A Setter sets the data to the object as it would be needed.
- Objectbrick -> saves the data to an objectbrick
- Localizedfield -> saves the data to the specific language field
- Classificationstore -> Saves the data to a classificationstore field
- Fieldcollection -> Saves the data to a fieldcollection
- Key -> Sets Object Key to a more dynamic value
- ObjectType -> Sets Object Type to a more dynamic value
Of course, you can also implement your own Setters. Its basically the same as with Interpreters.
Todo that, you need to implement the interface Instride\Bundle\DataDefinitionsBundle\Setter\SetterInterface
and create a service
class: AcmeBundle\DataDefinitions\MySetter
- { name: data_definitions.setter, type: mysetter, form-type: Instride\Bundle\DataDefinitionsBundle\Form\Type\NoConfigurationType }
If your Setter does have configuration as well, you need to create a new FormType and add a new Javascript file for the GUI:
pimcore.plugin.datadefinitions.setters.mysetter = Class.create(pimcore.plugin.datadefinitions.setters.abstract, {
You also need to load your Javascript File in your config.yml
my_setter: '/static/pimcore/mysetter.js'