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6c055751-ef9c-44eb-8a2a-f9957f40987a Accounting intern https://boards.greenhouse.io/crabi/jobs/4843605003 Guadalajara Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico ¡Tu próximo reto está en Crabi!Estamos buscando un Auxiliar Contable Jr para la primera neo-aseguradora de México. Somos una startup de producto que ofrece un seguro de auto digital, simple y personalizado. En este rol tendrás la oportunidad de poner en práctica tus conocimientos, aprender de un equipo apasionado por lo que hace, mientras logras en Crabi la mejora de procesos contables y llevar un adecuado registro en facturación En Crabi buscamos todos los días innovar el servicio tradicional integrando tecnología enfocados en el usuario. Cada día es una sorpresa, reímos y disfrutamos el camino, serás parte de de un equipo talentoso, guiado por el respeto, la confianza, y la innovación.Se responsable de:Provisión / Registro contable de facturasSeguimiento de llegada de facturasRevisión requisitos fiscales de facturasCierre de saldo de proveedores mensualRegistro de comprobación de viáticosFacturación de clientes (casos específicos)Lo que necesitarás:Estudiante de contaduría últimos semestresDisponibilidad de horario Experiencia laboral Lo que ofrecemos:Opción home officeHorario flexible Seguro de vida Seguro de gastos médicos mayoresVales de despensaFondo de ahorro15% de descuento en tu seguro de auto Crabi
d00291e6-f2b1-4950-9c44-3f8e9cbd5f79 Responsable de Auditoría y Control Interno https://boards.greenhouse.io/crabi/jobs/4844780003 Guadajara, Jalisco Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico Hello Crabi candidate!Crabi está revolucionando la industria del seguro de auto, somos la primera y única startup que logra constituirse como aseguradora para entregar a nuestros usuarios un seguro de auto digital, simple, accesible y a un precio inteligente. Nuestra misión es solucionar la vida del usuario para mantenerlo en su camino. El rol:Buscamos un Responsable de Auditoría y Control Interno que agregue valor a Crabi en la mejora de nuestras operaciones y pueda brindar un enfoque sistemático y disciplinado a la efectividad de nuestros procesos de gestión de control, y gobierno corporativo. Si tienes conocimiento profundo de los procedimientos contables y buen juicio. ¡Te queremos conocer!En este rol tendrás la oportunidad de trabajar en equipo con las distintas áreas de Crabi y apoyar específicamente a finanzas, actuaría, PLD y TI a lograr un dictamen favorable en sus respectivas auditorías externas.Lo que lograrás:Revisar que las políticas y normas aprobadas por el Consejo de administración funcionen de manera adecuada. Mapear procesos y elaborar diagramas generales de flujo de actividades.Verificar que los manuales, políticas y procedimientos cumplan con las disposiciones legales, reglamentarias y administrativas. Establecer el sistema de Control Interno.Evaluar el funcionamiento operativo de las áreas y mantener informados a los directivos de las debilidades y mejoras.Verificar la funcionalidad de los controles y mejora de estos.Elaborar y actualizar los Manuales de Auditoría Interna y Control Interno.Generar Informes de Auditoría Interna con la periodicidad necesaria, donde se emitan recomendaciones sobre los procesos y, en conjunto con el responsable del área, determinar planes de acción para subsanar incidencias.Generar un Plan de Auditoría Anual y de los Informes del funcionamiento del sistema de Control Interno.Lo que necesitarás:Licenciatura en Contabilidad.Experiencia de 2 años o más en área de auditoría interna.Conocimiento de los estándares y procedimientos de auditoría, leyes, reglas y regulaciones.Gran atención al detalle y excelentes habilidades analíticas.Lo que ofrecemos:Fondo de ahorroSeguro de gastos médicos mayoresSeguro de vidaVales de despensa 15% de descuento en tu seguro de auto crabiLibros gratis Home officeNuestra cultura:Nuestros valores impulsan la forma en que colaboramos entre nosotros: somos valientes, comprometidos, nos encanta seguir aprendiendo, somos honestos, disfrutamos lo que hacemos y está en cada uno de nosotros dar nuestra mejor versión cada día.
17cae8ac-1413-42fe-b124-eae3d485c263 Customer Experience Partner https://boards.greenhouse.io/crabi/jobs/4838941003 Guadalajara Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico ¡Tu siguiente oportunidad está en Crabi! Buscamos jóvenes apasionados por las ventas, que sepan identificar las necesidades del cliente para ofrecer experiencias memorables, y que disfruten trabajar por objetivos Por qué Crabi:Crabi está revolucionando la industria del seguro de auto. Somos la primera y única startup 100% tapatía. Tú puedes formar parte de una de las compañías de mayor potencial en México, en un equipo apasionado en todo lo que hace, y desarrollar todo tu potencial Qué hace el rol:Comunica el valor de nuestro producto el primer y único seguro de auto 100% digital, es responsable de acompañar a nuestros usuarios en el momento de adquirir, renovar y requerir algún soporte de su servicio. Su misión es deleitar en cada momento a los usuarios con un seguro de auto justo y transparente. El crabisiñio será un gran embajador que refleja los valores Crabi siendo: valiente, honesto, transparente, comprometido, y sobre todo dando lo mejor de sí día con día. Lo que lograrás:Ser un vendedor experto y promotor del producto Crabi, acompañando a cualquier usuario en su seguro de auto digital y a su medida.Crear relaciones honestas con nuestros leads y usuarios, procurando una oportunidad para adquirir nuevos usuarios, generar lealtad y crear grandes experienciasSer un verdadero embajador de los valores Crabi en cada llamada Convertirte en especialista del producto Crabi para ofrecer justo lo que el usuario necesitaHacerte responsable de la conversión de leads y acompañamiento de usuarios mediante nuestros diferentes canales de venta (llamadas telefónicas, chats, Whatsapp, referidos, etc) Guiar y acompañar al cliente durante el proceso de asegurar su caminoLo necesitas:Excelencia en experiencia al cliente (ventas y renovaciones)Manejo adecuado de interacciones y seguimiento a usuariosCuriosidad por cómo hacer mejor las cosas.Autonomía y trabajo por objetivos.Capacidad para escuchar y hacer preguntas efectivas.Capacidad para aprender conceptos complejos y poder explicarlos de forma sencilla.Deseables:Alto desempeño en ventas o retenciónInglés básico.Hubspot (CRM) o cualquier otro conocido de CRM.Conocimiento de MS Office.Nuestra cultura: Nuestros valores impulsan la forma en que colaboramos entre nosotros: somos valientes, nos encanta seguir aprendiendo, disfrutamos lo que hacemos y está en cada uno de nosotros dar nuestra mejor versión cada día.
7865be31-d79c-4a55-91f7-44f758224f23 Customer Retention Partner https://boards.greenhouse.io/crabi/jobs/4838943003 Guadalajara Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico Hello Crabi candidateCrabi is looking for a retention specialist that will communicate to our current customers and retain our services with them. In this role, you will be responsible for the follow up of our customers, assure a memorable experience in every call and become a Crabi ambassador. Your core KPI: Retention Rate.The Role:We are looking for results oriented people and someone that creates value for our customers in every call, with excellent communication and problem solving skills. The customer retention team is responsible for constantly identifying improvement areas on our product or service that will have a positive impact on our customer's experience.Your mission:Contact our customers on a daily basis to remind them that their car insurance it's about to expire. You will accompany them during their renewal process until payment is completed, by meeting their needs and offering an extraordinary customer experience. Promote our values and purpose in every point of contact.What you’ll achieve:You will guide our users during their renewal process until they have their car insured with Crabi for another period.Resolve doubts regarding our product or services. You will find customer's hidden needs, and offer alternatives to meet them.Be a Crabi ambassador and product master.You will be responsible for contacting our customers through different channels (Phone and Whatsapp).Working closely with a passionate team to overcome obstacles and achieve monthly goals.What you’ll need:Excellence in customer service and salesAutonomy & driven by objectives.Curiosity on how to do things better.Ability to listen and ask effective questionsAbility to learn complex concepts and be able to explain them in a simple and easy way.Problem - solving skills.Knowledge of Microsoft Office.Basic English.Nice to have:A successful story of being a top performer in previous experiences.Experience in customer retention.Experience in a startup.HubSpot (CRM) or any other CRM acquainted.Our goodies:Open to Home Office.Flexible Hours.Life insurance15% on car Insurance
e978a11c-41db-4228-b18f-0d1035bdcb0b Executive Assistant https://boards.greenhouse.io/crabi/jobs/4702718003 Guadalajara, Jalisco Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico ¡Tu próxima oportunidad está en Crabi!Buscamos: Executive Assistant de cinco estrellas para la primera neo-aseguradora de México. Somos una startup de producto que ofrece un seguro de auto digital, simple y personalizado.Nos gustaría invitarte a jugar un rol estratégico en la gestión del tiempo del CEO, a ingeniar maneras de solucionar los asuntos del día a día en una startup, y formar parte de un equipo apasionado por lo que hace. En Crabi buscamos todos los días innovar el servicio tradicional integrando tecnología enfocados en el usuario. Cada día es una sorpresa, reímos y disfrutamos el camino, serás parte de de un equipo talentoso, guiado por el respeto, la confianza, y la innovación.Lo que lograrás:Un excelente soporte administrativo para nuestro CEOVolverte un experto/a en el manejo del tiempo y priorizando actividades para nuestro CEOGestionar y mantener un ambiente y lugar de trabajo agradables para todos los CrabisiñosGarantizar que los procedimientos y operaciones de la oficina estén organizadosSer gurú en: agendar viajes y alojamientosLlevar una excelente organización de la comunicación y archivos del CEO para que pueda acceder a ellos sin ningún problemaLo que necesitarás:Enfoque y actitud de servicio.Pasión genuina por anticipar las necesidades y brindar el apoyo necesario.Excelentes habilidades de comunicación oral y escrita.Aprender rápido y tener capacidad de tomar decisiones. Adaptabilidad - manejar una variedad de tareas.Confiabilidad - mantener un alto nivel de confidencialidad en todo momento.Lo que ofrecemos:Seguro de vida Seguro de gastos médicos mayoresVales de despensaFondo de ahorro15% de descuento en tu seguro de auto CrabiLibros gratisNuestra cultura: Nuestros valores impulsan la forma en que colaboramos entre nosotros: somos valientes, comprometidos, nos encanta seguir aprendiendo, somos honestos, disfrutamos lo que hacemos y está en cada uno de nosotros dar nuestra mejor versión cada día.
ae69b355-b33c-4413-b86e-4c7a73ab5c0b C4B Customer Success - CL https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5726766002 Santiago Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38 ciudades de España, Portugal y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!!Sobre el puesto ¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Diseñar e implementar estrategias de ventas que aseguren el cumplimiento de los objetivos de ingresos mediante el crecimiento de clientes Top.Desarrollar y mantener relaciones extraordinarias con los clientes existentes para asegurar su satisfacción y retención, potencializando su desarrollo. Desarrollar un conocimiento profundo del negocio del cliente e identificar nuevas oportunidades de negocio presentando y recomendando nuevos productos y servicios de Cabify para Empresas.Trabajar estrechamente con la cartera asignada en procesos de capacitación y seguimiento que permitan acelerar las curvas de crecimiento de los clientes y su fidelización. Administrar proactivamente la cartera asignada enfocándose en el alcance de objetivos, entendiendo las necesidades de los clientes.Apoyar la gestión de cartera liderando y dando solución a inconvenientes que puedan causar retrasos en los pagos Lo que estamos buscando:Administrador/a de empresas, ingeniero o carreras afines Persona analítica, numérica, con excelentes habilidades de comunicación escrita y verbal, apasionada por las ventas y negociación, relacionamiento, atención al detalle y buenas habilidades de presentación y exposición. Experiencia de +4 años en manejo y gestión de clientes corporativos preferiblemente del sector tecnológico en posiciones similares como Key Account Manager, Customer Success Executive, etc.Sobre el equipo con el que trabajarás:Formarás parte de un equipo fantástico, experimentado y profesional que trabaja para posicionar la marca Cabify con energía, optimismo y pasión.Ahora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify. Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Seguro de Salud ComplementarioTodo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
a541444b-6731-42a0-9b9f-ed8266cf0932 C4B Sales Executive - CL https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5726763002 Santiago Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38+ ciudades de España, y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!!Misión del puesto:Generar nuevas oportunidades de negocio para el equipo de venta (vía: recepción de inboud leads, genera outbound leads y dinamización de la cartera de los ejecutivos de venta).¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Generar oportunidades de negociación (outbound leads) mediante la prospección (atendiendo a distintas alternativas de outbound leads: referidos, bases de datos, eventos...) y cualificación de empresas que se adecúen al perfil ideal de cliente de Cabify (ICP, Ideal Customer Profile). Gestionar las oportunidades de Inbound convertidas por el SDR y abordar el proceso comercial hasta su finalización.Estudiar tendencias sectoriales y mejores prácticas del entorno leadgen a nivel mundial, para después aplicar los conocimientos en nuevas técnicas dentro de la organización.Cómo nos gusta que seas:Actúa como co-propietario: alguien que trabaje duro y se sienta orgulloso de lo que hace. Tiene iniciativa y actúa cooperando cuando algo no funciona. Pero lo más importante de todo es que tenga vocación de servicio.Confía, comunica y desarrolla: una persona que escuche y aprenda, es transparente y exige lo mismo al resto.Abraza e impulsa el cambio: el cambio crea nuevas oportunidades. Sé el cambio que necesitamos para escalar y mejorar todavía más.Analiza, innova y simplifica: una persona que resuelve la raíz del problema y no sus síntoma. Plantea hipótesis y las testea. Comparte datos y no opiniones. Innova, es creativo, comete errores nuevos y los comparte para que aprendamos de ellos. Desecha lo obsoleto, busca la simplicidad y lo escalable. Contribuye y se compromete: alguien que comparte datos para tomar la mejor decisión. Toma decisiones y evita la parálisis por sobreanálisis. Produce un impacto: Busca que sus acciones produzcan un valor añadido. Piensa que “hecho” es mejor que “perfecto”. No reinventa la rueda. Entrega… y sigue mejorando.Tiene una actitud positiva y humilde: Se asegura de que la gente a su alrededor disfruta de los lunes. Es constructivo ante la adversidad y especialmente ante los errores. Promueve la diversidad y respeta opiniones distintas.Qué necesitamos que tengas:Skills técnicos:Excel/SheetSalesforce (deseable)Skills funcionales:Excelente habilidades comunicativasCreatividadOrganización y planificaciónAnalíticaEntre las competencias que buscamos en este perfil, prevalecen la orientación a resultados, el trabajo en equipo y cooperación, gran capacidad para tomar decisión y resolución, un profundo conocimiento técnico y del negocio, visión estratégica, orientación clara al cliente interno y externo, y mentalidad de mejora continua.Sin embargo, no es indispensable que tengas pero si deseable, experiencia en startups y estudios en Administración de Empresas, Marketing o afinesY además..Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Seguro de Salud complementario Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
83472b35-aff4-4321-9274-e7a6832957ea Customer Success Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5736484002 Lima,Perú Lima, Peru ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38 ciudades de España, Portugal y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!! Misión del puesto:Responsable de desarrollar relaciones con los clientes que promuevan la retención y fidelidad y aumenten las ventas de la base comercial existente maximizando el ingreso por cliente. Sobre el puesto¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Diseñar, planificar y controlar la estrategia comercial para una base de negocios nueva y existente y administrar cuentas para hacer crecer y retener negocios y cumplir o superar los objetivos de la compañía.Actuar como un enlace entre la empresa y sus clientes, ofreciendo un servicio confiable con el objetivo de garantizar la satisfacción de los clientes y minimizar el churn mediante el desarrollo de estrategias para mantener a los clientes existentes (Nivel de servicio = NPS).Participar en la planificación, desarrollo e implementación de estrategias de ventas con el Head of B2B para el logro de los resultados del negocio. Definir estrategias dentro del área de ventas y con otras áreas.Impulsar todos los aspectos del ciclo de postventa, incluidas las nuevas propuestas, estrategia de precio y las negociaciones de contratos, relacionados con todas las oportunidades de renovación y nuevas oportunidades comerciales.Gestionar el presupuesto asignado a su función.Establecer metas y objetivos para todas las personas del equipo y evaluar su desempeño. Lo que estamos buscando:Profesional en carreras administrativas o comerciales (Administración de Empresas, Ingeniería Industrial, Economía, Negocios o Marketing).Experiencia de mínimo 3 años liderando equipos comerciales enfocados a ventas B2B.Perfil muy comercial enfocado en generar estrategias para el mantenimiento de clientes corporativos.Inglés intermedio. Sobre el equipo con el que trabajarás:Serás parte del equipo de ventas, el equipo encargado del crecimiento de nuestra operación corporativa en el país. Un equipo dinámico, lleno de talento y que busca lo mejor para la compañía día tras día.Cómo nos gusta que seas: Actúa como co-propietario: alguien que trabaje duro y se sienta orgulloso de lo que hace. Tiene iniciativa y actúa cooperando cuando algo no funciona. Pero lo más importante de todo es que tenga vocación de servicio.Confía, comunica y desarrolla: una persona que escuche y aprenda, es transparente y exige lo mismo al resto.Abraza e impulsa el cambio: el cambio crea nuevas oportunidades. Sé el cambio que necesitamos para escalar y mejorar todavía más.Analiza, innova y simplifica: una persona que resuelve la raíz del problema y no su síntoma. Plantea hipótesis y las testea. Comparte datos y no opiniones. Innova, es creativo, comete errores nuevos y los comparte para que aprendamos de ellos. Desecha lo obsoleto, busca la simplicidad y lo escalable. Contribuye y se compromete: alguien que comparte datos para tomar la mejor decisión. Toma decisiones y evita la parálisis por sobre análisis.Produce un impacto: Busca que sus acciones produzcan un valor añadido. Piensa que “hecho” es mejor que “perfecto”. No reinventa la rueda. Entrega… y sigue mejorando.Tiene una actitud positiva y humilde: Se asegura de que la gente a su alrededor disfruta de los lunes. Es constructivo ante la adversidad y especialmente ante los errores. Promueve la diversidad y respeta opiniones distintas.Ahora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify. Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Seguro médico privado.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
9ef1618f-5bf9-4ae4-989e-849c0cc5abcf Sales Executive https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5654200002 Madrid Madrid, Spain ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38+ ciudades de España, y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!!Misión del puesto:Generar nuevas oportunidades de negocio para el equipo de venta (vía: recepción de inboud leads, genera outbound leads y dinamización de la cartera de los ejecutivos de venta).¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Generar oportunidades de negociación (outbound leads) mediante la prospección (atendiendo a distintas alternativas de outbound leads: referidos, bases de datos, eventos...) y cualificación de empresas que se adecúen al perfil ideal de cliente de Cabify (ICP, Ideal Customer Profile).Generar oportunidades de negociación (outbound leads) mediante la cualificación y dinamización de empresas de la cartera existente en el CRM de Cabify que se adecúen al perfil ideal de cliente de Cabify (ICP, Ideal Customer Profile).Gestionar las oportunidades de Inbound convertidas por el SDR y abordar el proceso comercial hasta su finalización.Estudiar tendencias sectoriales y mejores prácticas del entorno leadgen a nivel mundial, para después aplicar los conocimientos en nuevas técnicas dentro de la organización.Cómo nos gusta que seas:Actúa como co-propietario: alguien que trabaje duro y se sienta orgulloso de lo que hace. Tiene iniciativa y actúa cooperando cuando algo no funciona. Pero lo más importante de todo es que tenga vocación de servicio.Confía, comunica y desarrolla: una persona que escuche y aprenda, es transparente y exige lo mismo al resto.Abraza e impulsa el cambio: el cambio crea nuevas oportunidades. Sé el cambio que necesitamos para escalar y mejorar todavía más.Analiza, innova y simplifica: una persona que resuelve la raíz del problema y no sus síntoma. Plantea hipótesis y las testea. Comparte datos y no opiniones. Innova, es creativo, comete errores nuevos y los comparte para que aprendamos de ellos. Desecha lo obsoleto, busca la simplicidad y lo escalable. Contribuye y se compromete: alguien que comparte datos para tomar la mejor decisión. Toma decisiones y evita la parálisis por sobreanálisis. Produce un impacto: Busca que sus acciones produzcan un valor añadido. Piensa que “hecho” es mejor que “perfecto”. No reinventa la rueda. Entrega… y sigue mejorando.Tiene una actitud positiva y humilde: Se asegura de que la gente a su alrededor disfruta de los lunes. Es constructivo ante la adversidad y especialmente ante los errores. Promueve la diversidad y respeta opiniones distintas.Qué necesitamos que tengas:Skills técnicos:Excel/SheetSalesforceSkills funcionales:Excelente habilidades comunicativasCreatividadOrganización y planificaciónAnalíticaEntre las competencias que buscamos en este perfil, prevalecen la orientación a resultados, el trabajo en equipo y cooperación, gran capacidad para tomar decisión y resolución, un profundo conocimiento técnico y del negocio, visión estratégica, orientación clara al cliente interno y externo, y mentalidad de mejora continua.Sin embargo, no es indispensable que tengas pero si deseable, experiencia en startups y estudios en Administración de Empresas, Marketing o afinesY además..Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Retribución flexible en tickets restaurant, transporte, seguro médico y guarderías.Una sala de mascotas en la oficina para que no tengas que dejar a tu peludo amigo en casa.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
3e8bce6b-efeb-40e2-84f6-9ba8e07a4f75 Sales Executive Delivery B2B2C https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5409332002 Madrid Madrid, Spain ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38+ ciudades de España, y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!!Misión del puesto:Cerrar nuevos clientes B2B2C con la posibilidad de salir de la oficina para reunirse con ellos (en sus oficinas o en las de Cabify), pero también con gestiones telemáticas (teléfono y/o email). Gestionará las oportunidades convertidas principalmente por el equipo preventa (Pre-Sales Executives), pero también aquellas generadas por sí mismo (prospección propia).¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Cualificar, ofrecer propuesta de valor y negociar presencialmente y por vía telemática (teléfono y/o email) con clientes potenciales, para cerrar nuevos acuerdos comerciales B2B2C.Planificar y dirigir reuniones comerciales presenciales y/o telemáticas con cargos directivos y/o intermedios del cliente (ejemplo: Director de Compras, Director Financiero, Director RRHH...)Definir y ejecutar planes de acción con un claro foco en la consecución de objetivos cuantitativos (volumen, tamaño y calidad de los cierres) muy exigentes.Analizar y cuantificar las necesidades de su cartera para realizar solicitudes concretas de pipeline al equipo de preventa y/o prospectar por su propia cuenta.Estudiar tendencias sectoriales y mejores prácticas del entorno Outside Sales a nivel mundial, para después aplicar los conocimientos en nuevas técnicas dentro de la organización.Cómo nos gusta que seas:Actúa como co-propietario: alguien que trabaje duro y se sienta orgulloso de lo que hace. Tiene iniciativa y actúa cooperando cuando algo no funciona. Pero lo más importante de todo es que tenga vocación de servicio.Confía, comunica y desarrolla: una persona que escuche y aprenda, es transparente y exige lo mismo al resto.Abraza e impulsa el cambio: el cambio crea nuevas oportunidades. Sé el cambio que necesitamos para escalar y mejorar todavía más.Analiza, innova y simplifica: una persona que resuelve la raíz del problema y no sus síntoma. Plantea hipótesis y las testea. Comparte datos y no opiniones. Innova, es creativo, comete errores nuevos y los comparte para que aprendamos de ellos. Desecha lo obsoleto, busca la simplicidad y lo escalable. Contribuye y se compromete: alguien que comparte datos para tomar la mejor decisión. Toma decisiones y evita la parálisis por sobreanálisis. Produce un impacto: Busca que sus acciones produzcan un valor añadido. Piensa que “hecho” es mejor que “perfecto”. No reinventa la rueda. Entrega… y sigue mejorando.Tiene una actitud positiva y humilde: Se asegura de que la gente a su alrededor disfruta de los lunes. Es constructivo ante la adversidad y especialmente ante los errores. Promueve la diversidad y respeta opiniones distintas.Qué necesitamos que tengas:Skills técnicos:Excel/SheetSalesforceSkills funcionales:Excelente habilidades comunicativasCreatividadOrganización y planificaciónAnalíticaEntre las competencias que buscamos en este perfil, prevalecen la orientación a resultados, el trabajo en equipo y cooperación, gran capacidad para tomar decisión y resolución, un profundo conocimiento técnico y del negocio, visión estratégica, orientación clara al cliente interno y externo, y mentalidad de mejora continua.Sin embargo, no es indispensable que tengas pero si deseable, experiencia en startups y estudios en Administración de Empresas, Marketing o afinesY además..Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Retribución flexible en tickets restaurant, transporte, seguro médico y guarderías.Una sala de mascotas en la oficina para que no tengas que dejar a tu peludo amigo en casa.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
695af8bf-ebbf-4a0b-8b04-bd5a75265e8e Senior Customer Success Executive https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5687406002 Bogotá, Colombia Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia (Senior Customer Success Executive) ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38 ciudades de España, Portugal y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!!Sobre el puesto ¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Diseñar e implementar estrategias de ventas que aseguren el cumplimiento de los objetivos de ingresos mediante el crecimiento de clientes Top.Desarrollar y mantener relaciones extraordinarias con los clientes existentes para asegurar su satisfacción y retención, potencializando su desarrollo. Desarrollar un conocimiento profundo del negocio del cliente e identificar nuevas oportunidades de negocio presentando y recomendando nuevos productos y servicios de Cabify para Empresas.Trabajar estrechamente con la cartera asignada en procesos de capacitación y seguimiento que permitan acelerar las curvas de crecimiento de los clientes y su fidelización. Administrar proactivamente la cartera asignada enfocándose en el alcance de objetivos, entendiendo las necesidades de los clientes.Apoyar la gestión de cartera liderando y dando solución a inconvenientes que puedan causar retrasos en los pagos Lo que estamos buscando:Administrador/a de empresas, ingeniero o carreras afines Persona analítica, numérica, con excelentes habilidades de comunicación escrita y verbal, apasionada por las ventas y negociación, relacionamiento, atención al detalle y buenas habilidades de presentación y exposición. Experiencia de +4 años en manejo y gestión de clientes corporativos preferiblemente del sector tecnológico en posiciones similares como Key Account Manager, Customer Success Executive, etc.Sobre el equipo con el que trabajarás:Formarás parte de un equipo fantástico, experimentado y profesional que trabaja para posicionar la marca Cabify con energía, optimismo y pasión.Ahora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify. Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
916999d0-8141-40c9-b2a2-5437bfdbe1e6 Customer Operations Specialist https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5647852002 Madrid Madrid, Spain ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 80+ ciudades de España, y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!! Sobre el puestoLa misión del área de Customer Operations es materializar la propuesta de valor definida por la compañía para cada una de las audiencias de usuarios de nuestra plataforma y asegurar que ésta se traslada de manera eficiente, fiable y libre de externalidades a través de sistemas y procesos de cliente. ¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Trabajando en entornos multiculturales y generando relaciones de confianza que te permitan actuar como representante del área de Customer Operations ante interlocutores pertenecientes a otras áreas o squads de trabajo multidisciplinares.Extrayendo información y analizándola para identificar buenas prácticas y puntos de mejora en las iniciativas y proyectos relacionados con nuestros socios conductores y flotas.Creando procesos y sistemas flexibles que permitan la mejora continúa ajustándose a las necesidades y cambios constantes de la industria y el mercado.Coordinando proyectos para implementación de mejoras que permitan la consecución de los objetivos del área, impactando en la experiencia y ciclo de vida de nuestros usuarios conductores.Supervisando y asegurando la consecución de hitos por parte de los equipos involucrados, para posibilitar una correcta y rápida ejecución de proyectos.Desarrollando entregables de alta calidad en las distintas fases de los proyectos que permitan dar visibilidad y extraer mejores prácticas replicables en un futuro.Lo que estamos buscando:Licenciatura en ingeniería, ciencias, administración de empresas o similar>2 años de experiencia en Consultoría o campos afinesConocimientos o experiencia previa en gestión de proyectos transversales que impliquen impulsar esfuerzos de otros equipos.Proactividad, asertividad y pasiónMentalidad analítica y data-driven, con experiencia en resolución de problemasExcelente manejo de Microsoft Excel o Google Sheets.Idiomas: inglés medio-alto requerido.Habilidades adicionales deseables:Comunicador, tanto verbal como escritoConocimiento en manejo de Tableau Ahora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Retribución flexible en tickets restaurant, transporte, seguro médico y guarderías.Una sala de mascotas en la oficina para que no tengas que dejar a tu peludo amigo en casa.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
b55c9dda-ea67-4e74-a5a8-f7d7b0e5a0a5 Customer Support analyst https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5684061002 Santiago Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38+ ciudades de España, y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!!Misión del puesto:Evaluar la calidad del rendimiento de los equipos locales y globales que se ocupan de los clientes de la UE, supervisar las llamadas y las respuestas a incidentes para evaluar el comportamiento de los asociados, la precisión técnica, el rendimiento del servicio y la conformidad con los protocolos y procedimientos de la empresa.¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión? Con fuerte Orientación al cliente, para Identificar y satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes (internos y externos)Orientación al análisis de datos, generando insights al departamento sobre performance de las métricas y posibles puntos de mejoraIdentificar problemas complejos, ser capaz de segmentarlo en problemas más sencillos y plantear un plan de acción para solventar los problemas detectadosAsegurando la calidad en la atención a los clientes / Drivers según los NDA establecidos.Generación reportes y dashboard que permita hacer seguimientos de KPI de atenciónGenerar propuestas de mejora de procesos internos y externos en base al trabajo de análisis.Cómo nos gusta que seas:Actúa como co-propietario: alguien que trabaje duro y se sienta orgulloso de lo que hace. Tiene iniciativa y actúa cooperando cuando algo no funciona. Pero lo más importante de todo es que tenga vocación de servicio.Confía, comunica y desarrolla: una persona que escuche y aprenda, es transparente y exige lo mismo al resto.Abraza e impulsa el cambio: el cambio crea nuevas oportunidades. Sé el cambio que necesitamos para escalar y mejorar todavía más.Analiza, innova y simplifica: una persona que resuelve la raíz del problema y no sus síntoma. Plantea hipótesis y las testea. Comparte datos y no opiniones. Innova, es creativo, comete errores nuevos y los comparte para que aprendamos de ellos. Desecha lo obsoleto, busca la simplicidad y lo escalable. Contribuye y se compromete: alguien que comparte datos para tomar la mejor decisión. Toma decisiones y evita la parálisis por sobre análisis. Produce un impacto: Busca que sus acciones produzcan un valor añadido. Piensa que “hecho” es mejor que “perfecto”. No reinventa la rueda. Entrega… y sigue mejorando.Tiene una actitud positiva y humilde: Se asegura de que la gente a su alrededor disfruta de los lunes. Es constructivo ante la adversidad y especialmente ante los errores. Promueve la diversidad y respeta opiniones distintas.Qué necesitamos que tengas:Skills técnicos:Excel/SheetMicrosoft OfficeConocimiento en tableau o Power BISkills funcionales:Buenas habilidades comunicativasGran capacidad de organización y planificaciónAnalíticaEntre las competencias que buscamos en este perfil, prevalecen la orientación a resultados, el trabajo en equipo y cooperación, gran capacidad para tomar decisión y resolución, un profundo conocimiento técnico y del negocio, visión estratégica, orientación clara al cliente interno y externo, y mentalidad de mejora continua.Y además..Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Retribución flexible en tickets restaurant, transporte, seguro médico y guarderías.Una sala de mascotas en la oficina para que no tengas que dejar a tu peludo amigo en casa.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
75c9262e-85c4-468d-8221-12eb6d0e627a Customer Support Analyst https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5600058002 Madrid Madrid, Spain ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38+ ciudades de España, y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!!Misión del puesto:Evaluar la calidad del rendimiento de los equipos locales y globales que se ocupan de los clientes de la UE, supervisar las llamadas y las respuestas a incidentes para evaluar el comportamiento de los asociados, la precisión técnica, el rendimiento del servicio y la conformidad con los protocolos y procedimientos de la empresa.¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Llevar el seguimiento de la operación en todas las audiencias y detectar con un enfoque analítico y proactivo posibles problemas, incidencias, temas críticos.Análisis de datos.Coordinar el trabajo de los analistas para que el trabajo del equipo esté enfocado en las necesidades detectados (auditorias, análisis, enfoque etc.)Identificar problemas complejos, ser capaz de segmentarlo en problemas más sencillos y plantear un plan de acción para solventar los problemas detectadosCon la ayuda de las herramientas adecuadas, ser capaz de trasladar al resto de áreas los impactos y las consecuencias originados por los procesos/decisiones definidos por la compañíaGenerar propuestas de mejora de procesos internos y externos en base al trabajo de análisis.Cómo nos gusta que seas:Actúa como co-propietario: alguien que trabaje duro y se sienta orgulloso de lo que hace. Tiene iniciativa y actúa cooperando cuando algo no funciona. Pero lo más importante de todo es que tenga vocación de servicio.Confía, comunica y desarrolla: una persona que escuche y aprenda, es transparente y exige lo mismo al resto.Abraza e impulsa el cambio: el cambio crea nuevas oportunidades. Sé el cambio que necesitamos para escalar y mejorar todavía más.Analiza, innova y simplifica: una persona que resuelve la raíz del problema y no sus síntoma. Plantea hipótesis y las testea. Comparte datos y no opiniones. Innova, es creativo, comete errores nuevos y los comparte para que aprendamos de ellos. Desecha lo obsoleto, busca la simplicidad y lo escalable. Contribuye y se compromete: alguien que comparte datos para tomar la mejor decisión. Toma decisiones y evita la parálisis por sobre análisis. Produce un impacto: Busca que sus acciones produzcan un valor añadido. Piensa que “hecho” es mejor que “perfecto”. No reinventa la rueda. Entrega… y sigue mejorando.Tiene una actitud positiva y humilde: Se asegura de que la gente a su alrededor disfruta de los lunes. Es constructivo ante la adversidad y especialmente ante los errores. Promueve la diversidad y respeta opiniones distintas.Qué necesitamos que tengas:Skills técnicos:Excel/SheetMicrosoft OfficeConocimiento en tableau o Power BISkills funcionales:Buenas habilidades comunicativasGran capacidad de organización y planificaciónAnalíticaEntre las competencias que buscamos en este perfil, prevalecen la orientación a resultados, el trabajo en equipo y cooperación, gran capacidad para tomar decisión y resolución, un profundo conocimiento técnico y del negocio, visión estratégica, orientación clara al cliente interno y externo, y mentalidad de mejora continua.Y además..Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Retribución flexible en tickets restaurant, transporte, seguro médico y guarderías.Una sala de mascotas en la oficina para que no tengas que dejar a tu peludo amigo en casa.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
ba0c05d1-bb64-4bcd-bc25-52bc8d32b109 Global C_Ops Tech & Services Solutions Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5672408002 Madrid Madrid, Spain ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 80+ ciudades de España, y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!!Sobre el puestoLa misión del área de Customer Operations es poner la tecnología al servicio de nuestros clientes y poder convertirnos en una referencia en la excelencia de operación a través de la tecnología¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Mantenimiento, mejora y administración business as usual de las herramientas de tecnología de C_OpsMejora interna de procesos para optimizar las configuraciones, eliminar elementos en desuso y dar estabilidad a las herramientas.Soluciones end-to-end tecnológicas o de servicios a las necesidades planteadas por otras áreas de C_Ops para implementar nuevos proyectos o mejorar los procesos actuales.- Internas: Relacionadas con la organización interna y la mejora de la productividad de los trabajadores; automatización de procesos, mejora de las herramientas, nuevas tecnologías, etc.- Externas: Aquellas que afectan directamente a la experiencia del usuario final. Ejemplo; integrar nuevos canales, entrenamiento de asistente virtual, respuestas automáticas, etc.Búsqueda de nuevos proveedores, negociación y mantenimiento de los proveedores contratados para el scope de su actividad.Control y seguimiento de los costes y la adherencia al presupuesto del área.Lo que estamos buscando:Entre 5 y 7 años de Experiencia en el área de cops.Habilidad de creación de procesosHabilidades analíticasHerramientas de soporte al clienteTransformación digitalHabilidades de negociación con proveedoresCómo nos gusta que seas:Actúa como co-propietario: alguien que trabaje duro y se sienta orgulloso de lo que hace. Tiene iniciativa y actúa cooperando cuando algo no funciona. Pero lo más importante de todo es que tenga vocación de servicio.Confía, comunica y desarrolla: una persona que escuche y aprenda, es transparente y exige lo mismo al resto.Abraza e impulsa el cambio: el cambio crea nuevas oportunidades. Sé el cambio que necesitamos para escalar y mejorar todavía más.Analiza, innova y simplifica: una persona que resuelve la raíz del problema y no sus síntoma. Plantea hipótesis y las testea. Comparte datos y no opiniones. Innova, es creativo, comete errores nuevos y los comparte para que aprendamos de ellos. Desecha lo obsoleto, busca la simplicidad y lo escalable. Contribuye y se compromete: alguien que comparte datos para tomar la mejor decisión. Toma decisiones y evita la parálisis por sobre análisis. Produce un impacto: Busca que sus acciones produzcan un valor añadido. Piensa que “hecho” es mejor que “perfecto”. No reinventa la rueda. Entrega… y sigue mejorando.Tiene una actitud positiva y humilde: Se asegura de que la gente a su alrededor disfruta de los lunes. Es constructivo ante la adversidad y especialmente ante los errores. Promueve la diversidad y respeta opiniones distintas. Ahora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.El tercer viernes de cada mes libre hasta 2023 Programas de desarrollo personal.Retribución flexible en tickets restaurant, transporte, seguro médico y guarderías.Una sala de mascotas en la oficina para que no tengas que dejar a tu peludo amigo en casa.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
78b0e6fa-89c5-4322-ab88-33a9d36632b1 Operational Excellence Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5749560002 Lima, Perú Lima, Peru ¿Querés cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un auto privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos convertimos en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38 ciudades de España, y Latinoamérica. Cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales.Recorrimos un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como vos se unan a nuestro equipo!Sobre el puesto:La misión del área de Customer Operations es materializar la propuesta de valor de Cabify ofreciendo para todas nuestras audiencias un servicio seguro, fiable y superior. Para esto es necesario generar procesos de clientes de alto valor agregado de una forma eficiente y escalable.¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Detectando oportunidades de mejora en las distintas etapas del customer journey de nuestros pasajeros y conductores.Trabajando con equipos de soporte para asegurar la mejor calidad de servicio para todas nuestras audiencias.Deberás dar seguimiento y optimizar los principales KPIs del área.Analizando y optimizando los procesos de settings para mejorar el desarrollo de nuestros productos en el marketplace.Optimizando procesos y realizando análisis en conjunto a los equipos globales, con foco en automatización de tareas y desarrollo de nuevas y mejores features para la aplicación.Liderando proyectos de mejora para el área y en la búsqueda continua de soluciones efectivas, escalables con foco en automatización de tareas.Alineando definiciones y propuestas de equipos globales de España, para implementar estas propuestas de la forma más eficiente posible según la realidad local.Lo que estamos buscando:Bachiller en ingeniería industrial , administración de empresas o afines , especialización en operaciones o mejora de procesos (deseable).>3 años de experiencia en mejora de procesos operativos , consultoría o campos afines. >1 año de experiencia en gestión de equipos de alto rendimiento.Desarrollar estrategias para fortalecer la propuesta de valor y liderar la mejora continua.Mentalidad analítica y data-driven, con experiencia en resolución de problemas.Dominio y experiencia comprobada en implementación de proyectos de mejora continua , Lean Six Sigma y otras metodologías ágiles.Conocimiento comprobado de diseño y rediseño de proceso de operaciones , creación de manuales , flujogramas e indicadores de gestión.Sólidos conocimientos de análisis estadísticos , simulación de escenarios y métodos cuantitativos .Proactividad, asertividad y pasión.Excelente manejo de Microsoft Excel o Google Sheets.Habilidades adicionales deseables:Manejo de lenguajes de programación.Conocimiento en Data Analytics & Estadística aplicada a procesos.Dominio de inglés a nivel intermedio.Conocimiento avanzado en manejo de TableauCómo nos gusta que seas:Actúa como co-propietario: alguien que trabaje duro y se sienta orgulloso de lo que hace. Tiene iniciativa y actúa cooperando cuando algo no funciona. Pero lo más importante de todo es que tenga vocación de servicio.Confía, comunica y desarrolla: una persona que escuche y aprenda, es transparente y exige lo mismo al resto.Abraza e impulsa el cambio: el cambio crea nuevas oportunidades. Sé el cambio que necesitamos para escalar y mejorar todavía más.Analiza, innova y simplifica: una persona que resuelve la raíz del problema y no su síntoma. Plantea hipótesis y las testea. Comparte datos y no opiniones. Innova, es creativo, comete errores nuevos y los comparte para que aprendamos de ellos. Desecha lo obsoleto, busca la simplicidad y lo escalable. Contribuye y se compromete: alguien que comparte datos para tomar la mejor decisión. Toma decisiones y evita la parálisis por sobre análisis. Produce un impacto: Busca que sus acciones produzcan un valor añadido. Piensa que “hecho” es mejor que “perfecto”. No reinventa la rueda. Entrega… y sigue mejorando.Tiene una actitud positiva y humilde: Se asegura de que la gente a su alrededor disfruta de los lunes. Es constructivo ante la adversidad y especialmente ante los errores. Promueve la diversidad y respeta opiniones distintas.Ahora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Seguro médico privado.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).
a0876386-d408-4bdd-899c-f169f4dffd2d Operational Excellence Specialist https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5568226002 Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, Argentina ¿Querés cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un auto privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos convertimos en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38 ciudades de España, y Latinoamérica. Cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales.Recorrimos un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como vos se unan a nuestro equipo!Sobre el puesto:Quien ocupe el rol será el encargado de optimizar y mejorar la calidad del servicio que brindamos a los pasajeros y conductores. Liderará los proyectos e iniciativas de mejora de servicio para AR, UY y MX. Deberá dar seguimiento y optimizar los principales KPIs del área para toda la región.También estará a cargo del equipo de Settings que en conjunto a equipos de Growth se enfocan en plantear y analizar nuevas estrategias de optimización de marketplace e implementación de nuevos productos para los 3 mercados.Como parte de sus tareas, también colaborará con el equipo global de Operaciones, Growth y Producto en el desarrollo y seguimiento de nuevas features y protocolos de excelencia operativa. Trabajará junto al equipo de Customer Support para detectar los principales puntos de fricción de nuestras audiencias, analizando los procesos vigentes y encontrando oportunidades de mejora.Cómo Operational Excellence Specialist tu rol será colaborar e impulsar la consecución de esta misión y objetivos para los mercados de Argentina, Uruguay y México, garantizando el mejor servicio y la mejor experiencia posible a conductores y pasajeros de Cabify, buscando su fidelización a largo plazo en la app. ¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Detectando oportunidades de mejora en las distintas etapas del customer journey de nuestros pasajeros y conductores.Trabajando con equipos de soporte para asegurar la mejor calidad de servicio para todas nuestras audiencias. Analizando y optimizando los procesos de settings para mejorar el desarrollo de nuestros productos en el marketplace.Optimizando procesos y realizando análisis en conjunto a los equipos globales, con foco en automatización de tareas y desarrollo de nuevas y mejores features para la aplicación.Alineando definiciones y propuestas de equipos globales de españa, para implementar estas propuestas de la forma más eficiente posible según la realidad localGenerando reportes de análisis de valor para la toma de decisión para todas las tareas realizadasLiderando proyectos de mejora para el área y en la búsqueda continua de soluciones efectivas, escalables con foco en automatización de tareas.Lo que estamos buscando:Profesional en Ingeniería o afín con experiencia de al menos 3 años en cargos de optimización de procesos, mejora continua o en posiciones similares en empresa de tecnología.Personas proactivas, autónomas y con ganas de impulsar un cambioManejo avanzado de herramienta Excel. Conocimiento de lenguaje de explotación de datos (SQL, Python, R) es un plus y será muy valorando.Capacidad de manejar muchos frentes simultáneamente y de dialogar con múltiples interlocutores, logrando mantener una agenda ordenada de trabajo por objetivos. Sobre el equipo con el que trabajarás:Serás especialista en los procesos de Quality y Settings, dentro del equipo de Operational Excellence (OEX), el cual pertenece al área de COPs. El equipo de OEX, en conjunto con Customer Support logran ser los garantes de los estándares de servicio por los cuales Cabify se destaca. El área de COPS es quizás el área más transversal de Cabify, teniendo que trabajar con todos los departamentos, lo que garantiza mucho aprendizaje, desafíos y diversión. Como Especialista para los mercados de AR, MX y UY, tu rol implica estar en constante comunicación y coordinación con nuestros HQ en Madrid, además de tener la responsabilidad de bajar todos los cambios y mejoras al equipo local, para lograr avanzar bajo una estrategia sólida, armónica y unificada, que atienda las necesidades de crecimiento de la organización.Ahora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Prepaga - OSDERecharge Day: 3er viernes del mes libre para recargar pilasHorario y ambiente flexible de trabajoClub la NaciónGympassDescuentos para empleados.Todo el equipamiento que necesites ( solo tenés que traer tu talento)
25f3b963-16e4-43a8-8831-32fac9eeb692 Operations Excellence specialist https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5471224002 Madrid Madrid, Spain ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 80+ ciudades de España, y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!! Sobre el puestoLa misión del área de Customer Operations es materializar la propuesta de valor de Cabify ofreciendo para todas nuestras audiencias un servicio seguro, fiable y superior. Para esto es necesario generar procesos de clientes de alto valor agregado de una forma eficiente y escalable.¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Trabajando en entornos multiculturales y generando relaciones de confianza que te permitan actuar como representante del área de Customer Operations ante interlocutores pertenecientes a otras áreas o squads de trabajo multidisciplinares.Generando sistemas de control que nos den trazabilidad de como se materializa nuestra propuesta de valor a lo largo del ciclo de vida de nuestros usuariosExtrayendo información y analizándola para identificar buenas prácticas y puntos de mejora en las iniciativas y proyectos relacionados con el customer journey.Creando procesos y sistemas flexibles que permitan la mejora continua ajustándose a las necesidades y cambios constantes de la industria y el mercado.Coordinando proyectos para implementación de mejoras que permitan la consecución de los objetivos del área, impactando en la experiencia y ciclo de vida de nuestros usuarios.Supervisando y asegurando la consecución de hitos por parte de los equipos involucrados, para posibilitar una correcta y rápida ejecución de proyectos.Lo que estamos buscando:Licenciatura en ingeniería, ciencias, administración de empresas o similar>3 años de experiencia en Consultoría o campos afinesConocimientos o experiencia en implementación de proyectos de mejora continua y Lean Six Sigma.Proactividad, asertividad y pasiónMentalidad analítica y data-driven, con experiencia en resolución de problemasExcelente manejo de Microsoft Excel o Google Sheets.Idiomas: inglés medio-alto requerido.Habilidades adicionales deseables:SQL o PythonConocimiento en Data Analytics & Estadística aplicada a procesosComunicador, tanto verbal como escritoConocimiento avanzado en manejo de TableauAhora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Retribución flexible en tickets restaurant, transporte, seguro médico y guarderías.Una sala de mascotas en la oficina para que no tengas que dejar a tu peludo amigo en casa.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).
33c4e9ba-2184-4d78-b6ac-f714fc2634e9 Data Analyst https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/4277646002 Madrid Madrid, Spain Do you want to help us to change the world? We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers, providing mobility alternatives such as kick-scooter and mopeds and many others to come, at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us?Our Data teams include an eclectic bunch of awesome and diverse people from different backgrounds who come together as collaborative and inclusive teams to push boundaries. Right now, we have more than 20 million users around the world. We work across 8 countries and 90 cities, adapting our product fast to be leaders in all of those markets and taking care about sustainability. We’re working on some pretty greenfield projects with a solid set of product ideas lined up. We are looking for committed and proactive people who want to keep learning constantly and also, help us to grow technically and humanly working in collaboration with awesome people, and making an impact across our teams. Having a diverse and inclusive work environment is really important for us. That’s why we like to count with different points of view in our team that help us to solve problems in a better way. What You’ll DoLeverage data to perform intensive analysis across all areas of our business to improve operational efficiency and streamline process.Generate and execute on ideas for exploratory analysis to shape future projects and provide recommendations for actionsCreate dashboards and reports to regularly communicate results and monitor key metricsUse data visualization to distill complicated spatio-temporal data into easy to digest summaries that are used to monitor health and inform productPresent findings to senior management to guide business decisionsCollaborate with cross-functional teams across disciplines such as Growth or ProductWhat You’ll NeedMandatory: Graduate degree in Business Administration, Economics, Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, or related fieldsNice to have: Master degree on Business Analytics, Business Intelligence, Data Science, or related or equivalent experienceMandatory: At least 2 years of experience as Data Analyst for level 2 role.Mandatory: Proficient in writing and understanding complex SQL and working with large data setsMandatory: working knowledge of Superset/Tableau/Qlik/PowerBI or any other data visualization toolNice to have: Product Analytics experience with Amplitude/MixpanelMandatory: Fluent in English and SpanishSkillsAbility to deliver on tight timelines and move quickly while maintaining attention to detailExperience working with Scrum or other agile methodologies is a plusUnderstand all components of experimental design from sampling to measure the effects, hands-on experience with A/B testing in a commercial environment a plusExcellent communication and organization skillsThe good stuff:We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.Salary ranges for this position: L2 [25200-37700EUR]Remote days available upon agreementRegular fun team eventsCabify staff discountPersonal development programmesFlexible remuneration: Restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeAll the gear you need - just bring yourselfAnd last but not least...free fruits & coffee!Cabify is proud of being an equal opportunity workplace. We celebrate diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees regardless of background, gender, religion, orientation, age or ability. Join us!
32382c83-e17d-456b-8f23-e81d6d12cff8 Data Analyst Countries https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/4774090002 Madrid HQ Madrid, Spain Do you want to help us to change the world? We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers, providing mobility alternatives such as kick-scooter and mopeds and many others to come, at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us?Our Data teams include an eclectic bunch of awesome and diverse people from different backgrounds who come together as collaborative and inclusive teams to push boundaries. Right now, we have more than 20 million users around the world. We work across 8 countries and 90 cities, adapting our product fast to be leaders in all of those markets and taking care about sustainability. We’re working on some pretty greenfield projects with a solid set of product ideas lined up. We are looking for committed and proactive people who want to keep learning constantly and also, help us to grow technically and humanly working in collaboration with awesome people, and making an impact across our teams. Having a diverse and inclusive work environment is really important for us. That’s why we like to count with different points of view in our team that help us to solve problems in a better way. What You’ll DoLeverage data to perform intensive analysis across all areas of our business to improve operational efficiency and streamline process.Generate and execute on ideas for exploratory analysis to shape future projects and provide recommendations for actionsCreate dashboards and reports to regularly communicate results and monitor key metricsUse data visualization to distill complicated spatio-temporal data into easy to digest summaries that are used to monitor health and inform productPresent findings to senior management to guide business decisionsCollaborate with cross-functional teams across disciplines such as Growth or ProductWhat You’ll NeedBS/MS in Physics, Economics, Maths, Statistics, Operations Research, Engineering, Computer Science, or other quantitative field (advanced degrees in Analytics area are a plus)Mandatory: Graduate degree in Business Administration, Economics, Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, or related fieldsNice to have: Master degree on Business Analytics, Business Intelligence, Data Science, or related or equivalent experienceMandatory: At least 2 years of experience as Data Analyst for level 2 role.Mandatory: Proficient in writing and understanding complex SQL and working with large data setsMandatory: working knowledge of Superset/Tableau/Qlik/PowerBI or any other data visualization toolNice to have: Product Analytics experience with Amplitude/MixpanelMandatory: Fluent in English and SpanishWorking hours: 14:00 - 22:00Travel required: a couple weeks on quarter basis to Latin American markets such as Argentina or Perú.SkillsAbility to deliver on tight timelines and move quickly while maintaining attention to detailExperience working with Scrum or other agile methodologies is a plusUnderstand all components of experimental design from sampling to measure the effects, hands-on experience with A/B testing in a commercial environment a plusExcellent communication and organization skillsThe good stuff:We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.Salary ranges for this position: L2 [25200-37700EUR]Remote days available upon agreementRegular fun team eventsCabify staff discountPersonal development programmesFlexible remuneration: Restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeAll the gear you need - just bring yourselfAnd last but not least...free fruits & coffee!Cabify is proud of being an equal opportunity workplace. We celebrate diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees regardless of background, gender, religion, orientation, age or ability. Join us!
