Releases: intel/media-driver
Intel Media Driver 2022Q2 Release - 22.4.4
Official quarterly release including some enhancements and key fixes.
- GmmLib: intel-gmmlib-22.1.4
- Libva: 2.15.0
Supported Platforms
- BDW (Broadwell)
- SKL (Skylake)
- BXTx (BXT: Broxton, APL: Apollo Lake, GLK: Gemini Lake)
- KBLx (KBL: Kaby Lake, CFL: Coffe Lake, WHL: Whiskey Lake, CML: Comet Lake, AML: Amber Lake)
- ICL (Ice Lake)
- JSL (Jasper Lake) / EHL (Elkhart Lake)
- TGLx (TGL: Tiger Lake, RKL: Rocket Lake, ADL-S/P/N: Alder Lake, RPL-S/P: Raptor Lake)
- DG1/SG1
- Alchemist(DG2)/ATSM
What's New
List of new features comparing to previous release as below. You could refer to Readme for more information.
Alchemist(DG2)/ATS-M New Features and Enhancement
- Enabled HDR10 and HVS support
New Platform
- Added RPL-P platform enabling
Key Improvement
- Added HDR10 capability report
Known issues
- Refer to known-issues-and-limitations.
Intel Media Driver 2022Q1 Release - 22.3.1
Official quarterly release including some enhancements and key fixes.
- GmmLib: intel-gmmlib-22.1.2
- Libva: 2.14.0
Supported Platforms
- BDW (Broadwell)
- SKL (Skylake)
- BXTx (BXT: Broxton, APL: Apollo Lake, GLK: Gemini Lake)
- KBLx (KBL: Kaby Lake, CFL: Coffe Lake, WHL: Whiskey Lake, CML: Comet Lake, AML: Amber Lake)
- ICL (Ice Lake)
- JSL (Jasper Lake) / EHL (Elkhart Lake)
- TGLx (TGL: Tiger Lake, RKL: Rocket Lake, ADL-S/P/N: Alder Lake, RPL-S: Raptor Lake)
- DG1/SG1
- Alchemist(DG2)/ATSM
What's New
Alchemist(DG2)/ATS-M New Features and Enhancement
List of new features comparing to previous release as below. You could refer to Readme for more information.
- Enabled encoding support including AV1/VP9/HEVC/AVC/JPEG codec
- Enhanced AV1 decoding robustness for syntax error handling
- Enabled render copy support
- Added Video Processing kernel source code
New Platform
- Added RPL-S platform support
Key Improvement
- Improved VP9 encoding performance for BRC cases on TGL+ platforms
- Added GmmLib compatible check
- Enabled per-gen build for platform customization
Known issues
- Refer to known-issues-and-limitations.
Intel Media Driver 2021Q4 Release - 22.1.1
Official quarterly release including some enhancements and key fixes.
- GmmLib: intel-gmmlib-22.0.1
- Libva: 2.13.0
Supported Platforms
- BDW (Broadwell)
- SKL (Skylake)
- BXTx (BXT: Broxton, APL: Apollo Lake, GLK: Gemini Lake)
- KBLx (KBL: Kaby Lake, CFL: Coffe Lake, WHL: Whiskey Lake, CML: Comet Lake, AML: Amber Lake)
- ICL (Ice Lake)
- JSL (Jasper Lake) / EHL (Elkhart Lake)
- TGLx (TGL: Tiger Lake, RKL: Rocket Lake, ADL-S/P/N: Alder Lake)
- DG1/SG1
- Alchemist(DG2)/ATS-M(Arctic Sound Mainstream)
What's New
New Features and Enhancement
List of new features comparing to previous release as below. You could refer to Readme for more information.
- Enabled Alchemist/ATS-M platform decoding and video processing features
- Added ADL-N platform support
- Enhanced AV1 decoding robustness for error clips handling
- Added vaCopy caps reporting
- Enabled GPU copy for small resolution in vaMap/unMap
- Optimized GetImage perf for NV12 format
- Added HEVC sub-features caps reporting
- Improved compatibility by disabling compression when creating surface
- Improved debuggability by enabling OCA support
Key Fixes
- Fixed multiple layer composition corruption issue
- Fixed OCA stability issue in multi-thread scenario
- Fixed render copy mem leak
Known issues
- Refer to known-issues-and-limitations.
Intel Media Driver 2021Q3 Release - 21.3.5
Official quarterly release including some enhancements and key fixes.
- GmmLib: intel-gmmlib-21.3.1
- Libva: 2.13.0
Supported Platforms
- BDW (Broadwell)
- SKL (Skylake)
- BXTx (BXT: Broxton, APL: Apollo Lake, GLK: Gemini Lake)
- KBLx (KBL: Kaby Lake, CFL: Coffe Lake, WHL: Whiskey Lake, CML: Comet Lake, AML: Amber Lake)
- ICL (Ice Lake)
- JSL (Jasper Lake) / EHL (Elkhart Lake)
- TGLx (TGL: Tiger Lake, RKL: Rocket Lake, ADL-S/P: Alder Lake)
- DG1/SG1
What's New
List of new features comparing to previous release as below. You could refer to Readme for more information.
- Enabled vaCopy by GPU HW
- Added 0YUV decode output format support
Known issues
- Refer to known-issues-and-limitations.
Intel Media Driver 2021Q2 Release - 21.2.3
Official quarterly release including some enhancements and key fixes.
