 'sacrificium.' which is Latin for 'sacrifice'.

(4:45) Blackout, audio is still heard.

(4:48) Video cuts to a first-person perspective of the player(?) falling down the hole they were looking into a second ago.

(4:55) Blackout, audio is gone now too.

(5:01) Creepy noise begins to play.

(5:07) Video comes back, although the UI is gone and video is distorted.

(5:53) Video blacks out, some strange voices are heard before the video ends.


The Miraheze wiki says that Branchbot created the video, and that the video takes place on one of their worlds in the Trivia section, but this needs to be verifed somehow.