473e7786-448f-4587-86df-12d3c284d7af Data Scientist https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5566845002 Madrid Madrid, Spain At Cabify we aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us?Founded in 2011, we have become the first Spanish tech ‘unicorn’. Our HQ is in Madrid but you can currently find us in 90 cities across Spain and Latin America. Every month, new members join our world-class team of passionate, smart and talented individuals with a hunger to challenge the status quo.But no matter how quickly we grow or how big we become, we’re determined to keep our ‘start-up’ spirit. We are a confident, professional, charismatic and focused team, young at heart and proud to do things the right way. We like to think of ourselves as an ethical and innovative tech company that has created a business where everyone is treated fairly and respectfully, from our engineers to the drivers that use our platform. Moreover, we always comply fully with government regulations and respect local laws.Requirements We’re looking for a great Data Scientist who brings a lot of experience in the three main branches of Data Science: statistical inference, machine learning and data analysis. You will be expected to have a good understanding of those fields, so we are looking for someone with expertise and experience in similar positions. Besides those, we highly value people with first-hand experience with deploying machine learning models into production.Strong knowledge on either R or python for data analysis and data visualization libraries (ggplot, seaborn, plotly...)Strong educational background, e.g Degree in Computer Science, Physics, Engineering, Mathematics, Economics or equivalent experienceDemonstrable experience using Machine Learning techniques and applying them in production environmentsAbility to work autonomously in an unstructured environmentA background in Probability & Statistics would be a bonusExperience publishing in peer reviewed scientific journals is a plusExperience with geo data modelling, analysis and viz is a plus, we LOVE maps, especially if they tell stories :)Data Science at CabifyThere are three things that we believe differentiate this offer at Cabify from most of the Data Science positions you see everywhere:We have already in place a world-class data architecture and infrastructure, both from production and analytics. We also have an exceptional Data Engineering team that provides the support and pipelines necessary to do real Data Science.We have a truly exceptional Data Science team. We come from all sorts of backgrounds: physics, software engineering, mathematics, industrial engineering, telecommunications, etc. and we hold ourselves to the most rigorous standards.Very high probability of making a real impact on the world. Being mobility-as-a-service a very new industry and Cabify a company with global reach, the work we do is bound to have a massive and immediate impact. It’s part of what makes this place really attractive to work as a Data Scientist.Being mobility as service a very new field, you will find yourself making huge impacts because we often face problems no one ever faced before. Deciding how to charge for a ride, which car should pick up a certain passenger or how should we more wisely invest our growth effort are real-time decisions we have already proved we can make an impact (you can see by yourself exhibit 1, exhibit 2), and we are sure with amazing individuals such as you joining the team we will get them significantly better.As you can imagine this is an extremely exciting time for Cabify and the Data Science team, and people who join us now are guaranteed to have a huge impact in the business and the future of cities. Data Science team currently hosts 10 exceptional data wizards and we are looking for more people with “superpowers”. And if ride hailing was not enough of a challenge, Data Science Team is now also expected to significantly contribute to the hyper growth of MOVO, our electric motorbikes and kick-scooters brand. If you also love our cities to go greener, it is the perfect time to join us.The good stuff: We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.Competitive salary based on experience: [32k-48k]Flexible work environment & hoursRegular fun team eventsCabify staff allowancePersonal development programmesFlexible remuneration: subsidized restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeAll the gear you need - just bring yourself.And last but not least… free coffee and fruit!Every third Friday of the month is Recharge Day (extra day-off)
bb6760cd-b688-4a6b-bc6d-fc77957fa608 Senior Data Scientist https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5566892002 Madrid Madrid, Spain At Cabify we aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us?Founded in 2011, we have become the first Spanish tech ‘unicorn’. Our HQ is in Madrid but you can currently find us in 90 cities across Spain and Latin America. Every month, new members join our world-class team of passionate, smart and talented individuals with a hunger to challenge the status quo.But no matter how quickly we grow or how big we become, we’re determined to keep our ‘start-up’ spirit. We are a confident, professional, charismatic and focused team, young at heart and proud to do things the right way. We like to think of ourselves as an ethical and innovative tech company that has created a business where everyone is treated fairly and respectfully, from our engineers to the drivers that use our platform. Moreover, we always comply fully with government regulations and respect local laws.Requirements We’re looking for a great Senior Data Scientist who brings a lot of experience in the three main branches of Data Science: statistical inference, machine learning and data analysis. You will be expected to have deep technical knowledge in those fields so we are looking for someone with a lot of expertise and experience in similar positions in fast-paced technological environments. Besides those, we highly value people with first-hand experience with deploying machine learning models into production with all its subtleties and considerations: deploying, training, testing, model degradation, model serving, etc.Previous experience at high level performing data science teamsStrong knowledge on either R or python for data analysis and data visualization libraries (ggplot, seaborn, plotly...)Strong educational background, e.g Degree in Computer Science, Physics, Engineering, Mathematics, Economics or equivalent experienceDemonstrable experience using Machine Learning techniques and applying them in production environmentsGood foundation of statistical skillsAbility to work autonomously in an unstructured environmentExperience publishing in peer reviewed scientific journals is a plusExperience with geo data modelling, analysis and viz is a plus, we LOVE maps, especially if they tell stories :)Data Science at CabifyThere are three things that we believe differentiate this offer at Cabify from most of the Data Science positions you see everywhere:We have already in place a world-class data architecture and infrastructure, both from production and analytics. We also have an exceptional Data Engineering team that provides the support and pipelines necessary to do real Data Science.We have a truly exceptional Data Science team. We come from all sorts of backgrounds: physics, software engineering, mathematics, industrial engineering, telecommunications, etc. and we hold ourselves to the most rigorous standards.Very high probability of making a real impact on the world. Being mobility-as-a-service a very new industry and Cabify a company with global reach, the work we do is bound to have a massive and immediate impact. It’s part of what makes this place really attractive to work as a Data Scientist.Being mobility as service a very new field, you will find yourself making huge impacts because we often face problems no one ever faced before. Deciding how to charge for a ride, which car should pick up a certain passenger or how should we more wisely invest our growth effort are real-time decisions we have already proved we can make an impact (you can see by yourself exhibit 1, exhibit 2), and we are sure with amazing individuals such as you joining the team we will get them significantly better.As you can imagine this is an extremely exciting time for Cabify and the Data Science team, and people who join us now are guaranteed to have a huge impact in the business and the future of cities. Data Science team currently hosts 10 exceptional data wizards and we are looking for more people with “superpowers”. And if ride hailing was not enough of a challenge, Data Science Team is now also expected to significantly contribute to the hyper growth of MOVO, our electric motorbikes and kick-scooters brand. If you also love our cities to go greener, it is the perfect time to join us.The good stuff: We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.Competitive salary based on experience: [43k-58k]Flexible work environment & hoursEvery third Friday of the month is Recharge Day (extra day-off)Regular fun team eventsCabify staff allowancePersonal development programmesFlexible remuneration: subsidized restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeAll the gear you need - just bring yourself.And last but not least… free coffee and fruit!Join us!
50213f8f-07f4-4e72-955d-77384cace2c1 Database Reliability Engineer (Remote) https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5739873002 Spain/Remote Do you want to change the world? At Cabify, that’s what we’re doing. We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers, providing mobility alternatives such as scooters and mopeds and many others to come, all at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go… Fancy joining us?Our Product & Engineering teams are both based in Madrid, with a strong remote culture, and include an eclectic bunch of awesome people from different backgrounds like Ruby, Go, Elixir, Javascript, and Python.Right now we’re working on some pretty greenfield projects with a solid set of product ideas lined up ready for innovative engineers to tackle. And of course we have big plans to take over the taxi app service industry!Database Reliability Engineers at Cabify work on improving all aspects of our platform and have an impact across the whole organisation. They are a blend of database engineers and software developers who solve scalability issues with persistence and implement the best database engineering and security practices.As a Database Reliability Engineer, you will be:Evolving our persistence layer by designing and building first-class, self-service components that will be used by engineering teams and millions of users around the world.Designing and implementing tooling to improve the availability, scalability, observability, and latency of our databases, which are used by internal customers to store their data and operate their services.Defining and iterating on SLIs, SLOs, and SLAs as part of the databases’ lifecycle.Increasing database reliability awareness with other teams, helping with the adoption of reliability principles and reviewing observability implementations or software architectures.Sharing a level 2 on-call schedule for the database services.Participating in our recruiting process to enable our engineering team to grow and scale.Train developers to recognise the correct persistence solutions by improving existing documentation and consult with teams about architectural designs and implementations. You may be a fit for this role if you: Enjoy spending time creating scalable databases, recognizing bottlenecks, and optimising SQL or NoSQL databases.Recognize the tradeoffs between STORING data and KEEPING data.Are familiar with contemporary cloud database offerings (AWS RDS, GCP Cloudsql, etc).Have strong programming skills at least in one language, and know your way around a few more, or can learn them if the need arises.Automate yourself out of everything by nature, making machines do the toil.Communicate effectively and asynchronously.Care about what matters for the company, your team, and yourself.Embrace diversity and humbleness (and a pinch of trolling).Prefer taking iterative action over waiting for things to happen all at once or to be perfect.Strongly favor simplicity over complexity.Have a sense for identifying, exploiting, and elevating bottlenecks.Enjoy herding cats and shaving yaks.Projects you could work on:Complete the migration from an ancient data monolith to a plethora of smaller, reliable, and clearly owned instances.Assist in the continual process of archiving data to ensure regulatory compliance while not impacting performance by mixing hot and cold data.Plan, benchmark, and migrate our existing databases to ARM architecture to potentially increase performance and efficiency while optimizing costs.Implement a solution to aid developers in getting the data they need to debug production issues without compromising security.What’s it like to work at Cabify?We’re a company full of happy, motivated people, and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family:Excellent Salary conditions at Engineering: Senior: €50k-65kPrincipal: €60k-85kAll the gear you need.Every third Friday of the month OFF!Very competitive stock options plan. At Cabify, we strongly believe highly committed, vision-aligned key roles must be long-term invested in the company's success, thus a significant portion of the compensation of roles such as this one goes in the form of stock options. We offer fully remote working conditions, or relocation packages to those coming from other countries.Flexible work environment and hours. We care about the value you deliver, not how many hours you work. In fact, you shouldn’t work too much: your wellbeing matters to us.Regular fun team events (COVID-19 terms and conditions apply).Cabify staff discount.Personal development programmes.Flexible remuneration: restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcare.If you decide to work from the Madrid office:Remote days available upon agreement.A pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at home.And last but not least... Free coffee!Cabify is proud of being an equal opportunity workplace. We celebrate diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees regardless of background, gender, religion, orientation, age, or ability. Join us!
2598139f-03e5-4c3e-ab74-e0ceb5f7f509 Data Warehouse Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5593494002 Madrid Madrid, Spain Do you want to change the world? At Cabify, that’s what we’re doing. We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go…fancy joining us?No matter how quickly we grow or how big we become, we’re determined to keep our ‘start-up’ spirit. We are a confident, professional, charismatic and focused team, young at heart and proud to do things the right way. We like to think of ourselves as an ethical and innovative tech company that has created a business where everyone is treated fairly and respectfully, from our engineers to the drivers that use our platform. Moreover, we always comply fully with government regulations and respect local laws.It’s been quite a ride so far, but in reality, our journey has only just begun. If we’re going to turn our vision into a reality, we’re going to need plenty more bright, ambitious people to join us! About the position:At Cabify we claim to be a data-driven company. Our team builds and maintains a robust warehouse where the analytics team can find not only raw data, but also complex etls processes to provide the insights they need.But where can I see all that data? We have a Tableau server instance that contains thousands of workbooks and is consulted by many users every day. We own that instance so we work hard to make sure everything works properly. We also created, and keep on creating, tooling around Tableau and our data warehouse, in order to keep on improving the way our users interact with data. At data-warehousing we manage our own cloud infrastructure (AWS). Our in-house etls platform has more than 300 processes (python, Airflow, Redshift, S3, Spectrum, Glue, RDS) that we visualize with our Tableau server instance (Tableau Server, Ec2, python).We are looking for new members, and this is how you will play an important part in helping us achieve our mission:Maintain & evolve our data warehouse, making sure the data is easily accessible, reliable & accurate.Create data models, applying business logic to data. Evaluate all proposals and requests to improve the structure of the data warehouse. Coordinate with other Data Warehouse stakeholders to ensure overall health and performance of the data warehouse environment. Design, develop, test, monitor, manage, and validate data warehouse activity. Including defining standards for the data warehouse as well as troubleshooting ETL processes and resolving issues effectively.What we’re looking for:At least 3 years tenure in coding and delivering complex data projects.Proven track record in Data Modeling.You continuously find ways to derive more value in our raw data and lower the amount of effort our end users spend on getting answers. You have proper DBA skills, with which you should ensure high standards in DWH data accessibility, integrity, security & performance monitoring.You have intermediate level SQL skills, which allows you to understand subqueries, pivots, joins, and how indexes work.You can take a complex concept and make it sound simple. You’re accomplished at orienting business users within the data domain, understanding their needs, and translating them into technical requirements to ultimately design effective data solutions.You have experience integrating data from multiple sources including DBs, product tracking, and APIs. You get excited by seeing your jobs run like clockwork.Understanding of Microsoft technologies (Azure, Data Factory and Microsoft SQL) is a plus.The good stuff:We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.A competitive salary between 32000EUR and 48000EUR (L3) / 43000EUR-58000EUR (L4)All the gear you need - just bring yourself Flexible working hours & environmentMonthly free ridesUp to 2 days per week of remote workingRecharge day: Every third Friday of the month is an extra day-off!Budget for books, training and conferencesPersonal development programmesFlexible remuneration: subsidized restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcare22 days paid annual leaveRegular fun team events A pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeWe offer relocation package to those coming from other countriesAnd last but not least...free coffee and fruit!Join us!
62c4830b-6eb8-4af2-992b-8294dc847e2f Engineering Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/4354653002 Madrid / Sevilla / Málaga / Valencia / Bilbao / A Coruña / Remote About us At Cabify we aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us?Founded in 2011, we have become the first Spanish tech ‘unicorn’. Our HQ is in Madrid but you can currently find us in 90 cities across Spain and Latin America. Every month, new members join our world-class team of passionate, smart and talented individuals with a hunger to challenge the status quo.But no matter how quickly we grow or how big we become, we’re determined to keep our ‘start-up’ spirit. We are a confident, professional, charismatic and focused team, young at heart and proud to do things the right way. We like to think of ourselves as an ethical and innovative tech company that has created a business where everyone is treated fairly and respectfully, from our engineers to the drivers that use our platform. Moreover, we always comply fully with government regulations and respect local laws.It’s been quite a ride so far, but in reality, our journey has only just begun. If we’re going to turn our vision into a reality, we’re going to need plenty more bright, ambitious people to join us!Our Product & Engineering teams (Cabify and Movo) are based in Madrid, and have a strong Remote culture (On-Site Friendly) They include an eclectic bunch of awesome people from different backgrounds, founders, entrepreneurs, managers, and engineers working with Ruby, Go, Elixir, Javascript and Python (so far) on high scalability, mission-critical distributed systems. About the role As an Engineering Manager at Cabify, you will be responsible for leading and guiding the most important part of our engineering organization - our people.They have high interaction with other teams and business areas. This means nurturing our culture of collaboration, communication, and coordination between and within teams.All these tasks deeply impact Cabify ability to be a profitable business, and they involve processing data in high volumes with precision and speed, offering a unique challenge from a purely engineering point of view.We practice have strong ownership of our services, continuous integration, strive for high observability, engage in constant peer code reviews & pair programming, and work hard to give back to the software community through open-source contributions.Prior to taking on engineering management, you likely were a senior individual contributor with a comprehensive understanding of complex systems that you were a vital part of developing & launching over the years. This has given you the perspective to help other engineers prioritise their tasks, shape their career decisions, and face tricky challenges.Responsibilities: Lead a team of diverse and talented software engineers with different levels of expertiseDrive technical projects to success and provide leadership in a fast-paced environmentThink critically about the long-term career development of team membersConduct regular check-ins and 1-1s with team membersCommunicate across cross-functional teams such as Product, Analytics, Marketing, Creative, and DesignContribute technically to projects by being a hands-on coder as necessary and removing roadblocks. We expect Managers to code a part of their time, this is not a pure management position.Lead prioritization efforts and provide mentorship to othersBe the Best Friend of team’s Product Manager, working in tandem to analyze problems and execution plansDeeply care about the happiness of othersDirectly report (and get support from) the Head of Engineering of your groupYou should have: A knack for effective and clear communication in all circumstancesHands-on people management and/or technical leadership experienceA passion for bringing great products into our world through collaboration and ingenuityExtensive professional experience in software development, working on robust, complex systems that serve a high volume of usersAn appreciation for engineering best practices and quality over quantity of workBonus Points:Ability to handle ambiguous problems and make the tradeoffs without compromising qualityExperience working with remote and partially remote team membersAbility to understand, diagnose, and effectively articulate technical challenges and solutionsExperience with distributed (multi-tiered) systems, microservices, and relational/NoSQL/cloud databasesExperience in Ruby, Go and/or ElixirExperience in modern frontend development using some framework and library like React, Angular or Vue.Experience with distributed system communication, performance analysis, and optimization What’s it like to work at Cabify?We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.Excellent Salary conditions at Engineering: 48k-55k. We also offer a very competitive stock options plan. Work from our Madrid office, remotely or bothFlexible work environment & hoursRecharge day: every third friday monthly off!A well-defined Career Path, personal development programs and personal budget for conferences and trainingCabify staff discountFlexible remuneration: subsidized restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeRegular fun team eventsAll the gear you need - just bring yourself.Cabify is proud of being an equal opportunity workplace. We celebrate diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees regardless of background, gender, religion, orientation, age or ability. Join us!
a9d9d79b-027a-44d5-bebb-208609218f6c Principal Software Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5087657002 Madrid / Sevilla / Málaga / Valencia / Bilbao / A Coruña / Remote Do you want to help us to change the world? At Cabify and Movo, We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers, providing mobility alternatives such as kick-scooter and mopeds and many others to come, at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us?Our Product & Engineering teams include an eclectic bunch of awesome and diverse people from different backgrounds who come together as collaborative and inclusive teams to push boundaries. Right now, we have more than 20 million users around the world. We work across 8 countries and 90 cities, adapting our product fast to be leaders in all of those markets and taking care about sustainability. We’re working on some pretty greenfield projects with a solid set of product ideas lined up. We are looking for committed and proactive people who want to keep learning constantly and also, help us to grow technically and humanly working in collaboration with awesome people, and making an impact across our teams. Having a diverse and inclusive work environment is really important for us. That’s why we like to count with different points of view in our team that help us to solve problems in a better way. We are looking for engineers with experience working with any backend technology, though we use Go, Elixir and Ruby for our day to day work. We believe that even if you have worked in other programming languages such as Java all your life you can still pick up Elixir or Go pretty quickly. For us, it is more important to have someone who is adaptable and can pick up languages quickly. You will:Work on cross-team, impactful projects.Lead parts of these projects helping your team to deliver in a fast, reliable and high-quality way. Work on building and maintaining distributed applications.Improve reliability, scalability and performance of our services so they always meet their SLAs.Develop new features, tweak existing ones in a data-driven fashion in collaboration with our Data Science team.Produce simple, maintainable code while always looking to improve on it.Own your code all the way to production with a self-service continuous delivery pipeline and production infrastructure.Run what you build using bleeding edge container orchestration and monitoring technologies. Our Ideal candidate has:Great alignment with our values, we take this very seriously.Sound knowledge of common algorithms & data structures.Experience in developing medium/large-scale web applications and distributed systems in a production environment.Experience with common design and architectural patterns.Ability to work independently, but being a good team player too. Ability to understand and help to make great product and business decisions.Ability to achieve results in a fast-paced, changing environment.A willingness to work with Ruby code occasionally is a plus!Experience slaying monoliths is a plus!What’s it like to work at Cabify?We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.Excellent Salary conditions at Engineering: Principal 54k-74k. We also offer a very competitive stock options plan. At Cabify we strongly believe highly committed, vision-aligned key roles must be long term investment in the company success, thus a significant portion of the compensation of roles such as this one goes in the form of stock options. We offer a relocation package to people who are coming from another country.Our office is located in Madrid, but a fully remote position is also available for this role.Two Remote days available per week if you are working in our Madrid office.Flexible work environment & hoursRegular team eventsRecharge day: Every 3rd Friday monthly off!Cabify staff discountPersonal development programs based on our career pathsTraining programsFlexible compensation plan: Restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeAnd last but not least...free coffee and fruit!Aren’t you sure about if you fulfill all of the requirements? Even, if this position stands out your curiosity, please apply for it. At Cabify we believe that professional development happens through teaching and learning from your peers and managers. Cabify is proud of being an equal opportunity workplace. We celebrate diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees regardless of background, gender, religion, orientation, age or ability. Join us!
462a0b1d-32b3-4b91-b00d-72a5a0772384 Senior Android Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/4034190002 Madrid / Sevilla / Málaga / Valencia / Bilbao / Coruña / Remote Do you want to help us to change the world? At Cabify and Movo, We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers, providing mobility alternatives such as kick-scooter and mopeds and many others to come, at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us?Our Product & Engineering teams include an eclectic bunch of awesome and diverse people from different backgrounds who come together as collaborative and inclusive teams to push boundaries. Right now, we have more than 20 million users around the world. We work across 8 countries and 90 cities, adapting our product fast to be leaders in all of those markets and taking care about sustainability. We’re working on some pretty greenfield projects with a solid set of product ideas lined up. We are looking for committed and proactive people who want to keep learning constantly and also, help us to grow technically and humanly working in collaboration with awesome people, and making an impact across our teams. Having a diverse and inclusive work environment is really important for us. That’s why we like to count with different points of view in our team that help us to solve problems in a better way. But no matter how quickly we grow or how big we become, we’re determined to keep our ‘start-up’ spirit. We are a confident, professional, charismatic and focused team, young at heart and proud to do things the right way.We like to think of ourselves as an ethical and innovative tech company that has created a business where everyone is treated fairly and respectfully, from our engineers to the drivers that use our platform. Moreover, we always comply fully with government regulations and respect local laws.It’s been quite a ride so far, but in reality, our journey has only just begun. If we’re going to turn our vision into a reality, we’re going to need plenty more bright, ambitious people to join us!About the position:How will you help us achieve our mission?Implement new functionalities to make Cabify the bestTackle complex problems regarding asynchronicity, multiple data flows and other fun stuff.Deliver a world-class experience to our customers by making a robust, snappy and fun to use app.Work closely with several teams, such as Design, Research, Data Science, or Backend to improve our Driver and Rider app.Test app functionalities and troubleshooting.Constantly maintain our mobile apps and assisting in deploying new features. What we’re looking for:4+ years of Android experienceExperience with gitExperience interacting with REST APIAbility to write unit and UI tests for your codeSolid understanding of Object Oriented DesignAbility to thrive in a fast paced, startup environment and adapt effectively to changePreviously published Google Play appExperience with RxKotlin or any other Reactive technologyOur applications are built in Kotlin, we follow the SOLID principles and use a clean architecture implementation, therefore it would a bonus if you have experience with this also.The good stuff:We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family. Salary ranges: [Mid 32K - 48K] Senior [43K-58K]At Cabify we strongly believe highly committed, vision-aligned key roles must be long term invested in the company success, thus a significant portion of the compensation of roles such as this goes in the form of stock options.Remote days available upon agreementFlexible work environment & hoursRegular fun team eventsCabify staff discountPersonal development programmesFlexible remuneration: Restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeWe offer relocation package to those coming from another country.All the gear you need - just bring yourself.And last but not least...free fruits & coffee! Cabify is proud of being an equal opportunity workplace. We celebrate diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees regardless of background, gender, religion, orientation, age or ability.Join us!
386dfcb6-95cd-40c7-b066-18d330e762b3 Senior Data Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5692398002 Madrid Madrid, Spain Do you want to change the world? At Cabify, that’s what we’re doing. We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go…fancy joining us?No matter how quickly we grow or how big we become, we’re determined to keep our ‘start-up’ spirit. We are a confident, professional, charismatic and focused team, young at heart and proud to do things the right way. We like to think of ourselves as an ethical and innovative tech company that has created a business where everyone is treated fairly and respectfully, from our engineers to the drivers that use our platform. Moreover, we always comply fully with government regulations and respect local laws.It’s been quite a ride so far, but in reality, our journey has only just begun. If we’re going to turn our vision into a reality, we’re going to need plenty more bright, ambitious people to join us!About the position:Do you want to be part of the team responsible for enabling a data-driven company, with up to 200k events per second and hundreds of different messages? Our mission is to build a platform that works at scale to provide trusted data for the rest of the company.At data-engineering we operate dozens of services (Scala, Golang, Python) and pipelines (Apache Beam/Dataflow), and our in-house developed machine learning platform that includes a feature store. We are a hands-on team: we manage our own infrastructure (GCE and AWS) and Kubernetes clusters (GKE). We are looking for new members, and this is how you will play an important part in helping us achieve our mission:Designing and developing end-to-end data solutions and modern data architectures for Cabify products and teams (streaming ingestion, data lake, data warehouse...)Extracting data from internal and external sources to empower our Data Analytics team.Evolving and maintaining Lykeion, a Machine Learning platform that we have developed along with the Data Science team. Collaborating with other technical teams to define, execute and release new services and features.Designing and maintaining complex APIs exposing data at scale, that helps other teams to make better decisions.Managing and evolving our infrastructure.Continuously identifying, evaluating and implementing new tools and approaches to maximise development speed and cost efficiency. What we’re looking for:At least 4 years tenure in coding and delivering complex data projectsFluent in different programming languages (we work with Python, Scala and Go)Experience with message delivery systems and streaming processing (Kafka, RabbitMQ, Akka streams, Apache Beam…)Deep understanding and application of modern data processing technology stacks and distributed processing (Hadoop, Spark, Apache Beam, Apache Flink...)Deep understanding of different storage technologies (file-based, relational, columnar, document-based, key-value...)Experience with orchestration tools such as Airflow, Luigi, Azkaban.Be familiar with machine learning, specially with its lifecycle (features, models, training & evaluation processes, productionizing)Experience with cloud infrastructures (GCP, AWS, Azure)Be comfortable with automation tools (Terraform, Puppet, Ansible…)Bonus points: - Experience with Google Cloud BigData products (PubSub, Dataflow, BigTable, BigQuery…)-Experience with Kubernetes.-Experience with Apache Beam and Scio.The good stuff:We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.Senior Data Engineer [43000EUR-58000EUR]All the gear you need - just bring yourself Flexible working hours & environmentMonthly free ridesRecharge day: every third friday monthly offUp to 2 days per week of remote workingBudget for books, training and conferencesFlexible remuneration: subsidized restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcare22 days paid annual leaveA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeWe offer relocation package to those coming from other countriesAnd last but not least...free coffee and fruit! Join us!
7e8df22b-eafa-4d58-a3be-93124de411d9 Senior Data Warehouse Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5693048002 Madrid Madrid, Spain Do you want to change the world? At Cabify, that’s what we’re doing. We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go…fancy joining us?No matter how quickly we grow or how big we become, we’re determined to keep our ‘start-up’ spirit. We are a confident, professional, charismatic and focused team, young at heart and proud to do things the right way. We like to think of ourselves as an ethical and innovative tech company that has created a business where everyone is treated fairly and respectfully, from our engineers to the drivers that use our platform. Moreover, we always comply fully with government regulations and respect local laws.It’s been quite a ride so far, but in reality, our journey has only just begun. If we’re going to turn our vision into a reality, we’re going to need plenty more bright, ambitious people to join us! About the position:At Cabify we claim to be a data-driven company. Our team builds and maintains a robust warehouse where the analytics team can find not only raw data, but also complex etls processes to provide the insights they need.But where can I see all that data? We have a Tableau server instance that contains thousands of workbooks and is consulted by many users every day. We own that instance so we work hard to make sure everything works properly. We also created, and keep on creating, tooling around Tableau and our data warehouse, in order to keep on improving the way our users interact with data. At data-warehousing we manage our own cloud infrastructure (AWS). Our in-house etls platform has more than 300 processes (python, Airflow, Redshift, S3, Spectrum, Glue, RDS) that we visualize with our Tableau server instance (Tableau Server, Ec2, python).We are looking for new members, and this is how you will play an important part in helping us achieve our mission:Maintain & evolve our data warehouse, making sure the data is easily accessible, reliable & accurate.Create data models, applying business logic to data. Evaluate all proposals and requests to improve the structure of the data warehouse. Coordinate with other Data Warehouse stakeholders to ensure overall health and performance of the data warehouse environment. Design, develop, test, monitor, manage, and validate data warehouse activity. Including defining standards for the data warehouse as well as troubleshooting ETL processes and resolving issues effectively.What we’re looking for:At least 3 years tenure in coding and delivering complex data projects.Proven track record in Data Modeling.You continuously find ways to derive more value in our raw data and lower the amount of effort our end users spend on getting answers. You have proper DBA skills, with which you should ensure high standards in DWH data accessibility, integrity, security & performance monitoring.You have intermediate level SQL skills, which allows you to understand subqueries, pivots, joins, and how indexes work.You can take a complex concept and make it sound simple. You’re accomplished at orienting business users within the data domain, understanding their needs, and translating them into technical requirements to ultimately design effective data solutions.You have experience integrating data from multiple sources including DBs, product tracking, and APIs. You get excited by seeing your jobs run like clockwork.Understanding of Microsoft technologies (Azure, Data Factory and Microsoft SQL) is a plus.The good stuff:We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.A competitive salary between 43000EUR-58000EUR (L4)All the gear you need - just bring yourself Flexible working hours & environmentMonthly free ridesUp to 2 days per week of remote workingRecharge day: Every third Friday of the month is an extra day-off!Budget for books, training and conferencesPersonal development programmesFlexible remuneration: subsidized restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcare22 days paid annual leaveRegular fun team events A pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeWe offer relocation package to those coming from other countriesAnd last but not least...free coffee and fruit!Join us!
c6fd9250-a749-4d6f-a2d5-3e2c6b6c8c41 Senior Engineering Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/4963793002 Madrid / Sevilla / Málaga / Valencia / Bilbao / A Coruña / Remote At Cabify we aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us?Founded in 2011, we have become the first Spanish tech ‘unicorn’. Our HQ is in Madrid but you can currently find us in 90 cities across Spain and Latin America. Every month, new members join our world-class team of passionate, smart and talented individuals with a hunger to challenge the status quo.But no matter how quickly we grow or how big we become, we’re determined to keep our ‘start-up’ spirit. We are a confident, professional, charismatic and focused team, young at heart and proud to do things the right way. We like to think of ourselves as an ethical and innovative tech company that has created a business where everyone is treated fairly and respectfully, from our engineers to the drivers that use our platform. Moreover, we always comply fully with government regulations and respect local laws.It’s been quite a ride so far, but in reality, our journey has only just begun. If we’re going to turn our vision into a reality, we’re going to need plenty more bright, ambitious people to join us!Our Product & Engineering teams (Cabify and Movo) are based in Madrid and have a strong Remote culture (On-Site Friendly) They include an eclectic bunch of awesome people from different backgrounds, founders, entrepreneurs, managers, and engineers working with Ruby, Go, Elixir, Javascript and Python (so far) on high scalability, mission-critical distributed systems. About the role As an Engineering Manager at Cabify, you will be responsible for leading and guiding the most important part of our engineering organization - our people.They have high interaction with other teams and business areas. This means nurturing our culture of collaboration, communication, and coordination between and within teams.All these tasks deeply impact Cabify ability to be a profitable business, and they involve processing data in high volumes with precision and speed, offering a unique challenge from a purely engineering point of view.We practice have strong ownership of our services, continuous integration, strive for high observability, engage in constant peer code reviews & pair programming, and work hard to give back to the software community through open-source contributions.Prior to taking on engineering management, you likely were a senior individual contributor with a comprehensive understanding of complex systems that you were a vital part of developing & launching over the years. This has given you the perspective to help other engineers prioritise their tasks, shape their career decisions, and face tricky challenges. Responsibilities: Lead a team of diverse and talented software engineers with different levels of expertiseDrive technical projects to success and provide leadership in a fast-paced environmentThink critically about the long-term career development of team membersConduct regular check-ins and 1-1s with team membersCommunicate across cross-functional teams such as Product, Analytics, Marketing, Creative, and DesignContribute technically to projects by being a hands-on coder as necessary and removing roadblocks. We expect Managers to code a part of their time, this is not a pure management position.Lead prioritization efforts and provide mentorship to othersBe the Best Friend of team’s Product Manager, working in tandem to analyze problems and execution plansDeeply care about the happiness of othersDirectly report (and get support from) the Head of Engineering of your group You should have: A knack for effective and clear communication in all circumstancesHands-on people management and/or technical leadership experienceA passion for bringing great products into our world through collaboration and ingenuityExtensive professional experience in software development, working on robust, complex systems that serve a high volume of usersAn appreciation for engineering best practices and quality over quantity of work Bonus Points: Ability to handle ambiguous problems and make the tradeoffs without compromising qualityExperience working with remote and partially remote team membersAbility to understand, diagnose, and effectively articulate technical challenges and solutionsExperience with distributed (multi-tiered) systems, microservices, and relational/NoSQL/cloud databasesExperience in Ruby, Go and/or ElixirExperience in modern frontend development using some framework and library like React, Angular or Vue.Experience with distributed system communication, performance analysis, and optimization What’s it like to work at Cabify? We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.Excellent Salary conditions at Engineering: 54k-74k.We also offer a very competitive stock options plan. At Cabify we strongly believe highly committed, vision-aligned key roles must be long term investment in the company success, thus a significant portion of the compensation of roles such as this one goes in the form of stock options. Work from our Madrid office, remotely or bothFlexible work environment & hoursRecharge day: every third friday monthly off!A well-defined Career Path, personal development programs and personal budget for conferences and trainingCabify staff discountFlexible remuneration: subsidized restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeRegular fun team eventsAll the gear you need - just bring yourself. Cabify is proud of being an equal opportunity workplace. We celebrate diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees regardless of background, gender, religion, orientation, age or ability. Join us!
28e1be4a-3cf2-4e66-b66d-bd5063a0a3ae Senior Frontend Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/4109201002 Madrid Madrid, Spain Do you want to help us to change the world? At Cabify and Movo, We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers, providing mobility alternatives such as kick-scooter and mopeds and many others to come, at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us?Our Product & Engineering teams include an eclectic bunch of awesome and diverse people from different backgrounds who come together as collaborative and inclusive teams to push boundaries. Right now, we have more than 20 million users around the world. We work across 8 countries and 90 cities, adapting our product fast to be leaders in all of those markets and taking care about sustainability. We’re working on some pretty greenfield projects with a solid set of product ideas lined up. We are looking for committed and proactive people who want to keep learning constantly and also, help us to grow technically and humanly working in collaboration with awesome people, and making an impact across our teams. Having a diverse and inclusive work environment is really important for us. That’s why we like to count with different points of view in our team that help us to solve problems in a better way. What will you do:You will take part in different projects within our technological stack, each project has autonomy to work in its own way.You will work with javascript and typescript, in addition our front projects use mostly React and redux, although you can also work in NextJs, Node and elm.You will be an active member of the Frontend guild meeting regularly with all the front engineers, collaborating and sharing libraries (internal or external), talking about good practices, building and proposing ideas about the maintenance of our code base.In a front project at Cabify you will find yourself working with git (gitlab), and continuous integration pipelines. Working in the morning on a function, making your colleagues review the code and once it is approved and integrated into the main branch if it passes all the pipes, automatically put it into production, we do "continuous delivery".We give quite a lot of importance to tests. You need a special sensitivity in creating unit tests (for example with react testing library), end-to-end (we work with cypress and cucumber) and automatic visual regression tests (we use Storybook and loki).You will use our design system and participate in its development and maintenance, so it is interesting that you have a good knowledge of HTML, CSS and design systems.All of our services are in the cloud and we currently work with kubernetes.If you do not have experience with any of the points discussed, you will have the opportunity to learn and improve them with the help of frontend mentors.What are we looking for:We are looking for a front-end engineer aligned with our company values, who is a good communicator and who can work in multidisciplinary environments.Have a solid background with at least 5 years of experience.Solid knowledge of HTML and CSS.Used to work with "toolings" such as webpack, eslint, prettier, babel, etc.Experienced with React and Redux.Nice to have:We are focused on functional programming, knowledge of functional libraries such as RXJS, lodashFP, etc.Server-side coding experienceA CS degree What’s it like to work at Cabify?We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.Excellent Salary conditions at Engineering:Senior Frontend Engineer 43k-58kFrontend Engineer 32k-48kWe also offer a very competitive stock options plan. At Cabify we strongly believe highly committed, vision-aligned key roles must be long term investment in the company success, thus a significant portion of the compensation of roles such as this one goes in the form of stock options. We offer a relocation package to people who are coming from another country.Our office is located in Madrid, but a fully remote position is also available for this role.Two Remote days available per week if you are working in our Madrid office.Flexible work environment & hoursRegular team eventsCabify staff discountPersonal development programs based on our career pathsTraining programsFlexible compensation plan: Restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeAnd last but not least...free coffee and fruit!Aren’t you sure about if you fulfill all of the requirements? Even, if this position stands out your curiosity, please apply for it. At Cabify we believe that professional development happens through teaching and learning from your peers and managers. Cabify is proud of being an equal opportunity workplace. We celebrate diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees regardless of background, gender, religion, orientation, age or ability. Join us!
66ca79f4-34c6-45f4-ac95-64ce32985484 Senior Software Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/4039410002 Madrid / Sevilla / Málaga / Valencia / Bilbao / A Coruña / Remote Senior Software EngineerDo you want to help us to change the world? At Cabify and Movo, We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers, providing mobility alternatives such as kick-scooter and mopeds and many others to come, at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us?Our Product & Engineering teams include an eclectic bunch of awesome and diverse people from different backgrounds who come together as collaborative and inclusive teams to push boundaries. Right now, we have more than 20 million users around the world. We work across 8 countries and 90 cities, adapting our product fast to be leaders in all of those markets and taking care about sustainability. We’re working on some pretty greenfield projects with a solid set of product ideas lined up. We are looking for committed and proactive people who want to keep learning constantly and also, help us to grow technically and humanly working in collaboration with awesome people, and making an impact across our teams. Having a diverse and inclusive work environment is really important for us. That’s why we like to count with different points of view in our team that help us to solve problems in a better way. We are looking for engineers with experience working with any backend technology, though we use Go, Elixir and Ruby for our day to day work. We believe that even if you have worked in other programming languages such as Java all your life you can still pick up Elixir or Go pretty quickly. For us, it is more important to have someone who is adaptable and can pick up languages quickly. You will:Work on cross-team, impactful projects.Lead parts of these projects helping your team to deliver in a fast, reliable and high-quality way. Work on building and maintaining distributed applications.Improve reliability, scalability and performance of our services so they always meet their SLAs.Develop new features, tweak existing ones in a data-driven fashion in collaboration with our Data Science team.Produce simple, maintainable code while always looking to improve on it.Own your code all the way to production with a self-service continuous delivery pipeline and production infrastructure.Run what you build using bleeding edge container orchestration and monitoring technologies. Our Ideal candidate has:Great alignment with our values, we take this very seriously.Sound knowledge of common algorithms & data structures.Experience in developing medium/large-scale web applications and distributed systems in a production environment.Experience with common design and architectural patterns.Ability to work independently, but being a good team player too. Ability to understand and help to make great product and business decisions.Ability to achieve results in a fast-paced, changing environment.A willingness to work with Ruby code occasionally is a plus!Experience slaying monoliths is a plus!What’s it like to work at Cabify?We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.Excellent Salary conditions at Engineering:Senior Software Engineer 43k-58kSoftware Engineer 32k-48kWe also offer a very competitive stock options plan. At Cabify we strongly believe highly committed, vision-aligned key roles must be long term investment in the company success, thus a significant portion of the compensation of roles such as this one goes in the form of stock options. We offer a relocation package to people who are coming from another country.Our office is located in Madrid, but a fully remote position is also available for this role.Two Remote days available per week if you are working in our Madrid office.Flexible work environment & hoursRegular team eventsRecharge day: Every 3rd Friday monthly off!Cabify staff discountPersonal development programs based on our career pathsTraining programsFlexible compensation plan: Restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeAnd last but not least...free coffee and fruit!Aren’t you sure about if you fulfill all of the requirements? Even, if this position stands out your curiosity, please apply for it. At Cabify we believe that professional development happens through teaching and learning from your peers and managers. Cabify is proud of being an equal opportunity workplace. We celebrate diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees regardless of background, gender, religion, orientation, age or ability. Join us!
252b69f9-b766-494e-a712-baafcfc733bf Site Reliability Engineer (Remote) https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/4401505002 Madrid / Sevilla / Málaga / Valencia / Bilbao / A Coruña / Remote Do you want to change the world? At Cabify, that’s what we’re doing. We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers, providing mobility alternatives such as scooters and mopeds and many others to come, all at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go… Fancy joining us?Our Product & Engineering teams are both based in Madrid, with a strong remote culture, and include an eclectic bunch of awesome people from different backgrounds like Ruby, Go, Elixir, Javascript, and Python.Right now we’re working on some pretty greenfield projects with a solid set of product ideas lined up ready for innovative engineers to tackle. And of course we have big plans to take over the taxi app service industry!Site Reliability Engineers at Cabify work on improving all aspects of our platform and have an impact across the whole organisation. They are a blend of systems engineers and software developers who solve scalability issues with software and implement the best production engineering and security practices. As a Site Reliability Engineer, you will be:Evolving our platform by designing and building first-class, self-service components that will be used by engineering teams and millions of users around the world.Designing and implementing tooling to improve the availability, scalability, observability, and latency of our services, which are used by internal customers to deploy and operate their services.Defining and iterating on SLIs, SLOs, and SLAs as part of the services lifecycle.Increasing reliability awareness with other teams, helping with the adoption of reliability principles and reviewing observability implementations or software architectures.Sharing an on-call schedule for the services you own.Solving problems in our highly available platform together with other teams, then building automations to prevent incidents from happening again.Participating in our recruiting process to enable our engineering team to grow and scale. You may be a fit for this role if you:Think Unix, you know the networking stack, the OSI model, containers (and schedulers), and you know your way around monitoring, logging and the CAP theorem (bonus!).Have strong programming skills at least in one language, and know your way around a few more, or can learn them if the need arises.Automate yourself out of everything by nature, making machines do the toil.Communicate effectively and asynchronously.Care about what matters for the company, your team, and yourself.Embrace diversity and humbleness (and a pinch of trolling).Prefer taking iterative action over waiting for things to happen all at once or to be perfect.Strongly favor simplicity over complexity.Have a sense for identifying, exploiting, and elevating bottlenecks.Are not afraid of expressing yourself in English. We aren't expecting you to have the Queen's accent, but you'll be part of an international team and we communicate in English, so you should be comfortable with that.Enjoy herding cats and shaving yaks. Projects you could work on:Migrate our production workloads to Kubernetes on different cloud providers smoothly and transparently to the end users.Iterate our networking layer to implement network policies, service mesh, and more.Review our time-series monitoring platform (Prometheus) and explore long-term retention solutions (Cortex) and distributed tracing with the goal of providing a first-class observability service to all engineering teams.Scale our ever-growing logging platform (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana on Kubernetes) to keep up with the business demands while at the same time keeping cost at bay.Evolve our deployment system to adapt to the increasing scale of Cabify, empowering all engineering teams to easily take their services from idea to production. What’s it like to work at Cabify?We’re a company full of happy, motivated people, and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family:Excellent Salary conditions at Engineering: Junior 25k-38k, Mid 32k-48k, Senior 43k-58k, Principal 54k-74k (€).All the gear you need.Very competitive stock options plan. At Cabify, we strongly believe highly committed, vision-aligned key roles must be long-term invested in the company's success, thus a significant portion of the compensation of roles such as this one goes in the form of stock options. We offer fully remote working conditions, or relocation packages to those coming from other countries.Flexible work environment and hours. We care about the value you deliver, not how many hours you work. In fact, you shouldn’t work too much: your wellbeing matters to us.Regular fun team events (COVID-19 terms and conditions apply).Cabify staff discount.Personal development programmes.Flexible remuneration: restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcare. If you decide to work from the Madrid office:Remote days available upon agreement.A pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at home.And last but not least... Free coffee! Cabify is proud of being an equal opportunity workplace. We celebrate diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees regardless of background, gender, religion, orientation, age, or ability. Join us!
568bcfbe-dac0-4c0e-8ce7-c730e7a4e4e4 Software Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/4040461002 Madrid / Sevilla / Málaga / Valencia / Bilbao / A Coruña / Remote Do you want to help us to change the world? At Cabify and Movo, We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers, providing mobility alternatives such as kick-scooter and mopeds and many others to come, at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us?Our Product & Engineering teams include an eclectic bunch of awesome and diverse people from different backgrounds who come together as collaborative and inclusive teams to push boundaries. Right now, we have more than 20 million users around the world. We work across 8 countries and 90 cities, adapting our product fast to be leaders in all of those markets and taking care about sustainability. We’re working on some pretty greenfield projects with a solid set of product ideas lined up. We are looking for committed and proactive people who want to keep learning constantly and also, help us to grow technically and humanly working in collaboration with awesome people, and making an impact across our teams. Having a diverse and inclusive work environment is really important for us. That’s why we like to count with different points of view in our team that help us to solve problems in a better way. We are looking for engineers with experience working with any backend technology, though we use Go, Elixir and Ruby for our day to day work. We believe that even if you have worked in other programming languages such as Java all your life you can still pick up Elixir or Go pretty quickly. For us, it is more important to have someone who is adaptable and can pick up languages quickly. You will:Work on cross-team, impactful projects.Lead parts of these projects helping your team to deliver in a fast, reliable and high-quality way. Work on building and maintaining distributed applications.Improve reliability, scalability and performance of our services so they always meet their SLAs.Develop new features, tweak existing ones in a data-driven fashion in collaboration with our Data Science team.Produce simple, maintainable code while always looking to improve on it.Own your code all the way to production with a self-service continuous delivery pipeline and production infrastructure.Run what you build using bleeding edge container orchestration and monitoring technologies. Our Ideal candidate has:Great alignment with our values, we take this very seriously.Sound knowledge of common algorithms & data structures.Experience in developing medium/large-scale web applications and distributed systems in a production environment.Experience with common design and architectural patterns.Ability to work independently, but being a good team player too. Ability to understand and help to make great product and business decisions.Ability to achieve results in a fast-paced, changing environment.A willingness to work with Ruby code occasionally is a plus!Experience slaying monoliths is a plus!What’s it like to work at Cabify?We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.Excellent Salary conditions at Engineering: Junior 24k-30k, Mid 30k-48k.We also offer a very competitive stock options plan. At Cabify we strongly believe highly committed, vision-aligned key roles must be long term investment in the company success, thus a significant portion of the compensation of roles such as this one goes in the form of stock options. We offer a relocation package to people who are coming from another country.Our office is located in Madrid, but a fully remote position is also available for this role.Two Remote days available per week if you are working in our Madrid office.Flexible work environment & hoursRegular team eventsCabify staff discountPersonal development programs based on our career pathsTraining programsFlexible compensation plan: Subsidized restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeAnd last but not least...free coffee and fruit!Aren’t you sure about if you fulfill all of the requirements? Even, if this position stands out your curiosity, please apply for it. At Cabify we believe that professional development happens through teaching and learning from your peers and managers. Cabify is proud of being an equal opportunity workplace. We celebrate diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees regardless of background, gender, religion, orientation, age or ability. Join us!
f44ffc03-a2e0-412f-a456-d5de1d0b02d2 Contact Center TN Associate Attention https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5383547002 Bogota - Cabify Autopista Nte. #114 44, Bogotá, Colombia ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo?Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas? Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38 ciudades de España y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”. Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales. Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!! Sobre el puesto¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Cumplir con la conexión a las herramientas segun las mallas de turnos establecidas para cumplimiento de los KPI operativosCumplir con todos los protocolos, procesos, reportes y/o políticas establecidos para el desarrollo de las actividades del área.Asegurar la correcta, oportuna y adecuada respuesta de los canales de comunicación y atención internos y externos.Brindar la mejor experiencia al cliente a cada uno de nuestros usuarios.Garantizar el debido cumplimiento de las leyes de protección de datos de clientes a nivel global.Cumplir con las politicas anti fraude impuestas por la compañia para la mejora continua del proceso.Atención dentro de los SLA establecido por cada canal de atención (Inbound, Outbound, Backoffice)Dar lectura y cumplimiento a la información de novedades, turnos u otros publicadas en los diferentes canales definidos para ello.Cumplir con las formaciones programadas y realizar las evaluacioes dispuestas para evaluar su conocimiento y certificacion en los temasConocer todas las herramientas necesarias para la ejecución del cargo.Trabajar siempre en pro de cumplir las metas de cada KPI asignado (operativos, de calidad, productivdad, efectividad)Cumplir con los protocolos de cuidado de los equipos entregados por la compañia.Reportar oportunamente incidencias técnicas, u otras que afecten el desarrollo de las actividades y requieran la inmediata implementación de planes de contingencia.Notificar oportunamente a su lider sobre derechos de petición, tutelas, demandas u otras solicitudes de entes reguladores recibidas a través de los canales de atención, evitando el vencimiento de los términos de Ley.Realizar todas las demás funciones inherentes al cargo asignadas por el jefe inmediato.Cumplir con cualquier otra funcion adicional conexa o relacionada que se derive de la prestacion del servicio o que le sea indicada por sus superiores jerarquicos.Lo que estamos buscando:Estudiante de últimos semestres de manera virtual, técnico, tecnólogo o profesional en áreas administrativas, financieras, de servicios o afines.Disponibilidad de tiempo completo. (Manejamos horarios rotativos de Domingo a Domingo con un día compensatorio).Excelente ortografía y redacción.Persona con adaptación a cambios, compromiso y responsabilidad.Experiencia de mínimo un año en servicio al cliente en Call Center, Contact Center manejo de diferentes aplicativos y canales (chat, llamadas, correos, tickets) Ahora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Crédito mensual para viajes en Cabify.Programas de desarrollo personal.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
bcdceea8-ea69-44ba-945f-2f2b2416a930 Accounting Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5658710002 Bogotá Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas? Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38 ciudades de España, Portugal y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”. Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales. Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo! Sobre el puesto¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión? Coordinar y analizar la información contable y financiera de la compañía, de acuerdo a los procedimientos y lineamientos estratégicos establecidos y la normatividad legal vigente, con la finalidad de cumplir con los objetivos establecidos desde casa matriz y locales.Coordinar las tareas de cierre de mes y año fiscal del área.Conciliación de nómina (parafiscales y prestaciones sociales). Revisión de causaciones de costos y gastos.Elaboración y presentación de declaraciones tributarias nacional y distrital.Elaboración de Estados Financieros.Presentar información financiera a entidades de control (Superintendencias, Dane, Sena, etc.) Elaborar y presentar la información financiera al corporativo. (Month-End).Preparar y coordinar Información Exógena Nacional y distrital.Apoyar los procesos de planeación financiera (forecast, cash flow, etc.). Lo que estamos buscando:Profesional en Contaduría Pública con Tarjeta Profesional vigente. Experiencia de mínimo 5 años en áreas contables y/o financieras. Experiencia en Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (NIIF)Conocimiento en herramientas informáticas, sistemas contables (deseable SAP) y portales bancarios. Ahora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify. Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados. Programas de desarrollo personal.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
f37d70c8-590e-4afc-aa11-27a2e0918bdb M&A and Corporate Development Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5586717002 Madrid Madrid, Spain The Corporate Development Team leads all Large Corporate Transactions, M&A, Fundraising and Strategy efforts for Cabify. This is a rare opportunity to join a powerful team of strategic thinkers and deal makers to shape the future growth of the company internationally. As a Manager reporting directly to the Global Head of the team, you will work across the entire structure establishing business relationships with key management and stakeholders to excel at our international markets. What You'll Do Be part of the team executing M&A and strategic investment processes including: sourcing opportunities, conducting financial analysis, preparing committee materials, financial models and recommendation, structuring and negotiating transactions and integrating acquisitions Support on fundraising processes, investor relationships, conduct analysis for diligence data and work with legal teams on execution Partner with key management to drive and communicate our corporate strategy, leading required analysis and crafting messages Participate in complex, cross-functional strategic initiatives that impact all aspects of the business and organization (e.g., pricing, growth strategy, efficiency, etc.) Build strategic relationships with key actors in the mobility, tech and venture capital ecosystems to stay on top of industry trends and the mobility competitive landscape What You'll Need 3+ years of experience at top-tier companies in investment banking, corporate development, private equity, and/or management consulting Experience with the deal structuring, diligence, and execution processes, including financial modelling and analysis, engaging potential investors, and managing legal documentation Experience managing and working with different teams, being a natural leader Ability to multitask and execute rapidly at a high level, great attention to detail and capacity for strategic thinking. Being result-oriented Excellent communication skills Strong Excel / PowerPoint skills BA/BS degree requiredWhat’s it like to work at Cabify?We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.We offer a very competitive stock options plan. Flexible work environment & hoursRecharge day: every third friday monthly off!A well-defined Career Path, personal development programs and personal budget for conferences and trainingCabify staff discountFlexible remuneration: subsidized restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeRegular fun team eventsAll the gear you need - just bring yourself.Cabify is proud of being an equal opportunity workplace. We celebrate diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees regardless of background, gender, religion, orientation, age or ability. Join us!