- GmmLib: intel-gmmlib-21.2.1
- Libva: 2.12.0
Supported Platforms
What's New
TGL/RKL/DG1/SG1/ADL-S/ADL-P New Features and Enhancement
List of new features comparing to previous release as below. You could refer to Readme for more information.
- Enhanced robustness for AV1 decode error cases
- Enabled MBQP in ForceQP mode for AVC VDEnc
- Enabled Planar BGR and RGB surface output for video analytics usage
- Enabled 3DLUT(Three Dimensional Look Up Table) for HDR usage
Key Fixes
Video Processing
- Fixed Tone Mapping Corruption issue of HDR10 P010 to SDR NV12
Known issues
- Refer to known-issues-and-limitations.
Intel Media Driver 2021Q1 Release - 21.1.3
Official quarterly release including some enhancements and key fixes.
- GmmLib: intel-gmmlib-21.1.1
- Libva: 2.11.0
Supported Platforms
What's New
TGL/RKL/DG1/SG1/ADL-S/ADL-P New Features
List of new features comparing to previous release as below. You could refer to Readme for more information.
- Optimized AV1 Decode software latency
- Enhanced AV1 Decode robustness for error clip
- Put render/VEBOX heap in local memory if needed on DGFX
Key Fixes
- Fixed AV1 Decode corruption issue
HEVC VME Encoding
- Fixed HEVC Encoder resolution threshold issue
- Fixed HEVC Encoder active polling latency issue
VP9 VDEnc Encoding
- Corrected for VAConfigAttribEncPackedHeaders capability
- Enabled encoding MxN tile configurations on a single VDBox
Video Processing
- Fixed NV12 interlaced scaling alignment issue
Known issues
- Refer to known-issues-and-limitations.
Intel Media Driver 2020Q4 Release - 20.4.5
Official quarterly release including some enhancements and key fixes.
- GmmLib: intel-gmmlib-20.4.1
- Libva: 2.10.0
Supported Platforms
What's New
TGL/RKL/DG1/SG1 New Features and Enhancement
List of new features comparing to previous release as below. You could refer to Readme for more information.
- Enabled VP8 Decode
- Enabled film grain internal buffer array
- Enabled HEVC VME P Frames support
- Enabled AVC VDEnc TCBRC support
- Improved synchronization mechanism for compressed resource destroy
- Enabled Execution Unit (EU) fused dispatch for 8K processing
Other Platforms Enhancement
Video Processing
- Enhanced surface dump for debuggability
Key Fixes
- Fixed VP9 playback corruption issue when MMC enabled
HEVC VME Encoding
- Fixed BRC reset issue
VP9 VDEnc Encoding
- Fixed tile LCU streamout offset issue
- Fixed temporal scalability dumps issue
Video Processing
- Fixed DI corruption issue
- Fixed iscaling issue
- Fixed memory leak issue in Render Hal
Known issues
- Refer to known-issues-and-limitations.
Intel Media Driver Q3'2020 Release
Official quarterly release including some enhancements and key fixes.
- GmmLib: intel-gmmlib-20.3.2
- Libva: 2.9.0
Supported Platforms
What's New
TGL/RKL/DG1/SG1 New Features and Enhancement
List of new features comparing to previous release as below. You could refer to Readme for more information.
- Enabled AV1 4:2:0 8bit and 10bit decoding for both driver and MSDK, up to 8K video decoding and 16K still picture decoding.
- Added Y212 and Y412 color format support for 12 bit decoding.
- Added several RePAK related changes for VP9 performance improvements including Pak-only RePAK and adaptive-RePAK
- Reconstructed Surface Variant formats configuration is now handled by the media-driver
- Added HuC Error Status Report improvements for VP9 VDEnc encoding
- Added scaling interpolation method(nearest, bilinear, advanced)
- Added resource usage type to specify cache policy usage
- Enabled SFC bilinear scaling.
Other Platforms Enhancement
Video Processing
- Added X2RGB10 and X2BGR10 support in vaQuerySurfaceAttributes
- Enhanced sharpness and CSC on JSL/EHL
- Enhanced planar RGB surface sharing via vaExportSurfaceHandle
Key Fixes
HEVC VME Encoding
- Fixed the memory growth issue.
VP9 VDEnc Encoding
- Fixed issue where unaligned resolutions specified from application level would prevent encoding from working
- Fixed some performance issues due to resource contention in CodecHAL
- Fixed MMC related critical section hang issue in Free Kernel build
Legacy Encoding
- Fixed h264e corruption issue due to padding offset (when input surface format is nv12 tile-Y and height does not meet the alignment)
Video Processing
- Fixed color Fill issue
- Fixed VP context leak issue in DdiMedia_GetImage
- Fixed composition issue
- Fixed pitch issue with Denoise only
Known issues
- VP8 decode output corruption issues#1028 could be fixed by ffmpeg#eb6bb8f.
- Surface sharing interface upgrade is necessary for DMA buffer sharing, detail in issue#997.
- Others refer to known-issues-and-limitations.
Intel Media Driver 2020Q3 Pre-release 20.3.pre8
GmmLib: intel-gmmlib-20.3.1
LibVA: 2.9.0.pre2
Intel Media Driver 2020Q3 Pre-release 20.3.pre7
GmmLib: intel-gmmlib-20.2.5
LibVA: 2.9.0.pre1