92833f98-a30d-4d5b-89ea-ea55563535f8 Brand Marketing Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5739549002 Madrid Madrid, Spain Do you want to change the world? At Cabify, that’s what we’re doing. We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us?Founded in 2011, we have become the first Spanish tech ‘unicorn’. Our HQ is in Madrid but you can currently find us in 38 cities across Spain and Latin America. Every month, new members join our world-class team of passionate, smart and talented individuals with a hunger to challenge the status quo. But no matter how quickly we grow or how big we become, we’re determined to keep our ‘start-up’ spirit. We are a confident, professional, charismatic and focused team, young at heart and proud to do things the right way. We like to think of ourselves as an ethical and innovative tech company that has created a business where everyone is treated fairly and respectfully, from our engineers to the drivers that use our platform. Moreover, we always comply fully with government regulations and respect local laws. It’s been quite a ride so far, but in reality our journey has only just begun. If we’re going to turn our vision into a reality, we’re going to need plenty more bright, ambitious people to join us!About the position: [misión]The Brand Marketing Manager coordinates Spain´s Brand Marketing strategy, in order to achieve the awareness and consideration objectives of our multi-mobility services within different clients (private, corporate, drivers, fleets). This role also assist the Head of Marketing Department on the strategy definition. In this position you will execute the brand positioning strategy, based on budget planning, and you will be responsible for campaigns development and maximizing channels impact.How will you help us achieve our mission?Participate in the definition of the marketing strategy that responds to the priorities of the company and the objectives of the different audiences (private rider, corporate client and fleets & drivers) and services.You will be responsible for the local brand strategy tropicalization and definition, aligned with the global Brand team, and building brand awareness objectives for Cabify as a multi-mobility/services platform. Guarantee the implementation of the marketing initiatives according to the Audiences and Products business development plans;Both in the planning processes and in the daily execution and coordination of projects, you will be in constant construction and alignment with the Growth Marketing area, responsible for the channel mix strategy, for the joint achievement of objectives throughout the funnel. Define objectives and budget for your area connected to the marketing and business objectives and you will be responsible for the achievement of these targets according to agreed budget and timeline. Integrate market/audiences insights and research (UR, Product Marketing Fit, etc) on the planning process. Structuring, managing and controlling the day-to-day activities of the Brand Marketing team;Continually review changes to the market, consumer trends, channels innovation and the activities of competitors, adjusting the marketing plan if necessary;How we would like you to be:Act as a co-owner: someone who works hard and is proud of what he/she does. Has initiative and acts by cooperating when something doesn't work. But most important of all, he has a vocation for service.Trust, communicate and develop: a person who listens and learns, communicates efficiently, is transparent and demands the same from others.Embrace and drive change: change creates new opportunities. Be the change we need to scale and improve even more.Analyze, innovate, and simplify: a person who solves the root of the problem and not their symptoms. Raise hypotheses and test them. Share data, facts and not opinions. Innovate, be creative, make new mistakes and share them so we can learn from them. Throw out the obsolete, look for simplicity and scalability.Contribute and engage: someone who shares data to make the best decision. Make decisions and avoid overanalysis paralysis.Makes an impact: It seeks to produce added value for its actions. Think "done" is better than "perfect." Don’t reinvent the wheel. Delivery... and keeps getting better.Positive and humble attitude: Make sure that the people around you enjoy Mondays. Be constructive in the face of adversity and especially in the face of mistakes. Promote diversity and respect different opinions.What we’re looking for:Profile advertising, brand management and profiles that have a marketing background with certain bases in business development. Previous experience at creative agencies: account or planning department. 4 to 5 years of experience in Marketing or Business Development Departments.Knowledge and expertise Marketing verticals: planning, campaigns, media and marketing channels (earned media, internal channels and advertising).High communication skills to have an effectively communication with stakeholders in an ever-changing, rapid growth environment with tight deadlines.Hands-on experience in campaigns implementation and improvement.BSc/BA in Communication,Advertising, Marketing, Business or relevant field. Postgraduate degree is a plus.Previous experience in working in hyper-growth startups and/or fast-paced environments is a strong plus.The good stuff:We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family:Competitive salary based on experience.Very competitive stock options plan.Flexible work environment & hours.Hybrid Remote working model.Recharge day: every 3rd Friday monthly off!Regular, fun team events.Cabify staff discount.Personal development programs based on our career paths.Perks: subsidized restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare, and childcare.A pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at home.All the gear you need - just bring yourself.And last but not least...free coffee&fruit!
78da013b-4afe-4235-b6d2-8cf1b3139919 Business Strategy Specialist https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5523964002 Madrid Madrid, Spain Do you want to change the world? At Cabify, that’s what we’re doing. We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us? Founded in 2011, we have become the first Spanish tech ‘unicorn’. Our HQ is in Madrid but you can currently find us in 38 cities across Spain, and Latin America. Every month, new members join our world-class team of passionate, smart and talented individuals with a hunger to challenge the status quo. But no matter how quickly we grow or how big we become, we’re determined to keep our ‘start-up’ spirit. We are a confident, professional, charismatic and focused team, young at heart and proud to do things the right way.We like to think of ourselves as an ethical and innovative tech company that has created a business where everyone is treated fairly and respectfully, from our engineers to the drivers that use our platform. Moreover, we always comply fully with government regulations and respect local laws, and as a socially responsible company where innovation comes first, we’re always looking to promote a diverse and inclusive workplace through our talent acquisition policy. It’s been quite a ride so far, but in reality, our journey has only just begun. If we’re going to turn our vision into a reality, we’re going to need plenty more bright, ambitious people to join us! How will you help us achieve our mission?Define and scale growth initiatives to all Cabify regionsDeep dive in data to uncover key business insights and opportunities for growthDevelop and measure the success of new growth tacticsResponsible for performance against key top-line growth KPIsSupport and challenge local teams to execute actions and processes to deliver users’ value propositionUnderstand the needs of local teams and be capable of translating these to global teamWork closely with stakeholders across the organization - including local teams, Product, Operations, Data Science, Legal, and more. What we’re looking for:BS in Engineering, Computer Science, Math, Economics, Statistics, Management or equivalent experience3+ years of growth, entrepreneurship, consulting or operations strategy experienceStrong background in analytics applied to business problems (SQL and Tableau experience preferred)Business mindset and result drivenDetail-oriented and operative person, self-starter and team playerAbility to learn and adapt to changeExperience working with multifunctional teams (specially product) in agile environmentsPlus: disability certificate About the team you’ll work with:You’ll join a fantastic team of bright, experienced professionals who spread the word about Cabify with energy, positivity and passion. Our team is embedded within the growth team and works closely with product, data science, services and local markets to improve users (driver & riders) acquisition, activation, retention and loyalty. We are a team with passion for business strategy, marketing, entrepreneurship, data and our users. The good stuff:We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.Flexible work environment & hoursRegular fun team eventsCabify staff discountPersonal development programmesFlexible remuneration: subsidized restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeAll the gear you need - just bring yourself.And last but not least...free fruits & coffee!
f46ba23c-5533-4467-a972-3274bce972bd Global CRM Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/4683239002 Madrid Madrid, Spain Do you want to change the world? At Cabify, that’s what we’re doing. We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us?Founded in 2011, we have become the first Spanish tech ‘unicorn’. Our HQ is in Madrid but you can currently find us in 38 cities across Spain, Portugal and Latin America. Every month, new members join our world-class team of passionate, smart and talented individuals with a hunger to challenge the status quo. But no matter how quickly we grow or how big we become, we’re determined to keep our ‘start-up’ spirit. We are a confident, professional, charismatic and focused team, young at heart and proud to do things the right way. We like to think of ourselves as an ethical and innovative tech company that has created a business where everyone is treated fairly and respectfully, from our engineers to the drivers that use our platform. Moreover, we always comply fully with government regulations and respect local laws. It’s been quite a ride so far, but in reality our journey has only just begun. If we’re going to turn our vision into a reality, we’re going to need plenty more bright, ambitious people to join us! About the position:How will you help us achieve our mission?Establish metrics to measure effectiveness of automated communications and marketing campaignsMonitor and analyze key metrics related to onboarding, customer engagement, trial-to-customer conversion, retention, and churn.Establish KPIs, manage performance / reporting, and communicate results to local teams.Track and share performance trends, insights and recommendations for program enhancements.Analysis of customer data sets across all segments to help identify commercially attractive opportunities and improve personalized direct communication, ROI and sales.Support and coordinate the CRM team.Manage the communications with the riders of all around Cabify.Work with providers to take advantage of available technology to automate manual processes and improve communications relevancy by developing behavioral and remarketing campaigns.Ensures compliance of all local CRM activities with global rules.Take the area to the next level. What we’re looking for:>5 year experience in a CRM environment.Very good analytical skills.The best technical skills.Data-driven, being able to design new analysis and convert them into business decisions and campaign optimizationsGood interpersonal, communication and presentation skillsProactive, responsible, attention to detail and a good team playerAbility to work in a quick and multi-cultural environmentKnowledge of Braze is more than a plusKnowledge of HTML, CSS, SQL, php,…About the team you’ll work with:You’ll join a fantastic team of bright, experienced marketing professionals who spread the word about Cabify with energy, positivity and passion. The good stuff:We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.Flexible work environment & hoursMonthly Cabify creditPersonal development programmes Flexible remuneration: subsidized restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeAll the gear you need - just bring yourself.Regular fun team events.And last but not least...free coffee!
fce1366d-5e69-4d1f-acd1-6569c966f014 Global Growth Riders Intern https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5708820002 Madrid Madrid, Spain Si has entrado a leer sobre esta oportunidad de beca es que tienes algo especial. Tienes ganas. Ganas de cambiar el mundo. De replantear la forma en la que las personas se mueven por su ciudad. Y eso es justo lo que necesitas para trabajar en Cabify.Vas a usar todas tus ganas y tu potencial, para participar en proyectos que nos ayuden a llegar a nuevas ciudades, a crear nuevos servicios y a transformar la movilidad usando una app. Mientras, no dejarás de aprender y conocerás gente nueva que te ayudará a desarrollar tu talento. ¿Te unes al viaje?La duración del programa de beca será de un año, con jornada completa, y tras finalizar este período, evaluaremos tu contribución y tu desempeño para valorar si existen posibilidades de incorporarte al equipo a través de un contrato laboral! Si fueses tú la persona finalmente seleccionada para realizar la beca, contarás con un tutor que te ayudará y enseñará lo necesario para realizar tus funciones, tendrás a una persona asignada como buddy que te acompañará en el camino y te ayudará a tener un gran onboarding, contarás con un people business partner para cualquier tema relacionado con HR, y todos tus compañeros estarán apoyando con todo lo necesario. Cómo nos gusta que seas:Actúa como co-propietario: alguien que trabaje duro y se sienta orgulloso de lo que hace. Tiene iniciativa y actúa cooperando cuando algo no funciona. Pero lo más importante de todo es que tenga vocación de servicio.Confía, comunica y desarrolla: una persona que escuche y aprenda, es transparente y exige lo mismo al resto.Abraza e impulsa el cambio: el cambio crea nuevas oportunidades. Sé el cambio que necesitamos para escalar y mejorar todavía más.Analiza, innova y simplifica: una persona que resuelve la raíz del problema y no sus síntomas. Plantea hipótesis y las testea. Comparte datos y no opiniones. Innova, es creativo, comete errores nuevos y los comparte para que aprendamos de ellos. Desecha lo obsoleto, busca la simplicidad y lo escalable. Contribuye y se compromete: alguien que comparte datos para tomar la mejor decisión. Toma decisiones y evita la parálisis por sobre análisis. Produce un impacto: Busca que sus acciones produzcan un valor añadido. Piensa que “hecho” es mejor que “perfecto”. No reinventa la rueda. Entrega… y sigue mejorando.Tiene una actitud positiva y humilde: Se asegura de que la gente a su alrededor disfruta de los lunes. Es constructivo ante la adversidad y especialmente ante los errores. Promueve la diversidad y respeta opiniones distintas. En el equipo de Rider Growth la beca tendrá como objetivo apoyar a los equipos globales y locales en el lanzamiento, ejecución y medición de iniciativas que nos lleven a mejorar nuestra propuesta de valor. Las funciones principales en las que te involucraremos serán:Definir y dar soporte en el lanzamiento, ejecución y medición de iniciativas de Growth en todas las regiones donde Cabify tiene presencia Dar soporte y retar a los equipos locales para que ejecuten acciones y procesos para mejorar nuestra propuesta de valor Análisis basado en datos para encontrar insights y oportunidades de negocio que nos lleven a crecerHacer seguimiento del budget de descuentos de los equipos localesQué necesitamos que tengas para iniciar el proceso de selección: Posibilidad de firmar convenio de beca con tu centro educativoNivel de inglés mínimo para el desarrollo de tu beca y la colaboración con tus compañeros (B2)Formación superior en Ingeniería, Matemáticas, Económicas, Estadística o similaresIdealmente +1 año de experiencia en Growth Marketing, Emprendeduría Background en analítica aplicada a negocio (se valorará contar con experiencia / conocimientos en SQL y/o Tableau)Orientación al detalle, proactividad y team playerHabilidad para aprender y adaptarte a los cambios Business mindset Cómo nos gusta que seas:Actúa como co-propietario: alguien que trabaje duro y se sienta orgulloso de lo que hace. Tiene iniciativa y actúa cooperando cuando algo no funciona. Pero lo más importante de todo es que tenga vocación de servicio.Confía, comunica y desarrolla: una persona que escuche y aprenda, es transparente y exige lo mismo al resto.Abraza e impulsa el cambio: el cambio crea nuevas oportunidades. Sé el cambio que necesitamos para escalar y mejorar todavía más.Analiza, innova y simplifica: una persona que resuelve la raíz del problema y no sus síntomas. Plantea hipótesis y las testea. Comparte datos y no opiniones. Innova, es creativo, comete errores nuevos y los comparte para que aprendamos de ellos. Desecha lo obsoleto, busca la simplicidad y lo escalable. Contribuye y se compromete: alguien que comparte datos para tomar la mejor decisión. Toma decisiones y evita la parálisis por sobre análisis. Produce un impacto: Busca que sus acciones produzcan un valor añadido. Piensa que “hecho” es mejor que “perfecto”. No reinventa la rueda. Entrega… y sigue mejorando.Tiene una actitud positiva y humilde: Se asegura de que la gente a su alrededor disfruta de los lunes. Es constructivo ante la adversidad y especialmente ante los errores. Promueve la diversidad y respeta opiniones distintas.Ahora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify y que formemos parte de una de tus primeras experiencias.Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo. (Torneo de padel, ping pong y atención tenemos videoconsolas en la oficina)Recharge day hasta Diciembre del 2022Actividades de TambuildingFruta frescaTodo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
3daf89c7-540d-455d-b49e-c26b9dc6931d Global Paid Social Media Specialist https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5561855002 Madrid Madrid, Spain Do you want to change the world? At Cabify, that’s what we’re doing: We make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them through our platform. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs to own a car; but we still have a long way to go before we get there... Do you want to join us? Founded in 2011, we have become the first Spanish tech ‘unicorn’. Our HQ is in Madrid but you can currently find us in 38 cities across Spain and Latin America. Every month, new members join our world-class team of passionate, smart and talented individuals with a hunger to challenge the status quo. We are a confident, professional, charismatic and focused team, young at heart and proud to do things the right way. We like to think of ourselves as an ethical and innovative tech company that has created a business where everyone is treated fairly and respectfully, from our engineers to the drivers that use our platform. Moreover, we always comply fully with government regulations and respect local laws. Also, as a socially responsible company where innovation comes first, we’re always looking to promote a diverse and inclusive workplace through our talent acquisition policy. So if we’re going to turn our vision into a reality, we’re going to need many more bright, ambitious people to join us! We want people who believe in our culture, our values and our eight core principles.About the position:The Global Paid Social Media Specialist is a part of the Global Digital team, leads and executes the Paid Social Media strategy and ensures best in class customer acquisition, engagement and retention. Proven experience in digital marketing, both branding and performance, will be responsible for scaling Cabify´s B2C digital plan validating core KPIs, such as retention, ROAS and LTV. With a strong analytical background and solid understanding of analytic tools (MMPs, Google Analytics, Amplitude, Tableau, …) will collaborate closely with other Cabify squads to improve performance at every step of the funnel in order to achieve global and local goals. How will you help us achieve our mission?Execute and optimize the social paid strategy with specific goals and metrics across Social Media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Snapchat,Twitter, Linkedin…).Acquire and retain valuable riders in the countries where Cabify operatesOwn paid acquisition goals and execution, suggesting innovations and improvements to help reach global and local goals.Track and analyze results to identify optimization opportunities and solutions to increase conversion and retention.Research, propose and A/B test new acquisition and retention strategies for Social Media channels.Actively supporting new design, contents and ad formats for Social Media.Collaborate with other Cabify teams to improve performance at every step of the funnel. What we’re looking for:+3 years in Paid Social Media, focused in performance in fast growing companiesPrevious experience in native app acquisition is also a plus.Demonstrable experience managing large budgets for Social Media channels.Strong analytical background including advanced Excel skills and MMPs. like Adjust. .Used to manage automation platforms for social paid campaigns like Smartly or MakeMeReach.Ability to conduct research and competitive analysis (market size, benchmarks, trends, opportunities, customer needs and expectations, etc)Excellent communication skills, both oral and written.Fluent in EnglishStrong view to anticipate problems, used to work in fast-paced environmentsAdaptability to change. About the team you’ll work with:You’ll join a fantastic team of bright, experienced professionals who spread the word about Cabify with energy, positivity and passion. Our team is embedded within Growth team and works closely with product, data science, services and local markets to boost our mobility services within different clients (private, corporate, drivers, fleets) The good stuff:We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family:Flexible work environment & hoursThe third Friday of each month off until 2023Regular fun team eventsCabify staff discountPersonal development programsPerks: subsidized restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeAll the gear you need - just bring yourselfAnd last but not least...free coffee!
d18c0740-abb5-41f1-89fe-ff58906d9071 Paid Media B2B Specialist https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5695240002 Madrid Madrid, Spain ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38+ ciudades de España, y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!!MisiónBuscamos a una persona que sea capaz de llevar la estrategia de C4B al siguiente nivel. No solo desde el punto de vista de la ejecución sino también proponiendo y mejorando las estrategias que tenemos tanto en adquisición como en branding y awareness.¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Apoyar en el diseño, ejecución y optimización de la estrategia de medios digitales:. adquisición, marca, activación y fidelización para el área de B2B.Ejecución de la estrategia integral digital de B2B de la mano de las áreas de Social Media y CRM y alineados con los equipos globales y locales.Gestionar el presupuesto de medios digitales a nivel global.Tener un control permanente de las campañas y los retos estratégicos de crecimiento.Gestión de best practices documentadas para compartir experiencias y aprendizajes con el resto de los equipos de Marketing a nivel local y global.Identificar las necesidades de análisis de datos de acuerdo a objetivos de las campañas para mejorar el rendimiento de estas.Lo que estamos buscando:3 años o más de experiencia en marketing B2B Conocimiento del ciclo de vida B2BProfundo conocimiento y entendimiento de la compra de medios: LinkedIn, Google y Facebook. Experiencia en estrategias de adquisición y marca para B2B.Experiencia en estrategia de Inbound marketing.Experiencia con Salesforce.Actitud proactiva, crítica y muy enfocado en resultados. Detallista en la planificaciónEntendimiento e interpretación de data para toma de decisiones. Perfil muy analítico.Conocimiento del mercado en LATAM.Inglés fluido.Plus certificado de discapacidad del 33%Y además..Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Retribución flexible en tickets restaurant, transporte, seguro médico y guarderías.Una sala de mascotas en la oficina para que no tengas que dejar a tu peludo amigo en casa.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
4bc246c4-74b7-4fa0-a128-59391cbb57b3 Global Content Specialist https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5719828002 Bogotá Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38 ciudades de España, Portugal y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!! En Cabify tenemos muchas cosas nuevas por contar, por eso queremos ampliar nuestro equipo global de Contenido. Buscamos un perfil creativo, que le encante escribir, detallista y dispuesto a trabajar siempre en equipo. Y, por supuesto, que sea un auténtico amante de moverse por la ciudad. ¿Te sientes identificado/a? Sigue leyendo porque quizás esto te pueda interesar. ¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Darás voz a la marca de Cabify a través de la generación de contenidos siempre alineados con la estrategia de la marca.Crearás contenido relevante para la audiencia corporativa (pequeñas y grandes empresas que usan Cabify) en nuestros canales de CRM.Ayudarás a nuestros usuarios redactando contenidos que les ayuden a solventar sus dudas (artículos, emails…)Propondrás ideas y copies creativos para la creación de anuncios digitales con foco en alcanzar los objetivos de negocio. Trabajarás mano a mano con el equipo de diseño para que todas las piezas cumplan sus objetivos y obtengan los mejores resultados. Lo que estamos buscando:Sabemos que no existen las personas perfectas, pero te acercarías mucho a ello si...Tienes formación en periodismo, publicidad, comunicación o similar.Te encanta escribir, ya sea desde un microcopy para un banner hasta el guion de un vídeo, todo vale. Tienes +3 años de experiencia trabajando como redactor/a de contenidos (ya sea en una agencia publicitaria o en cliente)Has creado copies para anuncios digitales teniendo en cuenta métricas y objetivos de performance. Has trabajado de cerca con equipos de CRM y palabras como inapp, push o newsfeed no te asustan.Tienes experiencia creando contenidos para audiencias B2B, en particular en proyectos de inbound marketing.Sabes seguir las pautas de tono de voz de una marca, comunicar en base a su plataforma estratégica y modular mensajes según su audiencia.Tienes experiencia previa escribiendo para marcas con presencia en Latinoamérica y/o que estén relacionadas con el transporte y la movilidad. Sobre el equipo con el que trabajarásFormarás parte de nuestro equipo global de contenido, junto a otros 4 Content Specialists. Somos un equipo multidisciplinar, internacional y (está feo que lo digamos nosotros) muy, muy guay. Desde nuestra área nos encargamos de definir y dar voz a Cabify en todos sus canales y formatos: nuestras apps, web, publicidad, emails, redes sociales, recursos de ayuda… Y lo hacemos para todas nuestras audiencias, desde los conductores que colaboran con nosotros, hasta las empresas y pasajeros que se mueven por la ciudad.Trabajamos con todos los equipos de la organización (marketing, sostenibilidad, atención al cliente, recursos humanos,...) y para todos los países donde Cabify está presente. Y siempre, siempre aceptamos las buenas ideas. Ahora viene lo bueno:Y si todo lo anterior no te ha convencido para trabajar con nosotros, esperamos que estos otros beneficios sí lo hagan:Horario flexible de trabajoTercer viernes de cada mes libre hasta 20232 días a la semana de teletrabajoDescuentos en Cabify para empleadosTodos los tercer viernes de cada mes son días libresProgramas de desarrollo personalEventos con todo el equipoPosibilidad de retribución flexible en tickets restaurant, transporte, seguro médico y guarderíasSala de mascotas en la oficina para que no tengas que dejar a tu amigo peludo en casaTodo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento)Y lo último, pero no menos importante... fruta y café gratis en la oficina
09808d5a-dd7e-48a8-be90-e790b0c83b71 Global Tech Recruiter https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5167884002 Madrid Madrid, Spain Do you want to change the world? At Cabify, that’s what we’re doing. We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us? Founded in 2011, we have become the first Spanish tech ‘unicorn’. Our HQ is in Madrid but you can currently find us in +80 cities across Spain and Latin America. Every month, new members join our world-class team of passionate, smart and talented individuals with a hunger to challenge the status quo. But no matter how quickly we grow or how big we become, we’re determined to keep our ‘start-up’ spirit. We are a confident, professional, charismatic and focused team, young at heart and proud to do things the right way. We like to think of ourselves as an ethical and innovative tech company that has created a business where everyone is treated fairly and respectfully, from our engineers to the drivers that use our platform. Moreover, we always comply fully with government regulations and respect local laws. It’s been quite a ride so far, but in reality, our journey has only just begun. If we’re going to turn our vision into a reality, we’re going to need plenty more bright, ambitious people to join us! About the position: How will you help us to achieve our mission?Source tech candidates through different channels and be responsible for the end-to-end recruiting cycle within Cabify - sourcing, interviews, participation in the negotiations, feedbacks, advises, new ideas!Be the first point of contact when it comes to Tech hirings, acting also as an Advisor and Consultant to the management, and engage our current employees in the areaOffer best practices for recruiting to the team, guiding them to the best interview methods, candidates engagement, retention.Come up with different strategies to recruit platform, software, system engineers, among other roles.Have ownership of the challenges and source the candidates from social networking, MeetUps, different tech channels.Review and advise on the current interview process and bring up new ideas and new formats.Be strongly active when it comes to branding and leverage Cabify’s participation in social events, TechTalks and MeetUps.Create and implement new employer branding strategies and actions that help us to attract the best talent. Who are we looking for?You’ve gained 3+ years in, technical recruiting, either in-house agency or in an industry, within the Tech/Product area.You know where the great candidates are and know how to approach, attract and engage them.You’ve gained knowledge of the Tech and business scene in Europe and are familiar with the different programming languages, frameworks, trends and methodologies.You’ve created and implemented Employer Branding strategies in your last experiences.You are hands-on, adapt to changes and to a fast-paced environment.You are great in communication.You’re fluent in English and Spanish.This is a temporary role, but if your performance and motivations are great and we do have an increase of headcount, we will be looking for you to stay with us longer! The good stuff: We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.Flexible work environment & hours.Intensive working hours on Fridays and summer.Up to 2 - 3 remote working days every week (currently more due to the pandemic).Regular fun team events.Cabify staff discounts.Personal development programs.Flexible remuneration: subsidized restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcare.22 vacation days plus 2 more if you start before July plus 0,5 days for your birthday if it coincide in a labor day, plus 0.5 days on your kid's birthday if it coincide in a labor day.12 Recharge Days per year.A pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at home.All the gear you need - just bring yourself.And last but not least...free coffee and fruit!
09ec8b98-00fe-4247-b004-e6bb8f324fde HR Business Partner Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5729751002 Madrid Madrid, Spain ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38+ ciudades de España, y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!!Misión del puesto: Trasladar, implantar y garantizar el cumplimiento de los procedimientos y metodologías de People en la organización, trabajando estrechamente con la dirección de la compañía. ¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Gestionando el equipo de PBPs actual y definiendo su roadmap alineándose con la visión y estrategia del equipo de Talent Development, Acquisition y People Operations.Participando en el desarrollo del equipo de PBPs así como en el desarrollo de nuestros managers para que actúen como embajadores de los procesos de People en sus respectivos equipos. Creando vínculos con el Top Management y siendo capaz de crear cambios en el roadmap cuando sea necesario.Dando visibilidad a las líneas de liderazgo de la evolución del hiring y las necesidades de desarrollo del equipo, trabajando de forma coordinada con Talent Acquisition y Development.Detectando las necesidades del negocio en cuanto a la gestión del Talento y proponer iniciativas alineadas a los OKRs. Actuando como habilitador cultural, promoviendo y difundiendo los principios de Cabify y proponiendo iniciativas siempre basadas en nuestros valores como compañía.Desarrollando iniciativas y tomando decisiones en base a datos; extraer tendencias y ser capaces de identificar prácticas de mercado, y ser agentes de cambio para lograr los objetivos de People.Acompañando el Employee Journey implementando soluciones y mejorando la experiencia, motivación y engagement del empleado. Facilitando a los equipos los canales, recursos y métodos necesarios para la gestión de sus personas, su desarrollo profesional, su liderazgo y sus niveles de motivación. Qué necesitamos que tengas:Buscamos a una persona con madurez para toma de decisiones responsables y consecuentes, con visión estratégica, orientación a resultados, y mejora continua, con gran capacidad para ser flexible y adaptarse a los cambios constantes con los que convivimos, tanto a nivel entorno como organización. Al menos 5 años de experiencia como PBP y dos en gestión de equipos, preferiblemente en empresas tecnológicas. En cuanto a capacidad y habilidades técnicas, será muy necesario que te manejes con soltura con Drive, sobre todo con Sheets (relacionado con funcionalidades de búsqueda, analítica, datos, y procesos), ya que nuestro entorno es totalmente dinámico y ágil, trabajamos por política de empresa todo en la nube de Google.Sería recomendable el conocimiento en metodologías ágiles, OKRs, SCRUM, etc..En cuanto al área de selección, trabajamos con Greenhouse como ATS, y aunque existe un equipo especialistas en recruiting, será interesante que cuentes con experiencia en esta herramienta ya que contiene un volumen enorme de datos de los que podrán salir muchos planes de acción e iniciativas a nivel talento. En cuanto a tu formación, será muy interesante para nosotros que tengas conocimientos de empresa, y que vengas de carreras tipo ADE, derecho, psicología, ingeniería, etc., Cómo nos gusta que seas:Actúa como co-propietario: alguien que trabaje duro y se sienta orgulloso de lo que hace. Tiene iniciativa y actúa cooperando cuando algo no funciona. Pero lo más importante de todo es que tenga vocación de servicio.Confía, comunica y desarrolla: una persona que escuche y aprenda, es transparente y exige lo mismo al resto.Abraza e impulsa el cambio: el cambio crea nuevas oportunidades. Sé el cambio que necesitamos para escalar y mejorar todavía más.Analiza, innova y simplifica: una persona que resuelve la raíz del problema y no sus síntomas. Plantea hipótesis y las testea. Comparte datos y no opiniones. Innova, es creativo, comete errores nuevos y los comparte para que aprendamos de ellos. Desecha lo obsoleto, busca la simplicidad y lo escalable. Contribuye y se compromete: alguien que comparte datos para tomar la mejor decisión. Toma decisiones y evita la parálisis por sobre análisis. Produce un impacto: Busca que sus acciones produzcan un valor añadido. Piensa que “hecho” es mejor que “perfecto”. No reinventa la rueda. Entrega… y sigue mejorando.Tiene una actitud positiva y humilde: Se asegura de que la gente a su alrededor disfruta de los lunes. Es constructivo ante la adversidad y especialmente ante los errores. Promueve la diversidad y respeta opiniones distintas.¿Qué te ofrecemos?Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Salario competitivo.Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Recharge day. Cuenta con el tercer viernes free al mes. Tiempo para disfrutar de lo que quieras.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Presupuesto anual para formación.Retribución flexible en tickets restaurant, transporte, seguro médico y guarderías.Una sala de mascotas en la oficina para que no tengas que dejar a tu peludo amigo en casa.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
b2295437-1a4c-4d86-a565-f94512ebcddf Talent Acquisition Senior Specialist https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5318493002 Buenos Aires, Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en más de 85 ciudades de España y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!! Sobre el puesto ¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Serás el principal punto de contacto en el ciclo completo de nuestros procesos de selección, realizando acciones de asesoramiento y consultoría interna a las personas que participen en los procesos.Aunque tendrás como ubicación la oficina de Santiago, gestionarás los procesos de selección para las distintas áreas de negocio para las distintas oficinas de Latinoamérica.Te encargarás de hacer búsqueda directa de los mejores perfiles a través de diferentes canales digitales, y serás responsable de identificar talento en el mercado de manera proactiva, anticipando candidatos ante necesidades de contratación futuras.Deberás asesorar, acompañar y formar a los hiring managers y entrevistadores con las mejores prácticas de los procesos de selección en nuestra organización, alrededor del formato de entrevistas, casos prácticos, tiempos estimados, feedbacks, roles, criterios, etcEsperamos que seas capaz de identificar mejoras y desarrollar nuevas ideas para aumentar el impacto y la calidad de nuestro actual proceso de selección.Representarás a Cabify en eventos relacionados con posicionamiento de la marca y atracción de talento, siendo parte de las diferentes iniciativas y proyectos relacionados con el área de Talent Acquisition. Lo que estamos buscando: En cuanto a capacidad y habilidades técnicas, será muy necesario que te manejes con soltura con Drive, sobre todo con Sheets (relacionado con funcionalidades de búsqueda, analítica, datos, y procesos), ya que nuestro entorno es totalmente dinámico y ágil, trabajamos por política de empresa todo en la nube de Google.Acerca de tu formación, será muy interesante para nosotros que tengas conocimientos de empresa, y que vengas de carreras tipo Administración de empresas, psicología, ingeniería… :)Nos gustaría que contaras con al menos 3-4 años de experiencia en entornos rápidos y cambiantes en el área de la selección y atracción de talento (preferiblemente entornos tecnológicos y start-up) y que tengas una sólida experiencia en búsquedas directas de candidatos pasivos en diferentes canalesEn Cabify trabajamos con Greenhouse como ATS, y es un gran plus que cuentes con experiencia con esta herramienta, tanto por manejo y uso diario, como porque contiene un volumen enorme de datos de los que podrán salir muchos planes de acción e iniciativas a nivel talento. Sería fantástico contar con una persona con capacidad analítica y punto de vista estratégico del área de People, así como estar totalmente familiarizado con Linkedin y sus diferentes estrategias de búsqueda.Si tienes experiencia en consultoría y/o ventas será un plusFluidez en EspañolValorable nivel avanzado de Inglés Ahora viene lo bueno: Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify. Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Seguro MédicoTodo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
c7c06669-bbb9-4c94-9b11-1c0806c5ad04 Brand, Media and Creative Analyst - COL https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5656949002 Bogotá, Colombia Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38 ciudades de España y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!!Sobre el puesto¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Serás responsable de la localización de contenido y bajada de campañas de comunicación a todas las audiencias de Cabify.Serás el encargado de los flujos de comunicación automáticos por audiencia, así como de su contenido, relevancia y oportuna salida al aire. Deberán incluir la información relevante del negocio en Colombia.Apoyarás en la creación de contenido de los comunicados de marca, operaciones o categorías de Cabify.Serás el encargado de la generación de análisis de datos para la toma de decisiones sobre los canales de comunicación, identificando cuáles son los idóneos según la campaña o la necesidad, para así aumentar la lectura de comunicaciones y fidelización de usuarios. Ayudarás en la realización reportes de resultados y seguimiento de iniciativas relacionadas con usuarios (alianzas, campañas de descuentos, etc)Estarás en constante comunicación con el equipo de usuarios, conductores, operaciones y alianzas para ayudar con sus iniciativas, campañas y requerimientos. Lo que estamos buscando: (Background académico experiencia)Profesional en administración de empresas, comunicación social o carreras afinesPersona con con experiencia en comunicaciones externas con audiencias claves, creación de comunidad y contenidoExperiencia entre 6 meses y 1 añoSobre el equipo con el que trabajarás:Formarás parte de un equipo fantástico, experimentado y profesional que trabaja para posicionar la marca Cabify con energía, optimismo y pasión.Ahora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify. Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
fc0c39a9-3f47-4ffd-9df2-9f2ebd05c3e5 Driver Growth Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5593367002 Madrid Madrid, Spain ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38+ ciudades de España, y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!!Misión del puesto:Promover el desarrollo técnico de la disciplina de rider growth, liderando proyectos e iniciativas de alto impacto para la audiencia y velando por una gestión eficaz, eficiente e innovadora de los presupuestos y las palancas de crecimientoMisión del puesto:Promover el desarrollo técnico de la disciplina de driver growth, liderando proyectos e iniciativas de alto impacto para la audiencia y velando por una gestión eficaz, eficiente e innovadora de los presupuestos y las palancas de crecimiento¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Serás el responsable de crear, comunicar y ejecutar de manera conjunta la estrategia de crecimiento (product market fit, propuesta de valor, plan financiero y de negocio) de drivers para el mercado de EspañaTendrás que buscar oportunidades viables que puedan redimir el crecimiento e incremento del Market Share en esta audiencia.Deberás desarrollar, implementar y medir el éxito de las tácticas de crecimiento en líneas de Marketing (Marketing Mix y Canales Online & Offline), además de líneas de desarrollo y diferenciación de productos y servicios atraves de palancas Operativas y Tecnológicas.Tendrás que implementar sistemas de benchmarking con la competencia para proponer propuestas concretas y simples de valor para nuestras audiencias con visión lógica, sustentable y eficiente. Para esto es clave tener una fuerte y ágil capacidad de implementación.Deberás tener un entendimiento claro de nuestro mercado para adaptar las estrategias globales, proponer acciones de mejora y aterrizarlas en este mercado.Serás el responsable del rendimiento frente a los principales KPIs de crecimiento de primera línea, además del control del P&L de la línea de negocio que estarás responsable.Organizar, dar dirección y seguimiento de los procesos / proyectos de negocios y planificación y esfuerzos analíticosGestionar la entrega de todas las necesidades de oferta / demanda en cada producto y mercado que actuamos.Promover el desarrollo técnico de la disciplina y del equipo a cargo, asegurándote de implementar un mentalidad de mejora continua y de control en los procesos, metodologías y flujos de trabajo.Planificación, gestión y ejecución del presupuesto asignado para su vertical de negocio, velando por la consecución de los objetivos de crecimiento y de resultados financieros.Promover desarrollos y líneas de acción que potencien los objetivos de captación, performance y retención de conductores y flotas (taxi y vtc). Establecer entornos de análisis y aplicación de datos para soportar la toma de decisiones del equipo. Coordinar la implementación de campañas con el equipo de Marketing y mejoras operativa y de servicio con los equipos de Operaciones y Tecnología.Apoyar una implementación de la estrategia que potencie los atributos de marca y diferenciadores de servicio para la vertical de Ride-hailing, dentro del entorno de Multimovilidad.Coordinar la implementación de proyectos globales con impacto en el negocio local. Apoyar iniciativas de quality assurance y velar por el control de indicadores de servicio.Liderar equipos transversales con enfoque en iniciativas o proyectos de gran impacto para la audiencia de conductores y flotas (taxi y vtc).Asegurar una actitud proactiva y de desarrollo continuo dentro del equipo, velando por un desarrollo del equipo a cargo acorde al plan de carrera establecido.Cómo nos gusta que seas:Actúa como co-propietario: alguien que trabaje duro y se sienta orgulloso de lo que hace. Tiene iniciativa y actúa cooperando cuando algo no funciona. Pero lo más importante de todo es que tenga vocación de servicio.Confía, comunica y desarrolla: una persona que escuche y aprenda, es transparente y exige lo mismo al resto.Abraza e impulsa el cambio: el cambio crea nuevas oportunidades. Sé el cambio que necesitamos para escalar y mejorar todavía más.Analiza, innova y simplifica: una persona que resuelve la raíz del problema y no sus síntoma. Plantea hipótesis y las testea. Comparte datos y no opiniones. Innova, es creativo, comete errores nuevos y los comparte para que aprendamos de ellos. Desecha lo obsoleto, busca la simplicidad y lo escalable. Contribuye y se compromete: alguien que comparte datos para tomar la mejor decisión. Toma decisiones y evita la parálisis por sobreanálisis. Produce un impacto: Busca que sus acciones produzcan un valor añadido. Piensa que “hecho” es mejor que “perfecto”. No reinventa la rueda. Entrega… y sigue mejorando.Tiene una actitud positiva y humilde: Se asegura de que la gente a su alrededor disfruta de los lunes. Es constructivo ante la adversidad y especialmente ante los errores. Promueve la diversidad y respeta opiniones distintas.Qué necesitamos que tengas:Skills técnicos:Experiencia en Excel/SheetExperiencia en Tableau Experiencia en GsuitSkills funcionales:Gran capacidad de planificación,Buenas habilidades comunicativasGran capacidad de organizaciónAnalíticaEntre las competencias que buscamos en este perfil, prevalecen la orientación a resultados, el trabajo en equipo y cooperación, gran capacidad para tomar decisión y resolución, un profundo conocimiento técnico y del negocio, capacidad de inspirar a los equipos, visión estratégica, orientación clara al cliente interno y externo, y mentalidad de mejora continua.Sin embargo, no es indispensable que tengas pero si deseable, experiencia en startups.Ahora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Retribución flexible en tickets restaurant, transporte, seguro médico y guarderías.Una sala de mascotas en la oficina para que no tengas que dejar a tu peludo amigo en casa.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
b3a201b6-006d-4cd4-9896-a917f0684ead Growth Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5136084002 Bogotá, Colombia Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas? Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38 ciudades de España y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”. Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento. Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!! ¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión? Apoyarás en toda la estrategia de adquisición de nuevos usuarios (Definición de presupuesto y concepto de campañas digitales, seguimiento y análisis de los principales indicadores y gestión del funnel de adquisición)Apoyarás en la creación de estrategias de fidelización para retención de la base activa de usuarios Serás el encargado de la generación de análisis de los datos para la toma de decisiones relevantes para el negocioApoyarás en la realización reportes de resultados y seguimiento de iniciativas relacionadas con usuarios (alianzas, campañas de descuentos, etc)Profundizar en datos (internos y externos) para descubrir insights y resolver hipótesis que permitan mantener un flujo de optimización constante Lo que estamos buscando: (Background académico experiencia)Profesional en administración de empresas, ingenieria industrial, economia o carreras afinesPersona con con alto nivel de análisis de datos, estructura y pensamiento críticoExperiencia entre 6-8 añosObligatorio: Competente en la escritura y comprensión de SQL complejo y trabajando con grandes conjuntos de datos.Obligatorio: conocimiento práctico de / Tableau / Qlik / PowerBI o cualquier otra herramienta de visualización de datos Sobre el equipo con el que trabajarás: Formarás parte de un equipo fantástico, experimentado y profesional que trabaja para posicionar la marca Cabify con energía, optimismo y pasión.Ahora viene lo bueno: Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify. Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
625a8e0b-2599-4c7d-8fc2-8f24ad71fef2 Growth Specialist https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5649371002 Bogotá, Colombia Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38 ciudades de España y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!!Sobre el puesto¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Apoyarás en toda la estrategia de adquisición de nuevos usuarios (Definición de presupuesto y concepto de campañas digitales, seguimiento y análisis de los principales indicadores y gestión del funnel de adquisición)Liderarás en la creación de estrategias de fidelización para retención de la base activa de usuarios Serás el encargado de la generación de análisis de los datos para la toma de decisiones relevantes para el negocioLiderarás en la realización reportes de resultados y seguimiento de iniciativas relacionadas con usuarios (alianzas, campañas de descuentos, etc) Lo que estamos buscando: (Background académico experiencia)Profesional en administración de empresas, ingenieria industrial, economia o carreras afinesPersona con con alto nivel de análisis de datos, estructura y pensamiento críticoExperiencia entre 2 y 3 años. Sobre el equipo con el que trabajarás:Formarás parte de un equipo fantástico, experimentado y profesional que trabaja para posicionar la marca Cabify con energía, optimismo y pasión.Ahora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify. Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
787eecae-252d-4c3a-baab-6d78a21f5056 Growth Specialist ES https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5554568002 Madrid Madrid, Spain Do you want to change the world? At Cabify, that’s what we’re doing. We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us?Founded in 2011, we have become the first Spanish tech ‘unicorn’. Our HQ is in Madrid but you can currently find us in 38 cities across Spain, and Latin America. Every month, new members join our world-class team of passionate, smart and talented individuals with a hunger to challenge the status quo.But no matter how quickly we grow or how big we become, we’re determined to keep our ‘start-up’ spirit. We are a confident, professional, charismatic and focused team, young at heart and proud to do things the right way.We like to think of ourselves as an ethical and innovative tech company that has created a business where everyone is treated fairly and respectfully, from our engineers to the drivers that use our platform. Moreover, we always comply fully with government regulations and respect local laws, and as a socially responsible company where innovation comes first, we’re always looking to promote a diverse and inclusive workplace through our talent acquisition policy.It’s been quite a ride so far, but in reality, our journey has only just begun. If we’re going to turn our vision into a reality, we’re going to need plenty more bright, ambitious people to join us! How will you help us achieve our mission?Define and scale growth initiatives to Cabify ESDeep dive in data to uncover key business insights and opportunities for growthDevelop and measure the success of new growth tacticsResponsible for performance against key top-line growth KPIsUnderstand the needs of local teams and be capable of translating these to global teamWork closely with stakeholders across the organization - including local teams, Product, Operations, Data Science, Legal, and more. What we’re looking for:BS in Engineering, Computer Science, Math, Economics, Statistics, Management or equivalent experience3+ years of growth, entrepreneurship, consulting or operations strategy experienceStrong background in analytics applied to business problems (SQL and Tableau experience preferred)Business mindset and result drivenDetail-oriented and operative person, self-starter and team playerAbility to learn and adapt to changeExperience working with multifunctional teams (specially product) in agile environmentsPlus: disability certificate About the team you’ll work with:You’ll join a fantastic team of bright, experienced professionals who spread the word about Cabify with energy, positivity and passion. Our team is embedded within the growth team and works closely with product, data science, services and local markets to improve users (driver & riders) acquisition, activation, retention and loyalty. We are a team with passion for business strategy, marketing, entrepreneurship, data and our users. The good stuff:We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.Flexible work environment & hoursRegular fun team eventsCabify staff discountPersonal development programmesFlexible remuneration: subsidized restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeAll the gear you need - just bring yourself.And last but not least...free fruits & coffee!
068e021a-de50-4e08-85f8-44cebbc96a3e Head of Growth https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5572245002 Santiago, Chile Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas? Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38 ciudades de España, Portugal y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”. Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento. Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!! Sobre el puesto¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Habilidades de liderazgo y mentalidad estratégica.Actitud de entrega práctica y continua. Capacidad para aprender y adaptarse al cambio.Conocimiento en marketing, emprendimiento, consultoría o experiencia en estrategia de operaciones. Plus si te has desempeñado en áreas de Growth en otras empresas.Amplia experiencia en analítica aplicada a problemas de negocios (se prefiere la experiencia de SQL, Amplitude y/o Tableau)Diseño y seguimiento de la propuesta de valor y definición del plan estratégico.Planificación de presupuesto y administración del gasto en iniciativas de mercado.Responsable frente al rendimiento del crecimiento de los KPI claves del negocio.Responsable de monitorear la ejecución del equipo de Rider y DriversCapacidad analítica en los datos de la compañía para descubrir ideas clave de negocio y oportunidades de crecimiento.Fuertes capacidades analíticas cuantitativas sobre el desempeño de Marketing.Manejo de metodologías de Growth, ya sea Loops, Funnels, CRO, etc. Lo que estamos buscando:Ingeniero Comercial, en Administración, Civil o industrialMínimo 5 años de experiencia.Experiencia en posiciones similares y liderando equipo. Sobre el equipo con el que trabajarás:Formarás parte de un equipo dinámico y ejecutor. Liderarás el área encargada del crecimiento de Cabify Chile, con managers, especialistas, y analistas para apoyarte. Ahora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Stock Options de CabifyHorario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados. Programas de desarrollo personal.Seguro MédicoTodo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
523eed52-9e77-43ab-bdd2-83c93b19ea21 Partnerships Specialist https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5459393002 Santiago Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas? Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38 ciudades de España, Portugal y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”. Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento. Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!!Sobre el puesto¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Buscamos un Partnerships Specialist para formar parte del equipo de Cabify Chile, cuyo rol estará enfocado principalmente a encontrar, cerrar y desarrollar alianzas estratégicas con diferentes partners, con el objetivo de hacer crecer el negocio.¿En qué consiste el puesto?Generar alianzas estratégicas (de corto, mediano y largo plazo), que respondan a las diferentes necesidades del negocio.Generación de reportes y análisis sobre las diferentes iniciativas y partners.Planificación, ejecución y optimización de un presupuesto dedicado de descuentos, bonos y/u offline para captar, retener y monetizar partners.Llevar la relación comercial con los diferentes partners y mantener una comunicación constante en pro de nutrir cada relación con los diferentes stakeholders.Resolución autónoma de problemas de negocio, sabiendo escalar los que requieran un mayor input o la intervención de más stakeholders.Alinear con otras áreas de la compañía los objetivos de las alianzas. Lo que estamos buscando:Ingeniero Comercial, Ingeniero Civil, Periodista o carrera afín.Mínimo 3 años de experiencia.Experiencia en posiciones similares. Skills:Excelentes habilidades de comunicación, interpersonales y comerciales.Se valorará tener red de contactos que sean un match para Cabify.Habilidades de seguimiento comercial y medición de performance de las alianzas.Habilidades en el levantamiento de análisis de factibilidad y rentabilidad de las alianzas (Business Cases, Análisis de ROI, etc.).Manejo de Bases de Datos es deseable (Excel, CRM,Tableau, etc.)Sobre el equipo con el que trabajarás:Formarás parte de un equipo fantástico, experimentado y profesional que trabaja para posicionar la marca Cabify con energía, optimismo y pasión Ahora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados. Programas de desarrollo personal.Seguro MédicoTodo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).
045cb307-bb37-4cac-8cc4-c81d9c895433 Rider Growth Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5060389002 Madrid Madrid, Spain ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38+ ciudades de España, y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!!Misión del puesto:Promover el desarrollo técnico de la disciplina de rider growth, liderando proyectos e iniciativas de alto impacto para la audiencia y velando por una gestión eficaz, eficiente e innovadora de los presupuestos y las palancas de crecimiento¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Serás el responsable de crear, comunicar y ejecutar de manera conjunta la estrategia de crecimiento (product market fit, propuesta de valor, plan financiero y de negocio) de usuarios para el mercado de EspañaTendrás que buscar oportunidades viables que puedan redimir el crecimiento e incremento del Market Share en esta audiencia.Deberás desarrollar, implementar y medir el éxito de las tácticas de crecimiento en líneas de Marketing (Marketing Mix y Canales Online & Offline), además de líneas de desarrollo y diferenciación de productos y servicios atraves de palancas Operativas y Tecnológicas.Tendrás que implementar sistemas de benchmarking con la competencia para proponer propuestas concretas y simples de valor para nuestras audiencias con visión lógica, sustentable y eficiente. Para esto es clave tener una fuerte y ágil capacidad de implementación.Deberás tener un entendimiento claro de nuestro mercado para adaptar las estrategias globales, proponer acciones de mejora y aterrizarlas en este mercado.Serás el responsable del rendimiento frente a los principales KPIs de crecimiento de primera línea, además del control del P&L de la línea de negocio que estarás responsable.Organizar, dar dirección y seguimiento de los procesos / proyectos de negocios y planificación y esfuerzos analíticosGestionar la entrega de todas las necesidades de oferta / demanda en cada producto y mercado que actuamos.Promover el desarrollo técnico de la disciplina y del equipo a cargo, asegurándote de implementar un mentalidad de mejora continua y de control en los procesos, metodologías y flujos de trabajo.Planificación, gestión y ejecución del presupuesto asignado para su vertical de negocio, velando por la consecución de los objetivos de crecimiento y de resultados financieros.Promover desarrollos y líneas de acción que potencien los objetivos de captación, performance y retención de usuarios. Establecer entornos de análisis y aplicación de datos para soportar la toma de decisiones del equipo. Coordinar la implementación de campañas con el equipo de Marketing y mejoras operativa y de servicio con los equipos de Operaciones y Tecnología.Apoyar una implementación de la estrategia que potencie los atributos de marca y diferenciadores de servicio para la vertical de Ride-hailing, dentro del entorno de Multimovilidad.Coordinar la implementación de proyectos globales con impacto en el negocio local. Apoyar iniciativas de quality assurance y velar por el control de indicadores de servicio.Liderar equipos transversales con enfoque en iniciativas o proyectos de gran impacto para la audiencia de usuarios.Asegurar una actitud proactiva y de desarrollo continuo dentro del equipo, velando por un desarrollo del equipo a cargo acorde al plan de carrera establecido.Cómo nos gusta que seas:Actúa como co-propietario: alguien que trabaje duro y se sienta orgulloso de lo que hace. Tiene iniciativa y actúa cooperando cuando algo no funciona. Pero lo más importante de todo es que tenga vocación de servicio.Confía, comunica y desarrolla: una persona que escuche y aprenda, es transparente y exige lo mismo al resto.Abraza e impulsa el cambio: el cambio crea nuevas oportunidades. Sé el cambio que necesitamos para escalar y mejorar todavía más.Analiza, innova y simplifica: una persona que resuelve la raíz del problema y no sus síntoma. Plantea hipótesis y las testea. Comparte datos y no opiniones. Innova, es creativo, comete errores nuevos y los comparte para que aprendamos de ellos. Desecha lo obsoleto, busca la simplicidad y lo escalable. Contribuye y se compromete: alguien que comparte datos para tomar la mejor decisión. Toma decisiones y evita la parálisis por sobreanálisis. Produce un impacto: Busca que sus acciones produzcan un valor añadido. Piensa que “hecho” es mejor que “perfecto”. No reinventa la rueda. Entrega… y sigue mejorando.Tiene una actitud positiva y humilde: Se asegura de que la gente a su alrededor disfruta de los lunes. Es constructivo ante la adversidad y especialmente ante los errores. Promueve la diversidad y respeta opiniones distintas.Qué necesitamos que tengas:Skills técnicos:Experiencia en Excel/SheetExperiencia en Tableau Experiencia en GsuitSkills funcionales:Gran capacidad de planificación,Buenas habilidades comunicativasGran capacidad de organizaciónAnalíticaEntre las competencias que buscamos en este perfil, prevalecen la orientación a resultados, el trabajo en equipo y cooperación, gran capacidad para tomar decisión y resolución, un profundo conocimiento técnico y del negocio, capacidad de inspirar a los equipos, visión estratégica, orientación clara al cliente interno y externo, y mentalidad de mejora continua.Sin embargo, no es indispensable que tengas pero si deseable, experiencia en startups.Ahora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Retribución flexible en tickets restaurant, transporte, seguro médico y guarderías.Una sala de mascotas en la oficina para que no tengas que dejar a tu peludo amigo en casa.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
abe5ac7a-ee84-407d-88b9-f23fa0adfc26 Global IT Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5581618002 Madrid Madrid, Spain ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38 ciudades de España, Portugal y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!Sobre el puestoResponsabilidad de la organización y coordinación del departamento de IT corporativo de Cabify, con un equipo de 4 personas a su cargo y trabajando en 10 países. A parte de la la parte organizativa y de management, debe ser capaz de realizar tareas de soporte directo y tareas técnicas a todos los equipos de la compañía.¿Cómo nos vas a ayudar a cumplir con nuestra misión?En tu día a día las tareas variarán mucho, ya que el departamento de IT tiene competencias amplias, pero en general estarás coordinando proyectos con distintos departamentos, implementando nuevos proyectos nativos de IT, tratando con proveedores de software para nuevas adquisiciones o renovaciones, gestionando los equipos de IT de varios países para dar el soporte necesario a nuestros empleados o trabajando con el departamento de producto para mejorar las comunicaciones. Te podemos asegurar que cada día será distinto.Lo que estamos buscandoLicenciatura en informática, telecomunicaciones o experiencia equivalenteGestión de equipos: el candidato seleccionado deberá tener experiencia en la gestión de equipos multipaís con personas de distintos niveles y conocimientosGestión de proveedores: El candidato seleccionado deberá tener amplia experiencia en la gestión de proveedores y compras de servicios y materiales ITRelaciones interdepartamentales: Es fundamental que el candidato tenga experiencia en relaciones entre departamentos, toma de requisitos y soporte especializado según las necesidades de cada cliente interno.Amplios conocimientos de infraestructura cloud de servicios internos a empleados, idealmente Google workspace (pero experiencia en Office 365 es valorable)Enfoque a negocio: El candidato seleccionado deberá anteponer las necesidades del negocio a las necesidades del departamento, deberá entender como funciona una empresa a nivel interno y externoComunicación fluída: El candidato seleccionado deberá tener una excelente capacidad de comunicación tanto escrita como hablada, en Español y en InglésExperiencia con entornos de trabajo híbridos remoto/presencialConocimientos técnicos en:Redes Lan y WAN.Entornos Windows y ApplePlataformación de equiposPlataformas de comunicación (Slack, Zoom, Hangouts, Teams)Gestión de identidades (IDM, Cloud LDAP, Azure AD)Plataformas de compras, Recursos Humanos, Financieras y CRM.Experiencia en la realización y seguimiento de presupuestos departamentalesInglés avanzado (C1 o superior)También ValoramosExperiencia de gestión en Google WorkspaceConocimientos de plataformas de ticketing (Zendesk), gestión de workflows (Jotform), MDM (Meraki), IDM (Jumpcloud, Okta).Gestión de Firewalls Palo AltoConocimientos de Cloud Security, CASB, SASEAhora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.El tercer viernes de cada mes , libre hasta 2023 Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Retribución flexible en tickets restaurant, transporte, seguro médico y guarderías.Una sala de mascotas en la oficina para que no tengas que dejar a tu peludo amigo en casa.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
6aea08d4-1faa-4941-b6f8-66a7c8d61072 Senior Legal Manager España https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5569159002 Madrid Madrid, Spain ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38 ciudades de España, Portugal y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!!Sobre el puestoBuscamos una persona que tenga un mínimo de 5-6 años de experiencia profesional y que haya trabajado previamente en un despacho de abogados, preferentemente con conocimientos de Derecho Administrativo. El/la candidato/a deberá ser una persona resolutiva, capaz de adaptarse de manera rápida a los cambios y que disfrute trabajando en equipo. Asimismo, deberá saber trabajar bajo presión, ser proactivo/a y contar con buenas dotes de comunicación oral y escrita. La persona trabajará en su día a día de la mano a mano con los equipos de negocio de ride-hailing en España (Operaciones, Marketing, Desarrollo Corporativo, Prensa, etc.) para apoyar en la definición de la estrategia de crecimiento de la compañía en ese mercado, con reporte a la VP de Legal y al Country Manager de España.¿Cómo nos vas a ayudar a cumplir con nuestra misión?Participar en el asesoramiento jurídico (en materia esencialmente administrativa, contencioso-administrativa y laboral, pero también societaria y contractual) a las áreas de negocio de la Compañía a fin de garantizar el crecimiento de la actividad de ride-hailing.Participar en la preparación, revisión y modificación de los instrumentos contractuales requeridos para el crecimiento y expansión de las actividades comerciales de la Compañía.Asesorar a las áreas de negocio del equipo de España para la mejora de procesos relativos a la experiencia de usuarios y de conductores.Revisar y redactar contratos, acuerdos y políticas internas de Cabify y garantizar que éstos cumplen con todos los requisitos legales.Interactuar con el equipo Legal Global de Cabify para alinear la estrategia jurídica a seguir en España con la del resto de mercados en los que opera la empresa.Lo que estamos buscandoLicenciatura en Derecho (se valorará a los candidatos con doble licenciatura en Derecho y ADE).Experiencia previa mínima de 5-6 años, incluyendo el paso por despacho.Nivel muy alto de inglés.Profesional proactivo, orientado a la búsqueda de soluciones, buenas habilidades de comunicación, persuasión y negociación. Excelentes habilidades analíticas, organizativas y de redacción.Sobre el equipo con el que trabajarás:Formarás parte de un equipo fantástico, experimentado y profesional que trabaja para posicionar la marca Cabify con energía, optimismo y pasión.Ahora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.El tercer viernes de cada mes , libre hasta 2023 Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Retribución flexible en tickets restaurant, transporte, seguro médico y guarderías.Una sala de mascotas en la oficina para que no tengas que dejar a tu peludo amigo en casa.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis!
98b40214-de1f-437d-8fa8-3268327640b3 Fleet lead micromobility https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5727734002 Madrid Madrid, Spain Do you want to change the world? At Cabify, that’s what we’re doing: We make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them through our platform. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs to own a car; but we still have a long way to go before we get there… Do you want to join us?Founded in 2011, we became the first Spanish tech unicorn. Our global HQ is in Madrid, but you can currently find us in 130+ cities across Spain, Portugal and Latin America. Every month new members join our world-class team of passionate, smart and talented individuals with a hunger to challenge the status quo.We are a confident, professional, charismatic and focused team, young at heart and proud to do things the right way. We like to think of ourselves as an ethical and innovative tech company that has created a business where everyone is treated fairly and respectfully, from our engineers to the drivers that use our platform. Moreover, we always comply fully with government regulations and respect local laws. Also, as a socially responsible company where innovation comes first, we’re always looking to promote a diverse and inclusive workplace through our talent acquisition policy.So if we’re going to turn our vision into a reality, we’re going to need many more bright, ambitious people to join us! We want people who believe in our culture, our values and our eight core principles. What are you going to do:Oversee the daily operations of the Micro Mobility business line of Cabify in Madrid city.Train and recruit the street operation team members.Shift planning and reporting.Implement initiatives and optimice processes related with the operational tasksBe an analytic, quantitative and resultive individual.Be comfortable working with multidisciplinary teams and being proactive to propose innovative solutionsBe the head of the street operational team of the micro mobility business line in Madrid.Get feedback from team members as Operations ManagerSupervision and analysis of operational KPIsCommunicate effectively with the Lead Operations Manager.Think out of the box to bring new ideas of process improvements that will make the difference and improve efficiency.Implement projects to improve the quality of KPIs such as cost per battery change and maintenance costs.Ensure the fleet and operational excellenceMust haveHave previous experience fleet managementGood communicator with ability and agility to solve problemsHighly motivated to work for a startupAdvance Excel and Data analysisStay creative, propose ideasUniversity degree (Bachelor Engineering, ADE, Master in management and similars)Fluent in English (desirable)About the team you’ll work with:We are a fully committed team with a strong focus in one single thing: ‘killing it!’ You’ll join a fantastic team of bright, ambitious, and experienced miracle-makers who spread the Cabify footprint and landscape with energy, positivity and lots of passion. We love what we do, supporting each other at all times to secure the best Cabify experience for our drivers, partners and riders.The good stuff:We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family:Flexible work environment & hoursRegular fun team eventsCabify staff discountPersonal development programsPerks: subsidized restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeAll the gear you need - just bring yourselfAnd last but not least… free coffee!
cfa99b59-ab57-47a6-a1de-1e9a6cbb46a6 Sales Executive Senior Delivery -CL https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5625595002 Santiago, Chile Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile B2B Sales Executive Delivery - CabifySantiago de Chile.¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38+ ciudades de España, y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!!Misión del puesto:Cerrar nuevos clientes B2B2C con la posibilidad de salir de la oficina para reunirse con ellos (en sus oficinas o en las de Cabify), pero también con gestiones telemáticas (teléfono y/o email). Gestionará las oportunidades convertidas principalmente por el equipo preventa (Pre-Sales Executives), pero también aquellas generadas por sí mismo (prospección propia).¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Cualificar, ofrecer propuesta de valor y negociar presencialmente y por vía telemática (teléfono y/o email) con clientes potenciales, para cerrar nuevos acuerdos comerciales B2B2C.Planificar y dirigir reuniones comerciales presenciales y/o telemáticas con cargos directivos y/o intermedios del cliente (ejemplo: Director de Compras, Director Financiero, Director RRHH...)Definir y ejecutar planes de acción con un claro foco en la consecución de objetivos cuantitativos (volumen, tamaño y calidad de los cierres) muy exigentes.Analizar y cuantificar las necesidades de su cartera para realizar solicitudes concretas de pipeline al equipo de preventa y/o prospectar por su propia cuenta.Estudiar tendencias sectoriales y mejores prácticas del entorno Outside Sales a nivel mundial, para después aplicar los conocimientos en nuevas técnicas dentro de la organización.Cómo nos gusta que seas:Actúa como co-propietario: alguien que trabaje duro y se sienta orgulloso de lo que hace. Tiene iniciativa y actúa cooperando cuando algo no funciona. Pero lo más importante de todo es que tenga vocación de servicio.Confía, comunica y desarrolla: una persona que escuche y aprenda, es transparente y exige lo mismo al resto.Abraza e impulsa el cambio: el cambio crea nuevas oportunidades. Sé el cambio que necesitamos para escalar y mejorar todavía más.Analiza, innova y simplifica: una persona que resuelve la raíz del problema y no sus síntoma. Plantea hipótesis y las testea. Comparte datos y no opiniones. Innova, es creativo, comete errores nuevos y los comparte para que aprendamos de ellos. Desecha lo obsoleto, busca la simplicidad y lo escalable. Contribuye y se compromete: alguien que comparte datos para tomar la mejor decisión. Toma decisiones y evita la parálisis por sobreanálisis. Produce un impacto: Busca que sus acciones produzcan un valor añadido. Piensa que “hecho” es mejor que “perfecto”. No reinventa la rueda. Entrega… y sigue mejorando.Tiene una actitud positiva y humilde: Se asegura de que la gente a su alrededor disfruta de los lunes. Es constructivo ante la adversidad y especialmente ante los errores. Promueve la diversidad y respeta opiniones distintas.Qué necesitamos que tengas:Skills técnicos:Excel/SheetSalesforceSkills funcionales:Excelente habilidades comunicativasCreatividadOrganización y planificaciónAnalíticaEntre las competencias que buscamos en este perfil, prevalecen la orientación a resultados, el trabajo en equipo y cooperación, gran capacidad para tomar decisión y resolución, un profundo conocimiento técnico y del negocio, visión estratégica, orientación clara al cliente interno y externo, y mentalidad de mejora continua.Sin embargo, no es indispensable que tengas pero si deseable, experiencia en startups y estudios en Administración de Empresas, Marketing o afinesY además..Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Retribución flexible en tickets restaurant, transporte, seguro médico y guarderías.Una sala de mascotas en la oficina para que no tengas que dejar a tu peludo amigo en casa.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).Y lo último, pero no menos importante... ¡café gratis
987b5188-7eda-43af-8377-7dabcf912503 People Business Partner https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5652009002 Buenos Aires, Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina ¿Querés cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer 'unicornio' español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38 ciudades de España, Portugal y Latinoamérica. Cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el "status quo".Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu 'start-up'. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar sobre nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como vos se unan a nuestro equipo!¿Cómo nos vas a ayudar a cumplir con nuestra misión? Detectando y levantado con el equipo regional las necesidades del negocio en cuanto a la gestión del Talento y proponer iniciativas alineadas a los OKRs del área para Argetina, México & UruguayActuando como embajadoras e impulsoras de la construcción de capacidades de nuestro Management local para que actúen como líderes de los procesos de People en sus respectivos equipos.Facilitando a los equipos los canales, recursos y métodos necesarios para la gestión de personas, su desarrollo profesional y su liderazgo.Actuando como habilitadoras culturales promoviendo y difundiendo los principios de Cabify y proponiendo iniciativas siempre basadas en nuestros valores como compañía.Desarrollando iniciativas y tomar decisiones en base a datos; extraer tendencias y ser capaces de identificar prácticas de mercado y ser agentes de cambio para lograr los objetivos de PeopleAcompañando el Employee Journey implementando soluciones y/o mejorando la experiencia, motivación y engagement del empleadoGarantizando el vínculo coherente entre los esfuerzos de planificación financiera (Presupuesto) con la Planificación y ejecución de la estrategia de la compañía en términos de headcount y budget.Facilitando a los equipos los canales, recursos y métodos necesarios para la gestión de sus personas, su desarrollo profesional, su liderazgo y sus niveles de motivación dentro del marco de los Principios de la compañíaFortaleciendo la cultura interna de Cabify mediante la realización de iniciativas basadas en los valores y que generen relaciones de confianza entre las personasCómo nos gusta que seas:Actúa como co-propietario: alguien que se sienta orgulloso de lo que hace. Tiene iniciativa y actúa cooperando cuando algo no funciona. Pero lo más importante de todo es que tenga vocación de servicio.Confía, comunica y desarrolla: una persona que escuche y aprenda.Abraza e impulsa el cambio: el cambio crea nuevas oportunidades. Sé el cambio que necesitamos para escalar y mejorar todavía más.Analiza, innova y simplifica: una persona que resuelve la raíz del problema y no sus síntoma. Plantea hipótesis y las testea. Comparte datos y no opiniones. Innova, es creativo, comete errores nuevos y los comparte para que aprendamos de ellos. Desecha lo obsoleto, busca la simplicidad y lo escalable.Contribuye y se compromete: alguien que comparte datos para tomar la mejor decisión. Toma decisiones y evita la parálisis por sobre análisis.Produce un impacto: Busca que sus acciones produzcan un valor agregado. Piensa que "hecho" es mejor que "perfecto". No reinventa la rueda. Entrega… y sigue mejorando.Tiene una actitud positiva y humilde: Se asegura de que la gente a su alrededor disfruta de los lunes. Es constructivo ante la adversidad y especialmente ante los errores. Promueve la diversidad y respeta opiniones distintas.Qué necesitamos que tengas:Buscamos a una persona con madurez para toma de decisiones responsables y consecuentes, con visión estratégica, orientación a resultados, y mejora continua, con gran capacidad para ser flexible y adaptarse a los cambios constantes con los que convivimos, tanto a nivel entorno como organización.Al menos 5 años de experiencia en posiciones de business partner o generalistasEn cuanto a capacidad y habilidades técnicas, será muy necesario que te manejes con soltura con Drive, sobre todo con Sheets (relacionado con funcionalidades de búsqueda, analítica, datos, y procesos), ya que nuestro entorno es totalmente dinámico y ágil, trabajamos por política de empresa todo en la nube de Google.En cuanto al área de selección, trabajamos con Greenhouse como ATS, y aunque existe en el equipo especialistas en recruiting, será interesante que cuentes con experiencia con esta herramienta ya que contiene un volumen enorme de datos de los que podrán salir muchos planes de acción e iniciativas a nivel talento.En cuanto a tu formación, será muy interesante para nosotros que vengas de carreras como Administración de Empresas y/o Recursos HumanosY para complementar:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Te compartimos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify. Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Recharge day: Un viernes free al mes! Tiempo para disfrutar de lo que quierasPlan de Prepaga OSDEClub la Nación y GympassTodo el equipamiento que necesites (solo tenes que poner tu talento).Cabify is proud of being an equal opportunity workplace. We celebrate diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees regardless of background, gender, religion, orientation, age or ability. Join us!
fbe1268b-410a-488e-95e6-c3876850a760 People Business Partner https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5652008002 Buenos Aires, Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina ¿Querés cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38 ciudades de España, Portugal y Latinoamérica. Cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar sobre nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como vos se unan a nuestro equipo!¿Cómo nos vas a ayudar a cumplir con nuestra misión?Detectando y levantado con el equipo regional las necesidades del negocio en cuanto a la gestión del Talento y proponer iniciativas alineadas a los OKRs del área para Argetina, México & UruguayActuando como embajadoras e impulsoras de la construcción de capacidades de nuestro Management local para que actúen como líderes de los procesos de People en sus respectivos equipos.Facilitando a los equipos los canales, recursos y métodos necesarios para la gestión de personas, su desarrollo profesional y su liderazgo.Actuando como habilitadoras culturales promoviendo y difundiendo los principios de Cabify y proponiendo iniciativas siempre basadas en nuestros valores como compañía. Desarrollando iniciativas y tomar decisiones en base a datos; extraer tendencias y ser capaces de identificar prácticas de mercado y ser agentes de cambio para lograr los objetivos de PeopleAcompañando el Employee Journey implementando soluciones y/o mejorando la experiencia, motivación y engagement del empleadoGarantizando el vínculo coherente entre los esfuerzos de planificación financiera (Presupuesto) con la Planificación y ejecución de la estrategia de la compañía en términos de headcount y budget.Facilitando a los equipos los canales, recursos y métodos necesarios para la gestión de sus personas, su desarrollo profesional, su liderazgo y sus niveles de motivación dentro del marco de los Principios de la compañíaFortaleciendo la cultura interna de Cabify mediante la realización de iniciativas basadas en los valores y que generen relaciones de confianza entre las personasCómo nos gusta que seas:Actúa como co-propietario: alguien que se sienta orgulloso de lo que hace. Tiene iniciativa y actúa cooperando cuando algo no funciona. Pero lo más importante de todo es que tenga vocación de servicio.Confía, comunica y desarrolla: una persona que escuche y aprenda.Abraza e impulsa el cambio: el cambio crea nuevas oportunidades. Sé el cambio que necesitamos para escalar y mejorar todavía más.Analiza, innova y simplifica: una persona que resuelve la raíz del problema y no sus síntoma. Plantea hipótesis y las testea. Comparte datos y no opiniones. Innova, es creativo, comete errores nuevos y los comparte para que aprendamos de ellos. Desecha lo obsoleto, busca la simplicidad y lo escalable. Contribuye y se compromete: alguien que comparte datos para tomar la mejor decisión. Toma decisiones y evita la parálisis por sobre análisis. Produce un impacto: Busca que sus acciones produzcan un valor agregado. Piensa que “hecho” es mejor que “perfecto”. No reinventa la rueda. Entrega… y sigue mejorando.Tiene una actitud positiva y humilde: Se asegura de que la gente a su alrededor disfruta de los lunes. Es constructivo ante la adversidad y especialmente ante los errores. Promueve la diversidad y respeta opiniones distintas.Qué necesitamos que tengas:Buscamos a una persona con madurez para toma de decisiones responsables y consecuentes, con visión estratégica, orientación a resultados, y mejora continua, con gran capacidad para ser flexible y adaptarse a los cambios constantes con los que convivimos, tanto a nivel entorno como organización. Al menos 5 años de experiencia en posiciones de business partner o generalistasEn cuanto a capacidad y habilidades técnicas, será muy necesario que te manejes con soltura con Drive, sobre todo con Sheets (relacionado con funcionalidades de búsqueda, analítica, datos, y procesos), ya que nuestro entorno es totalmente dinámico y ágil, trabajamos por política de empresa todo en la nube de Google.En cuanto al área de selección, trabajamos con Greenhouse como ATS, y aunque existe en el equipo especialistas en recruiting, será interesante que cuentes con experiencia con esta herramienta ya que contiene un volumen enorme de datos de los que podrán salir muchos planes de acción e iniciativas a nivel talento. En cuanto a tu formación, será muy interesante para nosotros que vengas de carreras como Administración de Empresas y/o Recursos HumanosY para complementar:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Te compartimos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify.Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Recharge day: Un viernes free al mes! Tiempo para disfrutar de lo que quierasPlan de Prepaga OSDEClub la Nación y GympassTodo el equipamiento que necesites (solo tenes que poner tu talento).Cabify is proud of being an equal opportunity workplace. We celebrate diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees regardless of background, gender, religion, orientation, age or ability. Join us!
aad96d24-8df0-4818-ad1c-6082e5b9f909 People Specialist https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5658325002 Argentina Argentina ¿Querés cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un auto privado, pero todavía nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañás?Fundada en 2011, nos convertimos en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid, pero actualmente nos encontramos en 89 ciudades de España y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales.Recorrimos un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje recién empieza. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como vos se unan a nuestro equipo!Sobre el puesto¿Cómo nos ayudarás a cumplir con nuestra misión?Responsabilizándote por los procesos de Payroll de Argentina, México y Uruguay.Conduciendo los procesos vinculados a la administración de personal: ingresos, egresos, confección de legajos, contratos, ART, entrega de recibos, seguros médicos, herramientas de trabajo, etc.Velando que los procedimientos internos cumplan con la regulación de cada país, siendo intermediario con el área de legales. Manteniendo actualizadas las bases de datos y sistemas de People.Definiendo e implementando nuevos beneficios a nuestra Propuesta de Valor.Entendiendo la cultura organizacional y proponiendo mecanismos que eleven el desempeño y el bienestar de nuestro talento humano.Desarrollando e implementando procedimientos y políticas del área.Velando por mantener una estructura salarial competitiva y en función de las bandas salariales definidas.Colaborando con la organización de eventos internos y acciones relacionadas con el engagement de los empleados. Lo que estamos buscando:Al menos 3 años de experiencia en posiciones similares.Serán valorados perfiles recibidos de las carreras de Administración de Empresas, Recursos Humanos, o afines.Apuntamos a perfiles muy proactivos, con alta actitud de servicio, compromiso con el cliente interno y orientación a la resolución de problemas.Flexible y adaptable a los cambiosGestión de prioridades en un entorno de ritmo constante.Capacidad para tomar decisiones.Orientado al detalle con excelentes habilidades de organización y documentación.¡Ahora viene lo bueno!Revisiones salariales trimestrales por inflación.Planes de medicina prepaga de primer nivel.Reintegro por gastos de servicios.Gympass y Club la Nación.Descuentos en plataformas educativas.Recharge Day (tercer viernes del mes libre para que puedas recargar energías)Esquema de trabajo mixto y flexible. .
ce05b3bb-71ab-43d7-b804-1ed4094be24d People Specialist https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5651001002 Bogotá Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia ¿Quieres cambiar el mundo? Eso es lo que hacemos en Cabify. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de las ciudades mejores lugares para vivir, mejorando la movilidad de las personas que viven en ellas, conectando a pasajeros y conductores con tan sólo pulsar un botón. Es posible que algún día las ciudades sean lugares donde nadie necesite un coche privado, pero aún nos queda un largo camino por recorrer… ¿nos acompañas?Fundada en 2011, nos hemos convertido en el primer ‘unicornio’ español. Nuestra sede central está en Madrid pero actualmente nos encontramos en 38 ciudades de España, Portugal y Latinoamérica. Y cada mes que pasa más gente se une a nuestro equipo internacional lleno de personas apasionadas, brillantes y con talento con ganas de desafiar el “status quo”.Pero no importa lo rápido que crezcamos o lo grande que nos volvamos, queremos mantener nuestro espíritu ‘start-up’. Somos un equipo seguro de sí mismo, energético, profesional y carismático, y estamos orgullosos de hacer las cosas bien. Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como una empresa de tecnología ética e innovadora que ha creado un negocio donde todos son tratados de manera justa y respetuosa, desde nuestros ingenieros hasta los conductores que utilizan nuestra plataforma. Además, siempre cumplimos plenamente con las regulaciones gubernamentales y respetamos las leyes locales, y como compañía socialmente comprometida donde prima la innovación, fomentamos la diversidad en nuestras políticas de incorporación de talento.Hemos recorrido un largo camino hasta ahora, pero en realidad nuestro viaje no ha hecho más que comenzar. Si vamos a convertir nuestra misión en una realidad, ¡necesitamos que personas con talento y ambición como tú se unan a nuestro equipo!Sobre el puestoLiderarás las nuevas incorporaciones de personal de la compañía, así como las personas que salen, garantizando la mejor experiencia posibleDesarrollarás relaciones de confianza con todo el equipo, liderando reuniones con cada área y su líder para identificar necesidades potencialesManejarás el presupuesto de People garantizando que se use correctamente para bienestar, entrenamiento, team buildings entre otras iniciativas según la necesidad Trabajarás de la mano con el equipo Global de People para adaptar procesos Globales de Talento y Rewards al equipo de Colombia. Lo que estamos buscando:Profesional en Psicología, Administración de empresas o carreras afines. 2-3 años de experiencia en cargos generalistas de Recursos humanos Deseable experiencia en Adquisición y gestión de talento Deseable conocimiento de Greenhouse ATS Alta capacidad de comunicación. Sobre el equipo con el que trabajarás:Formarás parte de un equipo fantástico, experimentado y profesional que trabaja para posicionar la marca Cabify con energía, optimismo y pasión.Ahora viene lo bueno:Somos una empresa llena de gente feliz y motivada… ¡y no queremos que eso cambie! Aquí te mostramos algunas razones por las que te encantará formar parte de la familia Cabify. Horario y ambiente flexible de trabajo.Eventos divertidos con todo el equipo.Descuentos para empleados.Programas de desarrollo personal.Todo el equipamiento que necesites (tú solo tienes que poner tu talento).
cdd3c51c-dd98-4782-bd3d-87f10000961e Product Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/4204314002 Madrid / Sevilla / Málaga / Valencia / Bilbao / Coruña / Remote Do you want to help us to change the world? At Cabify and Movo, We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers, providing mobility alternatives such as kick-scooter and mopeds and many others to come, at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us?Our tech teams include an eclectic bunch of awesome and diverse people from different backgrounds who come together as collaborative and inclusive teams to push boundaries. Right now, we have more than 20 million users around the world. We work across 8 countries and 90 cities, adapting our product fast to be leaders in all of those markets and taking care about sustainability. We’re working on some pretty greenfield projects with a solid set of product ideas lined up. We are looking for committed and proactive people who want to keep learning constantly and also, help us to grow technically and humanly working in collaboration with awesome people, and making an impact across our teams. Having a diverse and inclusive work environment is really important for us. That’s why we like to count with different points of view in our team that help us to solve problems in a better way. We're looking for someone to:Establish product metrics and indicators for successDesign solutions that meet measurable objectivesCollaborate with our product designers and engineers to advocate for the best experience for our customersInterpret customer needs into effective and thoughtful design solutionsKeep up to date with user research to stay on top of both the business and customer needs.Bring inspiring ideas and motivation into an energetic and collaborative team Desirable Qualifications:3+ years of product management, product analytics or equivalent experienceAn academic background in Economics or another discipline no tech would be a plusPassion for resolving human problems with technologyAbility to work with ambiguity, complexity and interdependenciesAbility to define and analyse metrics that inform the success of digital productsExcellent judgment and thoughtfulness about the dynamics of a product ecosystemStrong communication skills and intuition for communication strategy at every level - within teams, within the company, to users, to press, and other audiencesExperience leading post-launch optimizations including developing testing strategiesAbility to conceptualize, manage and prioritize multiple projects for stakeholdersThe good stuff:We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.Competitive salary based on experience: [Mid 30k-48k, Senior 43k-58k]Remote days available upon agreementFlexible work environment & hoursRegular fun team eventsCabify staff discountPersonal development programmesFlexible remuneration: Restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeWe offer relocation package to those coming from another country.All the gear you need - just bring yourself.And last but not least...free fruits & coffee!Aren’t you sure about if you fulfill all of the requirements? Even, if this position stands out your curiosity, please apply for it. At Cabify we believe that professional development happens through teaching and learning from your peers and managers. Cabify is proud of being an equal opportunity workplace. We celebrate diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees regardless of background, gender, religion, orientation, age or ability. Join us!
f58d9221-718f-4bce-ad95-4139424f749b Product Settings - Analyst https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5718196002 Madrid Madrid, Spain Do you want to change the world? At Cabify, that’s what we’re doing. We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us? Founded in 2011, we have become the first Spanish tech ‘unicorn’. Our HQ is in Madrid but you can currently find us in 38 cities across Spain, Portugal and Latin America. Every month, new members join our world-class team of passionate, smart and talented individuals with a hunger to challenge the status quo. But no matter how quickly we grow or how big we become, we’re determined to keep our ‘start-up’ spirit. We are a confident, professional, charismatic and focused team, young at heart and proud to do things the right way.We like to think of ourselves as an ethical and innovative tech company that has created a business where everyone is treated fairly and respectfully, from our engineers to the drivers that use our platform. Moreover, we always comply fully with government regulations and respect local laws. It’s been quite a ride so far, but in reality, our journey has only just begun. If we’re going to turn our vision into a reality, we’re going to need plenty more bright, ambitious people to join us! Main objective of the position: Analyze and process business-related requests from our local teams around the world How will you help us achieve our mission?Optimization of the request process and resolution of settings ticketsMaintain back office configuration to allow day by day operationsFind solutions to contingencies that our local teams encounterCollaborate in the resolution of requests in the times according to the priority of theseWhat we’re looking for:BS in Business Administration, Engineering, Computer Science, Math, Economics, Statistics, or equivalent experience.Capable of working independently and manage multiple prioritiesProblem solvingAbility to learn and adapt to changeAnalytical skillsTask managementAnalytics applied to business problems (SQL and Tableau experience preferred)The good stuff: We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.Salary Ranges: L1: 18k-27kFlexible work environment & hoursRegular fun team eventsCabify staff discountPersonal development programmesFlexible remuneration: subsidized restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeAll the gear you need - just bring yourself.And last but not least...free coffee!
acf1b7d9-2281-4007-905d-f887b7047362 Senior Product Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5305753002 Madrid / Sevilla / Málaga / Valencia / Bilbao / Coruña / Remote Do you want to help us to change the world? At Cabify and Movo, We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers, providing mobility alternatives such as kick-scooter and mopeds and many others to come, at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us?Our tech teams include an eclectic bunch of awesome and diverse people from different backgrounds who come together as collaborative and inclusive teams to push boundaries. Right now, we have more than 20 million users around the world. We work across 8 countries and 90 cities, adapting our product fast to be leaders in all of those markets and taking care about sustainability. We’re working on some pretty greenfield projects with a solid set of product ideas lined up. We are looking for committed and proactive people who want to keep learning constantly and also, help us to grow technically and humanly working in collaboration with awesome people, and making an impact across our teams. Having a diverse and inclusive work environment is really important for us. That’s why we like to count with different points of view in our team that help us to solve problems in a better way. Desirable Qualifications:5+ years of product management, product analytics or equivalent experienceExperience specifically with Product Management for a mobile experienceAn academic background in Data Science or Engineering discipline would be a plusPassion for resolving human problems with technologyAbility to work with ambiguity, complexity and interdependenciesAbility to define and analyse metrics that inform the success of digital productsExcellent judgment and thoughtfulness about the dynamics of a product ecosystemStrong communication skills and intuition for communication strategy at every level - within teams, within the company, to users, to press, and other audiencesExperience leading post-launch optimizations including developing testing strategiesAbility to conceptualize, manage and prioritize multiple projects for stakeholders We're looking for someone to:Establish product metrics and indicators for successDesign solutions that meet measurable objectivesCollaborate with our product designers and developers to advocate for the best experience for our customersInterpret customer needs into effective and thoughtful design solutionsKeep up to date with user research to stay on top of both the business and customer needs.Bring inspiring ideas and motivation into an energetic and collaborative teamThe good stuff:We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.Competitive salary based on experience: [43k-58k]Remote days available upon agreementFlexible work environment & hoursRegular fun team eventsCabify staff discountPersonal development programmesFlexible remuneration: Restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeWe offer relocation package to those coming from another country.All the gear you need - just bring yourself.And last but not least...free fruits & coffee!Aren’t you sure about if you fulfill all of the requirements? Even, if this position stands out your curiosity, please apply for it. At Cabify we believe that professional development happens through teaching and learning from your peers and managers. Cabify is proud of being an equal opportunity workplace. We celebrate diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees regardless of background, gender, religion, orientation, age or ability. Join us!
37eef4b5-bb0e-4c38-ab4d-3f24235c8a35 Senior Product Manager (Delivery B2B) https://boards.greenhouse.io/cabify/jobs/5305759002 Madrid / Sevilla / Málaga / Valencia / Bilbao / Coruña / Remote Do you want to help us to change the world? At Cabify and Movo, We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers, providing mobility alternatives such as kick-scooter and mopeds and many others to come, at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But we’ve still got a long way to go...fancy joining us?Our tech teams include an eclectic bunch of awesome and diverse people from different backgrounds who come together as collaborative and inclusive teams to push boundaries. Right now, we have more than 20 million users around the world. We work across 8 countries and 90 cities, adapting our product fast to be leaders in all of those markets and taking care about sustainability. We’re working on some pretty greenfield projects with a solid set of product ideas lined up. We are looking for committed and proactive people who want to keep learning constantly and also, help us to grow technically and humanly working in collaboration with awesome people, and making an impact across our teams. Having a diverse and inclusive work environment is really important for us. That’s why we like to count with different points of view in our team that help us to solve problems in a better way. We're looking for someone to:Establish product metrics and indicators for successDesign solutions that meet measurable objectivesCollaborate with our product designers and engineers to advocate for the best experience for our customersInterpret customer needs into effective and thoughtful design solutionsKeep up to date with user research to stay on top of both the business and customer needs.Bring inspiring ideas and motivation into an energetic and collaborative team Desirable Qualifications:5+ years of product management, product analytics or equivalent experienceExperience specifically with Product Management for a mobile experienceAn academic background in Data Science or Engineering discipline would be a plusPassion for resolving human problems with technologyAbility to work with ambiguity, complexity and interdependenciesAbility to define and analyse metrics that inform the success of digital productsExcellent judgment and thoughtfulness about the dynamics of a product ecosystemStrong communication skills and intuition for communication strategy at every level - within teams, within the company, to users, to press, and other audiencesExperience leading post-launch optimizations including developing testing strategiesAbility to conceptualize, manage and prioritize multiple projects for stakeholdersThe good stuff:We’re a company full of happy, motivated people and we never want that to change. Here are some more reasons why it rocks to be part of our family.Competitive salary based on experience: [43k-58k]Remote days available upon agreementFlexible work environment & hoursRegular fun team eventsCabify staff discountPersonal development programmesFlexible remuneration: Restaurant tickets, transport tickets, healthcare and childcareA pet room so you don’t have to leave your furry friend at homeWe offer relocation package to those coming from another country.All the gear you need - just bring yourself.And last but not least...free fruits & coffee!Aren’t you sure about if you fulfill all of the requirements? Even, if this position stands out your curiosity, please apply for it. At Cabify we believe that professional development happens through teaching and learning from your peers and managers. Cabify is proud of being an equal opportunity workplace. We celebrate diversity and we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees regardless of background, gender, religion, orientation, age or ability. Join us!
51cac3cb-739f-48ab-bcea-79f08d46fb0e Mensajeros Urbanos | Agentes de Experiencia al Cliente (10) https://boards.greenhouse.io/mensajerosurbanos/jobs/5510426002 Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia ¿Qué es Mensajeros Urbanos?Mensajeros Urbanos es una empresa Latinoamericana que nació en el 2015 con el apasionante reto de transformar la logística para conectarnos mejor. Desde el inicio, hemos creído que la logística es el motor que mueve una sociedad; que cada producto que consumimos, cada alimento que comemos, cada prenda que vestimos, cada medicamento que necesitamos, están a nuestro alcance gracias a la logística. Nuestro presente nos enorgullece, pero nuestro futuro es inimaginablemente prometedor y depende únicamente de nosotros. Invitamos a aquellas personas que quieran ser parte de Mensajeros Urbanos a que siempre estén a la altura del reto que tenemos y que juntos ¡Transformemos la Logística para Conectarnos Mejor! Conoce más sobre la vacante¡Estamos buscando candidatas(os) para Colombia!Técnicos,Tecnólogos o estudiantes de primeros semestres de cualquier carrera administrativa. Experiencia mínima de seis meses (continua y reciente) desempeñando funciones de atención al cliente, canales de atención y PQRS.Experiencia en atención vía chat.Excelente servicio al cliente.En Mensajeros Urbanos creemos y valoramos la diversidad y sabemos que esto traerá una enorme capacidad de innovación y ejecución a los equipos. ¡Esta es una empresa para todo tipo de personas! Qué esperamos de tiAtención oportuna y con calidad de las interacciones que se registran a través de los canales de atención (Chat y PQRS). Garantizar la mejor experiencia de atención al cliente, con un servicio comprometido, innovador y diferente.¿Cómo es nuestra cultura?Nuestra cultura organizacional se basa es nuestros valores corporativos: Somos personas excepcionales: Somos seres humanos y profesionales extraordinarios que enfocamos nuestros esfuerzos en sobrepasar las expectativas de nuestros clientes, compañeros, proveedores, accionistas y conductores. Nos movemos rápido: Nos diferenciamos por pensar y actuar más rápido que los demás a pesar de las adversidades, porque mañana puede ser tarde.Comprendemos a los demás: Nos preocupamos genuinamente por el otro y vemos el mundo a través de los ojos de los demás para comprender sus necesidades.Somos transparentes: Generamos lazos fuertes de confianza mostrando siempre las cosas como son haciendo siempre lo correcto.La información es nuestro motor: No dejamos nada al azar, nos basamos en hechos y datos para tomar decisiones y lograr grandes resultados.Siempre vamos por más: Siempre superamos las expectativas porque para nosotros los límites no existen.Manos a la obra: Prestamos atención a los detalles, empoderamos y nos involucramos, para sacar adelante todo lo que nos proponemos.¿Estas dispuesto(a) a formar parte de este gran equipo y trabajar con nosotros para lograr nuestro gran propósito de Transformar la Logística para conectarnos mejor? ¿Quieres saber más sobre nosotros, lo que hacemos y cuáles son nuestros proyectos a futuro? Accede a los enlaces:LinkedinInstagramTwitter
24a26e09-7040-4118-bd11-f04a5a97a356 Mensajeros Urbanos | Director de Experiencia al Cliente https://boards.greenhouse.io/mensajerosurbanos/jobs/5510350002 Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia ¿Qué es Mensajeros Urbanos?Mensajeros Urbanos es una empresa Latinoamericana que nació en el 2015 con el apasionante reto de transformar la logística para conectarnos mejor. Desde el inicio, hemos creído que la logística es el motor que mueve una sociedad; que cada producto que consumimos, cada alimento que comemos, cada prenda que vestimos, cada medicamento que necesitamos, están a nuestro alcance gracias a la logística. Nuestro presente nos enorgullece, pero nuestro futuro es inimaginablemente prometedor y depende únicamente de nosotros. Invitamos a aquellas personas que quieran ser parte de Mensajeros Urbanos a que siempre estén a la altura del reto que tenemos y que juntos ¡Transformemos la Logística para Conectarnos Mejor! Conoce más sobre la vacante¡Estamos buscando candidatas(os) para Colombia!Profesionales en ingeniería de sistemas, ingeniería industrial o carreras afines con más de 2 años como Product Owner, certificado en scrum.Dominio de gestión de productos con un enfoque ágil.Manejo de metodologías ágilesConocimientos de QAFuerte capacidad de liderazgo Enfocado al detalle con habilidades para organizar y establecer prioridades de acuerdo con el proyecto asignado.Capacidad de análisis y oportunidad de mejora.En Mensajeros Urbanos creemos y valoramos la diversidad y sabemos que esto traerá una enorme capacidad de innovación y ejecución a los equipos. ¡Esta es una empresa para todo tipo de personas! Qué esperamos de tiQue seas capaz de trabajar con el equipo para asegurarse de que se cumplan las fechas de entregaAsegurar que el equipo de desarrollo entienda los elementos de la lista del producto al nivel necesario.Ser el responsable de gestionar y priorizar el backlog del proyecto.Excelentes habilidades para la resolución de problemas y conflictos.Excelentes habilidades de liderazgo y comunicaciónAutónomo y proactivo en búsqueda de la mejora continua.¿Cómo es nuestra cultura?Nuestra cultura organizacional se basa es nuestros valores corporativos: Somos personas excepcionales: Somos seres humanos y profesionales extraordinarios que enfocamos nuestros esfuerzos en sobrepasar las expectativas de nuestros clientes, compañeros, proveedores, accionistas y conductores. Nos movemos rápido: Nos diferenciamos por pensar y actuar más rápido que los demás a pesar de las adversidades, porque mañana puede ser tarde.Comprendemos a los demás: Nos preocupamos genuinamente por el otro y vemos el mundo a través de los ojos de los demás para comprender sus necesidades.Somos transparentes: Generamos lazos fuertes de confianza mostrando siempre las cosas como son haciendo siempre lo correcto.La información es nuestro motor: No dejamos nada al azar, nos basamos en hechos y datos para tomar decisiones y lograr grandes resultados.Siempre vamos por más: Siempre superamos las expectativas porque para nosotros los límites no existen.Manos a la obra: Prestamos atención a los detalles, empoderamos y nos involucramos, para sacar adelante todo lo que nos proponemos.¿Estas dispuesto(a) a formar parte de este gran equipo y trabajar con nosotros para lograr nuestro gran propósito de Transformar la Logística para conectarnos mejor? ¿Quieres saber más sobre nosotros, lo que hacemos y cuáles son nuestros proyectos a futuro? Accede a los enlaces:LinkedinInstagramTwitter
0586422f-097b-44d2-b2bf-43fb4b858914 Mensajeros Urbanos /Especialista de Compras y Administrativa https://boards.greenhouse.io/mensajerosurbanos/jobs/5714537002 Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia ¿Qué es Mensajeros Urbanos?Mensajeros Urbanos es una empresa Latinoamericana que nació en el 2015 con el apasionante reto de transformar la logística para conectarnos mejor. Desde el inicio, hemos creído que la logística es el motor que mueve una sociedad; que cada producto que consumimos, cada alimento que comemos, cada prenda que vestimos, cada medicamento que necesitamos, están a nuestro alcance gracias a la logística. Nuestro presente nos enorgullece, pero nuestro futuro es inimaginablemente prometedor y depende únicamente de nosotros. Invitamos a aquellas personas que quieran ser parte de Mensajeros Urbanos a que siempre estén a la altura del reto que tenemos y que juntos ¡Transformemos la Logística para Conectarnos Mejor!Conoce más sobre la vacante¡Estamos buscando candidatas(os) para Colombia y para México!Profesionales en carreras administrativas, con más de 4 años de experiencia como hunter senior, líder comercial, o desarrollador de nuevos negocios.Experiencia en ventas B2B.Excelentes habilidades de negociación y manejo de clientes.Nivel de inglés fluido, B2En Mensajeros Urbanos creemos y valoramos la diversidad y sabemos que esto traerá una enorme capacidad de innovación y ejecución a los equipos. ¡Esta es una empresa para todo tipo de personas! Qué esperamos de tiHabilidad para comunicarte asertivamente de manera verbal y no verbal e influir en todos los niveles de la organización. Asegurar que todo el proceso de ventas sea impecable desde la planeación hasta el cierre de la negociación. Capacidad para articular y vender de la manera correcta los diferentes productos y servicios de MU. Habilidad para posicionar las ventajas competitivas de los productos de MU sobre las de los competidores. Buscamos una persona que: Sea apasionado(a) por las ventas y los procesos Conozca diferentes sistemas de CRM Disfrute trabajar en equipo Orientado(a) a realizar reportes y análisis de los proyectos del área y el status de los cliente¿Cómo es nuestra cultura?Nuestra cultura organizacional se basa es nuestros valores corporativos: Somos personas excepcionales: Somos seres humanos y profesionales extraordinarios que enfocamos nuestros esfuerzos en sobrepasar las expectativas de nuestros clientes, compañeros, proveedores, accionistas y conductores. Nos movemos rápido: Nos diferenciamos por pensar y actuar más rápido que los demás a pesar de las adversidades, porque mañana puede ser tarde.Comprendemos a los demás: Nos preocupamos genuinamente por el otro y vemos el mundo a través de los ojos de los demás para comprender sus necesidades.Somos transparentes: Generamos lazos fuertes de confianza mostrando siempre las cosas como son haciendo siempre lo correcto.La información es nuestro motor: No dejamos nada al azar, nos basamos en hechos y datos para tomar decisiones y lograr grandes resultados.Siempre vamos por más: Siempre superamos las expectativas porque para nosotros los límites no existen.Manos a la obra: Prestamos atención a los detalles, empoderamos y nos involucramos, para sacar adelante todo lo que nos proponemos.¿Estas dispuesto(a) a formar parte de este gran equipo y trabajar con nosotros para lograr nuestro gran propósito de Transformar la Logística para conectarnos mejor?¿Quieres saber más sobre nosotros, lo que hacemos y cuáles son nuestros proyectos a futuro? Accede a los enlaces:LinkedinInstagramTwitter
306bbd7e-733b-420c-b0f4-42860dad9129 Mensajeros Urbanos | Head Legal Mx https://boards.greenhouse.io/mensajerosurbanos/jobs/5714404002 Mensajeros Urbanos / México Cl. 17 #69B - 80, Bogotá, Colombia ¿Qué es Mensajeros Urbanos?Mensajeros Urbanos es una empresa Latinoamericana que nació en el 2015 con el apasionante reto de transformar la logística para conectarnos mejor. Desde el inicio, hemos creído que la logística es el motor que mueve una sociedad; que cada producto que consumimos, cada alimento que comemos, cada prenda que vestimos, cada medicamento que necesitamos, están a nuestro alcance gracias a la logística. Nuestro presente nos enorgullece, pero nuestro futuro es inimaginablemente prometedor y depende únicamente de nosotros. Invitamos a aquellas personas que quieran ser parte de Mensajeros Urbanos a que siempre estén a la altura del reto que tenemos y que juntos ¡Transformemos la Logística para Conectarnos Mejor!Conoce más sobre la vacante¡Estamos buscando candidatas(os)para México!Al menos 5 años de experiencia en temas corporativos y de transporte. Idealmente alguien que venga de firma de abogados, o una empresa con el mismo objeto de MU y/o empresas tradicionales de mensajería.En Mensajeros Urbanos creemos y valoramos la diversidad y sabemos que esto traerá una enorme capacidad de innovación y ejecución a los equipos. ¡Esta es una empresa para todo tipo de personas! Qué esperamos de tiTiene que manejar temas corporativos y laborales. Plus si sabe de protección de datos. Conocimiento de plataformas digitales y/o del sector de transporte de carga y/o mensajería.Liderar todos los temas legales de México.¿Cómo es nuestra cultura?Nuestra cultura organizacional se basa es nuestros valores corporativos: Somos personas excepcionales: Somos seres humanos y profesionales extraordinarios que enfocamos nuestros esfuerzos en sobrepasar las expectativas de nuestros clientes, compañeros, proveedores, accionistas y conductores. Nos movemos rápido: Nos diferenciamos por pensar y actuar más rápido que los demás a pesar de las adversidades, porque mañana puede ser tarde.Comprendemos a los demás: Nos preocupamos genuinamente por el otro y vemos el mundo a través de los ojos de los demás para comprender sus necesidades.Somos transparentes: Generamos lazos fuertes de confianza mostrando siempre las cosas como son haciendo siempre lo correcto.La información es nuestro motor: No dejamos nada al azar, nos basamos en hechos y datos para tomar decisiones y lograr grandes resultados.Siempre vamos por más: Siempre superamos las expectativas porque para nosotros los límites no existen.Manos a la obra: Prestamos atención a los detalles, empoderamos y nos involucramos, para sacar adelante todo lo que nos proponemos.¿Estas dispuesto(a) a formar parte de este gran equipo y trabajar con nosotros para lograr nuestro gran propósito de Transformar la Logística para conectarnos mejor?¿Quieres saber más sobre nosotros, lo que hacemos y cuáles son nuestros proyectos a futuro? Accede a los enlaces:LinkedinInstagramTwitter
e761feb1-ca5a-4419-896e-5364c8c50077 Mensajeros Urbanos | Agente Operaciones https://boards.greenhouse.io/mensajerosurbanos/jobs/5714495002 Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia ¿Qué es Mensajeros Urbanos?Mensajeros Urbanos es una empresa Latinoamericana que nació en el 2015 con el apasionante reto de transformar la logística para conectarnos mejor. Desde el inicio, hemos creído que la logística es el motor que mueve una sociedad; que cada producto que consumimos, cada alimento que comemos, cada prenda que vestimos, cada medicamento que necesitamos, están a nuestro alcance gracias a la logística. Nuestro presente nos enorgullece, pero nuestro futuro es inimaginablemente prometedor y depende únicamente de nosotros. Invitamos a aquellas personas que quieran ser parte de Mensajeros Urbanos a que siempre estén a la altura del reto que tenemos y que juntos ¡Transformemos la Logística para Conectarnos Mejor!Conoce más sobre la vacante¡Estamos buscando candidatas(os) para Colombia y para México!Profesionales en carreras administrativas, con más de 4 años de experiencia como hunter senior, líder comercial, o desarrollador de nuevos negocios.Experiencia en ventas B2B.Excelentes habilidades de negociación y manejo de clientes.Nivel de inglés fluido, B2En Mensajeros Urbanos creemos y valoramos la diversidad y sabemos que esto traerá una enorme capacidad de innovación y ejecución a los equipos. ¡Esta es una empresa para todo tipo de personas! Qué esperamos de tiHabilidad para comunicarte asertivamente de manera verbal y no verbal e influir en todos los niveles de la organización. Asegurar que todo el proceso de ventas sea impecable desde la planeación hasta el cierre de la negociación. Capacidad para articular y vender de la manera correcta los diferentes productos y servicios de MU. Habilidad para posicionar las ventajas competitivas de los productos de MU sobre las de los competidores. Buscamos una persona que: Sea apasionado(a) por las ventas y los procesos Conozca diferentes sistemas de CRM Disfrute trabajar en equipo Orientado(a) a realizar reportes y análisis de los proyectos del área y el status de los cliente¿Cómo es nuestra cultura?Nuestra cultura organizacional se basa es nuestros valores corporativos: Somos personas excepcionales: Somos seres humanos y profesionales extraordinarios que enfocamos nuestros esfuerzos en sobrepasar las expectativas de nuestros clientes, compañeros, proveedores, accionistas y conductores. Nos movemos rápido: Nos diferenciamos por pensar y actuar más rápido que los demás a pesar de las adversidades, porque mañana puede ser tarde.Comprendemos a los demás: Nos preocupamos genuinamente por el otro y vemos el mundo a través de los ojos de los demás para comprender sus necesidades.Somos transparentes: Generamos lazos fuertes de confianza mostrando siempre las cosas como son haciendo siempre lo correcto.La información es nuestro motor: No dejamos nada al azar, nos basamos en hechos y datos para tomar decisiones y lograr grandes resultados.Siempre vamos por más: Siempre superamos las expectativas porque para nosotros los límites no existen.Manos a la obra: Prestamos atención a los detalles, empoderamos y nos involucramos, para sacar adelante todo lo que nos proponemos.¿Estas dispuesto(a) a formar parte de este gran equipo y trabajar con nosotros para lograr nuestro gran propósito de Transformar la Logística para conectarnos mejor?¿Quieres saber más sobre nosotros, lo que hacemos y cuáles son nuestros proyectos a futuro? Accede a los enlaces:LinkedinInstagramTwitter
12698751-e17c-4215-bec1-ae8a69f754ed Mensajeros Urbanos | Specialist of Account Management https://boards.greenhouse.io/mensajerosurbanos/jobs/5516795002 Mensajeros Urbanos / México Cl. 17 #69B - 80, Bogotá, Colombia ¿Qué es Mensajeros Urbanos?Mensajeros Urbanos es una empresa Latinoamericana que nació en el 2015 con el apasionante reto de transformar la logística para conectarnos mejor. Desde el inicio, hemos creído que la logística es el motor que mueve una sociedad; que cada producto que consumimos, cada alimento que comemos, cada prenda que vestimos, cada medicamento que necesitamos, están a nuestro alcance gracias a la logística. Nuestro presente nos enorgullece, pero nuestro futuro es inimaginablemente prometedor y depende únicamente de nosotros. Invitamos a aquellas personas que quieran ser parte de Mensajeros Urbanos a que siempre estén a la altura del reto que tenemos y que juntos ¡Transformemos la Logística para Conectarnos Mejor! Conoce más sobre la vacante¡Estamos buscando candidatas(os) para México!Profesionales en carreras administrativas, ingenierías comerciales o afines, con más de 4 años de experiencia como farmer senior, desarrollador de cuentas-Experiencia en ventas consultivas de servicio y en manejo de cuentas clave.Excelentes habilidades de negociación y manejo de clientes.En Mensajeros Urbanos creemos y valoramos la diversidad y sabemos que esto traerá una enorme capacidad de innovación y ejecución a los equipos. ¡Esta es una empresa para todo tipo de personas! Qué esperamos de tiQue garantices el seguimiento constante a cartera de clientes que no han usado la plataforma de MU para poder reactivarlos.Hacer cross selling y up selling con clientes actuales para crecer el número de envíos que hacen por medio de MU.Habilidad para relacionarse con clientes de alto nivel. Buscamos una persona que: Sea apasionado(a) por las ventas y los procesos Conozca diferentes sistemas de CRM Disfrute trabajar en equipo Orientado(a) a realizar reportes y análisis de los proyectos del área y el status de los clientes¿Cómo es nuestra cultura?Nuestra cultura organizacional se basa es nuestros valores corporativos: Somos personas excepcionales: Somos seres humanos y profesionales extraordinarios que enfocamos nuestros esfuerzos en sobrepasar las expectativas de nuestros clientes, compañeros, proveedores, accionistas y conductores. Nos movemos rápido: Nos diferenciamos por pensar y actuar más rápido que los demás a pesar de las adversidades, porque mañana puede ser tarde.Comprendemos a los demás: Nos preocupamos genuinamente por el otro y vemos el mundo a través de los ojos de los demás para comprender sus necesidades.Somos transparentes: Generamos lazos fuertes de confianza mostrando siempre las cosas como son haciendo siempre lo correcto.La información es nuestro motor: No dejamos nada al azar, nos basamos en hechos y datos para tomar decisiones y lograr grandes resultados.Siempre vamos por más: Siempre superamos las expectativas porque para nosotros los límites no existen.Manos a la obra: Prestamos atención a los detalles, empoderamos y nos involucramos, para sacar adelante todo lo que nos proponemos.¿Estas dispuesto(a) a formar parte de este gran equipo y trabajar con nosotros para lograr nuestro gran propósito de Transformar la Logística para conectarnos mejor? ¿Quieres saber más sobre nosotros, lo que hacemos y cuáles son nuestros proyectos a futuro? Accede a los enlaces:LinkedinInstagramTwitter
823697e7-f1d0-4566-aa94-6a60f860b6a5 Mensajeros Urbanos | Specialist of Account Management (2) https://boards.greenhouse.io/mensajerosurbanos/jobs/5714569002 Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia ¿Qué es Mensajeros Urbanos?Mensajeros Urbanos es una empresa Latinoamericana que nació en el 2015 con el apasionante reto de transformar la logística para conectarnos mejor. Desde el inicio, hemos creído que la logística es el motor que mueve una sociedad; que cada producto que consumimos, cada alimento que comemos, cada prenda que vestimos, cada medicamento que necesitamos, están a nuestro alcance gracias a la logística. Nuestro presente nos enorgullece, pero nuestro futuro es inimaginablemente prometedor y depende únicamente de nosotros. Invitamos a aquellas personas que quieran ser parte de Mensajeros Urbanos a que siempre estén a la altura del reto que tenemos y que juntos ¡Transformemos la Logística para Conectarnos Mejor! Conoce más sobre la vacante¡Estamos buscando candidatas(os) para México!Profesionales en carreras administrativas, ingenierías comerciales o afines, con más de 4 años de experiencia como farmer senior, desarrollador de cuentas-Experiencia en ventas consultivas de servicio y en manejo de cuentas clave.Excelentes habilidades de negociación y manejo de clientes.En Mensajeros Urbanos creemos y valoramos la diversidad y sabemos que esto traerá una enorme capacidad de innovación y ejecución a los equipos. ¡Esta es una empresa para todo tipo de personas! Qué esperamos de tiQue garantices el seguimiento constante a cartera de clientes que no han usado la plataforma de MU para poder reactivarlos.Hacer cross selling y up selling con clientes actuales para crecer el número de envíos que hacen por medio de MU.Habilidad para relacionarse con clientes de alto nivel. Buscamos una persona que: Sea apasionado(a) por las ventas y los procesos Conozca diferentes sistemas de CRM Disfrute trabajar en equipo Orientado(a) a realizar reportes y análisis de los proyectos del área y el status de los clientes¿Cómo es nuestra cultura?Nuestra cultura organizacional se basa es nuestros valores corporativos: Somos personas excepcionales: Somos seres humanos y profesionales extraordinarios que enfocamos nuestros esfuerzos en sobrepasar las expectativas de nuestros clientes, compañeros, proveedores, accionistas y conductores. Nos movemos rápido: Nos diferenciamos por pensar y actuar más rápido que los demás a pesar de las adversidades, porque mañana puede ser tarde.Comprendemos a los demás: Nos preocupamos genuinamente por el otro y vemos el mundo a través de los ojos de los demás para comprender sus necesidades.Somos transparentes: Generamos lazos fuertes de confianza mostrando siempre las cosas como son haciendo siempre lo correcto.La información es nuestro motor: No dejamos nada al azar, nos basamos en hechos y datos para tomar decisiones y lograr grandes resultados.Siempre vamos por más: Siempre superamos las expectativas porque para nosotros los límites no existen.Manos a la obra: Prestamos atención a los detalles, empoderamos y nos involucramos, para sacar adelante todo lo que nos proponemos.¿Estas dispuesto(a) a formar parte de este gran equipo y trabajar con nosotros para lograr nuestro gran propósito de Transformar la Logística para conectarnos mejor? ¿Quieres saber más sobre nosotros, lo que hacemos y cuáles son nuestros proyectos a futuro? Accede a los enlaces:LinkedinInstagramTwitter
3fa7134d-822d-45d6-af3e-d4e218acf0b3 Mensajeros Urbanos | Head Onboarding https://boards.greenhouse.io/mensajerosurbanos/jobs/5714481002 Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia ¿Qué es Mensajeros Urbanos?Mensajeros Urbanos es una empresa Latinoamericana que nació en el 2015 con el apasionante reto de transformar la logística para conectarnos mejor. Desde el inicio, hemos creído que la logística es el motor que mueve una sociedad; que cada producto que consumimos, cada alimento que comemos, cada prenda que vestimos, cada medicamento que necesitamos, están a nuestro alcance gracias a la logística. Nuestro presente nos enorgullece, pero nuestro futuro es inimaginablemente prometedor y depende únicamente de nosotros. Invitamos a aquellas personas que quieran ser parte de Mensajeros Urbanos a que siempre estén a la altura del reto que tenemos y que juntos ¡Transformemos la Logística para Conectarnos Mejor!Conoce más sobre la vacante¡Estamos buscando candidatas(os) para Colombia!Profesionales en carreras administrativas, con más de 4 años de experiencia como hunter senior, líder comercial, o desarrollador de nuevos negocios.Experiencia en ventas B2B.Excelentes habilidades de negociación y manejo de clientes.Nivel de inglés fluido, B2En Mensajeros Urbanos creemos y valoramos la diversidad y sabemos que esto traerá una enorme capacidad de innovación y ejecución a los equipos. ¡Esta es una empresa para todo tipo de personas! Qué esperamos de tiHabilidad para comunicarte asertivamente de manera verbal y no verbal e influir en todos los niveles de la organización. Asegurar que todo el proceso de ventas sea impecable desde la planeación hasta el cierre de la negociación. Capacidad para articular y vender de la manera correcta los diferentes productos y servicios de MU. Habilidad para posicionar las ventajas competitivas de los productos de MU sobre las de los competidores. Buscamos una persona que: Sea apasionado(a) por las ventas y los procesos Conozca diferentes sistemas de CRM Disfrute trabajar en equipo Orientado(a) a realizar reportes y análisis de los proyectos del área y el status de los cliente¿Cómo es nuestra cultura?Nuestra cultura organizacional se basa es nuestros valores corporativos: Somos personas excepcionales: Somos seres humanos y profesionales extraordinarios que enfocamos nuestros esfuerzos en sobrepasar las expectativas de nuestros clientes, compañeros, proveedores, accionistas y conductores. Nos movemos rápido: Nos diferenciamos por pensar y actuar más rápido que los demás a pesar de las adversidades, porque mañana puede ser tarde.Comprendemos a los demás: Nos preocupamos genuinamente por el otro y vemos el mundo a través de los ojos de los demás para comprender sus necesidades.Somos transparentes: Generamos lazos fuertes de confianza mostrando siempre las cosas como son haciendo siempre lo correcto.La información es nuestro motor: No dejamos nada al azar, nos basamos en hechos y datos para tomar decisiones y lograr grandes resultados.Siempre vamos por más: Siempre superamos las expectativas porque para nosotros los límites no existen.Manos a la obra: Prestamos atención a los detalles, empoderamos y nos involucramos, para sacar adelante todo lo que nos proponemos.¿Estas dispuesto(a) a formar parte de este gran equipo y trabajar con nosotros para lograr nuestro gran propósito de Transformar la Logística para conectarnos mejor?¿Quieres saber más sobre nosotros, lo que hacemos y cuáles son nuestros proyectos a futuro? Accede a los enlaces:LinkedinInstagramTwitter
6ee2def9-e6e5-4033-8b9b-d63eff7e3513 Mensajeros Urbanos | Backend Software Engineer II (1) https://boards.greenhouse.io/mensajerosurbanos/jobs/5494206002 Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia ¿Qué es Mensajeros Urbanos?Mensajeros Urbanos es una empresa Latinoamericana que nació en el 2015 con el apasionante reto de transformar la logística para conectarnos mejor. Desde el inicio, hemos creído que la logística es el motor que mueve una sociedad; que cada producto que consumimos, cada alimento que comemos, cada prenda que vestimos, cada medicamento que necesitamos, están a nuestro alcance gracias a la logística. Nuestro presente nos enorgullece, pero nuestro futuro es inimaginablemente prometedor y depende únicamente de nosotros. Invitamos a aquellas personas que quieran ser parte de Mensajeros Urbanos a que siempre estén a la altura del reto que tenemos y que juntos ¡Transformemos la Logística para Conectarnos Mejor! Conoce más sobre la vacanteEl ingeniero de software (SE) diseña, desarrolla, prueba y documenta sistemas y funcionalidades que brindan soporte a aplicaciones y servicios. Para trabajos más complejos, esta persona se basará en diseños existentes y será capaz de realizar revisiones de código. Detecta fallas en la lógica empresarial y problemas de calidad del código.Entre 2 y 4 años de experiencia en desarrollo de software.Experiencia laboral diseñando y desarrollando aplicaciones web utilizando diversas tecnologías como Java, .NET, PHP, Ruby, Python, JavaScript y servicios web.Experiencia laboral implementando integraciones entre diferentes aplicaciones utilizando servicios REST.Experiencia laboral básica con patrones y prácticas de almacenamiento de datos, a saber, relacionales (SQL) y/o no relacionales (NoSQL, MongoDB) plataforma.En Mensajeros Urbanos creemos y valoramos la diversidad y sabemos que esto traerá una enorme capacidad de innovación y ejecución a los equipos. ¡Esta es una empresa para todo tipo de personas! ¿Qué Buscamos?Dominio de 4 lenguajes de programación moderno orientado a objetos (Java, Javascrip, etc.).Conocimiento de patrones de diseño y principios de ingeniería de software.Capaz de depurar o solucionar problemas de aplicaciones y servicios web, utilizando herramientas de depuración como complementos de navegador, IDE, depuración de proxis, archivos de registro, infraestructura y métricas comerciales.Familiaridad con los formatos de transferencia de datos populares en aplicaciones web (por ejemplo, JSON, XML).Capaz de diseñar y escribir pruebas unitarias, pruebas de integración, automatizar pruebas de usuario. ¿Cómo es nuestra cultura?Nuestra cultura organizacional se basa es nuestros valores corporativos: Somos personas excepcionales: Somos seres humanos y profesionales extraordinarios que enfocamos nuestros esfuerzos en sobrepasar las expectativas de nuestros clientes, compañeros, proveedores, accionistas y conductores. Nos movemos rápido: Nos diferenciamos por pensar y actuar más rápido que los demás a pesar de las adversidades, porque mañana puede ser tarde.Comprendemos a los demás: Nos preocupamos genuinamente por el otro y vemos el mundo a través de los ojos de los demás para comprender sus necesidades.Somos transparentes: Generamos lazos fuertes de confianza mostrando siempre las cosas como son haciendo siempre lo correcto.La información es nuestro motor: No dejamos nada al azar, nos basamos en hechos y datos para tomar decisiones y lograr grandes resultados.Siempre vamos por más: Siempre superamos las expectativas porque para nosotros los límites no existen.Manos a la obra: Prestamos atención a los detalles, empoderamos y nos involucramos, para sacar adelante todo lo que nos proponemos.¿Estas dispuesto(a) a formar parte de este gran equipo y trabajar con nosotros para lograr nuestro gran propósito de Transformar la Logística para conectarnos mejor? ¿Quieres saber más sobre nosotros, lo que hacemos y cuáles son nuestros proyectos a futuro? Accede a los enlaces:LinkedinInstagramTwitter
aa27fa84-22fc-4864-a864-4afb79f212cb Mensajeros Urbanos | Director of Data Platform https://boards.greenhouse.io/mensajerosurbanos/jobs/5714577002 Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia ¿Qué es Mensajeros Urbanos?Mensajeros Urbanos es una empresa Latinoamericana que nació en el 2015 con el apasionante reto de transformar la logística para conectarnos mejor. Desde el inicio, hemos creído que la logística es el motor que mueve una sociedad; que cada producto que consumimos, cada alimento que comemos, cada prenda que vestimos, cada medicamento que necesitamos, están a nuestro alcance gracias a la logística. Nuestro presente nos enorgullece, pero nuestro futuro es inimaginablemente prometedor y depende únicamente de nosotros. Invitamos a aquellas personas que quieran ser parte de Mensajeros Urbanos a que siempre estén a la altura del reto que tenemos y que juntos ¡Transformemos la Logística para Conectarnos Mejor!Conoce más sobre la vacante¡Estamos buscando candidatas(os) para Colombia y para México!Profesionales en carreras administrativas, con más de 4 años de experiencia como hunter senior, líder comercial, o desarrollador de nuevos negocios.Experiencia en ventas B2B.Excelentes habilidades de negociación y manejo de clientes.Nivel de inglés fluido, B2En Mensajeros Urbanos creemos y valoramos la diversidad y sabemos que esto traerá una enorme capacidad de innovación y ejecución a los equipos. ¡Esta es una empresa para todo tipo de personas! Qué esperamos de tiHabilidad para comunicarte asertivamente de manera verbal y no verbal e influir en todos los niveles de la organización. Asegurar que todo el proceso de ventas sea impecable desde la planeación hasta el cierre de la negociación. Capacidad para articular y vender de la manera correcta los diferentes productos y servicios de MU. Habilidad para posicionar las ventajas competitivas de los productos de MU sobre las de los competidores. Buscamos una persona que: Sea apasionado(a) por las ventas y los procesos Conozca diferentes sistemas de CRM Disfrute trabajar en equipo Orientado(a) a realizar reportes y análisis de los proyectos del área y el status de los cliente¿Cómo es nuestra cultura?Nuestra cultura organizacional se basa es nuestros valores corporativos: Somos personas excepcionales: Somos seres humanos y profesionales extraordinarios que enfocamos nuestros esfuerzos en sobrepasar las expectativas de nuestros clientes, compañeros, proveedores, accionistas y conductores. Nos movemos rápido: Nos diferenciamos por pensar y actuar más rápido que los demás a pesar de las adversidades, porque mañana puede ser tarde.Comprendemos a los demás: Nos preocupamos genuinamente por el otro y vemos el mundo a través de los ojos de los demás para comprender sus necesidades.Somos transparentes: Generamos lazos fuertes de confianza mostrando siempre las cosas como son haciendo siempre lo correcto.La información es nuestro motor: No dejamos nada al azar, nos basamos en hechos y datos para tomar decisiones y lograr grandes resultados.Siempre vamos por más: Siempre superamos las expectativas porque para nosotros los límites no existen.Manos a la obra: Prestamos atención a los detalles, empoderamos y nos involucramos, para sacar adelante todo lo que nos proponemos.¿Estas dispuesto(a) a formar parte de este gran equipo y trabajar con nosotros para lograr nuestro gran propósito de Transformar la Logística para conectarnos mejor?¿Quieres saber más sobre nosotros, lo que hacemos y cuáles son nuestros proyectos a futuro? Accede a los enlaces:LinkedinInstagramTwitter
e739b224-ed24-40b6-8487-e388a3273f61 Mensajeros Urbanos | Mobile Technical Lead https://boards.greenhouse.io/mensajerosurbanos/jobs/5714560002 Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia ¿Qué es Mensajeros Urbanos?Mensajeros Urbanos es una empresa Latinoamericana que nació en el 2015 con el apasionante reto de transformar la logística para conectarnos mejor. Desde el inicio, hemos creído que la logística es el motor que mueve una sociedad; que cada producto que consumimos, cada alimento que comemos, cada prenda que vestimos, cada medicamento que necesitamos, están a nuestro alcance gracias a la logística. Nuestro presente nos enorgullece, pero nuestro futuro es inimaginablemente prometedor y depende únicamente de nosotros. Invitamos a aquellas personas que quieran ser parte de Mensajeros Urbanos a que siempre estén a la altura del reto que tenemos y que juntos ¡Transformemos la Logística para Conectarnos Mejor!Conoce más sobre la vacante¡Estamos buscando candidatas(os) para Colombia y para México!Profesionales en carreras administrativas, con más de 4 años de experiencia como hunter senior, líder comercial, o desarrollador de nuevos negocios.Experiencia en ventas B2B.Excelentes habilidades de negociación y manejo de clientes.Nivel de inglés fluido, B2En Mensajeros Urbanos creemos y valoramos la diversidad y sabemos que esto traerá una enorme capacidad de innovación y ejecución a los equipos. ¡Esta es una empresa para todo tipo de personas! Qué esperamos de tiHabilidad para comunicarte asertivamente de manera verbal y no verbal e influir en todos los niveles de la organización. Asegurar que todo el proceso de ventas sea impecable desde la planeación hasta el cierre de la negociación. Capacidad para articular y vender de la manera correcta los diferentes productos y servicios de MU. Habilidad para posicionar las ventajas competitivas de los productos de MU sobre las de los competidores. Buscamos una persona que: Sea apasionado(a) por las ventas y los procesos Conozca diferentes sistemas de CRM Disfrute trabajar en equipo Orientado(a) a realizar reportes y análisis de los proyectos del área y el status de los cliente¿Cómo es nuestra cultura?Nuestra cultura organizacional se basa es nuestros valores corporativos: Somos personas excepcionales: Somos seres humanos y profesionales extraordinarios que enfocamos nuestros esfuerzos en sobrepasar las expectativas de nuestros clientes, compañeros, proveedores, accionistas y conductores. Nos movemos rápido: Nos diferenciamos por pensar y actuar más rápido que los demás a pesar de las adversidades, porque mañana puede ser tarde.Comprendemos a los demás: Nos preocupamos genuinamente por el otro y vemos el mundo a través de los ojos de los demás para comprender sus necesidades.Somos transparentes: Generamos lazos fuertes de confianza mostrando siempre las cosas como son haciendo siempre lo correcto.La información es nuestro motor: No dejamos nada al azar, nos basamos en hechos y datos para tomar decisiones y lograr grandes resultados.Siempre vamos por más: Siempre superamos las expectativas porque para nosotros los límites no existen.Manos a la obra: Prestamos atención a los detalles, empoderamos y nos involucramos, para sacar adelante todo lo que nos proponemos.¿Estas dispuesto(a) a formar parte de este gran equipo y trabajar con nosotros para lograr nuestro gran propósito de Transformar la Logística para conectarnos mejor?¿Quieres saber más sobre nosotros, lo que hacemos y cuáles son nuestros proyectos a futuro? Accede a los enlaces:LinkedinInstagramTwitter
5bf3d61e-f815-4175-a4d8-b35c77419ff2 Mensajeros Urbanos | Business Development Specialist https://boards.greenhouse.io/mensajerosurbanos/jobs/5504136002 Mensajeros Urbanos / México Cl. 17 #69B - 80, Bogotá, Colombia ¿Qué es Mensajeros Urbanos?Mensajeros Urbanos es una empresa Latinoamericana que nació en el 2015 con el apasionante reto de transformar la logística para conectarnos mejor. Desde el inicio, hemos creído que la logística es el motor que mueve una sociedad; que cada producto que consumimos, cada alimento que comemos, cada prenda que vestimos, cada medicamento que necesitamos, están a nuestro alcance gracias a la logística. Nuestro presente nos enorgullece, pero nuestro futuro es inimaginablemente prometedor y depende únicamente de nosotros. Invitamos a aquellas personas que quieran ser parte de Mensajeros Urbanos a que siempre estén a la altura del reto que tenemos y que juntos ¡Transformemos la Logística para Conectarnos Mejor! Conoce más sobre la vacante¡Estamos buscando candidatas(os) para México!Profesionales en carreras administrativas, con más de 4 años de experiencia como hunter senior o desarrollador de nuevos negocios.Experiencia en ventas B2B y ventas consultivas.Excelentes habilidades de negociación y manejo de clientes.En Mensajeros Urbanos creemos y valoramos la diversidad y sabemos que esto traerá una enorme capacidad de innovación y ejecución a los equipos. ¡Esta es una empresa para todo tipo de personas! Qué esperamos de tiHabilidad para comunicarte asertivamente de manera verbal y no verbal e influir en todos los niveles de la organización. Asegurar que todo el proceso de ventas sea impecable desde la planeación hasta el cierre de la negociación. Capacidad para articular y vender de la manera correcta los diferentes productos y servicios de MU. Habilidad para posicionar las ventajas competitivas de los productos de MU sobre las de los competidores. Buscamos una persona que: Sea apasionado(a) por las ventas y los procesos Conozca diferentes sistemas de CRM Disfrute trabajar en equipo Orientado(a) a realizar reportes y análisis de los proyectos del área y el status de los clientes ¿Cómo es nuestra cultura?Nuestra cultura organizacional se basa es nuestros valores corporativos: Nos movemos rápido: Nos diferenciamos por pensar y actuar más rápido que los demás a pesar de las adversidades, porque mañana puede ser tarde.Comprendemos a los demás: Nos preocupamos genuinamente por el otro y vemos el mundo a través de los ojos de los demás para comprender sus necesidades.Somos transparentes: Generamos lazos fuertes de confianza mostrando siempre las cosas como son haciendo siempre lo correcto.La información es nuestro motor: No dejamos nada al azar, nos basamos en hechos y datos para tomar decisiones y lograr grandes resultados.Siempre vamos por más: Siempre superamos las expectativas porque para nosotros los límites no existen.Manos a la obra: Prestamos atención a los detalles, empoderamos y nos involucramos, para sacar adelante todo lo que nos proponemos.¿Estas dispuesto(a) a formar parte de este gran equipo y trabajar con nosotros para lograr nuestro gran propósito de Transformar la Logística para conectarnos mejor?¿Quieres saber más sobre nosotros, lo que hacemos y cuáles son nuestros proyectos a futuro? Accede a los enlaces:LinkedinInstagramTwitter
f0d15dab-7c3f-4ddf-bcba-d9004ed1fbe5 Analytics Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3389914 Bogotá Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.co.How We WorkWe are ownersWe thrive in dynamic, fast-paced, and results-oriented teamsWe have a dream to use data and analytics to change the worldWe are hungry and enjoy being constantly challenged to learn and do moreWe embrace conflicting ideas and like to question the status quoWe work hard, with integrity and putting the team firstNubank Data Engineers might solve the following problems:Create data pipelines integrating a wide range of sources to drive business functions and productsConstantly refining the data platform to enable a broader set of data applications such as streaming systems Improve user-experience and platform predictability through work on monitoring and system reliabilityWork with backend microservices in functional programming languagesCreate intuitive visualizations for monitoring live streaming data setsTriage bugs and exceptions reported in productionConduct system load/stress testsCandidatesWe are looking for Engineers that are intellectually curious, enthusiastic, versatile, eager to learn, with a track record of creating efficient, scalable and accessible solutions, preferably in the domain of data infrastructure and tooling. You will have a meaningful chance to shape architecture, process, and culture while working with leading edge technologies. We believe in cultivating good inter and intra team chemistry, enthusiasm for building things, and exercising the amazing capacity to learn new things when we stay humble and open-minded. English language skills are essential.Desired skills and experience2-3 years of experience as Data Analyst, Data Engineer and/or Analytics EngineerStrong experience querying data with SQL and PythonFluent EnglishCore Benefits:Health and life insuranceNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programVacations of 15 workdaysNuLanguage - Our language learning programParental leavesChance of earning equity at Nubank*Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
83f20d95-738f-4563-ae38-f823715c3165 Analytics Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/1776014 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil Sobre o Nubank O Nubank foi fundado em 2013 para libertar as pessoas de um sistema financeiro burocrático, lento e ineficiente. Desde então, por meio de tecnologia inovadora e excelente atendimento ao cliente, a empresa vem redefinindo o relacionamento das pessoas com o dinheiro em toda a América Latina. Com operações no Brasil, México e Colômbia, o Nubank é hoje uma das maiores plataformas de serviços financeiros e uma das maiores empresas de tecnologia do mundo.Hoje, o Nubank é uma empresa global, com escritórios em São Paulo (Brasil), Cidade do México (México), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colômbia), Durham (Estados Unidos) e Berlim (Alemanha). Foi fundado em 2013 em São Paulo, pelo colombiano David Vélez, e tem como cofundadores a brasileira Cristina Junqueira e o americano Edward Wible. Para mais informações, visite www.nubank.com.br. Nosso time de Analytics EngineerSer Analytics Engineer na Nubank é diferente da posição comum de Analytics Engineer. Otimizamos para obter valor a longo prazo, concentrando-nos na engenharia em vez de gastar nosso tempo em trabalhos recorrentes para esta finalidade. Você pode ler os artigos a seguir e assistir ao vídeo abaixo para saber mais sobre a função do time de Analytics Engineera no Nubank:Nubank Data Analysts are now called Analytics EngineersDistributing the data team to boost innovation reliably ResponsabilidadesContribuir para o design e manutenção de nossos pipelines de dados de produção (ETL) e ferramentas.Apoiar discussões baseadas em dados dentro de sua equipe e entre áreas de negócios.Melhorar a alfabetização de dados em toda a empresa, ensinando e compartilhando as melhores práticas.Panorama dos dados na Nubank: identificar oportunidades para estruturar dados em toda a empresa.Impulsionar grandes decisões e controles, fornecendo painéis, visualizações e relatórios eficazes.Projetar, rastrear e prever os principais produtos e métricas de negócios. Habilidades e experiência desejadasSólida experiência profissional e / ou acadêmica como Analista de Dados, Analista de Negócios ou outras disciplinas quantitativas;Forte experiência em consulta de dados com SQL;Experiência de programação (por exemplo, com Python, R, Scala, etc.)Familiaridade com ferramentas de business intelligence, como Metabase, Looker ou Tableau, e práticas recomendadas de visualização de dados é uma vantagem; Esta vaga é para você se:Você tem um desejo intenso de usar dados e análises para mudar o mundo;Você se comunica de forma clara e eficaz com colegas de diferentes áreas de negócios;Você prospera em equipes dinâmicas, rápidas e orientadas para os resultados;Você aprende de forma rápida e fácil a se adaptar às mudanças de situações e prioridades;Você gosta estar em constante desafio e a aprender a fazer mais;Você abraça o conflito de ideias e gosta de questionar o status quo; BenefíciosSeguros de saúde, odontológico e de vidaVale refeiçãoAssistência de transporte30 dias de férias pagasChance de ganhar capital no NubankParceria de estacionamento - estacionamento com desconto em nosso escritórioEstacionamento gratuito para bicicletas com chuveiros disponíveisNuCare - Nosso programa de assistência à saúde mental e bem-estarNuLanguage - Nosso programa de aprendizagem de línguasParceria GympassLicenças estendidas de maternidade e paternidadeAuxílio-creche‘Espaço Feijão’ - Espaços privados de enfermagem e amamentação em nossos prédiosCentro de saúde local - Suporte médico para Nubankers em nosso escritório * Entrevistas e integração atualmente são feitas virtualmente devido ao COVID-19. Todos os novos funcionários e a nossa atual equipe continuarão trabalhando em casa até que seja seguro retornar aos nossos escritórios. Se/quando o retorno for necessário, contamos com uma equipe dedicada à mobilidade global e firmamos parcerias com as melhores empresas do mercado para garantir o bom andamento dos processos. Também oferecemos um pacote de realocação muito competitivo para contratações internacionais.
0ae7e319-7540-4e21-bcbb-6a182edb3e28 Senior Analytics Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/2400300 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil Sobre o Nubank O Nubank foi fundado em 2013 para libertar as pessoas de um sistema financeiro burocrático, lento e ineficiente. Desde então, por meio de tecnologia inovadora e excelente atendimento ao cliente, a empresa vem redefinindo o relacionamento das pessoas com o dinheiro em toda a América Latina. Com operações no Brasil, México e Colômbia, o Nubank é hoje uma das maiores plataformas de serviços financeiros e uma das maiores empresas de tecnologia do mundo.Hoje, o Nubank é uma empresa global, com escritórios em São Paulo (Brasil), Cidade do México (México), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colômbia), Durham (Estados Unidos) e Berlim (Alemanha). Foi fundado em 2013 em São Paulo, pelo colombiano David Vélez, e tem como cofundadores a brasileira Cristina Junqueira e o americano Edward Wible. Para mais informações, visite www.nubank.com.br. Nosso time de Analytics EngineerEm 2020, decidimos mudar o nome do chapter de Data Analyst para Analytics Engineer. A equipe concorda por unanimidade que o nome se encaixa melhor no trabalho que fazemos. Verifique nossa postagem no blog para informações mais detalhadas:https://building.nubank.com.br/nubank-data-analysts-are-now-called-analytics-engineers/Ser um Analytics Engineer na Nubank é diferente da posição comum de Analytics Engineer. Otimizamos para obter valor a longo prazo, concentrando-nos na engenharia em vez de gastar nosso tempo em trabalhos recorrentes para esta finalidade. Você pode assistir à palestra a seguir para saber mais sobre a função de Analytics Engineer no Nubank. ResponsabilidadesComo um AE líder / sênior, você pode esperar:Liderar projetos de dados em vários times ou produtos;Estabelecer uma parceria com as partes interessadas multifuncionais para projetar uma estratégia de dados que possa gerar o maior impacto;Panorama de dados na Nubank: identificar oportunidades para estruturar dados em toda a empresa;Ser uma interface chave entre a engenharia de software e as funções analíticas;Arquitetar e implementar pipelines de dados de acordo com as necessidades;Projetar e implementar modelos de dados para atender às necessidades de negócios e ciência de dados;Melhorar a alfabetização de dados em toda a empresa, ensinando e compartilhando as melhores práticas;Atuar com mentoria de membros da equipe tecnicamente menos experientes;Criar tabelas que serão necessárias para os principais aplicativos do Nubank;Impulsionar grandes decisões e controles, fornecendo painéis, visualizações e relatórios eficazes;Projetar, rastrear e prever os principais produtos e métricas de negócios; Habilidades e experiência desejadasSólida experiência profissional e / ou acadêmica como Analista de Dados, Analista de Negócios, Engenheiro de Dados, Ciência de Dados ou outras disciplinas quantitativas;Forte experiência em consulta de dados com SQL;Experiência de programação (por exemplo, com Python, R, Scala, etc.);Familiaridade com ferramentas de business intelligence, como Metabase, Looker ou Tableau, e práticas recomendadas de visualização de dados é uma vantagem;Projetar modelos de dados e arquitetura ETL;Traduzir as necessidades de negócios em soluções alinhadas com as ferramentas e estratégias da plataforma de dadosTrabalhar de forma autônoma e tomar iniciativas;Boas habilidades de comunicação para lidar com as partes interessadas de tecnologia e não tecnologia;Conhecimento sobre sistemas de dados distribuídos e processamento paralelo de dados; Esta vaga é para você se:Você tem um desejo intenso de usar dados e análises para mudar o mundo;Você se comunica de forma clara e eficaz com colegas de diferentes áreas de negócios;Você prospera em equipes dinâmicas, rápidas e orientadas para os resultados;Você aprende de forma rápida e fácil a se adaptar às mudanças de situações e prioridades;Você gosta estar em constante desafio e a aprender a fazer mais;Você abraça o conflito de ideias e gosta de questionar o status quo; BenefíciosSeguros de saúde, odontológico e de vida;Vale refeição;Assistência de transporte;30 dias de férias pagas;Chance de ganhar capital no Nubank;Parceria de estacionamento - estacionamento com desconto em nosso escritório;Estacionamento gratuito para bicicletas com chuveiros disponíveis;NuCare - Nosso programa de assistência à saúde mental e bem-estar;NuLanguage - Nosso programa de aprendizagem de línguas;Parceria Gympass;Licenças estendidas de maternidade e paternidade;Auxílio-creche; * Entrevistas e integração atualmente são feitas virtualmente devido ao COVID-19. Todos os novos funcionários e a nossa atual equipe continuarão trabalhando em casa até que seja seguro retornar aos nossos escritórios. Se/quando o retorno for necessário, contamos com uma equipe dedicada à mobilidade global e firmamos parcerias com as melhores empresas do mercado para garantir o bom andamento dos processos. Também oferecemos um pacote de realocação muito competitivo para contratações internacionais.
0e3b1827-fd80-41d1-852b-3010491ecbe1 Analista de Investimentos | Renda Variável https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3590342 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil O Nubank foi fundado em 2013 para libertar as pessoas de um sistema financeiro burocrático, lento e ineficiente. Desde então, por meio de tecnologia inovadora e excelente atendimento ao cliente, a empresa vem redefinindo o relacionamento das pessoas com o dinheiro em toda a América Latina. Com operações no Brasil, México e Colômbia, o Nubank é hoje uma das maiores plataformas de serviços financeiros e uma das maiores empresas de tecnologia do mundo.Hoje, o Nubank é uma empresa global, com escritórios em São Paulo (Brasil), Cidade do México (México), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colômbia), Durham (Estados Unidos) e Berlim (Alemanha). Foi fundado em 2013 em São Paulo, pelo colombiano David Vélez, e tem como cofundadores a brasileira Cristina Junqueira e o americano Edward Wible. Para mais informações, visite www.nubank.com.br.Conheça mais sobre a Nu Invest:Nu Invest é a plataforma do Nubank 100% focada em investimentos. Ele tem o objetivo de ampliar o leque de produtos financeiros que o Nu oferece hoje e, assim, atender clientes que buscam por diversificação e variedade em seus investimentos.Toda essa experiência vem com o melhor histórico possível: o pioneirismo de mercado e solidez herdados da Easynvest. A empresa foi fundada em 1968 com o nome de Título Corretora de Valores e se tornou uma das maiores plataformas de investimento do Brasil.Agora, a Easy se transformou em Nu invest para revolucionar o mercado financeiro e simplificar ainda mais a sua maneira de investir. E tudo continua totalmente digital, fácil, sem burocracia, só que agora com um visual repaginado.O Nu invest tem mais de mil produtos de investimentos, muitos deles sem taxa de corretagem. Isso inclui produtos de renda variável, como ações, fundos imobiliários, fundos de investimento e BDRs, bem como renda fixa, como títulos do Tesouro Direto, CDBs e muito mais.Por que esse papel é tão importante?Analistas de Investimentos visam manter o melhor padrão de qualidade no relacionamento com os investidores, sendo referência técnica no assunto e nas plataformas da Nu Invest.Quais serão as principais atividades no seu dia a dia:Garantir uma experiência singular para clientes de investimentos, gerando fidelização e o aumento do índice de satisfação;Tornar-se referência em conhecimento sobre o mercado financeiro para fornecer o melhor suporte possível a clientes de investimento, esclarecendo dúvidas sobre características dos nossos produto;Auxiliar os clientes investidores na navegação das plataformas e aplicativos da Nu Invest;Antecipar-se a desafios que possam impactar o pleno relacionamento de clientes de investimento;Buscamos alguém que:Possua certificação CPA-20 ou PQO-Operacional;Tem conhecimento sobre produtos financeiros principalmente em Renda Variável, Fundos, entre outros;Tem conhecimento em ferramentas de gestão de dados (Excel, Google Spreadsheets)Consiga se comunicar de forma clara e objetiva, tanto escrita quanto verbalmente;Outras certificações como CFP e CEA serão consideradas um diferencial.Essa oportunidade é ideal para você que:Tem experiência no mundo de investimentos - renda variável.Prospera em equipes dinâmicas, rápidas e orientadas para resultados;Gosta de desafios, aprender e ir além;Abraça a diferença de ideias e gosta de questionar o status quo;Aprende de forma rápida e fácil a se adaptar a situações de rápida mudança;Acredita na criação de ótimos produtos e na realização de um ótimo trabalho. LocalSão Paulo, Brasil.* Entrevistas e integração atualmente são feitas virtualmente devido ao COVID-19. Todos os novos funcionários e a nossa atual equipe continuarão trabalhando em casa até que seja seguro retornar aos nossos escritórios. Se/quando o retorno for necessário, contamos com uma equipe dedicada à mobilidade global e firmamos parcerias com as melhores empresas do mercado para garantir o bom andamento dos processos. Também oferecemos um pacote de realocação muito competitivo para contratações internacionais.
5f8f5a66-dc48-4dc3-8998-8b273890e8df Assistente de Investimentos | Renda Fixa https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3519886 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil Sobre o Nubank:O Nubank foi fundado em 2013 para libertar as pessoas de um sistema financeiro burocrático, lento e ineficiente. Desde então, por meio de tecnologia inovadora e excelente atendimento ao cliente, a empresa vem redefinindo o relacionamento das pessoas com o dinheiro em toda a América Latina. Com operações no Brasil, México e Colômbia, o Nubank é hoje uma das maiores plataformas de serviços financeiros e uma das maiores empresas de tecnologia do mundo.Hoje, o Nubank é uma empresa global, com escritórios em São Paulo (Brasil), Cidade do México (México), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colômbia), Durham (Estados Unidos) e Berlim (Alemanha). Foi fundado em 2013 em São Paulo, pelo colombiano David Vélez, e tem como cofundadores a brasileira Cristina Junqueira e o americano Edward Wible. Para mais informações, visite www.nubank.com.br.Conheça mais sobre a Nu Invest:Nu Invest é a plataforma do Nubank 100% focada em investimentos. Ele tem o objetivo de ampliar o leque de produtos financeiros que o Nu oferece hoje e, assim, atender clientes que buscam por diversificação e variedade em seus investimentos.Toda essa experiência vem com o melhor histórico possível: o pioneirismo de mercado e solidez herdados da Easynvest. A empresa foi fundada em 1968 com o nome de Título Corretora de Valores e se tornou uma das maiores plataformas de investimento do Brasil.Agora, a Easy se transformou em Nu invest para revolucionar o mercado financeiro e simplificar ainda mais a sua maneira de investir. E tudo continua totalmente digital, fácil, sem burocracia, só que agora com um visual repaginado.O Nu invest tem mais de mil produtos de investimentos, muitos deles sem taxa de corretagem. Isso inclui produtos de renda variável, como ações, fundos imobiliários, fundos de investimento e BDRs, bem como renda fixa, como títulos do Tesouro Direto, CDBs e muito mais.Por que esse papel é tão importante?Assistentes de Investimentos visam manter o melhor padrão de qualidade no relacionamento com os investidores, sendo referência técnica no assunto e nas plataformas da Nu Invest.Quais serão as principais atividades no seu dia a dia:Garantir uma experiência singular para clientes de investimentos, gerando fidelização e o aumento do índice de satisfação;Tornar-se referência em conhecimento sobre o mercado financeiro para fornecer o melhor suporte possível a clientes de investimento, esclarecendo dúvidas sobre características dos nossos produto;Auxiliar os clientes investidores na navegação das plataformas e aplicativos da Nu Invest;Antecipar-se a desafios que possam impactar o pleno relacionamento de clientes de investimento;Buscamos alguém que:Possua certificação CPA-20 ou PQO-Operacional;Tem conhecimento sobre produtos financeiros (RV, RF, Fundos, entre outros);Tem conhecimento em ferramentas de gestão de dados (Excel, Google Spreadsheets)Consiga se comunicar de maneira engajante e objetiva, tanto escrita quanto verbalmente;Outras certificações como CFP e CEA serão consideradas um diferencial.Essa oportunidade é ideal para você que:Prospera em equipes dinâmicas, rápidas e orientadas para resultados;Gosta de desafios, aprender e ir além;Abraça a diferença de ideias e gosta de questionar o status quo;Aprende de forma rápida e fácil a se adaptar a situações de rápida mudança;Acredita na criação de ótimos produtos e na realização de um ótimo trabalho. * Entrevistas e integração atualmente são feitas virtualmente devido ao COVID-19. Todos os novos funcionários e a nossa atual equipe continuarão trabalhando em casa até que seja seguro retornar aos nossos escritórios. Se/quando o retorno for necessário, contamos com uma equipe dedicada à mobilidade global e firmamos parcerias com as melhores empresas do mercado para garantir o bom andamento dos processos. Também oferecemos um pacote de realocação muito competitivo para contratações internacionais.
24a40205-0dd1-41b7-a64f-a07d0aadb8a9 Junior Business Analyst - Mexico https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3699019 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico Sobre NubankSomos la empresa de tecnología en servicios financieros más grande e innovadora de América Latina. Luchamos contra la complejidad para que recuperes el control de tu dinero.El equipo de Business AnalyticsNubank ha crecido de manera exponencial desde su creación. Para mantener este ritmo de crecimiento, hay que tomar decisiones críticas de manera constante. Los business analysts son clave en el proceso de toma de decisiones porque no sólo deben ser capaces de manejar grandes cantidades de información y datos, sino que también deben pensar siempre en formas de mejorar la experiencia de nuestros clientes.Es responsabilidad del BA estructurar los datos, analizarlos y utilizar los resultados para probar diferentes soluciones con el objetivo de mejorar la eficiencia de Nubank. Buscamos personas independientes y que no tengan miedo de tomar iniciativas para identificar y resolver problemas que no son necesariamente obvios.El desafíoRealizar un gran trabajo de investigación, centrado en decidir qué datos tienen más sentido utilizar en cada situación. Si no se tienen esos datos, habrá que pensar qué pruebas se pueden hacer o cómo extraer la información necesaria para responder a las preguntas;Apoyar al equipo para que tome decisiones basadas en datos, supervisando los análisis y las decisiones, asegurando el flujo de los proyectos y haciendo que el proceso de asumir riesgos sea cómodo a pesar de la incertidumbre;Aprender a trabajar con un gran volumen de datos para construir una base sólida para la toma de decisiones con riesgos calculados, incluso sabiendo que no todas las respuestas están en los datos y/o no todos los datos que uno quisiera están disponibles;Utilizar herramientas como SQL, Python y Scala - que se enseñan durante las primeras semanas con nosotros - para la extracción de datos;Entender nuestros productos y las interacciones con otras áreas; Aprovechar las oportunidades para crecer y aprender de un equipo bien preparado y altamente calificado;Posibilidad de trabajar en un entorno complejo, dinámico y diverso, participando en proyectos que repercutirán en un gran volumen de clientes.Lo que estamos buscandoHabilidades analíticas: facilidad para los números y las cuentas, teniendo la capacidad de resolver problemas matemáticamente;Aspectos básicos del negocio: dinámica entre riesgos y oportunidades, así como la interacción entre el negocio y las áreas técnicas (productos/ingeniería);Resolución de problemas: facilidad y creatividad para buscar soluciones a los retos del día a día y conseguir los mejores resultados;Disposición y facilidad de aprendizaje, especialmente para las herramientas; Apertura para recibir comentarios e incorporarlos a su trabajo diario y a su desarrollo;Adaptabilidad a un entorno multifuncional; . Diversidad e inclusiónPara asegurarnos de que estamos construyendo un entorno más diverso e inclusivo que refleje la realidad de quiénes son los consumidores a los que empoderamos cada día, tratamos de contratar moviéndonos en un espacio de representación y proporcionalidad. Esto significa que consideramos los diversos marcadores de identidad como factores que enriquecen nuestra empresa, garantizando que ninguno de ellos sea un obstáculo para que contratemos a talentos increíbles.
f0bcd68e-460b-40d8-bee3-17fc0c8262b6 Senior/Associate Business Analyst - Mexico https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/2430786 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.mx. Our Business Analyst TeamIn order to sustain Nubank's success, we are searching for outstanding individuals who are looking to apply their strategic and analytical skills to help us solve major company challenges.Typical responsibilities assigned to you might include:Identifying business challenges and opportunities and use analytical tools to solve themEx.: Identifying key reasons that drive customer conversion and how to improve itBuilding models/analysis to evaluate new product lines or new market segmentsEx.: Designing our product characteristicsDimensioning and supporting marketing efforts for productsEx.: Deciding when and how much to invest in marketing campaigns as well as which audience to target howGenerating insights and ideas to improve customer experience and our technologyEx.: Improving our fraud-detection models to better protect our customersCreating risk models and hypothesis to predict future performance of our customers, helping the company make growth decisionsManaging the execution of your proposals, from operational feasibility to monitoring resultsEx.: Launching a customer survey and acting on the resultsPartnering with our engineers, data scientists and designers to coordinate and prioritize tasks involving your analysisEx.: Testing different communication templates and tracking the effectiveness of each one How We WorkOur team have a burning desire to use data and analytics to change the worldWe thrive with dynamic, fast-paced, results-oriented and collaborative teamsWe are hungry and enjoy being constantly challenged to learn and do moreWe embrace conflict of ideas and like to question the status quoWe want no less than the big picture and we act as owners RequirementsBachelor's Degree in a quantitative field such as: Business, Engineering, Math, Economics3 to 6 years of work experience - we're looking for senior individual contributers to join our teamProgramming is not required but candidates need to display interest in learning basic data analysis skills (Python, R …)Knowledge of EnglishBackgrounds that fit into either of these profiles are an asset:FinancialUnderstanding of financial concepts and financial statementsPast experience in banking, or in consulting for finance-related projectsOperationalFamiliarity with business processes: identifying key drivers, optimizing operations and monitoring resultsPast experience in business development or operationsDecision SciencesExperience with statistical modeling/data sciences applied to business decisionsPast academic or data-intensive positionsStrategic & analytic orientationProven track record on combining conceptual thinking & quantitative skillsPast experience in consulting firms or similar roles BenefitsEquity at NubankHealth and life insurance Food card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
1eb64fca-a875-415d-9ef3-d0d1cd563c27 Senior Network Infrastructure Mexico https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/2558543 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.mx. About the opportunity..Understanding of the office network architecture.Wired Office Networks (Physical, Logical, Access Control)Wireless Office Networks (Physical, Logical, Access Control)Datacenter Networks (Physical and Logical Infrastructure)WAN Outbound Networks (Technologies, Physical and logical Topologies).Understanding of the latest campus networking technologies.Knowledge in L2/L3 protocols and solutions to give convergence/HA/Security/QoS in a multilayer and routed access campus design to reduce the convergence and recovery times.Ability to design and configure redundant and high density links and redundant paths using intelligent network services such as OSPF, LACP, VSS, vPC protocols.Ability to maintain, design and run tests to check convergence, links status, traffic and QoS status.Ability to implement network services such DNS, DHCP, NTP and VoIP.Ability to Maintain and Operate the Office Network.Design and Monitoring and of SLOs, SLAs and KPIs.Change Management Process:Execution of Hardware, software & configuration changes.Software and Configuration Versions control.Design and execute Manual of Operating Procedures (MOP)Understanding and follow MOP from other authors.Documentation.Writing and continuous updating of the Low Level Designs (LLD)Troubleshooting and Incident handling.End-to-End understanding of the network to perform a systematic troubleshooting during a network outages and coordinating the necessary support.Applying Postmortem rituals to optimize the networkYou will fit in well if:You are unafraid to take initiative to identify and answer problems that are not necessarily evidentYou love working in a dynamic environment and being granted a lot of autonomyYou're looking for a company with a culture of camaraderie, fun and personal growthYou love operations and making things more efficient and simpleBenefitsEquity at NubankHealth and life insuranceFood card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
fea2c276-6b5d-44a9-b378-f8ff6663fa55 Tech Center Mexico https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/2558530 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.mx. What You'll Do Giving a real friendly support reflecting Nubank culture, optimizing customer care and increasing customer familiarityUnderstanding and handling of different incident reportProblem identification and classification with a systematic approachProblem statement and solution Proposal, execution and closing with a “Fixing the cause, not the symptom” approach avoiding temporary fixesEnd-to-end understanding of the system and ability to correctly forward and track the problems to the experts whenever is necessaryKnowing and Defining the scope of support and estimating the necessary staff to maintain the QoS for the clients including planning the on call shifts and knowing and defining the escalation processTracking the service requests and analyzing the statistics to determine the current trend and work over future improvementsAbility to properly do special announcements for major outagesRequirements4+ years of proven experience and knowledge of tech supportStrong knowledge and understanding of tech different incident reportExcellent problem-solving and analytical skills with ability to turn findings into strategic imperativesExperience building successful relationships across organizations at multiple levels to deliver resultsExperience leading efforts that require integration of multiple technology systems, operations, or customer service processesFull professional proficiency in English; proficiency in Spanish is desirableFamiliarity with business intelligence tools, like Metabase, Looker or Tableau and experience querying data with SQL and working knowledge of a programming language (python, R) is a plusHave a Mexican work permit/ visa to work in MexicoThis position is based in Mexico City, Mexico. You will fit in well if:You are unafraid to take initiative to identify and answer problems that are not necessarily evidentYou love working in a dynamic environment and being granted a lot of autonomyYou're looking for a company with a culture of camaraderie, fun and personal growthYou love operations and making things more efficient and simple BenefitsEquity at NubankHealth and life insurance Food card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
3e0d09d6-00b5-4f28-8318-7810cab66677 Business Architect https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3101309 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil Sobre NubankO Nubank foi fundado em 2013 para libertar as pessoas de um sistema financeiro burocrático, lento e ineficiente. Desde então, por meio de tecnologia inovadora e excelente atendimento ao cliente, a empresa vem redefinindo o relacionamento das pessoas com o dinheiro em toda a América Latina. Com operações no Brasil, México e Colômbia, o Nubank é hoje uma das maiores plataformas de serviços financeiros e uma das maiores empresas de tecnologia do mundo.Hoje, o Nubank é uma empresa global, com escritórios em São Paulo (Brasil), Cidade do México (México), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colômbia), Durham (Estados Unidos) e Berlim (Alemanha). Foi fundado em 2013 em São Paulo, pelo colombiano David Vélez, e tem como cofundadores a brasileira Cristina Junqueira e o americano Edward Wible. Para mais informações, visite www.nubank.com.br. Nossos Business Architects no Nubank Essa função requer senso de negócio, estar confortável com a ambigüidade, construir conexões e influenciar as partes interessadas por meio de uma comunicação eficaz, uma mentalidade analítica e uma tendência para a ação e execução. Os arquitetos de negócios fazem parte do Product Office no Nubank. Como Business Architect, espera-se que você consiga:Resolver problemas complexos com análises robustas e perspicácia de negócios, como traduzir necessidades regulatórias em estratégia de negócios, gerenciar operações de suporte ao cliente em uma equipe voltada para o cliente ou lançar operações em um novo país (para citar alguns exemplos).Ser o responsável por comunicar, alinhar e engajar de forma eficaz pessoas de dentro e fora de sua equipe. Você construirá pontes entre diferentes áreas da empresa.Contribuir ativamente na definição, monitoramento, priorização e comunicação da estratégia e objetivos de sua equipe. Você executa a estratégia e os processos de design do Nubank que permitem que o Nubank cresça com eficiência.Alguns exemplos de prerrogativas que você terá:Adaptar produtos para atender às regulamentações do Banco Central (por exemplo, alteração do layout de nossas faturas de cartão de crédito);Garantir que haja uma equipe capacitada e treinada para lidar com a crescente demanda de casos de investigação de fraude devido a regras de negócios mais conservadoras;Definir e implementar ferramentas e processos para rastrear e dar visibilidade aos principais KPIs;Acompanhar e melhorar o desempenho das operações de atendimento ao cliente;Liderar negociações com fornecedores-chave.Procuramos um profissional que tenha:Bacharelado (concluído) em Administração, Engenharia, Matemática, Economia ou outra área relacionada.Proficiente em inglês com comprometimento em atingir o nível fluente em 2 anos.Histórico comprovado na liderança de vários projetos complexos e críticos do início ao fim, envolvendo uma série de tópicos / variáveis, como negócios, regulamentos, jurídico, finanças ou produto.Sólido background analítico: deve estar confortável em manipular dados para tomar decisões e mergulhar profundamente nos detalhes técnicos.Altamente organizado e planejado, confortável para liderar um projeto envolvendo um grupo multidisciplinar.Excelente comunicação escrita e oral com todos os níveis da empresa, do nível C ao Suporte ao Cliente, em todas as áreas.Prático e disposto a "colocar a mão na massa" na execução.Autonomia e capacidade de trabalhar de forma independente.Não é necessário experiência com programação, mas os candidatos precisam mostrar interesse em aprender habilidades básicas de análise de dados (por exemplo, SQL).BenefíciosSeguros de saúde, odontológico e de vidaVale refeiçãoAssistência de transporte30 dias de férias pagasChance de ganhar equity do NubankParceria com estacionamento - estacionamento com desconto em nosso escritórioEstacionamento gratuito para bicicletas com chuveiros disponíveisNuCare - Nosso programa de assistência à saúde mental e bem-estarNuLanguage - Nosso programa de aprendizagem de línguasParceria GympassLicença de maternidade e paternidade prolongadasAuxílio-creche‘Espaço Feijão’ - Espaços privados de amamentação em nossos prédiosCentro de saúde local - Suporte médico para todos os Nubankers em nosso escritório * Entrevistas e integração atualmente são feitas virtualmente devido ao COVID-19. Todos os novos funcionários e a nossa atual equipe continuarão trabalhando em casa até que seja seguro retornar aos nossos escritórios. Se/quando o retorno for necessário, contamos com uma equipe dedicada à mobilidade global e firmamos parcerias com as melhores empresas do mercado para garantir o bom andamento dos processos. Também oferecemos um pacote de realocação muito competitivo para contratações internacionais.
051088eb-d8dd-4c0c-9719-2f3190cab034 Business Architect (Operations) https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/1775978 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.mx. Our Business Architects at NubankAt Nubank, many things are done from scratch. We understood that to offer the most transparent, fair, and intuitive financial products and services; we had to recreate them from our early days completely.We needed professionals who could navigate from business strategy to project management for this endeavor, from risk assessment to cross-team alignment. That's how and why our Business Architect team was born.A quarter Product Manager, a quarter Business Analyst, a quarter Management Advisor and a quarter… Something else? Business Architects are the ultimate owners of Nubank's operations, ensuring that projects and processes run efficiently.You can read more about it in our blog and get some insights into how we work.As a Business Architect, you'll be expected to:Be in charge of conceptualizing and managing projects related to the roll-out of new products, features, or processesManage customer service OKRs to ensure excellent and efficient customer excellence standardsWork closely with our Product Managers, Business Development and Software Engineering teams to ensure our customer, and business needs are mapped and correctly prioritizedMonitor metrics and OKRs, facilitate communication within Nubank's teams, and manage external vendorsStudy and support strategic business decisionsProspect, develop and close strategic partnerships that are relevant to tackle an issue or support a new initiativeWe're Looking For An Experienced Business Architect That HasSolid analytical background from data-driven, tech-forward companies who operate at scale, or management consulting firmsExperience leading strategic projects, preferably related to growth or commercial initiativesDemonstrable track-record of stakeholder management and end-to-end project leadershipExperience building partnerships from inception to deliveryExperience managing by influence and collaborating with multidisciplinary teamsOutstanding communication skills; ability to communicate concisely and effectively across all levels of the organizationAn ability to deliver despite ambiguity and changing expectations. You see that there's almost always more than one way to do something wellAbility to deal with unexpected situations with wise decisionsA 'can-do' approach to work, always looking for new ways to adapt traditional practices in a new and challenging wayA great prioritizer profile that thrives in a fast-paced environmentFluent or native Spanish and English *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
5804d8d1-5925-4d24-bc8d-29c7ae266628 Senior Business Developer https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/1824165 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.mx. Our Business Development ChapterThe Business Development Team has a very special role in our mission: study and supports strategic business decisions; prospect and develops new product opportunities; prospect, develop and close strategic partnerships that contribute to our mission of fighting complexity and empowering people to take control of their finances. We are currently looking for Business Developers to join our Mexico City Office who can help us solve our ambitious challenges. Requirements- Ability to tackle complex problems involving several topics/variables, such as business, regulatory, finance and product;- Experience delivering partnerships from inception to delivery preferred but not required;- Ability to work and lead through influence multidisciplinary teams (product, software engineering, data science, analysts and customer service);- Great business judgment and ability (and interest) to make, both, strategic and operational decisions;- Self-starter and ability to work independently;- Hands-on and willing to get hands dirty on execution;- Great team player, communication (written and verbal) and listening skills;- Solid analytical background. Must be comfortable manipulating data to make decisions;- Curiosity and willingness to learn;- Bachelor's Degree in a quantitative field such as Business, Engineering, Math, and Economics;- Programming is not required but candidates need to display interest in learning basic data analysis skills (SQL, Python);- Fluency in both English and Spanish;BenefitsYearly performance-based bonus in Restricted Stock UnitsHealth and life insurance Dental and vision plans15 days of paid vacations with 25% bonusAguinaldo (30 days)NuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves Physical location amenitiesMonthly food voucher *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
e66e16fa-efb5-4b71-bd2b-31cef8bc6e07 Mobile Software Engineer - Colombia https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3560848 Bogotá Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia About Nubank Nubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.co. Mobile Engineering at NubankWe strive for state-of-the-art software development practices that currently include a variety of technologies. While we value candidates that are familiar with them, we are also confident that software engineers who are interested in joining Nubank will be able to learn from our team.We are a process-light organization that values human interactions. We value working in small, independent teams that feel like small startups within the company, and eschew coupling and centralizing where realistic. We understand that execution is the key to success and optimize processes to remove bottlenecks.You can read the following articles to learn more about the Mobile Software Engineer role at Nubank:Scaling with FlutterWhy we think Flutter will help us scale mobile development at Nubank As a Mobile Engineer, you’re expected to:Ship new features for the mobile apps and participate in the transition to a cross-platform solution using FlutterHave the opportunity to build backend microservices in functional programming languages, such as ClojureCollaborate with software design, development and evolutionHave practical knowledge of agile software development methodologiesWork with continuous delivery and infrastructure as codeHave great testing skills (mostly unit tests and integration tests; knowledge in testing frameworks is a plus)To have knowledge in multi-threaded application development and memory management and performance tuningYou will have a meaningful chance to shape architecture, process, and culture while working with bleeding edge technologies. We believe in good team chemistry, enthusiasm for building things, and the (often surprising) capacity to learn new things when we stay humble and open-minded.Benefits:Health and life insuranceNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programVacations of 15 workdaysNuLanguage - Our language learning programParental leavesChance of earning equity at Nubank*Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
0ea3c2e3-18ff-40b7-8f28-9f3e36b26db7 Offensive Security Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3363824 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit wwww.nu.com.mx. Engineering at NubankWe strive for state-of-the-art software development practices that currently include a variety of technologies. While we value candidates that are familiar with them, we are also confident that software engineers who are interested in joining Nubank will be able to learn from our team.Horizontally scalable microservices written mostly in Clojure, using Finagle and leveraging upon functional programming techniques and hexagonal architectureHigh throughput jobs and inter-service communication using KafkaContinuous Integration and Deployment into AWSStoring data in Datomic and DynamoDBMonitoring and observability with PrometheusRunning as much as possible in KubernetesDeveloping great mobile experiences in FlutterWe are a process-light organization that values human interactions. We value working in small, independent teams that feel like small startups within the company, and eschew coupling and centralizing where realistic. We understand that execution is the key to success and optimize processes to remove bottlenecks. You can read more about it in our blog and get some insights into how we work. As a Information Security Software Engineer, you’re expected to:Work with large scale distributed systems, understanding their broad architecturePlan and execute on entire features, collaborating with peers while planning the work ahead, and seeing it throughCollaborate with building microservices and work with continuous delivery and infrastructure as codeWork with agile software development methodologiesWrite, test, instrument, document, and maintain codePair, and participate in code reviews, to grow and contribute to the growth of others in and around the teamCollaborate closely with Product, Design, and partner Engineering teams to build new experiences without leaving security behindParticipate in on-call rotations for your team and respond to incidents as necessaryWork focused on backend applications, and be open to contribute to mobile and frontend development, according to business needsHelp to implement the information security strategyDevelop diverse security controls and measures for the organizationRecommend security enhancements to management as neededRoll out strategies to respond to and recover from a security breach What are we looking for?Proven track experience building digital products Ability to quickly understand technical and business requirements, translating them into technical design and implementationA problem-solver who is able to communicate effectively across functional teamsA software engineer who cares deeply about user experience and likes to take part in hiring, onboarding, mentoring, and trainingProven understanding of object-oriented or functional programming language Notions of distributed systemsFamiliarity with cloud technologies is a plusProven track experience implementing information security controls and strategies Core benefitsEquity at NubankHealth and life insurance Food card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves*Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
2507ebbd-d802-4da1-854b-241a74006eda Security Software Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3695044 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About Nubank Nubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br. Engineering at NubankWe strive for state-of-the-art software development practices, that currently includes a variety of technologies. While we value candidates that are familiar with them, we are also confident that software engineers who are interested in joining Nubank will be able to learn from our team.Horizontally scalable microservices written mostly in Clojure, using Finagle and leveraging upon functional programming techniques and hexagonal architectureHigh throughput jobs and inter-service communication using KafkaContinuous Integration and Deployment into AWSStoring data in Datomic and DynamoDBMonitoring and observability with PrometheusRunning as much as possible in KubernetesWe are a process-light organization that values human interactions. We value working in small, independent teams that feel like small startups within the company, and eschew coupling and centralizing where realistic. We understand that execution is the key to success and optimize processes to remove bottlenecks. As a Security Engineer, you’re expected to:Research, design, and develop new enterprise technologies, architectures, and security products that will support security requirements for the enterprise and its customers, business partners, and vendors.Work closely with other teams to develop and promote security architectures to protect Nubank's internal systems.Work with large scale distributed systems, understanding their broad architecturePlan and execute on entire features, collaborating with peers while planning the work ahead, and seeing it throughWrite, test, instrument, document, and maintain codePair, and participate in code reviews, to grow and contribute to the growth of others in and around the team What are we looking for?Experience working in two or more of the following security-related areas: Web application security; Authentication and access control; Applied cryptography and security protocols; Development of security tools, automation or frameworks.Ability to quickly understand technical and business requirements, translating them into technical design and implementationProven understanding of object-oriented or functional programming language A problem-solver who is able to communicate effectively across functional teamsNotions of distributed systems Benefits:Health, dental and life insuranceMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationEquity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity Leaves Child care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our office
1c6ca2b5-a2ef-4646-a8c3-192d9e1d8866 Senior Software Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3059629 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.mx. Engineering at NubankWe strive for state-of-the-art software development practices, that currently includes a variety of technologies. While we value candidates that are familiar with them, we are also confident that software engineers who are interested in joining Nubank will be able to learn from our team.Horizontally scalable microservices written mostly in Clojure, using Finagle and leveraging upon functional programming techniques and hexagonal architectureHigh throughput jobs and inter-service communication using KafkaContinuous Integration and Deployment into AWSStoring data in Datomic and DynamoDBMonitoring and observability with PrometheusRunning as much as possible in KubernetesDeveloping great mobile experiences in FlutterWe are a process-light organization that values human interactions. We value working in small, independent teams that feel like small startups within the company, and eschew coupling and centralizing where realistic. We understand that execution is the key to success and optimize processes to remove bottlenecks.You can read more about it in our blog and get some insights into how we work. As a Software Engineer, you’re expected to:Work with large scale distributed systems, understanding their broad architecturePlan and execute on entire features, collaborating with peers while planning the work ahead, and seeing it throughCollaborate with building microservices and work with continuous delivery and infrastructure as codeWork with agile software development methodologiesWrite, test, instrument, document, and maintain codePair, and participate in code reviews, to grow and contribute to the growth of others in and around the teamCollaborate closely with Product, Design, and partner Engineering teams to build new experiencesParticipate in on-call rotations for your team and respond to incidents as necessaryWork focused on backend applications, and be open to contribute to mobile and frontend development, according to business needs What are we looking for?Proven track experience building digital products Ability to quickly understand technical and business requirements, translating them into technical design and implementationA problem-solver who is able to communicate effectively across functional teamsA software engineer who cares deeply about user experience and likes to take part in hiring, onboarding, mentoring, and trainingProven understanding of object-oriented or functional programming language Notions of distributed systemsFamiliarity with cloud technologies is a plus Core BenefitsEquity at NubankHealth and life insurance Food card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
19fe4019-ccd0-43c8-aa2d-d831397b26c5 Software Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/2380058 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About Nubank Nubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.mx. Engineering at NubankWe strive for state-of-the-art software development practices, that currently includes a variety of technologies. While we value candidates that are familiar with them, we are also confident that software engineers who are interested in joining Nubank will be able to learn from our team.Horizontally scalable microservices written mostly in Clojure, using Finagle and leveraging upon functional programming techniques and hexagonal architectureHigh throughput jobs and inter-service communication using KafkaContinuous Integration and Deployment into AWSStoring data in Datomic and DynamoDBMonitoring and observability with PrometheusRunning as much as possible in Kubernetes We are a process-light organization that values human interactions. We value working in small, independent teams that feel like small startups within the company, and eschew coupling and centralizing where realistic. We understand that execution is the key to success and optimize processes to remove bottlenecks.You can read more about it in our engineering blog and get some insights into how we work. As a Software Engineer, you’re expected to:Work with large scale distributed systemsCollaborate with building microservicesHave practical knowledge of agile software development methodologiesWork with continuous delivery and infrastructure as code Core benefitsEquity at NubankHealth and life insurance Food card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
eff97cec-0d83-45f7-ba39-c3bf3a1601df Colombia Talent Pool https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/1832706 Bogotá Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia Nubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.co.If you didn’t find the position you were looking for, please submit your resume here and we’ll be sure to contact you when we find a role that fits your profile. *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
ff373891-a73e-4e12-a178-4f18aef0ab94 Diversidade - Inclusão da Comunidade Negra https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/2442109 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil Sobre o Nubank:O Nubank foi fundado em 2013 para libertar as pessoas de um sistema financeiro burocrático, lento e ineficiente. Desde então, por meio de tecnologia inovadora e excelente atendimento ao cliente, a empresa vem redefinindo o relacionamento das pessoas com o dinheiro em toda a América Latina. Com operações no Brasil, México e Colômbia, o Nubank é hoje uma das maiores plataformas de serviços financeiros e uma das maiores empresas de tecnologia do mundo.Hoje, o Nubank é uma empresa global, com escritórios em São Paulo (Brasil), Cidade do México (México), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colômbia), Durham (Estados Unidos) e Berlim (Alemanha). Foi fundado em 2013 em São Paulo, pelo colombiano David Vélez, e tem como cofundadores a brasileira Cristina Junqueira e o americano Edward Wible. Para mais informações, visite www.nubank.com.br.Nós somos um time de pessoas criativas e inovadoras, e todas as pessoas têm a chance de participarem ativamente, contribuírem com ideias e se desenvolverem profissionalmente.Para ter certeza que estamos construindo um ambiente mais diverso e inclusivo que reflita a realidade de quem são os consumidores que empoderamos todos os dias, nós buscamos recrutar nos movendo para um espaço de representatividade e proporcionalidade. Isso significa que consideramos diversos marcadores de identidade como fatores que enriquecem nossa empresa, garantindo que nenhum deles seja uma barreira para que possamos recrutar talentos incríveis.Inscreva-se nessa página para fazer parte do nosso time e nos conte mais sobre sua carreira e sua história, nós estamos ansiosos para te conhecer, e aumentarmos a nossa nação roxa! Principais áreas que recrutamos no Brasil:Analistas de Negócios (Business Analysts)Ciência de Dados (Data Scientists)DesignersEngenharia de Software (Software Engineers)Financeiro (Finance)Gerência de Produto (Product Managers)Jurídico (Legal)MarketingPessoas & Cultura (People & Culture)Xpeer - Analista de Excelência do Cliente (Customer Excellence Analyst) Essa é uma vaga de Diversidade - Inclusão da Comunidade Negra. Nosso time de Recrutamento está constantemente revisando os currículos que chegam por aqui, e quando identificamos uma ótima oportunidade, entramos em contato com as pessoas para que elas participem do nosso processo de recrutamento. Quem pode se inscrever?Todas as pessoas que se identificam como parte da comunidade negra podem se inscrever nessa página e em quaisquer outras vagas na nossa página de carreiras. Aqui, seu perfil será revisado e direcionado para áreas onde estamos recrutando, caso haja sinergia. Se eu não me identificar como parte da comunidade negra, posso me inscrever?Essa é uma plataforma para pessoas negras que desejam fazer parte do time do Nubank, caso você se identifique como parte de outros grupos, confira nossas oportunidades na página de carreiras. Por quê o Nubank está fazendo uma plataforma de oportunidades para a comunidade negra?Acreditamos que diversidade é essencial para que possamos continuar criando produtos que possam empoderar milhões de pessoas na América Latina. Entendemos que a tecnologia é um campo de atuação em que a comunidade negra ainda é sub-representada, e queremos dar oportunidades de carreiras para todas as pessoas que desejem trabalhar conosco. Por isso, somos comprometidos em mudar esses números em todos os níveis e áreas de conhecimento da empresa. Se eu me inscrever, eu vou automaticamente participar de um processo de recrutamento?Todas as pessoas inscritas nessa página terão seus perfis revisados e direcionados para um processo de recrutamento em áreas com posições abertas, caso haja sinergia. Eu moro fora de São Paulo, posso me inscrever?Sim, o Nubank está constante buscando por talentos em todo o Brasil e, devido à pandemia, todos os nossos processos de recrutamento e integração de novas pessoas contratadas estão sendo feitos de maneira remota e 100% online. Nós iremos avaliar a possibilidade de contratação de pessoas fora de São Paulo a depender da área e contexto de negócio. * Entrevistas e integração atualmente são feitas virtualmente devido ao COVID-19. Todos os novos funcionários e a nossa atual equipe continuarão trabalhando em casa até que seja seguro retornar aos nossos escritórios. Se/quando o retorno for necessário, contamos com uma equipe dedicada à mobilidade global e firmamos parcerias com as melhores empresas do mercado para garantir o bom andamento dos processos. Também oferecemos um pacote de realocação muito competitivo para contratações internacionais.
b81a81ad-b7e5-4b63-b512-0c43da0889c6 Diversidade - Inclusão de Pessoas com Deficiência https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/1829093 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil O Nubank foi fundado em 2013 para libertar as pessoas de um sistema financeiro burocrático, lento e ineficiente. Desde então, por meio de tecnologia inovadora e excelente atendimento ao cliente, a empresa vem redefinindo o relacionamento das pessoas com o dinheiro em toda a América Latina. Com operações no Brasil, México e Colômbia, o Nubank é hoje uma das maiores plataformas de serviços financeiros e uma das maiores empresas de tecnologia do mundo.Hoje, o Nubank é uma empresa global, com escritórios em São Paulo (Brasil), Cidade do México (México), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colômbia), Durham (Estados Unidos) e Berlim (Alemanha). Foi fundado em 2013 em São Paulo, pelo colombiano David Vélez, e tem como cofundadores a brasileira Cristina Junqueira e o americano Edward Wible. Para mais informações, visite www.nubank.com.br.Nós somos um time de pessoas criativas e inovadoras, e todas as pessoas têm a chance de participarem ativamente, contribuírem com ideias e se desenvolverem profissionalmente.Para ter certeza que estamos construindo um ambiente mais diverso e inclusivo que reflita a realidade de quem são os consumidores que empoderamos todos os dias, nós buscamos recrutar nos movendo para um espaço de representatividade e proporcionalidade. Isso significa que consideramos diversos marcadores de identidade como fatores que enriquecem nossa empresa, garantindo que nenhum deles seja uma barreira para que possamos recrutar talentos incríveis.Inscreva-se nessa página para fazer parte do nosso time e nos conte mais sobre sua carreira e sua história, nós estamos ansiosos para te conhecer, e aumentarmos a nossa nação roxa! Principais áreas que recrutamos no Brasil:Analistas de Negócios (Business Analysts)Ciência de Dados (Data Scientists)DesignersEngenharia de Software (Software Engineers)Financeiro (Finance)Gerência de Produto (Product Managers)Jurídico (Legal)MarketingPessoas & Cultura (People & Culture)Xpeers - nosso time mágico de atendimento ao cliente Essa é uma vaga de Diversidade - Inclusão de Pessoas com Deficiência. Nosso time de Recrutamento está constantemente revisando os currículos que chegarem por aqui, e quando identificamos uma ótima oportunidade, entramos em contato com as pessoas para que elas participem do nosso processo de recrutamento. Quem pode se inscrever?Todas as pessoas com deficiência podem se inscrever nessa página e em qualquer outra vaga na nossa página de carreiras. Aqui, seu perfil será revisado e direcionado para áreas onde estamos recrutando, caso haja sinergia. Se eu não me identificar como pessoa com deficiência, posso me inscrever?Essa é uma plataforma para pessoas com deficiência que desejam fazer parte do time do Nubank, caso você não se identifique como parte desse grupo, confira nossas oportunidades na página de carreiras. Por quê o Nubank está fazendo um banco de talentos para pessoas com deficiência?Acreditamos que diversidade é essencial para que possamos continuar criando produtos que possam empoderar milhões de pessoas na América Latina. Entendemos que a tecnologia é um campo de atuação em que pessoas com deficiência ainda são sub-representadas, e queremos dar oportunidades de carreiras para todas as pessoas que desejem trabalhar conosco. Por isso, somos comprometidos em mudar esses números em todos os níveis e áreas de conhecimento da empresa. Se eu me inscrever, eu vou automaticamente participar de um processo de recrutamento?Todas as pessoas inscritas nessa vaga terão seus perfis revisados e direcionados para um processo de recrutamento em áreas com posições abertas, caso haja sinergia. Eu moro fora de São Paulo, posso me inscrever?Sim, o Nubank está constante buscando por talentos em todo o Brasil e, devido à pandemia, todos os nossos processos de recrutamento e integração de novas pessoas contratadas estão sendo feitos de maneira remota e 100% online. Nós iremos avaliar a possibilidade de contratação de pessoas fora de São Paulo a depender da área e contexto de negócio.
5b6acf21-b3a9-4315-a1fa-0fa73766c758 Senior Product Designer https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3576116 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil Sobre o NubankO Nubank foi fundado em 2013 para libertar as pessoas de um sistema financeiro burocrático, lento e ineficiente. Desde então, por meio de tecnologia inovadora e excelente atendimento ao cliente, a empresa vem redefinindo o relacionamento das pessoas com o dinheiro em toda a América Latina. Com operações no Brasil, México e Colômbia, o Nubank é hoje uma das maiores plataformas de serviços financeiros e uma das maiores empresas de tecnologia do mundo.Hoje, o Nubank é uma empresa global, com escritórios em São Paulo (Brasil), Cidade do México (México), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colômbia), Durham (Estados Unidos) e Berlim (Alemanha). Foi fundado em 2013 em São Paulo, pelo colombiano David Vélez, e tem como cofundadores a brasileira Cristina Junqueira e o americano Edward Wible. Para mais informações, visite www.nubank.com.br. Sobre o time de DesignA missão do Nubank é lutar contra a complexidade todos os dias para capacitar as pessoas. Acreditamos que, ao construir uma equipe verdadeiramente global e diversificada, seremos capazes de desafiar o status quo e ter um impacto duradouro no mundo.Como uma equipe que conduz o desenvolvimento do produto desde a concepção até a implementação completa, a equipe de design garante que nossas experiências com o produto sejam valiosas para nossos usuários. O time de Design do Nubank deve lidar com problemas complexos e transformá-los em experiências intuitivas, acessíveis e fáceis de usar para milhões de pessoas.Em cada etapa, a pessoa Designer deve antecipar as necessidades de nossos clientes e negócios, defender nossos usuários e garantir que o design final os surpreenda e encante. Alcançar esse objetivo requer colaboração com outras equipes de designers, pesquisadores, analistas de negócios, engenheiros de software, gerentes de produto e muitos outros, trabalhando em projetos que vão desde entrevistas com usuários e protótipos a ferramentas internas e ativos de marca.Diante disso, designers devem ser flexíveis e ansiosos para aprender - é improvável que você chegue a um especialista em todas as ferramentas e fases do projeto, mas você deve ser humilde e ter um forte desejo e capacidade de aprender. É fundamental que você seja capaz de colaborar com pessoas com experiências variadas, dar um bom feedback e aplicar o feedback crítico recebido. A combinação dessas habilidades com o seu talento e competência técnica como designer pode torná-lo uma excelente opção para a equipe de design do Nubank.Sobre o papel de Senior Product Designer: Você será o responsável pelo sucesso de uma iniciativa, junto com pares de outras disciplinas;Pelo seu conhecimento em Design centrado no usuário, você auxiliará a responder respostas complexas do negócio, para diferentes públicos-alvos;Você conduzirá rituais com o Capítulo de Design e membros da Unidade de Negócio que você faz parte, para construir soluções centradas no ser humano, relevantes, acionáveis e que geram impacto;Pelo seu conhecimento técnico, você ajudará a desenvolver Designers mais juniores;Validar hipóteses utilizando prototipação e pesquisa;Requisitos:Experiência em liderar a execução com grande qualidade e utilizando melhores práticas das habilidades essenciais para a disciplina, como Design de Interação, Design Visual, Arquitetura de Informação e Prototipagem; Nível de conhecimento semelhante em algumas das habilidades especializadas da disciplina, como animação, pensamento sistêmico e de produto, métricas e gerenciamento de projeto Habilidade de se comunicar com assertividade com executivos, comunicando seu trabalho e correlacionando com o impacto no negócio e na vida do usuário; Domínio em condução de rituais de colaboração e co-criação, como workshops. Benefícios Plano de saúde, dental e seguro de vidaVale refeiçãoVale transporteFériasOportunidade de receber ações da empresaDesconto em estacionamentoBicicletárioNuCare - Nosso programa de auxílio de saúde mental e bem estarNuLanguage - nosso programa de ensino de idiomasGympass Licença maternidade e paternidade estendida Auxílio-creche‘Espaço Feijão’- Espaços privados de enfermagem e amamentação em nossos prédiosCentro de saúde no local - Suporte médico para todos os Nubanker em nosso escritório * Entrevistas e integração atualmente são feitas virtualmente devido ao COVID-19. Todos os novos funcionários e a nossa atual equipe continuarão trabalhando em casa até que seja seguro retornar aos nossos escritórios. Se/quando o retorno for necessário, contamos com uma equipe dedicada à mobilidade global e firmamos parcerias com as melhores empresas do mercado para garantir o bom andamento dos processos. Também oferecemos um pacote de realocação muito competitivo para contratações internacionais.
e8651526-3622-41ba-a5b1-9f67ab1677c0 Senior Staff Product Designer https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3576117 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil Sobre o NubankO Nubank foi fundado em 2013 para libertar as pessoas de um sistema financeiro burocrático, lento e ineficiente. Desde então, por meio de tecnologia inovadora e excelente atendimento ao cliente, a empresa vem redefinindo o relacionamento das pessoas com o dinheiro em toda a América Latina. Com operações no Brasil, México e Colômbia, o Nubank é hoje uma das maiores plataformas de serviços financeiros e uma das maiores empresas de tecnologia do mundo.Hoje, o Nubank é uma empresa global, com escritórios em São Paulo (Brasil), Cidade do México (México), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colômbia), Durham (Estados Unidos) e Berlim (Alemanha). Foi fundado em 2013 em São Paulo, pelo colombiano David Vélez, e tem como cofundadores a brasileira Cristina Junqueira e o americano Edward Wible. Para mais informações, visite www.nubank.com.br.Sobre o time de DesignA missão do Nubank é lutar contra a complexidade todos os dias para capacitar as pessoas. Acreditamos que, ao construir uma equipe verdadeiramente global e diversificada, seremos capazes de desafiar o status quo e ter um impacto duradouro no mundo.Como uma equipe que conduz o desenvolvimento do produto desde a concepção até a implementação completa, a equipe de design garante que nossas experiências com o produto sejam valiosas para nossos usuários. O time de Design do Nubank deve lidar com problemas complexos e transformá-los em experiências intuitivas, acessíveis e fáceis de usar para milhões de pessoas.Em cada etapa, a pessoa Designer deve antecipar as necessidades de nossos clientes e negócios, defender nossos usuários e garantir que o design final os surpreenda e encante. Alcançar esse objetivo requer colaboração com outras equipes de designers, pesquisadores, analistas de negócios, engenheiros de software, gerentes de produto e muitos outros, trabalhando em projetos que vão desde entrevistas com usuários e protótipos a ferramentas internas e ativos de marca.Diante disso, designers devem ser flexíveis e ansiosos para aprender - é improvável que você chegue a um especialista em todas as ferramentas e fases do projeto, mas você deve ser humilde e ter um forte desejo e capacidade de aprender. É fundamental que você seja capaz de colaborar com pessoas com experiências variadas, dar um bom feedback e aplicar o feedback crítico recebido. A combinação dessas habilidades com o seu talento e competência técnica como designer pode torná-lo uma excelente opção para a equipe de design do Nubank.Sobre o papel de Senior Staff Product Designer: Ser o responsável pelo sucesso de diversas iniciativas, bem como por definir a estratégia que vai além da sua equipe, dando suporte a times multifuncionais; Com seu forte conhecimento em insights centrados no ser humano, você impulsiona o time de Design para alcançar melhor desempenho e elevar a qualidade geral do Nubank;Articular e liderar fóruns de discussões com membros executivos do Nubank; Você conduzirá rituais com o Capítulo de Design e membros da Unidade de Negócio que você faz parte, para construir soluções centradas no ser humano, relevantes, acionáveis e que geram impacto;Ser referência técnica para o time, multiplicar as melhores práticas do mercado, elevando a qualidade técnica de design do Nubank e mentorando designers mais juniors;Auxiliará líderes da Unidade de Negócio a definir e atingir metas de negócio. Requisitos:Habilidade de entregar com grande qualidade, além de desenvolver o time em melhores práticas, as habilidades essenciais para a disciplina, como Design de Interação, Design Visual, Arquitetura de Informação e Prototipagem; Nível de conhecimento semelhante em algumas das habilidades especializadas da disciplina, como animação, pensamento sistêmico e de produto, métricas e gerenciamento de projeto; Grande conhecimento de técnicas, metodologias e habilidades que são usadas para identificar e resolver diferentes tipos de problemas na experiência do usuário, orientando decisões de Design e Produto; Experiência com definição, priorização e cascateamento de metas de Design para produtos e/ou áreas funcionais;Habilidade de se comunicar com assertividade com pares multifuncionais e executivos, transmitindo seu trabalho e correlacionando com o impacto no negócio e na vida do usuário; Domínio da condução de rituais de colaboração e co-criação, como workshops;Inglês avançado é desejável para alguns times. Benefícios Plano de saúde, dental e seguro de vidaVale refeiçãoVale transporteFériasOportunidade de receber ações da empresaDesconto em estacionamentoBicicletárioNuCare - Nosso programa de auxílio de saúde mental e bem estarNuLanguage - nosso programa de ensino de idiomasGympass Licença maternidade e paternidade estendida Auxílio-creche‘Espaço Feijão’- Espaços privados de enfermagem e amamentação em nossos prédiosCentro de saúde no local - Suporte médico para todos os Nubanker em nosso escritório * Entrevistas e integração atualmente são feitas virtualmente devido ao COVID-19. Todos os novos funcionários e a nossa atual equipe continuarão trabalhando em casa até que seja seguro retornar aos nossos escritórios. Se/quando o retorno for necessário, contamos com uma equipe dedicada à mobilidade global e firmamos parcerias com as melhores empresas do mercado para garantir o bom andamento dos processos. Também oferecemos um pacote de realocação muito competitivo para contratações internacionais.
cdbd6afb-eea3-4b7a-9e78-3fd2b0e43bcf Analista de Mercado de Capitais - ECM | NuInvest https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3715934 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil O Nubank nasceu de uma ideia muito simples: todas as pessoas deveriam ter controle sobre as suas vidas financeiras.Nós empoderamos milhões de pessoas na América Latina a viverem melhor, tendo total controle do seu dinheiro. Somos uma das empresas de tecnologia mais inovadoras da América Latina, e nossos times são obcecados por construir serviços e produtos financeiros que façam com que nossos clientes nos amem fanaticamente. Com operações no Brasil, México e Colômbia, somos hoje o maior banco digital independente do mundo, reinventando a vida financeira de mais de 48 milhões de clientes.Somos um time de pessoas criativas e inovadoras, e todas as pessoas têm a chance de participarem ativamente, contribuírem com ideias e se desenvolverem profissionalmente.Conheça mais sobre NuInvest:NuInvest é a plataforma do Nubank 100% focada em investimentos. Ele tem o objetivo de ampliar o leque de produtos financeiros que o Nu oferece hoje e, assim, atender clientes que buscam por diversificação e variedade em seus investimentos.Toda essa experiência vem com o melhor histórico possível: o pioneirismo de mercado e solidez herdados da Easynvest.Agora, a Easy se transformou em NuInvest para revolucionar o mercado financeiro e simplificar ainda mais a sua maneira de investir. E tudo continua totalmente digital, fácil, sem burocracia, só que agora com um visual repaginado.A NuInvest tem mais de mil produtos de investimentos, muitos deles sem taxa de corretagem. Isso inclui produtos de renda variável, como ações, fundos imobiliários, fundos de investimento e BDRs, bem como renda fixa, como títulos do Tesouro Direto, CDBs e muito mais.Por que esse papel é tão importante?O time de Capital Markets é responsável por liderar todo processo de coordenação de ofertas públicas (originação, estruturação e distribuição) e atuar como distribuidor nas demais ofertas / subscrições que o mercado convida.Quais serão as principais atividades no seu dia a dia:Executar análises preliminares para a viabilidade das operações originadas, entender necessidades de ajustes em toda a documentação envolvida em ECM Ofertas Públicas (IPOs de Ações e ETFs, Fundos Imobiliários, FI Agro)Desenvolvimento de modelagens financeiras para operações estruturadas.Suporte nas apresentações da área, realizando pitches de operações para o comitê de investimentos.Participar e/ou conduzir calls com empresas, assessores legais e participantes do mercado desde o kick-off até a liquidação das operações (algumas operações pode ser internacionais)Buscamos alguém que:Possua conhecimento das operações de IPO/OPA/eventos do mercado financeiro (subscrições, direito de recesso, retirada, etc.)Conhecimento em operações estruturadasConhecimento em análise e modelagem de operações Possua domínio técnico avançado em ExcelPossua fluência profissional ou nativa em InglêsEssa oportunidade é ideal para você que:Prospera em equipes dinâmicas, rápidas e orientadas para resultados;Gosta de desafios, aprender e ir além;Abraça a diferença de ideias e gosta de questionar o status quo;Aprende de forma rápida e fácil a se adaptar a situações de rápida mudança;Gosta de exposição no mercado, fazer grandes estruturações e operaçõesBenefíciosPlano de saúde, odontológico e seguro de vidaVale-refeição ou alimentaçãoVale-transporteAuxílio crecheLicenças maternidade e paternidade extendidasGympassNuLanguage - nosso programa de aprendizado de línguas (Português, Inglês e Espanhol)NuCare - nosso programa de apoio à saúde mental e bem-estarEspaço Feijão - nossas salas privativas de amamentação nos nossos escritóriosCentro de Saúde - suporte médico em horário comercial para todos os NubankersDesconto em estacionamentos nos escritórios e espaço para bicicletas gratuito, com chuveiros disponíveis*As entrevistas e o onboarding atualmente estão sendo feitos virtualmente devido ao COVID-19. Todos os novos funcionários e nossa equipe atual continuarão trabalhando em casa até que seja seguro retornar aos nossos escritórios. Quando retornarmos às operações, teremos uma cadência fixa de visitas ao escritório base da sua Unidade de Negócios (Business Unit). Os funcionários terão um contrato de trabalho baseado nas cidades em que os escritórios da Nu estão localizados, considerando seu país de contratação. Mais detalhes serão compartilhados durante o processo de contratação.
640557d2-e4d6-4a48-bf60-1646660f02f7 Senior Media Lead https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3522150 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.mx. Why is a media professional important for Nubank?Nubank is a technology company that is redefining the standard of the financial services industry in Brazil. The media team is responsible for Nubank's media strategy, tactics, and implementation, from upper to lower funnel, considering the best channels for each business and comms goal, based on data and creativity.The Media Lead will be responsible both for leading the media team's mindset to the next level, delivering smart-efficient initiatives, and to guide the growth team in a constant test and learn approach to explore new channels and to optimize them.ResponsibilitiesResponsible for MX multimedia campaign strategy, implementation and measurement alongside analytical peers (both offline and online);Drive a holistic full funnel media strategy, ensuring business objectives are met, both at the upper funnel and at the middle/lower funnel level;Provide data driven recommendation as to how allocate media budget across the funnel and connect recommendations to business impact;Define and update constantly media mix to pursue the highest effectiveness and efficiency;Explore and propose new channel mix strategies to differentiate Nu in MX at every step of the funnel;Develop our demand generation budget and media investments to advance top of funnel pipeline; track, test and optimize marketing spend across campaignsOversee the marketing technology stack, analytics tools, and attribution modelSet and report on the conversion funnels and key demand gen KPIs against goals; follow up dashboards and other mechanisms for communicating resultsStay current with the latest technologies and trends and use this knowledge to recommend new techniques or vendors that will drive improved results and efficienciesRequirements10+ years of experience in the media industry;Experience with full funnel initiatives, combining brand and upper funnel workstreams to lower funnel-conversion driven ones;Top-notch analytical skills, with a proven ability to work through data and present opportunities and actionable insights to senior management and C level executives;Proven strong negotiation and media buying skills;Track record on multi channel campaigns: not only knowing each touchpoint, but the results they may create when combined as one.Ability to work and lead through influence multidisciplinary teams (Creative team, Business analyst, Marketing and Product);Self-starter and ability to work independently;Fluency in both English and Spanish;Benefits:Equity at NubankHealth and life insurance Food card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
95cf4747-b7dd-4fc0-92fb-2fca06816d85 Accounting Analyst https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3705519 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.mx. About the role:We are looking for an Accounting Analyst who will maintain records in the accounting system: Journal entries, General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Expense Reconciliation etc. Also, you will review and interpret financial reporting requirements rules, and regulations of Nubank in Mexico.This position will be responsible for the following activities:Responsible for posting and revision of monthly and annual closing journal entries for multiple legal entities.Monthly expense analysisResponsible for verification of accuracy and completeness of financialstatements and trial balance reports.Provide account analysis, variations analysis for Balance sheet and P&L accounts and other reports.Responsible for daily finance/accounting activities to local and external teams according to local accounting policies, IFRS and corporate processes/regulations.Balance sheet accounts reconciliation.Intangible and Fix AssetsAttend local audits.Improve accounting processesMaintain accounting ERPPreferred Qualifications:Bachelor of Accounting DegreePrevious experience in Financial Institutions.Fluent English.3 years of experience in similar job positions.Strong interpersonal and communication skills.Ability to multitask, manage multiple priorities and work in a rapidlychanging and dynamic environment.SAP knowledgeExperience using International Accounting Policies (IFRS)Master’s degree in financeBenefits:Equity at NubankHealth and life insurance Food card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
1a319ae9-fd13-40e6-951e-656734d90a64 Analista de Operações - liquidação https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3640298 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil Sobre o NubankO Nubank foi fundado em 2013 para libertar as pessoas de um sistema financeiro burocrático, lento e ineficiente. Desde então, por meio de tecnologia inovadora e excelente atendimento ao cliente, a empresa vem redefinindo o relacionamento das pessoas com o dinheiro em toda a América Latina. Com operações no Brasil, México e Colômbia, o Nubank é hoje uma das maiores plataformas de serviços financeiros e uma das maiores empresas de tecnologia do mundo.Hoje, o Nubank é uma empresa global, com escritórios em São Paulo (Brasil), Cidade do México (México), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colômbia), Durham (Estados Unidos) e Berlim (Alemanha). Foi fundado em 2013 em São Paulo, pelo colombiano David Vélez, e tem como cofundadores a brasileira Cristina Junqueira e o americano Edward Wible. Para mais informações, visite www.nubank.com.br.Sobre o time de ControllershipO time de controllership é responsável pelas informações contábeis e financeiras do Nubank, apoiando o crescimento da empresa por meio de um processo robusto, confiável e escalonável com foco em dados e análises. Somos responsáveis por reunir todos os dados financeiros do Nubank, monitorá-los, garantindo que tudo esteja contabilizado em nossos sistemas. Também somos responsáveis por todos os relatórios regulatórios e financeiros, gestão de caixa e operações financeiras do Nubank.Sobre a vaga:A pessoa Analista de Operações será responsável:Controle e liberação de operações e processo de liquidaçãoAcompanhamento das atividades de fluxo de caixaMonitorar a reserva até chegar o fluxo finalSuportar processos de melhorias no fluxo financeiroEstamos buscando:Um profissional com interesse em participar da construção de processos automáticosExperiência de ativo em geralAtividades de backofficeConciliação de ativosExperiência com processo de liquidaçãoInglês AvançadoLocalização - São Paulo, Brazil.* Entrevistas e integração atualmente são feitas virtualmente devido ao COVID-19. Todos os novos funcionários e a nossa atual equipe continuarão trabalhando em casa até que seja seguro retornar aos nossos escritórios. Quando chegar a hora, exigiremos uma cadência fixa de visitas ao escritório em que os funcionários vão para a localização da base de sua Unidade de Negócios (UN). Os funcionários terão um contrato de trabalho com base nas cidades onde os escritórios da Nu estão localizados, considerando seu país de contratação. Mais detalhes podem ser compartilhados durante o processo de contratação.
465febec-ab2a-4e9b-aa22-70e2cac9e1b7 Controllership Senior Analyst https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3072372 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br.About the teamWe are at the core of Nubank's success, sustainability and longevity. We see the big picture of this fast- and ever-growing business, both in terms of numbers as well as complexity, and we try to make sense of it with finance, the language of business. About the roleThe Controllership Senior Analyst will be responsible:Relationship with other areas of Nubank, such as products and engineeringParticipation in strategic projects with other areasContribute with knowledge of the accounting impact in our products and new productsHelping with improvements and new opportunities in processesWhat we are looking forStrong communicatorKnowledge of Central Bank Rules associated with credit operations, financial services and/or costs (provisions, capitalisation, etc)Be aware of deadlines for regulatory reports and timely analysisFinancial accounting and math knowledgeStrong analytical skillsSolid Excel skillsAdvanced EnglishScala or Python or SQL skills (Plus)BenefitsHealth, dental and life insurancesMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationChance of earning equity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity Leaves Child care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our officeRole LocationSão Paulo, Brazil.*Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. When it’s time, we will require a fixed cadence of visiting the office in which employees go to their Business Unit's (BU) base location. Employees will have an employment contract based on the cities that Nu’s offices are located, considering their country of hire. More details can be shared during your hiring process.Diversity & InclusionAt Nubank, we want to be sure that we're building a more diverse and inclusive workplace that reflects the customers we serve and seek to empower. That's why we hire based on equality. We consider gender, ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, and other identity markers as enriching elements to our company while ensuring neither of them represent a barrier when recruiting fantastic talent.
5ef79a40-7e81-41bd-a9c9-67f7e5fd362b Gerente de Tax | Exclusiva para pessoas negras https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3090571 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil Sobre o NubankO Nubank foi fundado em 2013 para libertar as pessoas de um sistema financeiro burocrático, lento e ineficiente. Desde então, por meio de tecnologia inovadora e excelente atendimento ao cliente, a empresa vem redefinindo o relacionamento das pessoas com o dinheiro em toda a América Latina. Com operações no Brasil, México e Colômbia, o Nubank é hoje uma das maiores plataformas de serviços financeiros e uma das maiores empresas de tecnologia do mundo.Hoje, o Nubank é uma empresa global, com escritórios em São Paulo (Brasil), Cidade do México (México), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colômbia), Durham (Estados Unidos) e Berlim (Alemanha). Foi fundado em 2013 em São Paulo, pelo colombiano David Vélez, e tem como cofundadores a brasileira Cristina Junqueira e o americano Edward Wible. Para mais informações, visite www.nubank.com.br.Sobre o time de TaxO time de tax é responsável por toda a rotina fiscal das empresas do Nubank, desde a parte de compliance até planejamento e estruturação de novos produtos. Sobre a vaga:O Gerente de Tax será responsável por liderar e desenvolver esse time, tendo a oportunidade de participar da construção estratégica e recrutamento de novas pessoas.Nesta posição você será responsável por:Entender como os impostos podem afetar o crescimento e desenvolvimento do Nubank e seus clientesSerá responsável por supervisionar os diferentes grupos das obrigações fiscais (Tax Compliance), assim como reportar e contribuir para a gestão das bases tributáriasProver assessoria tributária a diferentes entidades, negócios, funções e território e suportar com apoio tributário as transações que impactam os clientesRevisar todas as novas atividades e novos produtos em relação aos impactos fiscaisRevisar as regras de preços de transferência dentro do grupoGestão das relações com autoridades fiscais e profissionais do grupoEstamos buscando profissionais que demonstrem:Experiência em liderar projetos na área fiscal com foco em tributosBons conhecimentos de contabilidade e impactos fiscais para produtos financeiroExperiência com liderança e desenvolvimento de equipeHabilidade para mudar e sempre buscar o aprimoramento em um ambiente com constante mudançaInteresse em trabalhar em um ambiente em constante mudançaInteresse em estudar a legislação tributáriaFluência intermediária ou profissional de inglêsQuem pode se inscrever?Todas as pessoas que se identificam como parte da população negra e têm experiência no cargo podem se inscrever.Se eu não me identificar como parte da população negra, posso me inscrever?Essa é uma vaga exclusiva para pessoas negras que desejam fazer parte do time do Nubank, caso você se identifique como parte de outros demográficos, confira nossas oportunidades na página de carreiras.Por que o Nubank está fazendo uma vaga exclusiva para a população negra?Acreditamos que diversidade é essencial para que possamos continuar criando produtos que possam empoderar milhões de pessoas na América Latina. Entendemos que a área de Finanças é um campo de atuação em que a população negra ainda é sub-representada, e queremos dar oportunidades de carreiras para todas as pessoas que desejem trabalhar conosco. Por isso, nos comprometemos em mudar esses números em todos os níveis e áreas de conhecimento da empresa.Se eu me inscrever, eu vou automaticamente participar do processo seletivo?Todas as pessoas inscritas nessa vaga terão seus perfis revisados e caso cumpram os requisitos mínimos, participarão do processo seletivo.Eu moro fora de São Paulo, posso me inscrever?Sim, o Nubank está constante buscando por talentos em todo o Brasil e, devido à pandemia, todos os nossos processos de recrutamento e integração de novas pessoas contratadas estão sendo feitos de maneira remota e 100% online. Nós iremos avaliar a possibilidade de contratação de pessoas fora de São Paulo a depender da área e contexto de negócio.* Entrevistas e integração atualmente são feitas virtualmente devido ao COVID-19. Todos os novos funcionários e a nossa atual equipe continuarão trabalhando em casa até que seja seguro retornar aos nossos escritórios. Quando chegar a hora, exigiremos uma cadência fixa de visitas ao escritório em que os funcionários vão para a localização da base de sua Unidade de Negócios (UN). Os funcionários terão um contrato de trabalho com base nas cidades onde os escritórios da Nu estão localizados, considerando seu país de contratação. Mais detalhes podem ser compartilhados durante o processo de contratação.
8985c892-d771-4ee1-b414-ff4be61ef534 Data Science Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3463873 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About NubankTackling the complex banking system to empower people in one of the most bureaucratic markets in the world seems like a crazy idea, right? But that's why, how, and where Nubank was born. We fight complexity through our transparent and straightforward products and experiences: a no-fee credit card, a rewards program, a lending platform, and a digital savings account. In a nutshell, we are the most innovative tech company in Latin America, and we are obsessed with building financial services and products that make our customers love us fanatically. With over 40 million customers and $2 billion raised in investment rounds, we are the fastest growing digital bank in the world, with offices in Brazil, Colombia, Germany, Mexico, the US, and Argentina. And it's still only Day One for us! Our Data Science Team at NubankAt Nubank we aim to empower our customers to take control of their financial lives. The Data Science team develops models and leverages its expertise to provide the best experience and products, using statistics, Artificial Intelligence, and lots of creativity to predict our customers' behaviors. Our team strives for cutting edge model development techniques, from Machine Learning to Reinforcement Learning and beyond. We're partnering with business and technology to make the speed of thought decisions possible.PrinciplesAs a chapter, we identified a set of principles that guide behaviors we admire in each other and we pursue as a team:Diverse ensembles don't overfit;We reinforce each other's learning;Mind the person behind the data point;We share the same objective function;We trust our confidence interval;Pursue global maxima.We are looking for an inspiring lead to join our Data Science team in a manager position. As a Data Science Manager, you will have the opportunity to partner with the rest of Nubank to help us innovate with machine learning to optimize the decisions we make and simplify the lives of our millions of customers. With your help, we will build the most defining financial technology company in the world, creating an immense impact for millions of customers. We will disrupt this market and bring competition and efficiency to an industry that urgently needs it.What will you be expected to do as a Data Science Manager at Nubank?Data Science Managers at Nubank are responsible for developing and growing high-performing teams of data scientists and ML engineers. They lead by defining the vision of the team and help the team deliver on the vision by setting clear goals and objectives, providing information and context, clearing obstacles, brokering consensus, and working quickly to close gaps in key resources and skills. They attend to the team and individual health and performance by safeguarding the team’s psychological safety, providing clear, specific, timely feedback, taking decisive actions to manage performance, advocating for recognition of the contributions of the team, and protecting the team from unproductive pursuits. They conduct performance reviews, participate in calibration, solicit feedback, and generally perform the administrative functions of people management. As part of a business unit, they are able to translate the business needs, define roadmaps, and lead projects composed by cross-functional teams to deliver results.What do you need to be successful in this role?Data Science Managers will generally have strong technical backgrounds in disciplines related to data science since they need to be able to assess technical performance, manage resourcing plans, provide coaching and help their team members grow professionally. However, frequently, their team members may have quite different technical skills and they may work in other squads and tribes. In such cases, DS Managers will have to ensure that they actively solicit input and feedback from experts who share the same technical backgrounds as their reports and from managers and leaders who can assess their performance.Since much of data science shares work patterns with engineering and software development, DS managers should have a good understanding of the software development lifecycle and the popular tools used in modern systems. They should also understand, at a conceptual level, the specific concerns of the data science modeling life cycle including the steps of data preparation, model training, model management, logging, and monitoring of models in production. Both these dimensions of knowledge will be necessary to manage effectively in this role.Data Science Managers must also be excellent problem solvers, adept at working across teams of engineers, analysts, product managers, and business leaders in order to address conflict, drive consensus, and make decisions in the best interests of the company. They must be able to help their teams prioritize their work, make smart, timely decisions, and execute at a high level of professional skill, quality, and speed. BenefitsHealth, dental and life insurancesMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationChance of earning equity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity Leaves Child care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our office Diversity and InclusionWe want to build products and experiences for everyone who wants to take back control over their finances, that's why we build strong and diverse teams that rise up to the challenge. We are a team of the most creative people in technology, and we hire under equal opportunity, irrespective of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or background. We are proud to say that 30% of our team recognize themselves as part of the LGBTQ+ community, and 40% of our team identify as women, in all positions and seniority levels. We are a very process-light organization that values human interactions, and that is a very important part of our culture. At Nubank, everyone has the opportunity to speak up and participate, grow and share ideas. Nubank continues to hire for all open roles, all interviewing and onboarding is done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices.
9ee92e6f-b0cc-4d81-a849-d1449e046da9 Data Scientist https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3488821 Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, Argentina About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br. Our Data Science Team at NubankAt Nubank, we aim to empower our customers to take control of their financial lives. The Data Science team develops models and leverages its expertise to provide the best experience and products, using statistics, Artificial Intelligence, and lots of creativity to predict our customers' behaviors. Our team strives for cutting edge model development techniques, from Machine Learning to Reinforcement Learning and beyond. We're partnering with business and technology to make the speed of thought decisions possible. PrinciplesAs a chapter, we identified a set of principles that guide behaviors we admire in each other and we pursue as a team:Diverse ensembles don't overfit;We reinforce each other's learning;Mind the person behind the data point;We share the same objective function;We trust our confidence interval;Pursue global maxima. How We WorkCreate thousands of new predictive variables using your intuition, sociological insight and automation techniques;Discover and evaluate the usefulness of new data sources;Automate the creation of hundreds of different machine learning models;Find the most best audience for our products;Underwrite and assign client profile to applicants;Thwart identity theft and credit card transaction fraud;At Nubank we don't shy away from using the latest and greatest machine learning algorithms and techniques; in fact, we encourage them. We have a rich dataset with natural language text, images, graphs, and much more, as well as more traditional sources of financial data. We also have an almost endless set of models to build, including everything from credit scoring to text tagging. You will fit well if you:Are able to build modern machine learning models using Python;Have experience integrating models into data pipelines and decision-making infrastructures using Scala and Spark;Are curious and always looking for ways to improve what has been done;Have solid knowledge gathering and cleaning data to make analysis and models;Have an excellent ability to interact with a multifunction and multidisciplinary team;Are a fast learner who looks forward to work in a fast pace environment;Advocate for a data-driven culture;Are able to effectively communicate in English.How We WorkWe are a very process-light organization that values human interactions. We value working in small, independent teams that can make their own decision without unnecessary centralization, that’s why we work in an agile methodology and are organized in several squads across the company. We know that executing is the key to being able to optimize processes and to reach success, so that’s what we build our work model around. Our team strives for cutting edge model development practices, which currently includes a variety of different technologies. While we value candidates that are familiar with the tools we use here, we are also confident that Data Scientists with good knowledge of other technologies and that want to join Nubank will be able to learn from our team. BenefitsHealth and life insuranceNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programFood cardVacations of 15 workdaysNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leavesChance of earning equity at Nubank *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
7f596f82-ae25-44a6-b3f7-1393716c4325 Senior Data Scientist https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3098333 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.mx Our Data Science ChapterAt Nubank we aim to empower our customers to take control of their financial lives. The Data Science team develops models and leverages its expertise to provide the best experience and products, using statistics, Artificial Intelligence and lots of creativity to predict our customers' behaviors. Our team strives for cutting edge model development techniques, from Machine Learning to Reinforcement Learning and beyond. We're partnering with business and technology to make speed of thought decisions possible.PrinciplesAs a Chapter, we identified a set of principles that guide behaviors we admire in each other and we pursue as a team:Diverse ensembles don't overfit;We reinforce each other's learning;Mind the person behind the data point;We share the same objective function;We trust our confidence interval;Pursue the global maxima.We believe in:Good team chemistry;Enthusiasm for building and delivering new features and products;Passion for learning new things while constantly improving what we are already good at;Collaborating efficiently to ship a great product experience to our customers.The positionWe are looking for a Senior Data Scientists to integrate the Growth and Credit team and develop data-based solutions for customer acquisition and marketing. Once here, you will:Integrate the Growth team, which owns the customer acquisition stage, paid marketing, and growth strategies;Translate complex business challenges into specific and well-designed machine learning solutions that meet business requirements;Design the implementation of experiments;Integrate and leverage external data sources to feed our models;Provide technical guidance for more junior team members;Ensure the team maintains a high level of technical excellence;Contribute to a technical culture in the local team.Things you'll need to thrive in this role:Strong coding skills Python/Scala or equivalent languages;Experimental design skills;Ability to interact and communicate effectively with business and engineering;Good understanding of model development and deployment pipeline;Experience with machine learning tools and libraries such as Scikit-learn, Mllib and etc;Nice data handling skills, Spark Dataframes, or SQL proficiency is a plus;English language proficiency.Benefits Equity at NubankHealth and life insurance Food card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
d8306e48-f58d-4176-b781-ab276ec04d6e Senior Data Scientist https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3643189 Bogotá Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia About NubankTackling the complex banking system to empower people in one of the most bureaucratic markets in the world seems like a crazy idea, right? But that's why, how, and where Nubank was born. We fight complexity through our transparent and straightforward products and experiences: a no-fee credit card, a rewards program, a lending platform, and a digital savings account. In a nutshell, we are the most innovative tech company in Latin America, and we are obsessed with building financial services and products that make our customers love us fanatically. With over 30 million customers and $820 million raised in investment rounds, we are the fastest growing digital bank in the world, with offices in Brazil, Colombia, Germany, Mexico, and Argentina. And it's still only Day One for us!Our Data Science ChapterAt Nubank we aim to empower our customers to take control of their financial lives. The Data Science team develops models and leverages its expertise to provide the best experience and products, using statistics, Artificial Intelligence, and lots of creativity to predict our customers' behaviors. Our team strives for cutting edge model development techniques, from Machine Learning to Reinforcement Learning and beyond. We're partnering with business and technology to make the speed of thought decisions possible.PrinciplesAs a chapter, we identified a set of principles that guide behaviors we admire in each other and we pursue as a team:Diverse ensembles don't overfit;We reinforce each other's learning;Mind the person behind the data point;We share the same objective function;We trust our confidence interval;Pursue global maxima.The positionThis is a senior individual contributor role. At Nubank, a Senior Data Scientist is expected to have a record of solving problems with data, especially by using Machine Learning models. It's a person with the autonomy to break down larger problems into actionable items, to communicate well requirements, ideas and interact well with business analysts and engineers in order to deliver.Especially at this moment of Nu Colombia, it's important to be ready to design experiments, build the datasets that will support future analytics and machine learning models, perform data analysis, communicate with data providers and be ready to support decision making in different areas, such as credit risk and fraud.Once here, you will:Analyze the very first cohort of customers data;Monitor our decisions and customers behavior;Create policies for credit and fraud;Create datasets with acquisition information;Design tests to create the best data possible for future Machine Learning models;Work on the requirements to have Machine Learning models in a new country;Productionalize and scale the initial version of the most important machine learning models for Nu Colombia across credit risk & fraud that will directly result in business outcomes;Bring expertise to the team to help design and prioritize projects across the many areas involved in building machine learning products (training, deployment, data consistency, monitoring, governance, etc.);Translate complex business challenges into specific and well-designed machine learning solutions that meet business requirements;Provide technical guidance for more junior team members;Ensure the team maintains a high level of technical excellence;Look and implement improvements in the way we work and organize.Things you'll need to thrive in this role:Consistent coding skills in any language and autonomy with programming. Python/Scala is a plus;Nice data handling skills, SQL proficiency is a plus;Strong analytical skills, good business sense to connect early-stage company data to decision making;Strong understanding of Machine Learning models development and deployment pipeline;Experience with machine learning tools and libraries such as Scikit-learn;English language proficiencyBenefits Equity at NubankHealth insuranceVacations of 15 workdaysNuLanguage - Language learning programParental leavesDiversity and InclusionWe want to have a product for everyone, and we build strong and diverse teams that rise to the challenge. We are a team of the most creative people in technology, and we hire under equal opportunity, irrespective of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or background. We are proud to say that 30% of Nubanker recognize themselves as part of the LGBTQ+ community, and 40% of our team comprises women in all positions and seniority levels. We are a very process-light organization that values human interactions, and that is an essential part of our culture. At Nubank, everyone has the opportunity to speak up and participate, grow, and share ideas.
ca42fc2e-9f17-46d5-9b48-5ba27fef1cdc Senior Machine Learning Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3057836 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil Sobre o NubankO Nubank foi fundado em 2013 para libertar as pessoas de um sistema financeiro burocrático, lento e ineficiente. Desde então, por meio de tecnologia inovadora e excelente atendimento ao cliente, a empresa vem redefinindo as relações das pessoas com o dinheiro em toda a América Latina. Com operações no Brasil, México e Colômbia, o Nubank é hoje uma das maiores plataformas de banco digital e empresas líderes em tecnologia do mundo.Hoje, a Nubank é uma empresa global, com escritórios em São Paulo (Brasil), Cidade do México (México), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colômbia), Durham (Estados Unidos) e Berlim (Alemanha). Foi fundada em 2013 em São Paulo, pelo colombiano David Vélez, e cofundada pela brasileira Cristina Junqueira e pelo americano Edward Wible. Para mais informações, visite www.nubank.com.br. Sobre o timeNosso objetivo é possibilitar que nossos clientes assumam o controle de suas vidas financeiras. A equipe de Data Science e Machine Learning desenvolve modelos e potencializa sua expertise para oferecer a melhor experiência e produtos, utilizando estatística, Inteligência Artificial e muita criatividade para prever o comportamento de nossos clientes. Não hesitamos em usar os mais recentes algoritmos, técnicas e tecnologias de aprendizado de máquina. Usamos uma tecnologia de banco de dados que praticamente elimina fontes potenciais de vazamento, o que significa que você pode gastar menos tempo se preocupando com a qualidade dos dados e mais tempo construindo os modelos mais sofisticados do setor de serviços financeiros. Temos conjuntos de dados que são ricos, com texto em linguagem natural, imagens, gráficos e muito mais, bem como fontes mais tradicionais de dados financeiros. Trabalhando com engenharia de Machine Learning no Nubank, sua meta será construir sistemas que incorporem ML e IA para resolver problemas complexos, usando tecnologias de ponta e trabalhando em colaboração próxima com Cientistas de Dados. Sobre a posiçãoComo pessoa engenheira de Machine Learning, você poderá, por exemplo:Automatizar a criação e o ajuste de dezenas de modelos diferentes de aprendizado de máquina;Construir infraestrutura para diminuir o tempo que um modelo leva para ir do início à produção;Construir infraestrutura para nos ajudar a trazer modelos mais complexos para a produção;Ajudar a monitorar o estado de nossos modelos usando técnicas estatísticas avançadas;Aumentar nossa capacidade de fazer modelagem online (baixa latência). Qualificações BásicasTer habilidades de codificação em Python, Scala, Clojure ou outras linguagens;Compreender os desafios da engenharia em um ambiente de produção;Ter boa compreensão de um pipeline de desenvolvimento e implantação de modelos;Ter experiência com ferramentas de aprendizado de máquina e bibliotecas, como Scikit-learn, MLlib ou TensorFlow;Ter boas habilidades de manipulação de dados - proficiência em Spark ou SQL é uma vantagem;É capaz de se comunicar em inglês. Qualificações desejáveisExperiência em matemática/estatística;Experiência com sistemas de software de grande escala atendendo a milhões de usuários com implantação e monitoramento confiáveis;Experiência com modelos de Data Science;Experiência com Spark;Experiência com Docker, Kubernetes;Experiência com CI/CD. BenefíciosPlanos de saúde, odontológico e seguro de vidaVale refeiçãoAssistência de transporte30 dias de férias Chance de receber ações do NubankParceria de estacionamento - estacionamento com desconto em nosso escritórioEstacionamento gratuito para bicicletas com chuveiros disponíveisNuCare - Nosso programa de assistência à saúde mental e bem-estarNuLanguage - Nosso programa de aprendizagem de línguasGympassLicença maternidade e paternidade extendidasAuxílio-creche‘Espaço Feijão’ - Espaços privados de enfermagem e amamentação em nossos prédiosCentro de saúde no local - Suporte médico para cada Nubanker em nosso escritório* Entrevistas e onboarding atualmente são feitos virtualmente devido ao COVID-19. Todos os novos membros da equipe e nossa equipe atual continuarão trabalhando em casa até que seja seguro retornar aos nossos escritórios. Quando chegar a hora, exigiremos uma cadência fixa de visitas ao escritório em que os funcionários vão para a localização da base de sua Unidade de Negócios (UN). Os funcionários terão um contrato de trabalho com base nas cidades onde os escritórios da Nu estão localizados, considerando seu país de contratação. Mais detalhes podem ser compartilhados durante o processo de contratação.
14c41d49-0640-4b59-8c59-fdc083ba0f84 Staff Data Scientist https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3493842 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br.Our Data Science ChapterAt Nubank we aim to empower our customers to take control of their financial lives. The Data Science team develops models and leverages its expertise to provide the best experience and products, using statistics, Artificial Intelligence and lots of creativity to predict our customers' behaviors. Our team strives for cutting edge model development techniques, from Machine Learning to Reinforcement Learning and beyond. We're partnering with business and technology to make speed of thought decisions possible.PrinciplesAs a Chapter, we identified a set of principles that guide behaviors we admire in each other and we pursue as a team:Diverse ensembles don't overfit;We reinforce each other's learning;Mind the person behind the data point;We share the same objective function;We trust our confidence interval;Pursue the global maxima.We believe in:Good team chemistry;Enthusiasm for building and delivering new features and products;Passion for learning new things while constantly improving what we are already good at;Collaborating efficiently to ship a great product experience to our customers.The positionWe are looking for a Senior Data Scientists to integrate the Growth and Credit team and develop data-based solutions for customer acquisition and marketing. Once here, you will:Integrate the Growth team, which owns the customer acquisition stage, paid marketing, and growth strategies;Translate complex business challenges into specific and well-designed machine learning solutions that meet business requirements;Design the implementation of experiments;Integrate and leverage external data sources to feed our models;Provide technical guidance for more junior team members;Ensure the team maintains a high level of technical excellence;Contribute to a technical culture in the local team.Things you'll need to thrive in this role:Strong coding skills Python/Scala or equivalent languages;Experimental design skills;Ability to interact and communicate effectively with business and engineering;Good understanding of model development and deployment pipeline;Experience with machine learning tools and libraries such as Scikit-learn, Mllib and etc;Nice data handling skills, Spark Dataframes, or SQL proficiency is a plus;English language proficiency.Benefits Equity at NubankHealth and life insurance Food card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
23bebf8c-d3a3-4874-8eee-a2bf6bf19258 Staff Machine Learning Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3317782 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.mx. Our Data Science TeamAt Nubank we aim to empower our customers to take control of their financial lives. The Data Science team develops models and leverages its expertise to provide the best experience and products, using statistics, Artificial Intelligence and lots of creativity to predict our customers' behaviors. Our team strives for cutting edge model development techniques, from Machine Learning to Reinforcement Learning and beyond. We're partnering with business and technology to make speed of thought decisions possible.The principles that guide us:Diverse ensembles don't overfit;We reinforce each other's learning;Mind the person behind the data point;We share the same objective function;We trust our confidence interval;Pursue the global maxima.The positionThis is a senior individual contributor role that will require tech leadership experience. We're looking for someone with a record of deploying Machine Learning models and experiments, eager to keep pushing themselves and the team to follow the best practices of Machine Learning Engineering.Once here, you will:Integrate the Credit team, which owns models related to credit approval and initial line assignment;Productionalize and scale machine learning models in Nu Mexico that will directly impact business outcomes;Design the implementation of experiments;Integrate and leverage external data sources to feed our models;Lead the solution of the most challenging machine learning engineering projects we face;Expand the team knowledge, inspire Bring expertise to the team to help design and prioritize projects across the many areas involved in building machine learning products (training, deployment, data consistency, monitoring, governance, etc.);Translate complex business challenges into specific and well-designed machine learning solutions that meet business requirements;Provide technical guidance for more junior team members;Ensure the team maintains a high level of technical excellence;Contribute to a technical culture in the local team;Look and implement improvements in the way we work and organize.Things you'll need to thrive in this role:Strong coding skills Python/Scala or equivalent languages;Understanding of engineering challenges in a production environment;Openness to learn new technologies, like Clojure;Good understanding of a model development and deployment pipeline;Experience with machine learning tools and libraries such as Scikit-learn,Mllib and etc;Nice data handling skills, Spark Dataframes or SQL proficiency is a plus;English language proficiencyBenefits Equity at NubankHealth and life insurance Food card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
3a3a5d2f-c02d-4498-a5de-38a7cbfcaaa9 Senior UX Researcher https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/1775951 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br. Our UX Research TeamHere at Nubank we fight complexity every day to make people's lives better. We believe that by building a truly global and diverse team, we will be able to challenge the status quo and have a lasting impact on the world. As a team that drives product development from ideation to full rollout, the Design Team ensures that our product experiences are valuable to our users.Researchers at Nubank must understand user's behaviors, needs, and pain points, translate them into practical and precise information and insights, and share this knowledge with everyone.To achieve better use of their findings, the researcher should always collaborate with Designers, Product Managers, Business Analysts, Engineers, and others. Once here, you will:Lead UX Research initiatives in your Business Unit.Help develop Research culture with Product Managers and Design Teams, and drive the organization to understand the customers' needs, challenges, and problems.Help shape and deliver an exceptional customer experience across channels based on research.Work embedded in a cross-functional product team to identify key research questions and goals, address them through a mixed methods approach.Collaborate closely with product, design, engineering, CX and business analytics to drive customer-centered and evidence-based decisions on product and design strategy.Effectively speak to what matters most for our community; advocating for user-centered design. Requirements Proven Experience in UX Research (Qualitative and Quantitative methods);Experience in applying research to digital products;Excellent Portuguese and English: verbal and written communication skills;Ability to work well in a highly collaborative and cross-functional team;Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic startup environment;Ability acting as an advocate for the user's needs. BenefitsHealth, dental and life insurancesMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationChance of earning equity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity Leaves Child care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our office *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
f2bf3259-e9b6-4f08-be6e-23b0827486f7 UX Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3039502 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br. About the teamNubank's mission is to fight complexity everyday to empower people. We believe that by building a truly global and diverse team we will be able to challenge the status quo and have a lasting impact on the world.As a team who drives product development from ideation to full rollout, the Design team ensures that our product experiences are valuable to our users. Designers at Nubank must deal with complex problems and transform them into intuitive, accessible and easy-to-use experiences for millions of people.At each stage, a Designer must anticipate our customers and business needs, advocate for our users and ensure that the final design surprises and delights them. Achieving this goal requires collaboration with teams of Designers, Researchers, Business Analysts, Software Engineers, Product Managers and many other, working in projects that go from user interviews and prototypes to internal tools and brand assets.Given this, designers must be flexible and eager to learn - it's unlikely that you'll arrive an expert in all tools and project phases, but you should be humble and have a strong desire and capacity to learn. It's critical that you are able to collaborate with people with varying backgrounds, give good feedback and apply critical feedback received. The combination of these skills along with your talent and technical competence as a designer can make you a great fit for the Nubank Design team. About the role:Manage, mentor and inspire a team of product designers, researchers and writers providing design direction and pushing high the quality of the design work;Establish and promote a healthy team culture that works hand in hand with cross-functional partners and design teams in other Nubank offices;Support our growth in hiring and coach new team members;Push the boundaries of your team’s execution and help Nubank challenge the status quo;Be a technical reference for the team, seeking to adapt and replicate the best practices in the market, increasing the team’s bar;Build links with other business areas at all levels of the organization, influencing business decisions advocating for user-centered design; Basic QualificationsBackground in Product Design (UX, UI, and Research), Experience in leading Design teams through successful product launchesExperience in scaling teams (hiring and retaining designers)Excellent English: verbal and written communication skillsAbility to work well in a highly collaborative and cross-functional teamAbility to thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic startup environmentAbility to influence prioritization in an agile environment. Adapt to shifting priorities and evolving stakeholder’s needs with openness and agility. Benefits Health, dental and life insurancesMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationChance of earning equity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity Leaves Child care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our office *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
590a6627-9c29-4795-b78c-5052ce909ac0 Business Security Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3400816 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About Nubank Nubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br.Nubank Business Security Management The Business Security Management function is implemented by a distributed team that collaborates closely with business lines to ensure security is appropriately considered as part of all business activities - internal and key suppliers. Business Security Managers embed with one or more Business Units and are active participants in all major strategic projects therein. The team is instrumental in managing down security risk and the design and implementation of effective controls, In addition, BSM provides consultancy on security challenges and ensures Nubank compliance to regulatory obligations. The Information Security business unit is a horizontal function that services all areas and geographies of Nubank. The business security management function will be the interface between business lines and Information Security which will ensure the appropriate balance between business and security objectives at all times.As a Business Security Manager, you’re expected to:Ensure information security needs of Business Unit GM(s) are understood, met and clearly communicated through effective relationship management. Become the Business Unit trusted advisor for all things information securityEstablish and maintain documentation and mapping of core business products, services, processes, and security controlsEstablish metrics that are used to make strategic decisions and evaluate efficacyEstablish and maintain a first-line security risk management and compliance-driven practice that ensures Nubank avoids taking unnecessary risks and is hit by security tragedies. Ensure all security risks are adjudicated and tracked including 3rd party suppliersEnsure security is proactively addressed during business service/product/technical design, build and implementationEvangelise security awareness and best practices in the Business Unit.What We Are Looking For:Demonstrable and firm understanding of security and engineering practices and how they relate to delivering business outcomesProven background building and maintaining relationships with senior stakeholdersProven experience articulating and negotiating complex security risks and trade-offsA self-motivated problem solver who is able to communicate effectively across functional teamsOrganised and flexible thinker with Risk Management experienceBenefitsHealth, dental and life insurancesMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationChance of earning equity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity Leaves Child care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our office *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
01612bb6-a199-4f4a-808b-cf33afb0d57a Cloud Engineer Mexico https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3251676 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.mx. About The Opportunity..As a Cloud / SysAdmin engineer, you'll be expected toExperience in delivery and operation of IT infrastructure for small (US$1M) and large scale (US$10M) complex computing systems with erver Infrastructure, linux, networking, storage, backups skills in private clouds (VMware &/OpenStack) and in Public Clouds (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud.)Delivery of large private virtual data centers (Cloud>1000 VM). Involved in the project HLD/ LLD, hardware, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS installation, application commissioning, network integration, interoperability tests, acceptance tests procedures. (ATPs). Preparing and executing project plans according to the project requirements and customer’s satisfaction.Experience in Operation & Maintenance during commercial stage in large IT infrastructure for production environments using LINUX, networking, storage and virtualization with a DevOps and SRE approach. Responsible of Service’s SLO and system availability, latency, performance, efficiency, change management, monitoring, emergency response, and capacity planning. Interact not only with the production environment, but also in testbed environments for product development teams and testing teams.High quality result oriented, strong ability to determine and process customer business requirements. Experience working in multicultural teams leading groups with the aim of ease the technical communication among the different stakeholders.Advance Unix ExpertiseAutomate Programming.- Intermediate to advance hands-on experience working in any UNIX CLI derivatives environments (Any Linux Distro).- Basic to intermediate experience reading and programming scripting language such as batch/shell and python to automate tasks.- IT Infrastructure.Intermediate to advance experience deploying and operating IaaS in a local datacenter and/or in the cloud (AWS Cloud Practicioner).Experience deploying solutions in AWS: EC2, S3, ECS, CloudFormation, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CloudFront, ALB, CloudWatch, SQS, SNS.Experience managing microservices and APIsBasic to intermediate hands-on experience deploying and maintaining servers in data centers as long as understanding the basic concepts.Basic to intermediate hands-on experience deploying and maintaining storage devices as long as understanding the basic concepts.Hands-on experience with system and application metric collection and alerting services like Grafana, Prometheus, or others.Understanding of GIT concepts and desirable experience working in GitHub.Expertise to perform an advance and deep troubleshooting in Unix by reading logs, activating debug, and using frame capture tools such tcpdumps, and iperf and analyze the results in packets analyzers like Wireshark.Basic to intermediate experience setting up and maintaining end-to-end VPNs.Basic to intermediate understanding and hand-on experience with Docker and Kubernetes, Chef, Puppet or AnsibleExpertise understanding and deploying HA (High Availability) and Disaster Recovery (DR) services neither locally or in the cloudYou Will Fit In Well IfYou are unafraid to take initiative to identify and answer problems that are not necessarily evidentYou love working in a dynamic environment and being granted a lot of autonomyYou're looking for a company with a culture of camaraderie, fun and personal growthYou love operations and making things more efficient and simpleSolid troubleshooting and debugging skills with a passion to work creatively and analytically for a problem-solving environment and continuous investigationStrong customer, quality and results orientationProven success in contributing to a team-oriented environmentCommunication, knowledge sharing, Collaboration, professionalism, teamwork and an open disposition to learn.Consult with and develop relationships with in-house engineers and developers to promote creative solutions and improve customer satisfactionDiscuss with vendors on new product offerings, evaluate new products and technologies, recommend the selected network services or products to the leadershipBenefitsEquity at NubankHealth and life insurance Food card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
3a76154a-cce6-4aa9-875a-c94cd67cd7b9 Cloud Security Engineer Specialist https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3339732 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br. Our Security Team at NubankTechnology is not a sector of our business: it's intrinsic to every area at Nubank. We encourage everyone to challenge the status quo. There's no "innovation team" - we hire innovative people for all our positions and encourage them to constantly question decisions to keep finding better ways to do something. Our business is growing, and our engineering team must match that demand.As we grow, we need to:Find new techniques and technologies, multiplying efficiency through tools and libraries;Balance new processes while staying agile;Learn quickly and easily adapt to changing situations and priorities;Sustainable scale diverse teams. As a Cloud Security Engineer, you'll be expected to:Here at Nubank, we treat security, infrastructure, and operations as Software Engineering problems. Therefore it's expected of a Security Engineer to have programming skills coupled with solid expertise in infosec.Some examples of the problems you'll encounter:Leverage our internal Infrastructure as a Code platform from a security perspective, understand our current controls, and implement new controls that speed up our engineering and lower our risk.Increase the usability of our automations related to cloud policies, making them more straightforward for a non-technical audience.Work with different squads with overlapping responsibilities and scopes, finding the best balance to protect our customers.Use a data-driven approach to decision-making about security controls, acting on models that make the ecosystem more secure with increased employees, services, and customers.What is a typical day for a Cloud Security Engineer?They spend their days understanding what cloud infrastructure is in place, the risks, and common incidents that could happen. They define with other engineers a good state for the infrastructure, create and tune security controls, conduct a build-vs-buy, and find opportunities to leverage existing solutions to reduce engineering costs.We strive for state-of-the-art security practices and technologies. While we value candidates who are familiar with them, we are also confident that engineers interested in joining Nubank will be able to learn from our team. We are looking for a Cloud Security Engineer professional who has:We are looking for Security Engineers with a solid track record of creating efficient, scalable, and usable solutions, preferably in the domain of cloud infrastructure security and related tooling. You will have a meaningful chance to shape architecture, process, and culture while working with challenging problems.We believe in good team chemistry, enthusiasm for building things, and our surprising capacity to learn new things when we stay humble and open-minded. Good computer science skills and concepts, as well as English language skills, are essential.We are a very process-light organization that values human interactions. We love working in small, independent teams that feel like small startups and eschew coupling and centralizing where realistic. We understand that execution is the key to success and optimize processes to remove bottlenecks.Don't worry if you don't know all of it! Having experience in some of it and being willing to learn is enough to apply. You will fit well if you have experience with: Infrastructure as a Code Security(e.g., CloudFormation, Terraform);Container Orchestration Security (e.g., Kubernetes, Docker Swarm); Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services; Programming Languages and Scripting. Experience with the following is desirable:Google Cloud Security Foundations and AWS Well-Architected Framework;Threat Modeling;Microservices and CI/CD pipelines (e.g., GoCD, CircleCI);Functional Programming Languages (e.g., Clojure, Scala). BenefitsHealth, dental and life insuranceMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationEquity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity Leaves Child care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our office *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
19e321b1-03ee-410a-a034-98682ce40dd9 DevOps Engineer Mexico https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3537705 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.mx. DevOps at NubankWe are looking for a Infrastructure Operation (InfraOps) engineer with experience in delivery and operation of IT infrastructure for small (<US$1M / <50VMs) and large scale (>US$10M/ >1000VMs) servers Infrastructure in private clouds (VMware &/OpenStack) and in Public Clouds (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) delivering automation at the operational level and also for the monitoring of infrastructure who has participated in the project HLD/ LLD, hardware, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS installation, application commissioning, network integration, interoperability tests, acceptance tests procedures. (ATPs). Experience in Operation & Maintenance during the commercial stage in large IT infrastructure for production environments using Linux and working also with the infrastructure network, storage and virtualization with a DevOps culture and SRE approach. Responsible for service's SLO and system availability, latency, performance, efficiency, change management, monitoring, emergency response, and capacity planning. Why is InfraOps important to Nubank?Just like Nubank is customer-focused, our InfraOps team also aims to offer the best experience and solutions for all everyday issues and tasks. And who are InfraOps’ customers? All Nubankers.Our InfraOps team is responsible for delivering automation at the operational level and also for the monitoring of infrastructure. We work directly to make the experience of Nubankers more comfortable. We also use resources from different chapters and squads within the ITOps tribe and all of Nubank to make our work more efficient.We also gather metrics to ensure the decisions we make are the right ones, always keeping an eye at the root cause so that we can provide a unique solution.Desired skills and experienceAdvance Unix Expertise, hands-on experience working in any UNIX CLI derivatives environments (Any Linux Distro & MacOs).Basic to intermediate experience reading and programming scripting language such as batch/shell and python to automate tasks.Knowledge of Apple MDM tools (Mosyle, JAMF).Knowledge of Infrastructure as Code methodologies, tools for configuration management (Ansible, Puppet, Chef)Knowledge of high-level scripting languages (e.g. Python, Go, Clojure, Bash).Knowledge of automated installation and implementation of end-user settings (Ubuntu and MacOS).Knowledge of deploying and configuring applications in AWS-Cloud and VMWare.Knowledge of monitoring systems (Prometheus, Telegraf, Grafana, CheckMK, Splunk, Alert Manager, APIs, etc).Knowledge of Docker (Containers, clusters, orchestrators).Knowledge of microservices and CI/CD pipelines.Knowledge of SQL and NoSQL Databases (e.g. Datomic, DynamoDB, PostgreSQL).Knowledge of the security-first approach when creating solutions.Experience working with global teams and supporting customers remotely.Experience working with High-Availability and High-Scalability systems in a production environment.Being able to communicate efficiently in English, Spanish.Knowledge of Scrum/Kanban agile methodologies.Enjoying taking on great technical challenges with quality solutions and also having a sense of urgency when prioritizing problems.You will be a great fit if you believe in the main intrinsic values of culture in Nubank, such as: You like solving problems putting the customer at the center when designing new offerings, processes, and also having an understanding of how your work decisions can impact other Nubankers, and also believing that technology can create opportunities for incredible solutions.You like working with people and are flexible when dealing with people from different backgrounds, demonstrating ability to deliver despite ambiguity, changing expectations, tight deadlines, and always thinking and believing that there’s more than one way to make something cool.Appreciating and taking care of little details, showing curiosity, disposition to learn new skills quickly and having the will of taking on technologies with a high learning-curve.Encouraging your colleagues and influencing them to get things done in an environment where there are many things with coinciding priorities.Genuinely caring for a strong work ethic and dedication to truth in making decisions that put what's best for the company ahead of personal and/or team needs.Always looking for scalable solutions that will last, always aiming to collaborate well, communicate well, be open and inclusive, not tolerating demonstrations of uncool behaviors.Knowing what your limits are, demonstrating a realistic sense of your own strengths and weaknesses, with a low ego, non-defensive openness when giving or receiving feedback, always trying to be authentic and taking advantage of the situation to improve as a person and professional.Seeking critical thinking to diagnose problems at the root cause by solving practical, simple and scalable solutions to problems, also developing creative new solutions to existing problems.Benefits:Equity at NubankHealth and life insuranceFood card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
fa800b6f-3d65-4169-980a-e882776b5b36 FullStack Software Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3454377 Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, Argentina About Nubank Nubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br. Engineering at NubankWe strive for state-of-the-art software development practices, that currently includes a variety of technologies. While we value candidates that are familiar with them, we are also confident that software engineers who are interested in joining Nubank will be able to learn from our team.Horizontally scalable microservices written mostly in Clojure, using Finagle and leveraging upon functional programming techniques and hexagonal architectureHigh throughput jobs and inter-service communication using KafkaContinuous Integration and Deployment into AWSStoring data in Datomic and DynamoDBMonitoring and observability with PrometheusRunning as much as possible in KubernetesWe are a process-light organization that values human interactions. We value working in small, independent teams that feel like small startups within the company, and eschew coupling and centralizing where realistic. We understand that execution is the key to success and optimize processes to remove bottlenecks.You can read more about it in our engineering blog and get some insights into how we work.As a Software Engineer, you’re expected to:Be willing to learn and work with FlutterCollaborate with software design, development, and evolutionHave practical knowledge of agile software development methodologiesWork with continuous delivery and infrastructure as codeHave great testing skills (mostly unit tests and integration tests; knowledge in testing frameworks is a plus)To have knowledge in multithreaded application development and memory management and performance tuningTo care about detailYou will have a meaningful chance to shape architecture, process, and culture while working with bleeding edge technologies.We believe in good team chemistry, enthusiasm for building things, and the (often surprising) capacity to learn new things when we stay humble and open-minded. Core benefitsHealth and life insurance NuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programFood cardVacations of 15 workdaysNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves Chance of earning equity at Nubank *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
f6615bdb-3575-4547-92f4-8278c4401354 Mobile Software Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/2380090 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About Nubank Nubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.mx. Engineering at NubankWe strive for state-of-the-art software development practices, that currently includes a variety of technologies. While we value candidates that are familiar with them, we are also confident that software engineers who are interested in joining Nubank will be able to learn from our team.Horizontally scalable microservices written mostly in Clojure, using Finagle and leveraging upon functional programming techniques and hexagonal architectureHigh throughput jobs and inter-service communication using KafkaContinuous Integration and Deployment into AWSStoring data in Datomic and DynamoDBMonitoring and observability with PrometheusRunning as much as possible in KubernetesWe are a process-light organization that values human interactions. We value working in small, independent teams that feel like small startups within the company, and eschew coupling and centralizing where realistic. We understand that execution is the key to success and optimize processes to remove bottlenecks.You can read more about it in our engineering blog and get some insights into how we work.As a Software Engineer, you’re expected to:Be willing to learn and work with FlutterCollaborate with software design, development and evolutionHave practical knowledge of agile software development methodologiesWork with continuous delivery and infrastructure as codeHave great testing skills (mostly unit tests and integration tests; knowledge in testing frameworks is a plus)To have knowledge in multi-threaded application development and memory management and performance tuningTo care about detailYou will have a meaningful chance to shape architecture, process, and culture while working with bleeding edge technologies.We believe in good team chemistry, enthusiasm for building things, and the (often surprising) capacity to learn new things when we stay humble and open-minded. Core benefitsEquity at NubankHealth and life insurance Food card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
8c7e2c95-1d14-44e7-bda3-04a253bb0204 Mobile Software Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/1776035 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About Nubank Nubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br.Mobile Engineering at NubankWe strive for state-of-the-art software development practices that currently include a variety of technologies. While we value candidates that are familiar with them, we are also confident that software engineers who are interested in joining Nubank will be able to learn from our team.We are a process-light organization that values human interactions. We value working in small, independent teams that feel like small startups within the company, and eschew coupling and centralizing where realistic. We understand that execution is the key to success and optimize processes to remove bottlenecks.You can read the following articles to learn more about the Mobile Software Engineer role at Nubank:Scaling with FlutterWhy we think Flutter will help us scale mobile development at Nubank As a Mobile Engineer, you’re expected to:Ship new features for the mobile apps and participate in the transition to a cross-platform solution using FlutterHave the opportunity to build backend microservices in functional programming languages, such as ClojureCollaborate with software design, development and evolutionHave practical knowledge of agile software development methodologiesWork with continuous delivery and infrastructure as codeHave great testing skills (mostly unit tests and integration tests; knowledge in testing frameworks is a plus)To have knowledge in multi-threaded application development and memory management and performance tuningYou will have a meaningful chance to shape architecture, process, and culture while working with bleeding edge technologies. We believe in good team chemistry, enthusiasm for building things, and the (often surprising) capacity to learn new things when we stay humble and open-minded.BenefitsHealth, dental and life insurancesMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationChance of earning equity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity Leaves Child care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our office *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
f574365b-23cd-4afd-95ef-0ebc62963736 Software Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/2239099 Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, Argentina About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br. Engineering at NubankWe strive for state-of-the-art software development practices, that currently includes a variety of technologies. While we value candidates that are familiar with them, we are also confident that software engineers who are interested in joining Nubank will be able to learn from our team.Horizontally scalable microservices written mostly in Clojure, using Finagle and leveraging upon functional programming techniques and hexagonal architectureHigh throughput jobs and inter-service communication using KafkaContinuous Integration and Deployment into AWSStoring data in Datomic and DynamoDBMonitoring and observability with PrometheusRunning as much as possible in KubernetesWe are a process-light organization that values human interactions. We value working in small, independent teams that feel like small startups within the company, and eschew coupling and centralizing where realistic. We understand that execution is the key to success and optimize processes to remove bottlenecks.You can read more about it in our engineering blog and get some insights into how we work. As a Software Engineer, you'll be expected toWork with large scale distributed systemsCollaborate with building microservicesHave practical knowledge of agile software development methodologiesWork with continuous delivery and infrastructure as code Core benefitsHealth and life insurance NuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programFood cardVacations of 15 workdaysNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves Chance of earning equity at Nubank *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
535b215c-5bd9-48d5-8832-3f4169b34c40 Software Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/2569175 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About Nubank Nubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br. Engineering at NubankWe strive for state-of-the-art software development practices, that currently includes a variety of technologies. While we value candidates that are familiar with them, we are also confident that software engineers who are interested in joining Nubank will be able to learn from our team. Horizontally scalable microservices written mostly in Clojure, using Finagle and leveraging upon functional programming techniques and hexagonal architectureHigh throughput jobs and inter-service communication using KafkaContinuous Integration and Deployment into AWSStoring data in Datomic and DynamoDBMonitoring and observability with PrometheusRunning as much as possible in Kubernetes We are a process-light organization that values human interactions. We value working in small, independent teams that feel like small startups within the company, and eschew coupling and centralizing where realistic. We understand that execution is the key to success and optimize processes to remove bottlenecks. As a Software Engineer, you’re expected to:Work with large scale distributed systemsCollaborate with building microservicesHave practical knowledge of agile software development methodologiesWork with continuous delivery and infrastructure as code BenefitsHealth, dental and life insuranceMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationEquity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity Leaves Child care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our office *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. When it’s time, we will require a fixed cadence of visiting the office in which employees go to their Business Unit's (BU) base location. Employees will have an employment contract based on the cities that Nu’s offices are located, considering their country of hire. More details can be shared during your hiring process.
1511c7b1-b935-4877-aae6-bae847190a7c Software Engineer - Colombia https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/2238229 Bogotá Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit https://nu.com.co. Engineering at NubankWe strive for state-of-the-art software development practices, that currently includes a variety of technologies. While we value candidates that are familiar with them, we are also confident that software engineers who are interested in joining Nubank will be able to learn from our team.Horizontally scalable microservices written mostly in Clojure, using Finagle and leveraging upon functional programming techniques and hexagonal architectureHigh throughput jobs and inter-service communication using KafkaContinuous Integration and Deployment into AWSStoring data in Datomic and DynamoDBMonitoring and observability with PrometheusRunning as much as possible in KubernetesDeveloping great mobile experiences in FlutterWe are a process-light organization that values human interactions. We value working in small, independent teams that feel like small startups within the company, and eschew coupling and centralizing where realistic. We understand that execution is the key to success and optimize processes to remove bottlenecks.You can read more about it in our blog and get some insights into how we work. As a Software Engineer, you’re expected to:Work with large scale distributed systemsCollaborate with building microservicesHave practical knowledge of agile software development methodologiesWork with continuous delivery and infrastructure as codeWork focused on backend applications, and be open to contribute to mobile and frontend development, according to business needs Core Benefits:Health and life insuranceNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programVacations of 15 workdaysNuLanguage - Our language learning programParental leavesChance of earning equity at Nubank *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
58fb63a3-b679-43bf-b0a6-5dbfce17d5e2 Software Engineer, Data Infrastructure https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/1776016 Berlin Berlin, Germany About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br.About the Berlin teamNubank’s Berlin office hosts the data infrastructure platform team. We’ve built a self-service data processing platform from scratch that empowers everyone at our company to build, process, and query datasets that help push forward their work. Our main users include data analysts, data scientists, business analysts, backend, and data engineers. The team is focused on building well-thought-out and documented user APIs, backed by scalable data ingestion, processing, and serving systems. We make heavy use of Spark and Scala for our data processing systems, but you will also find Clojure microservices, Mesos, Aurora, and Airflow. You will also be in touch with DynamoDB, PostgreSQL, and Datomic for databases, Tekton CI/CD, monitoring/logging with Prometheus and Splunk, and asynchronous communication using Kafka. Nubank Data Infrastructure Engineers in Berlin might solve the following problems:Work on a self-service data infrastructure ecosystem that powers all data-assisted decisions across NubankRefine the data platform to enable a broader set of data applications such as streaming systems and online ML modelsImprove user-experience and platform predictability through work on monitoring, automation, and system reliabilityRemove bottlenecks and improve performance, at times by redesigning critical components from scratchTriage bugs and exceptions reported in production and conduct system load/stress tests CandidatesWe are looking for Data Infrastructure Engineers with a solid track record of creating efficient, scalable, and accessible solutions, preferably in the domain of data infrastructure and tooling. You will have a meaningful chance to shape architecture, process, and culture while working with leading-edge technologies. We believe in cultivating good inter and intra-team chemistry, enthusiasm for building things, and exercising the amazing capacity to learn new things when we stay humble and open-minded. English language skills are essential.You will fit well if you have:Hands-on experience building and operating large-scale distributed data processing infrastructureA deep understanding of data processing frameworks (e.g., based on Spark, Kafka Streams, Flink)Experience maintaining large codebases and abstracting complexities from internal usersPassion for making the inner workings observable and experience improving stability and performanceExperience with RESTful API oriented design and modular service-oriented architecture Experience with the following is desirable:Experience operating systems with high stability requirementsExperience running infrastructure as code (e.g. Ansible, Terraform, CloudFormation)SQL/NoSQL databases (e.g. PostgreSQL, MySQL, Datomic)Experience with monitoring and logging tools (like Prometheus, Splunk, and Grafana)Experience writing and operating production-ready services in a functional programming language (like Clojure) We expect our candidates to:Thrive in dynamic, fast-paced, results-oriented teamsBe hungry and enjoy being constantly challenged to learn and do moreEmbrace conflict of ideas and question the status quoLearn fast and easily adapt to changing situations and prioritiesBelieve in building great products and doing great workUnderstand the big picture, be held accountable, and make a meaningful contribution with their work BenefitsLearning and wellness allowanceVacations of 28 working daysOpportunity of earning equity at NubankNuLanguage - Our language learning programNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance program *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
daf3fb3b-ae68-4202-b41c-bf06d2b70c65 Systems Engineer (SRE/DevOps) https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3372800 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br. About Investments BUThe Investments Business Unit was created by Nubank's acquisition of Easynvest. Since both companies share similar principles and values, especially the respect to our customers, the integration between companies has been smooth and all efforts have been invested on our mission: Awaken people to a world of investments with no complexity. Our challengesTechnology is not a sector of our business: it's intrinsic to every area at Nubank. We encourage everyone to challenge the status quo. There's no "innovation team" - we hire innovative people for all our positions and encourage them to constantly question decisions to keep finding better ways to do something. Our business is growing, and our engineering team must match that demand.As we grow, we need to:Find new techniques and technologies, multiplying efficiency through tools and libraries;Balance new processes while staying agile;Learn quickly and easily adapt to changing situations and priorities;Sustainable scale diverse teams;Find synergy between platforms, and use this to integrate and evolve all business. What are some examples of problems a CI/CD or Cloud Engineer will solve?Here at Nubank, we treat security, infrastructure, and operations as Software Engineering problems. Therefore it's expected of a CI/CD or Cloud Engineer to have programming skills coupled with solid expertise in infrastructure.Some examples of the problems you'll encounter:Leverage our internal Infrastructure as a Code platform, understand our current controls, and implement functionalities that speed up our engineering and lower our risk.Increase the usability of our automations related to cloud, making them more straightforward for a non-technical audience.Work with different squads with overlapping responsibilities and scopes, finding the best balance to fascinate our customers.Use a data-driven approach to decision-making about controls, acting on models that make the ecosystem more easy, fast and secure with increased employees, services, and customers. What is a typical day for a Cloud Engineer or Devops Engineer?They spend their days understanding what cloud infrastructure is in place, synergy between platforms from Easynvest and Nubank, finding opportunities to improve engineering quality and productivity. They define with other engineers a good state for the infrastructure, conduct a build-vs-buy, and find opportunities to leverage existing solutions to reduce engineering costs.We strive for state-of-the-art devops practices and technologies. While we value candidates who are familiar with them, we are also confident that engineers interested in joining Nubank will be able to learn from our team. CandidatesWe are looking for CI/CD or Cloud Engineers with a solid track record of creating efficient, scalable, and usable solutions. You will have a meaningful chance to shape architecture, process, and culture while working with challenging problems.Don't worry if you don't know all of it! Having experience in some of it and being willing to learn is enough to apply. If Cloud is your preferred subject, You will fit well if you have experience with: Infrastructure as a Code (e.g., CloudFormation, Terraform);Container Orchestration (e.g., Kubernetes, Docker Swarm); Amazon Web Services;Network;Scripting;Observability.Experience with the following is desirable:AWS Well-Architected Framework;Microservices and CI/CD pipelines (e.g., Jenkins, Tekton);Programming Languages (e.g., C#, React, Golang).If CI/CD is your preferred subject, You will fit well if you have experience with: Infrastructure as a Code (e.g., CloudFormation, Terraform);Microservices and CI/CD pipelines (e.g., Jenkins, Tekton);Container Orchestration (e.g., Kubernetes, Docker Swarm); Amazon Web Services;Experience with the following is desirable:AWS Well-Architected Framework;Programming Languages (e.g., C#, React, Golang).We believe in good team chemistry, enthusiasm for building things, and our surprising capacity to learn new things when we stay humble and open-minded. Good computer science skills and concepts, as well as English language skills, are essential.We are a very process-light organization that values human interactions. We love working in small, independent teams that feel like small startups and eschew coupling and centralizing where realistic. We understand that execution is the key to success and optimize processes to remove bottlenecks. Core BenefitsHealth, dental and life insurancesMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationChance of earning equity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity Leaves Child care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our office *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
ba0453c0-1d33-4955-abe9-051e1cee56ab Systems Engineer (SRE/DevOps) https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/1975143 Berlin Berlin, Germany About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br.About the Berlin teamNubank’s Berlin office hosts the data infrastructure platform team. We’ve built a self-service data processing platform from scratch that empowers everyone in our company to build, process, and query datasets that help push forward their work. Our main users include data analysts, data scientists, business analysts, backend, and data engineers. The team is focused on building well thought out and documented user APIs, backed by scalable data ingestion, processing, and serving systems. We make heavy use of the standard Nubank tech suite (Clojure et. al.), but since we are responsible for the data processing pipeline, you’ll also find Scala, Spark, Mesos, Aurora, Airflow. You will also be in touch with DynamoDB, Amazon Aurora, and Datomic for databases, Tekton CI/CD, monitoring with Prometheus and Splunk, and asynchronous communication using Kafka.What are some examples of problems a Systems Engineer might solve?Here at Nubank we treat infrastructure and operations as Software Engineering problems, therefore it's expected of a Systems Engineer to have solid programming skills coupled with strong expertise on networks and operating systems. We consistently work with new technologies and thus value professionals who are open to learning new things, regardless of pre-existing comfort zones.Some of the problems you'll encounter:Manage dozens of Mesos clusters processing hundreds of TBs of data with SparkOptimize the infrastructure serving batch ML models to microservicesAutomate and incrementally improve databases and microservices provisioningScale systems efficiently through configuration tuning and/or architectural changesTroubleshoot/debug performance issues and architectural bottlenecksCultivate a culture of automation, observability and monitoringYou will fit well if you have experience with:Infrastructure as code (e.g., CloudFormation, Ansible, Terraform, Pulumi);Container orchestration (Kubernetes, ECS, Docker Swarm, Mesos);Amazon Web Services (EC2, DynamoDB, ElastiCache, S3, RDS, ELB, ASG, IAM, CloudWatch, SNS, CloudTrail, Config);Monitoring (Prometheus, Grafana, NewRelic, InfluxDB, Librato, Splunk);Microservices and CI/CD pipelines (GoCD, CircleCI, TravisCI, Jenkins, CodePipeline, Tekton);Programming Languages (Go, Rust, Python, Ruby, C)Experience with the following is desirable:SQL / NoSQL databases (Datomic, DynamoDB, AWS Redshift, PostgreSQL);Distributed data processing frameworks (Spark, Flink, MapReduce);Networking and tooling on Linux/Unix-like environments (eBPF, bcc, flamegraphs, tcpdump, netstat, iperf, nmap, traceroute, iptables);Large scale operations with Kafka and Zookeeper;Functional Programming Languages (Clojure, Scala, Haskell)Data Workflow Management Systems (Apache Airflow, Argo, Luigi)Don't worry if you don't know all of it! Having experience in some of it and being willing to learn is enough to apply.You will have a meaningful chance to shape architecture, process, and culture while working with bleeding edge technologies. We believe in good team chemistry, enthusiasm for building things, and our surprising capacity to learn new things when we stay humble and open-minded. Good computer science skills and concepts as well as English language skills are essential.We are a very process-light organization that values human interactions. We value working in small, independent teams that feel like small startups within the company, and eschew coupling and centralizing where realistic. We understand that execution is the key to success, and optimize processes to remove bottlenecks.BenefitsLearning and wellness allowanceVacations of 28 working daysOpportunity of earning equity at NubankNuLanguage - Our language learning programNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance program *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
0d08739e-bb4e-436f-ab2e-85b171c8f0e6 Tech Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/2989044 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About Nubank Nubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br.Engineering at NubankWe strive for state-of-the-art software development practices, that currently includes a variety of technologies. While we value candidates that are familiar with them, we are also confident that software engineers who are interested in joining Nubank will be able to learn from our team.Horizontally scalable microservices written mostly in Clojure, using Finagle and leveraging upon functional programming techniques and hexagonal architectureHigh throughput jobs and inter-service communication using KafkaContinuous Integration and Deployment into AWSStoring data in Datomic and DynamoDBMonitoring and observability with PrometheusRunning as much as possible in KubernetesWe are a process-light organization that values human interactions. We value working in small, independent teams that feel like small startups within the company, and eschew coupling and centralizing where realistic. We understand that execution is the key to success and optimize processes to remove bottlenecks.You can read more about it in our engineering blog and get some insights into how we work. As a manager in Engineering, you'll be expected toBuild or scale up one or more software engineering teamsFoster a culture of teamwork, feedback and continuous improvementConduct effective 1:1s, team meetings and ritualsManage individuals and managers, enabling them to be high performers and support othersDeliver distributed systems at scaleAlign stakeholders around team’s vision, goals, and metricsReason about software architecture design decisionsLook and implement improvements in the way we work and organize Once here, you willCoach and mentor engineers and managers alike, supporting their growth and performance inside the teams they are part of Facilitate continuous improvement of team’s processesEnsure the team follows good development processes, is aligned internally and with stakeholders, and consistently delivers quality softwareEnsure the team maintains a high level of operational excellenceActively drive and improve recruitmentFoster psychological safety and facilitate conflict resolution and performance issues We are looking for a professional who hasSolid experience leading Engineering teams, ideally with a background as a software engineerExperience being accountable for people management, having exposure to performance assessment, hiring, supporting career growth, etc.Experience leading agile teams, being familiar with the most relevant ceremonies, metrics and processesA good level of technical understanding, being able to take part in architecture discussions with Engineers and to translate complex, technical projects and concepts for non-engineers. Core benefitsHealth, dental and life insurancesMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationChance of earning equity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity Leaves Child care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our office *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
040834de-e9c4-4f7a-a1e4-2ca963b3e266 Technical Writer https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3552598 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.mx. Our DocumentationNubank is a technology company and technical writers plays an important role inside our engineering. We are a group of extremely passionate technical writers, with varying degrees of experience and diverse backgrounds responsible for instructing our engineering on how to handle with documentation and assure we are building content with quality and following the patterns of this industry. We believe this is how we can empower by knowledge! ChallengesDesign and drive buy-in around a standardized system and approach to technical and domain documentation / knowledge management for Nubank.Work closely with our Engineering and product teams to distill key business flows, microservice architectures, design patterns, and hard-won learnings to create and maintain high-quality documentation.Own the documentation vision to identify standard patterns for what teams should be documenting, and formats for how to communicate these.Over time, engage on initial product documentation, requests for comment (RFCs), architecture decision records (ADRs), technical documentation related to our services, features, flows, and non-technical documentation such as onboarding material and processes documentation.Assure that documentation is centralized, following the single source of truth approach.Understand and incorporate the documentation needs of the users by gathering their feedback directly.Engage cross-functionally to align whether our engineering approach to knowledge management could be adopted more broadly, and vice versa.RequirementsDemonstrable body of work communicating complex technical concepts in concise, well-organized English writing.Broad understanding of software development tools and practices - you don’t necessarily need to be an active engineer, but you’ll need to have a feel for how different teams build software.Familiarity with the basics of git and GitHub pull requests.A desire to delve into a myriad of different tools, languages, and frameworks.Capacity to define objectives, link them to metrics, and track those metrics over time as optimization efforts progress.Ability to engage with a messy, inconsistent status quo and salvage the good parts without succumbing to “not invented here syndrome”.Tendency to enjoy and become inspired by fantastic engineers (who may not always be fantastic written communicators).We believe inGood team chemistry;Enthusiasm for building and delivering new features and products;Capacity to keep learning new things while constantly improving what we are already good at;Collaborating efficiently to ship quality products;Our challenges:Technology is not a sector of our business: it’s intrinsic to every area at Nubank. We encourage everyone to challenge the status quo. There’s no “innovation team” - we hire innovative people for all our positions and encourage them to constantly question decisions in order to keep finding better ways to do something. Our business is growing rapidly, and our engineering team must match that demand.As we grow, we need to:Find new techniques and technologies, multiplying efficiency through tools and libraries;Balance new processes while staying agile;Learn quickly and easily adapt to changing situations and priorities;Sustainably scale diverse teams.How we workWe strive for state-of-the-art software development practices, that currently includes a variety of technologies. While we value candidates that are familiar with them, we are also confident that software engineers who are interested in joining Nubank will be able to learn from our team.Horizontally scalable microservices written mostly in Clojure, using Finagle and leveraging upon functional programming techniques and hexagonal architecture.High throughput jobs and inter-service communication using Kafka;Continuous Integration and Deployment into AWS;Storing data in Datomic and DynamoDB;Monitoring and observability with Prometheus;Running as much as possible in Kubernetes.We are a very process-light organisation that values human interactions. We value working in small, independent teams that feel like small startups within the company, and eschew coupling and centralizing where realistic. We understand that execution is the key to success, and optimize processes to remove bottlenecks.BenefitsEquity at NubankHealth and life insurance Food card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
896f743f-db94-4830-a64c-8fe8552615d8 Financial Specialist https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3024491 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br.About the FP&A team:We work with our partners to create value-added decisions - both to our customers and ourselves: a win-win approach.We believe every decision we make is an investment we do with our resources: people and capital.In FP&A, we make sure we do great investment decisions - during different stages of the business life cycle.The challenges have a wide range from fully operational businesses to new businesses, like Insurance. Our primary goal is to support decisions from a Financial perspective but also always looking at the big picture.Main activities: financial modeling, strategic planning, budgeting, reporting, investigating.Must enjoy the "start-up" environment, where decisions are still being made and processes are still being defined.About the role as a Financial Specialist:Analyze and be able to explain past and future performance of our operations vs. forecastsExplain the business through a financial lensBuild, update and review detailed financial modelsPrepare budgets and forecasts based on past performancePrepare decks showing the consolidated numbers for Nubank, with an understanding of products and costs, including KPIsLiaise with different areas to (i) align capital needs (ii) understand and solve regulatory capital requirements (iii) investigate performance deviations vs. business planAd-hoc requests from investors, regulators and auditors besides other special financial analysisBasic Qualifications:Strong analytical skills required to manage and evaluate complex dataSolid financial modelling skillsBe able to communicate well with other stakeholders (e.g. Finance, Risk and Policy teams)Financial forecasting and accounting knowledge are requiredAdvanced English skills or abovePreferred Qualification:Coding skills (Scala, SQL or Python) are a plus*Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. When it’s time, we will require a fixed cadence of visiting the office in which employees go to their Business Unit's (BU) base location. Employees will have an employment contract based on the cities that Nu’s offices are located, considering their country of hire. More details can be shared during your hiring process.
83bd2b23-9a1c-4e19-a622-191b159f58ef Tax Advisory Analyst México https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3686028 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About Nubank Nubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world. Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br. About the roleWe are looking for a Tax Analyst that provides accurate Tax and Transfer Pricing Advisory to the different Business Units of Nubank in Mexico. This position will be responsible for the following activities: Analyze the tax implications of transactions performed by Nubank Mexico locally and with non-residents. Correct application of treaties to avoid double taxation. Elaboration of internal memorandums supporting tax positions of the company. Ensure the transfer pricing compliance of Mexican legal entities.FATCA and CRS. Coordination with external tax advisors.Support the different BUs with any changes in the Tax Laws that would affect the tax situation of Nubank in Mexico. Basic Qualifications The candidate must comply with the following qualifications: Bachelor Degree in Accounting or Law.3+ years of experience in taxes. Advanced English.Excellent written and communication skills.Microsoft Office Suite ( Excel, Power Point, Word, etc). Preferred Qualification Previous Big 4 experience (EY, PWC, Deloitte, KPMG) preparing tax opinions and technical memorandums.Previous experience working with financial entities or strong knowledge in the Financial Industry. Master Degree in Taxes or Finance. BenefitsHealth and life insuranceFood card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leavesChance of earning equity at Nubank *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. When it’s time, we will require a fixed cadence of visiting the office in which employees go to their Business Unit's (BU) base location. Employees will have an employment contract based on the cities that Nu’s offices are located, considering their country of hire. More details can be shared during your hiring process.
07ed5422-14fa-40e7-9310-40ef8949f018 Tax Compliance Analyst México https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3685987 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world. Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br. About the roleWe are looking for a Tax Analyst that ensures the Tax Compliance of the legal entities of Nubank in Mexico. This position will support the Finance BU providing accurate input regarding any tax obligation and calculation under the current Mexican Tax Provisions. This position will be responsible for the following activities: Monthly Current and Deferred Tax calculation for Financial Statements. Income Tax estimated payments.Value Added Tax monthly payments.Corporate Tax Returns. Tax Report (“ISSIF or Dictamen Fiscal”).VAT informative return (“DIOT”).E-Accounting. Support in the CFDI reconciliation process. Support attending tax audits. Basic Qualifications The candidate must comply with the following qualifications: Bachelor Degree in Accounting.2+ years of experience in taxes. Intermediate English skills.Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite ( Excel, Power Point, Word, etc). Strong knowledge of the Tax Administration webpage. Preferred Qualification Previous Big 4 experience (EY, PWC, Deloitte, KPMG) preparing tax returns.Previous experience working with financial entities or strong knowledge in the Financial Industry. Master Degree in Taxes or Finance. BenefitsHealth and life insuranceFood card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves Chance of earning equity at Nubank *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. When it’s time, we will require a fixed cadence of visiting the office in which employees go to their Business Unit's (BU) base location. Employees will have an employment contract based on the cities that Nu’s offices are located, considering their country of hire. More details can be shared during your hiring process.
4c7129f6-71aa-4a61-8d01-55785b760ea8 Employee Relations Partner https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3698458 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br.Our People & Culture TeamThe P&C team at Nubank is energized by change and thrives in a fast-moving environment. We contribute at both hands-on and strategic levels to promote a powerful and disruptive culture, as Nubank scales in size and continues its steep growth trajectory. We're partnering with leaders to blend strategy, guide change management and promote projects that support Nubanks' growth challenges and lead us to become a world-class operations. Role description In the Employee Relations team, your key focus is to support the implementation of successful Employee Relations polices and procedures culture at Nubank.Activities Provide guidance in Employee Relations cases/inquiries to managers and HR Business Partner teams. Coordinate a multidisciplinary project work stream to develop and implement employee engagement strategies & initiatives.Conduct internal investigations, coordinate interviews, document all steps of the process and make recommendations to the corresponding stakeholders.Fully document all cases in case management platform (ICTS) and ensure investigation documentation governance as required.Liaise with Legal/Labor Relations, Ethics & Compliance, People & Culture, and other teams to identify the best course of action in each Employee Relations case accordingly.Make recommendations and support people leaders in the execution of disciplinary actions (verbal warning, written warnings, suspensions)Partner with the Legal team for responding to legal claims, attorney letters, agency charges, lawsuits etc. related to ER cases.Support to crisis management activities as needed, connecting with Internal & Corporate Communications and other stakeholders as appropriate.Identify training and education needs relating to Employee Relations best practices and support the development of training solutions. Role requirements:At least 5 years of experience in Employee/Labor Relations, HR Business Partner or Legal in large organizations.Degree in Law, Business Administration, Psychology, Industrial Relations, International Relations, Engineering preferred.Experience conducting workplace investigations is a must haveAdvanced English and elementary Spanish preferred. BenefitsHealth, dental and life insurancesMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationChance of earning equity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity LeavesChild care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our office *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
872d9891-c932-4fe4-a535-26284c32c317 Global Tech Sourcer (Talent Acquisition) https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3717875 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil Enfrentar o complexo sistema bancário para capacitar as pessoas em um dos mercados mais burocráticos do mundo parece uma ideia maluca, certo? Mas foi nesse cenário que o Nubank nasceu.Nós empoderamos milhões de pessoas a viverem melhor, tendo total controle do seu dinheiro. Somos a empresa de tecnologia mais inovadora da América Latina, e nossos times são obcecados por construir serviços e produtos financeiros que façam com que nossos clientes nos amem fanaticamente. Com operações no Brasil, México e Colômbia, somos hoje o maior banco digital independente do mundo, reinventando a vida financeira de mais de 48 milhões de clientes.Nós somos um time de pessoas criativas e inovadoras, e todas as pessoas têm a chance de participarem ativamente, contribuírem com ideias e se desenvolverem profissionalmente. People & Culture no NubankNosso time aplica as melhores práticas de mercado para refletir nossos valores e fortalecer nossa cultura, ao mesmo tempo em que atendemos às necessidades essenciais do Nubank. A equipe de People & Culture é responsável por encontrar as pessoas mais criativas do mercado e fornecer suporte proativo e preditivo para fomentar a cultura da nossa empresa. Temos orgulho de ser os guardiões da cultura e da satisfação dos funcionários de Nubank.Através dos nossos times de Compensation, Talent Acquisition, Global Mobility, Learning and Development, HRBPs (e muito mais!), estamos sempre em busca de multiplicadores culturais que trazem novas perspectivas ao nosso trabalho, ao mesmo tempo em que fazemos parceria com diferentes equipes para aprimorar nossas habilidades.Somos uma organização leve em processos que valoriza as interações humanas. Valorizamos trabalhar em equipes independentes que parecem pequenas startups dentro da empresa. Entendemos que a execução é a chave para o sucesso e otimizar processos para remover gargalos. A importância de Recrutamento para o NubankA equipe de Recrutamento tem a responsabilidade de apoiar o crescimento do Nubank, antecipando as necessidades de talentos, atraindo e contratando pessoas que contribuam para a nossa cultura. Procuramos pessoas incríveis para serem embaixadoras nossos princípios de contratação, com foco em qualidade, velocidade, diversidade, escalabilidade e experiência do candidato.A função de Sourcer no Nubank é responsável por desenvolver e executar estratégias de outbound para os times de Tecnologia do Nubank. Para nós, sourcing é mais do que identificar o talento certo, é um plano de longo prazo para construir, nutrir e desenvolver uma comunidade. Para apoiar a Nubank em sua expansão em um momento de hipercrescimento, estamos procurando por pessoas curiosas e interessadas por tecnologia que levem essa prática para além das formas tradicionais. Como parte do nosso núcleo de Tech Sourcing no time de Talent Acquisition, esperamos que você:Usufrua das suas habilidades analíticas, utilizando dados e métricas para mensurar a saúde dos seus funis de contratação, e tome decisões estratégicas baseadas nessas informações;Colabore com times e líderes para para entender suas necessidades de recrutamento;Influencie uma série de stakeholders em momentos cruciais de tomada de decisão;Encontre, atraia para o topo de funil e engaje pessoas com potencial de resolver problemas específicos de negócio;Mantenha o equilíbrio entre nossos esforços de recrutamento passivo (funil) e proativo (sourcing);Colabore para promover atração de profissionais para o nosso funil de recrutamento (eventos, produção de conteúdo);Consiga se conectar e comunicar de maneira eficaz com pessoas de diferentes níveis de senioridade e áreas. Buscamos por uma pessoa de para o nosso núcleo de Tech Sourcing que possua:Conhecimento sobre o mercado de tecnologia e suas funções;Afinidade e/ou experiência com atividades de Talent Research/Sourcing para diferentes áreas técnicas: Engenharia, Produto, Design e/ou Data Science;Interesse em construir mapeamentos robustos, clusterizar dados de mercado, definir e monitorar métricas, refinar pesquisas com os resultados encontrados, e criar dashboards dinâmicos para geração de insights qualitativos e quantitativos;Familiaridade com plataformas como Linkedin, Github, StackOverflow, Dribble, Behance e Kaggle;Facilidade em gestão de stakeholders, incluindo lideranças técnicas de diferentes níveis de senioridade. Benefícios Participação acionária no NubankPlano de saúde, odontológico e seguro de vidaVale-refeição ou alimentaçãoVale-transporteAuxílio crecheLicenças maternidade e parternidade extendidasGympassNuLanguage - nosso programa de aprendizado de línguas (Português, Inglês e Espanhol)NuCare - nosso programa de apoio à saúde mental e bem-estarEspaço Feijão - nossas salas privativas de amamentação nos nossos escritóriosCentro de Saúde - suporte médico em horário comercial para todos os NubankersDesconto em estacionamentos nos escritórios e espaço para bicicletas gratuito, com chuveiros disponíveis
321bc3fc-153d-4179-98c1-d9840a2b322f Leadership Development Specialist https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3689060 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br.Our People & Culture TeamThe P&C team at Nubank is energized by change and thrives in a fast-moving environment. We contribute at both hands-on and strategic levels to promote a powerful and disruptive culture, as Nubank scales in size and continues its steep growth trajectory. We're partnering with leaders to blend strategy, guide change management and promote projects that support Nubanks' growth challenges and lead us to become a world-class operations. Role description In the Leadership Development Team, your key focus is to support the implementation of successful leadership initiatives while inspiring a dynamic learning culture at Nubank. Activities Support current leadership development activities;Participate in the development of new leadership development initiatives for NubankEnsure Nubankers are using and living the Leadership Principles;Support projects that involve cascading the principles to different HR processes;Build relationships with stakeholders to enable the success of different projectsCollaborate with the team to subsidize initiatives with Senior Leadership (Director +)Actively measure the impact of different leadership programsCollaborate with the Talent Management area to design solutions for high performers employeesExplore potential opportunities to deploy various leadership assessments and tools (as appropriate and/or as needed) to accelerate leadership development Role requirements:Ability to effectively communicate in English; Have organization skills - Can work and organize simultaneous responsibilities in projects;Knowledge of leadership skills/theories;Previous experience in HR roles (L&D, HRBP, etc);Influencing/negotiating skills. BenefitsHealth, dental and life insurancesMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationChance of earning equity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity LeavesChild care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our office *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
9cf143e9-86c2-4942-8336-6c4e3aae4d4d Leadership Learning Specialist https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3689224 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br.Our People & Culture TeamThe P&C team at Nubank is energized by change and thrives in a fast-moving environment. We contribute at both hands-on and strategic levels to promote a powerful and disruptive culture, as Nubank scales in size and continues its steep growth trajectory. We're partnering with leaders to blend strategy, guide change management and promote projects that support Nubank’s growth challenges and lead us to become a world-class operation. Role description As Learning Specialist - Manager Development, your key focus is to create and deliver successful learning and development initiatives while inspiring a dynamic culture of learning and growth at Nubank Activities Design and deliver cutting-edge, client-focused learning and development solutions based in learning-science and in alignment with organizational goals. Leverage facilitation skills to lead high-impact, engaging live, virtual and in-person, training sessions and workshops, primarily for people managers.Research and develop on-demand learning and development resources, including toolkits, and maintain these resources on an internal site and/or learning management platform. Assess business needs to identify skill gaps, incorporate the learning styles, needs and preferences of the end-user audience, and propose a blend of learning and development solution recommendations that balance speed, efficiency, and business impact.Collect ongoing feedback to improve learning experiences, solutions and programs and translate those findings into continuous improvement initiatives.Track and report on key metrics to measure effectiveness and impact of the learning and development solutions. Build strong internal relationships, collaborating with and managing key stakeholders.Maintain frequent project management updates and communicate progress to key stakeholders.Leverage digital learning tools, such as a learning management platform, to create impactful learning paths and holistic, scalable learning experiences. Role requirements:Are a dynamic trainer and facilitator and can deliver engaging training sessions and cohort-based workshops in English & Portuguese to audiences comprised of both individual contributors and people managers. Have the ability to effectively engage, motivate and inspire others to create an impactful learning experience.Have experience in designing and rolling-out learning and development programs for people managers from the ground-up without the use of third-party vendors. Have experience managing a suite of learning and development solutions (programs and resources) offered to a geographically dispersed global audience.Strive for excellence, can effectively prioritize multiple competing demands, while at the same time be attentive to details.Use influence and collaboration to drive results in a fast-paced environment.Are open-minded, agile, have a growth-mindset, and have strong interpersonal skills.Have strong content development skills, including the ability to build visually appealing presentations using google slides. Are passionate about technology and learning. BenefitsHealth, dental and life insurancesMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationChance of earning equity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity LeavesChild care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our office *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
ab91cfc6-7083-4b4a-a933-3c982dfd73ac [P&C] Global Mobility Lead https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3015057 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br. Our People & Culture Team The P&C team at Nubank is energised by change and thrives in a fast-moving environment. We contribute at both hands-on and strategic levels to promote a powerful and disruptive culture, as Nubank scales in size and continues its steep growth trajectory. We're partnering with leaders to blend strategy, guide change management, and promote projects that support Nubanks' growth challenges and lead us to become a world-class operation. Our Global Mobility TeamThe Mobility team at Nubank builds strong relationships across the business to support company's growth, hiring and retaining the best international talent in an easy, transparent and expedient way. The team is composed of global experts that provide Global Mobility solutions to solve business objectives while revolutionizing the Mobility journey from hiring to onboarding to expanding into new countries. We rely on technology and data to build out scalable Mobility resources and partner with company's stakeholders and external partners to support our ambitious goals. How we workNubank is a highly dynamic and diverse work-environment and you will add to the culture if:You thrive in dynamic, fast-paced, results-oriented teamsYou are hungry and enjoy being constantly challenged to learn and do moreYou embrace teamwork, ask questions and like to question the status quoYou act as an owner and is capable to complete tasks in dynamic environmentsYou communicate clearly and effectively to colleagues from different business areasYou learn quickly and easily adapt to changing situations and prioritiesYou work independently and also contribute within a team environment Key responsibilitiesLead a growing Global Mobility team on team's initiatives and projectsManage a team with a diverse array of talents and responsibilitiesProvide strategic guidance to teams in ways that promote the company’s cultureProvide in-depth analysis of global mobility cases, identify optimal solutions and policy gaps, draft policy and process revisions and assist with the implementation of new or revised programsProvide consultations on complex and VIP mattersAssess and mitigate risk and provide solutions. Manage escalations to a timely resolutionLead specialized projects focused on policy development and international expansionCollaborate with cross-functional teams to promote team alignment and build out solutions to ensure smooth experience for employees and international new hiresRedesign internal and external customer journeysPartner with the internal stakeholders and global mobility suppliers on data integrity and data management within the various internal and external systemsLead and design quarterly mobility overviews by region and business units (costs, volume, exceptions)Ensure compliance with the company’s policies, educate and advise internal stakeholders regarding Mobility requirements, processes and matters, as neededDevelop and deliver company-wide education materials, FAQs and internal policy resources Desired skills and competenciesFully capable of communicating in English (spoken and written)5+ years in-house global mobility start-up or corporate experienceCritical thinking and problem solving skillsExperience with case management systems and workflowsStrong data integrity management and data analytical skillsExperience creating presentations, reports and/or dashboards to a wide array of audiences including Executive-level managementStrong relationship management skills, handling a large caseload as well as a commitment to customer service and successful supplier partner managementExcellent organization and project management skills as well as the ability to manage concurrent high priority initiatives while meeting committed deadlinesExcellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills as well as facilitation skills that are flexible in presenting to a variety of audiencesAttention to detail, accuracy, and working with highly confidential dataExperience managing transitions related to M&A activity independently and quicklyInternational experience a plusFamiliarity with JIRA, slack, and oracle software a plus BenefitsHealth, dental and life insurancesMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationChance of earning equity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity Leaves Child care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our office *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
9e9f31d6-3547-4639-aa62-5f52fcae1e1f People Projects Specialist - Future of Work https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3696895 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br.About the roleSupport the development and implementation of policies and guidelines, being a champion of Nubank’s culture and values in the making of them;Define process design strategy (processes chain, tools, mapping methods), supporting the whole project life journey;Structure and own insights based on data, defining parameters for their collection and management;Support the communication plan to cascade relevant information to Nubankers in a systematic manner;Interact with key stakeholders in the business and in People & Culture to create connections and facilitate the operationalization of the Nu Way of Working;Explore benchmarking, best practices and trends to apply in the employee life journey in the context of the future of work flexible environment.Basic QualificationsPrevious experience mapping, discussing, redesigning processes and/or services, in order to achieve business goals;Feels comfortable and has experience in frequently communicating, writing documentation, and delivering presentations in English and Portuguese, with a clear communication flow;Requirements:Preferred QualificationPrevious work experience in a multinational/global companyPrevious experience in a project management roleBachelor's or advanced degree in PsychologyFluent EnglishBenefits: Health, dental and life insurancesMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationChance of earning equity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity Leaves Child care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our officeDiversity and Inclusion at NubankWe want to have a product for every Brazilian, and we build strong and diverse teams that rise up to the challenge. We are a team of the most creative people in technology, and we hire under equal opportunity, irrespective of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or background. We are proud to say that 30% of Nubanker recognize themselves as part of the LGBTQ+ community, and 40% of our team identify as women, in all positions and seniority levels. We are a very process-light organization that values human interactions, and that is a very important part of our culture. At Nubank, everyone has the opportunity to speak up and participate, grow and share ideas.*Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. When it’s time, we will require a fixed cadence of visiting the office in which employees go to their Business Unit's (BU) base location. Employees will have an employment contract based on the cities that Nu’s offices are located, considering their country of hire. More details can be shared during your hiring process.
af9e5cb5-80e2-4be0-92ce-eb99b423fc9c Recruiter Business and Operations - Mexico https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3677693 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br.Our Recruiting TeamThe Recruiting team has the responsibility to enable Nubank's growth by anticipating talent needs, attracting and hiring people that add to our culture.We are looking for an amazing Recruiter for Business and Ops Search & Engagement with the core purpose of owning Business and Operations hiring.Once here, you will:Be accountable for driving the global team's overall success including working closely with managing Build an 'external search' vendor strategy including selection process and consolidation to leverage economies of scale;Define Nubank's leading employer branding strategy to engage senior talent globally, and deliver unique and multi-channel content to those passive candidate communities in partnership with our employer branding team;You'll own all aspects of 'candidate identification & assessment' strategy for non-tech leadership roles globally;You'll also play a key role in delivering TA unique tailored training materials via workshops and boot camps for the purposes of upskilling our TA team in areas such as 'closing' and 'storytelling' focused on passive candidates;Previous experienceWe are looking for a leader with experience of building teams and vast experience in Recruitment (Business, Operations, Marketing) with global exposure to both technical and nontechnical executive talent communities.Skills and competencesAbility to prioritise competing demandsStrong problem-solving, data driven and reporting skillsFeels challenged in a constantly changing environmentAbility to effectively influence and drive toward resultsExperience of partnering with senior executives on hiring. Diversity and InclusionWe want to build products and experiences for everyone who wants to take back control over their finances, that's why we build strong and diverse teams that rise up to the challenge. We are a team of the most creative people in technology, and we hire under equal opportunity, irrespective of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or background. We are proud to say that 30% of our team recognise themselves as part of the LGBTQ+ community, and 40% of our team identify as women, in all positions and seniority levels. We are a very process-light organisation that values human interactions, and that is a very important part of our culture. At Nu, everyone has the opportunity to speak up and participate, grow and share ideas.
4a2d559d-105e-4e56-a12d-d0f7668c4d94 Recruiter - Mexico https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/2594161 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About Nubank Nubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.mx. Our Talent Acquisition TeamOur Talent Acquisition team is driven by being able to locate, reach, access, engage, nurture and retain world top talents. We are responsible for supporting Nubank’s growth by anticipating our talent needs, developing the best strategies to accomplish those needs, and finally attracting and recruiting people that can strengthen our culture. We are looking for the ambassador of our hiring principles, focusing on quality, speed, diversity, scalability and candidate experience. Joining us you’ll have the opportunity to deep dive into our tech team’s recruiting needs as well as develop and implement recruiting strategies in a fun, smart and fast-paced environment like NubankOnce here you will: Collaborate with teams to deeply understand hiring needsConsult and influence a range of stakeholdersSource qualified candidates to solve specific problems and to sustain the inbound/outbound level of our pipelineCollaborate with initiatives to promote candidate attraction Interpret data and take actions regarding our pipeline and processesConnect and effectively communicate with people from all levelsManage the candidate pipeline and provide all candidates a positive experienceDrive offer approvals, extensions, and negotiationRequirements We are looking for a recruiter with vast experience in recruiting, candidate experience ou sourcer positionsStrong attention to detail and the ability to prioritize demandsStrong problem-solving, data-driven and reporting skillsEnergized and challenged by a constantly changing environmentAbility to effectively influence and drive toward results in a fast-paced environmentExperience of independently partnering with leadership on hiring initiativesAbility to identify all candidate’s qualities and gaps a and understand what each one brings to the table, and then connect them with the right opportunityAble to effectively communicate in English and SpanishBenefitsEquity at NubankHealth and life insurance Food card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
821d0f6f-a9b4-48a0-9b83-5931c40b90b2 Tech Recruiter https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3627029 Bogotá Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia About NubankNubank is a leading financial technology company in Latin America. Its first product, launched in 2014, is a no-fee credit card that is fully managed by a mobile app. Almost 30 million people have requested the product since launch, and the company has passed the 12 million customer mark. In 2017, Nubank launched its proprietary loyalty rewards program ("Nubank Rewards"), as well as a digital account ("NuConta") that is already used by 8 million people. A few years ago, the company began testing its personal loan product and took its first steps in international expansion, opening offices in Mexico and Argentina. Recently, Nubank was elected as the most innovative company in Latin America and ranked no. 36 on Fast Company's 50 Most Innovative Companies ranking.Why is Tech Recruiting important for Nubank?Nubank is a technology company and software engineers form the bulk of our company. We want to keep attracting the best engineers in the market and due to that we are looking for a Tech Recruiter to join our team. You will be working closely with our Engineering chapter and will have the opportunity to develop and implement recruiting strategies in a fun, smart and fast-paced environment.Key ResponsibilitiesCollaborate with teams to deeply understand hiring needsBecome the go-to person for everything related to Engineering hiringConsult and influence a range of stakeholdersSource qualified candidates to solve specific problems and to sustain inbound/outbound level of our pipeline.Collaborate with initiatives to promote candidate attraction to our pipelineInterpret data and take actions regarding to our pipeline and processesConnect and effectively communicate with people of all levelsManage candidates in process and provide them a positive experienceDrive offer approval, extension and negotiation RequirementsWhat are we looking forSolid experience in Technical recruiting such as Software Engineering, DevOps and Data ScienceStrong attention to detail and the ability to prioritize competing demandsStrong problem-solving, data analytics and reporting skillsFeel challenged in a constantly changing environmentAbility to effectively influence and drive toward results in a fast-paced environmentExperience of independently partnering with leadership on hiring initiativesHave the ability to qualify a candidate and understand what each candidate brings to the table, and then connect that candidate with the right opportunityAbility to communicate effectively in EnglishNubank is an equal opportunity employerDiversity and InclusionWe want to build products and experiences for everyone who wants to take back control over their finances, that's why we build strong and diverse teams that rise up to the challenge. We are a team of the most creative people in technology, and we hire under equal opportunity, irrespective of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or background. We are proud to say that 30% of our team recognize themselves as part of the LGBTQ+ community, and 40% of our team identify as women, in all positions and seniority levels. We are a very process-light organization that values human interactions, and that is a very important part of our culture. At Nu, everyone has the opportunity to speak up and participate, grow and share ideas.Nubank continues to hire for all open roles, all interviewing and onboarding is done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices.
8dfa8ec4-e75e-42e5-8802-c91e6b40a298 Product Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3480926 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br.Our Product Manager TeamAt Nubank, Product Managers (PMs) are key players in building great products and delivering them to our customers. They are accountable for building products with a team composed of people with different functions, given the multifunctional structure we have within the organization. Among the key stakeholders, you may find developers, designers, customer service, business analysts, data scientists, etc. They are also responsible for the speed and quality of the team’s decisions in order to maximize impact. Truly great Product Managers will, over time, shoulder ever-greater responsibility for realizing Nubank's vision to be the most influential financial services company in the world.As a PM, here are some of the activities you might lead:Drive product development—from conception to launch—of the products and product solutions you are accountable forDevelop a deep understanding of customers by conducting research, data analysis, customer interviews, and usability testingUtilize qualitative and quantitative insights to develop hypothesesDefine, prioritize, and communicate short and long term product goalsPartner with engineers, designers, marketing, acquisition, customer operations, strategy and analytics teamsDefining, guiding and executing our product strategy to deliver tools that empowers our customers Defining clear success metrics, and supporting your teams to achieve themCommunicating and collaborating with leaders from multiple disciplines and across multiple product linesGiven this, You will be successful if you are able to thrive on these aspects:Vision - Set the vision for the product, understanding how it connects to company objectivesCustomer Focus - Deep dive in user behavior by talking to real customers, analyzing data and seeing the products used in the real worldPrioritization - Help our teams prioritize features based on customer needs, engineering complexity, and the most relevant business outcomesStructured thinking - Ability to grasp problems of varying levels of complexity and reduce them down to their essentialsExecution - Understand the problems we are trying to solve and work closely with engineers, designers, data scientists, and other functions to define, iterate and ship an awesome sustainable productCommunication - Build constructive relationships, communicate effectively with internal and external stakeholders, and have a great time doing itWe have open jobs across several squads such as: PJ, Investments, Collections, Credit Card and new products.Preferred qualificationsExperience working with software products as a Product Manager or in a similar functionRobust experience owning and supporting the entire product life-cycle of successful tech productsSharp UX design skills, with a strong desire to discover and fulfill the needs of usersComfortable working with numbers and making decisions based on dataAbility to build strong relationships across distinct stakeholdersThe ability to turn incomplete, conflicting, or ambiguous inputs into solid action plansExcellent communication skills: written, verbal and presentation Advanced English language skillsGreat willingness to learn and adapt to a high paced environmentGood understanding of the software development lifecycleExperience working with customer-facing products (the ones directly related to the final user) would be a plusBenefitsHealth, dental and life insuranceMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationEquity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity Leaves Child care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our office *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
68bbcebb-e916-4a39-8b05-1e70fb9a470e Product Manager, Technical - Platform teams https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3482848 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br.Nubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br. Our Product Managers Team The success of these teams depends on our product managers pulling together our broader product strategy and the needs of multiple product teams across the company into a coherent roadmap focused on scaling our capabilities and systems, unlocking business potential or mitigating risks. Those products involve everything from our core cloud architecture, data infrastructure, finance / controllership / risk / security platforms, testing and experimentation infrastructure, to customer service tools and other internal products.As a Product Manager for platform teams, you will seek to understand Nubank’s needs across multiple products and domains, and work closely with engineering to create and execute on a roadmap to help Nubank scale for future years. Key responsibilitiesDefine, prioritize, and communicate short and long term product goals;Develop a deep understanding of users and stakeholders by conducting research, data analysis and interviews;Specify and refine requirements—from conception to launch—of platforms, working closely with engineering (and depending on the domain, design and analysis);Stay up to date on complex domains like finance and information security, helping the team understand where the company and the market is going;Facilitate the team organization and structure;Be an evangelist for the area, relentless communicating to stakeholders and helping the team bridge gaps in understanding; between the team and the rest of the company;Execution and a general GSD attitude to accomplish outcomes. Desired skills and competenciesExperience working with software products as a Product Manager or in a similar function;Robust experience owning and supporting the entire product life-cycle of successful tech products;Strong desire to discover and fulfil the needs of users;Comfortable working with numbers and making decisions based on data;Ability to build strong relationships across distinct stakeholders;The ability to turn incomplete, conflicting, or ambiguous inputs into solid action plans;Excellent communication skills: written, verbal and presentation;Advanced English language skills;Great willingness to learn and adapt to a high paced environment;Good understanding of the software development lifecycle;Experience working with internal/technical products would be a plus. BenefitsHealth, dental and life insuranceMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationEquity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity Leaves Child care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our office *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. When it’s time, we will require a fixed cadence of visiting the office in which employees go to their Business Unit's (BU) base location. Employees will have an employment contract based on the cities that Nu’s offices are located, considering their country of hire. More details can be shared during your hiring process
2df5241c-7d8c-4071-98f7-b9a537260787 Senior Product Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3445143 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NuNu was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nu is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nu is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit wwww.nu.com.mx.Our Product Manager TeamAt Nu, Product Managers (PMs) are key players in building great products and delivering them to our customers. They are accountable for building products with a team composed of people with different functions. Among the key stakeholders, you may find software developers, designers, customer service, business analysts, data scientists, operations and so on. PMs are also responsible for the speed and quality of the team’s decisions in order to maximize customer value and business impact. Truly great Product Managers will, over time, shoulder ever-greater ownership responsibility for realizing Nu's vision to be the most influential financial services company in the world.As a Senior PM, here are some of the activities you might lead:Drive product development – from conception to launch – of the products and product solutions you are accountable for, including complex “0 to 1” new platform capabilitiesDevelop a deep understanding of customers by conducting research, data analysis, customer interviews and usability testingUtilize qualitative and quantitative insights to develop hypotheses and make product decisions. You also know when and how to balance data with intuitionDefine, prioritize and communicate long-term product goals, breaking them down into tangible hypotheses/deliverablesCraft compelling product proposals with strong business sense to gain the buy-in of an executive audiencePartner with engineers, designers, marketing, acquisition, customer operations, strategy and analytics teamsDefine, guide and execute our product strategy to deliver tools that empower our customersDefine clear success metrics, and support your team to achieve themCommunicate and collaborate with leaders from multiple disciplines and across multiple product linesContribute to others’ growth through mentoring and building capabilities across the organization, rolling up your sleeves to support any teammate in need Given those expectations, you will be successful if you thrive on these aspects:Vision – Set the vision for the product, understanding how it connects to company objectivesCustomer Focus – Deep dive on user behavior by talking to real customers, analyzing data and seeing the products used in the real worldPrioritization – Help our teams prioritize features based on customer needs, engineering complexity and the most relevant business outcomesStructured thinking – Ability to grasp problems of varying levels of complexity and reduce them down to their essentialsExecution – Understand the problems we are trying to solve and work closely with engineers, designers, data scientists and other functions to define, iterate and ship an awesome sustainable productCommunication – Build constructive relationships, communicate effectively with internal and external stakeholders and have a great time doing itPreferred qualifications5+ years of experience working with mobile software products as a Product Manager or in similar functionsRobust experience owning and supporting the entire product lifecycle to drive remarkable results of successful tech productsSharp UX design skills, with a strong desire to discover and fulfill the needs of usersAnalytically minded, and comfortable working with numbers and making decisions informed by dataAbility to build strong relationships of trust across distinct stakeholders, navigating the added complexity of working across geos in a global business, and in a heavily remote collaboration environment Ability to turn incomplete, conflicting or ambiguous inputs into solid action plansExcellent communication skills: written, verbal and presentation Advanced English language skills (our primary common language across geos)Great willingness to learn and adapt to a fast-paced environmentGood understanding of the software development lifecycleExperience working with customer-facing products (the ones directly related to the final user) and / or financial services would be a plusBenefitsEquity at NuHealth and life insurance Food card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves*Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
e1c546f5-a85c-4692-84d9-4095b1ebfba9 Head of Public Policy Mexico https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3538748 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NuNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.mx. Our Public Policy Team The Public Policy Team plays a very special role in our mission to fight complexity to empower people. As Head of Public Policy, you will represent Nu before the regulator, government officials and Congress to give our perspective on financial regulation and legislation; work with the business and product teams to understand our growth strategies and successfully launch Nu's operation in Mexico; design and propose public policy solutions to major regulatory challenges of the sector; and elaborate strategies to position Nu in public debates. Our team is actively looking for opportunities to improve financial regulation that will allow more fintechs like Nu to offer digital financial products and services to the Mexican population. In this role, you will: Influence regulation and industry by proposing initiatives and bills that enable Nu´s growth in the Mexican marketDefine, build and execute public policy agenda and strategy for NuMap, monitor and understand regulatory discussions of the industry and regulators in MexicoDesign creative solutions to regulatory challenges based on Nu's core valuesAvoid regulatory changes that can harm Nu's expansion in MexicoWork with product, legal, and compliance teams to explore growth opportunitiesEngage with regulators, public officials, relevant players, organizations, and business chamber to execute our policyRequirements Bachelor’s Degree in Law, International Relations, Political Science, Economics, or related fieldsAt least 10 years of experience working in the government or private sector dealing with public policy, advocacy or financial regulationAbility to manage simultaneous complex projects, quickly adapting to changes and reorganizing your workflowAbility to influence hard regulatory discussionsTeamwork and ability to cooperate with peers towards a bigger objective BenefitsEquity at NubankHealth and life insurance Food card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
c0280bc8-e22c-4652-833e-5c471582d049 Cyber & IT Risks Governance Manager https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3682244 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is one of the world’s largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br. About the roleIf you are a status quo challenge and want to reinvent the way of doing IT & Cyber Risks Management, now is the time. This is an incredible opportunity for a leadership that wants to make history at Nubank and in the financial market, being a world reference in risk management in a totally disruptive way. You will:Structure and lead an extensive Cyber & IT Risk Governance program end-to-end and help to improve our efficiency;Expand IT & Cyber Risks governance to other countries with the implementation of Technical Forums for Mexico and Colombia;Ensure visibility and management of Cyber & IT inherent risks;Define and monitor key performance and key risk indicators;Boost the adoption of best practices within cyber risks governance;Support the organization of the IT & Cyber risks forum for Nubank’s senior leadership;Implement a service quality & staff satisfaction process;Continuous improvement of the IT Risk methodology and procedures. Basic QualificationsPrevious experience in governance areas of Information Security or Engineering;Deep knowledge in IT governance frameworks and IT service management;Ability to implement a smart efficiency methodology with clear process & metrics.Experience in documenting the existing system architecture and making recommendations for improvements or alternatives based on Risk;Experience in interacting with IT-related areas, such as InfoSec, Engineering, IT Ops, and others.Considers different approaches and trade-offs regarding Cyber & IT risks processes and controls;To have good English for presentations to executive committees and work meetings.BenefitsHealth, dental and life insurancesMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationChance of earning equity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity Leaves Child care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our office*Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. When it’s time, we will require a fixed cadence of visiting the office where employees go to their Business Unit's (BU) base location. Employees will have an employment contract based on Nu’s offices’ cities, considering their hire country. More details can be shared during your hiring process.
01643603-0f72-4428-a634-3e0b878c73a0 IT Risk Management https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/1836142 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nubank.com.br.Our IT & Cyber Risk at NubankHad worked in technical areas of Information Security;Structured a Cyber Risk Management Program;Drove a large security management system (ISMS) end-to-end, defining KPIs, aligning stakeholders, etc.;Drove the adoption of best practices within Information Security;Have Good team chemistry;Enthusiasm for building and delivering new features and products;Capacity to keep learning new things while constantly improving what we are already good at;Collaborating efficiently to ship a great product experience to our customers. We are looking for a IT & Cyber Risk professional who has:Hard knowledge in assessments of information security controls, including system security, identification of unwanted risks in systems and API integrations;Advanced skills to identify gaps in the information security environment and recommend changes or enhancements;Be able to plan, create and perform risk reviews, develop security risk management plans;Has experience in automating continuous risk/security testing;Has good knowledge in Cloud Security Assessment;Considers different approaches and trade-offs regarding information security processes and controls;Nice to Have CEH or OSCP certification or equivalent knowledge;Has good understanding of the English languageAdvanced knowledge in frameworks as: Mitre or NIST;Ability to ensure that the information security architecture, plans, controls and procedures are aligned with recognized frameworks and missions to support Nubank's goals and objectives;Document the existing information security solution architecture and technology portfolio and make recommendations for improvements or alternatives based on Risk. BenefitsHealth, dental and life insurancesMeal allowanceTransportation assistance30 days of paid vacationChance of earning equity at NubankParking partnership - discounted parking in our officeFree bike parking with showers availableNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programGympass partnershipExtended maternity and paternity Leaves Child care allowance‘Espaço Feijão’- Private nursing and breastfeeding spaces in our buildingsOnsite Health Center - Medical support for every Nubanker in our office *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
6a6d4068-5f52-4a0e-be96-3f6573a2c5ea Customer Excellence Analyst JR. - México https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/1819089 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About Nubank Nubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.mx. Why is Customer Excellence so important for us?We set out to completely redefine the standard of the financial services industry in México. We believe we must earn our customers' business and that it is not just possible but also our obligation to provide a great customer experience to all Nu cardholders. This mindset is present in everything we do - from the way we design our processes to the tone we use in every customer interaction. We want to build a meaningful relationship with each one of our customers and therefore we believe this is one of our biggest competitive advantages. What are some examples of problems or tasks a Customer Excellence Analyst will work in?Provide support to our customers answering chats, emails and callsEmpower our customers by making sure they know our app’s featuresAnalyze customer's application data and documents submittedCollect feedback and suggestions from customers and prospectsTriage and treat potential bugs and operational issues affecting customersTrack claims on our chargeback processCall customers to confirm information needed on potential fraud casesReach out to late customers to explain payment plansIdentify opportunities to improve our internal processes and share with leadersREQUIREMENTSWhat are we looking for?Students or graduates from all courses (bachelor degree) Spanish speakers with a great understanding of English (advanced english)Passionate about Customer Service and technologyActive user of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin)Great people skills - good listener, enjoys engaging in discussions with people with different backgrounds and willing to go beyond and enchant customersCustomer Service background (desired - not mandatory)Ability to give constructive feedback (product, tooling, customer perception, communication)Problem Solver (own the problem)Calculation/ Mathematics Analytical & multi-tasking skills.Attention to detailsAbility to develop rapport & demonstrate a caring attitude. You will fit well ifYou thrive in dynamic, fast-paced, results oriented teamsYou are hungry and enjoy being constantly challenged to learn and do moreYou embrace conflict of ideas and like to question the status quoYou fast and easily adapt to changing situations and prioritiesYou believe in building great products and doing great workYou don't settle for half baked answers and get to the heart of the matterYou anticipate questions and problems that may ariseYou Wow customers and exceed their expectations in every interactionYou are curious, and genuinely listen to customersYou understand the hard tradeoffs and abide by the NuCode to handle sensitive situations Benefits Equity at NubankHealth and life insurance Food card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
f2840a50-743a-4f62-ac11-88bd2d089db7 Customer Excellence Junior Analyst https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/2367686 Bogotá Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.co.Our Customer Excellence teamNu Colombia has arrived, and we’ll soon start growing our already amazing team, and we are always looking for the most innovative and creative professionals out there. If you are tired of bumping into the same solutions for old problems, we might as well be the next step of your career.We are building a community of fanatical customers, and we do that by providing outstanding customer experience to everyone. Everything we do has our clients in the center of it - from the way we design our products to how we handle every customer interaction. We are building meaningful relationships with each of our clients, and that's why millions of Latin Americans love us.You can read more about it in our blog and get some insights into how we work.As a Customer Excellence Junior Analyst, you're expected to:Provide support to our customers answering chats, emails and callsEmpower our customers by making sure they know our app’s featuresAnalyze customer's application data and documents submittedCollect feedback and suggestions from customers and prospectsTriage and treat potential bugs and operational issues affecting customersTrack claims on our chargeback processCall customers to confirm information needed on potential fraud casesReach out to late customers to explain payment plansIdentify opportunities to improve our internal processes and share with leaders We're looking for people who are:Studying or have a professional degreeSpanish speakers and have intermediate/advanced knowledge of EnglishPassionate about Customer Service and technologyActive users of social mediaGreat people skills - good listeners, and enjoy engaging in discussions with people from different backgrounds and are willing to go beyond and enchant customersAble to give and receive constructive feedback from a customer service point of viewCreative problem solver Data-driven, analytical and multi-tasking skillsVery attentive to detailsAble to develop rapport & demonstrate a caring attitude Core Benefits:Health and life insuranceNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programVacations of 15 workdaysNuLanguage - Our language learning programParental leavesChance of earning equity at Nubank *Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
5623c92b-4203-4bfb-bfc2-b171721733b1 Customer Excellence Lead Mexico https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/2540530 Mexico City Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico About NubankNubank was founded in 2013 to free people from a bureaucratic, slow and inefficient financial system. Since then, through innovative technology and outstanding customer service, the company has been redefining people's relationships with money across Latin America. With operations in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank is today one of the largest digital banking platforms and technology-leading companies in the world.Today, Nubank is a global company, with offices in São Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colombia), Durham (United States), and Berlin (Germany). It was founded in 2013 in Sao Paulo, by Colombian David Vélez, and cofounded by Brazilian Cristina Junqueira and American Edward Wible. For more information, visit www.nu.com.mx. Overall expectations for Customer Experience Lead at NubankDevelops action plans and implements them according to what was defined in order to improve his/her own metrics, others' or squads'. Proposes new methodologies and metrics, when necessary.Be up-to-date and escalate third-level doubts about the regulatory aspects and regulatory risks related to products, operation, and service activities (including relationships with vendors).Participates in the planning and strategy and ensures implementation, monitoring, and achievement of OKRs, including the process from start to finish to justify cases of non-achievement.Effectively influences to gain the support of multiple stakeholders in individual or group settings and brings strategic inputs to stakeholders in order to collaborate to squad goals.Communicate the outcomes/insights to various stakeholders to aid strategic decisions for improvements in support experience for all customers.Triages complex issues and articulates recommended solution(s) in a concise and succinct manner.Can transmit knowledge in a didactic way and engage the audience when presenting a message for the squad/BU.Communicates decisions and aligns expectations and priorities to ensure resources and people are allocated on higher impact areas/tasks and are in line with long term vision.Takes the lead in new initiatives, seeking new solutions, and connecting Nubank with best practices in the market. Recognizes the team’s efforts, potentializes their strengths, and knows how to combine different competencies to have a diverse and strong team. Creates opportunities for the team to learn from each other, sharing expertise, and establishes routines and rituals to help them build relationships and work effectively together/with other teams.Effectively manages up and is able to recognize when it's time to escalate and engage senior leaders in decision-making.Guarantees that projects and processes are well aligned with the goals previously set by the squad (such as OKRs) and ensure the project is integrated and consistent with other projectsDefines scopes, timelines, cost, targets, and expected quality for the project/process. Is able to manage risks and different scenarios, leading medium and high complexity projects with different stakeholders. Role main expectations:Management of the Xforces, ensuring their communication and alignment within the action plansManagement of the operational indicators of all partners, identifying gaps and needs of projects in a cross wayLead the development of roadmaps to be implemented in the partners, communicating and involving the appropriate stakeholdersLead communication and work with stakeholders, influencing the team to achieve the objectives related to partnersEnsure compliance with partners' action plans and goalsEnsuring the engagement and motivation of the team, as well as their development, the construction of the succession pipelineSpecific knowledge and abilitiesEnglish level needed: AdvancedAll Collections' documents must be in EnglishAll presentations to Collections BU (including BU Weekly) must be in EnglishWe have some meetings in EnglishSpecific tools the Xplead will need in this team:Domain analysis and problem solving methodologiesLeadership of multidisciplinary teamsAbility to make decisions and take/measure risksSpreadsheet, Datasets, Lean Six SigmaSpecific previous experience needed:Ability to negotiate and influenceTime managementExperience in managing operations metricsBenefits:Equity at NubankHealth and life insurance Food card15 days of paid vacation with 25% vacation bonusHoliday Bonus ("Aguinaldo") of 30 days of pay per yearNuCare - Our mental health and wellness assistance programNuLanguage - Our language learning programExtended maternity and paternity leaves*Interviewing and onboarding are currently done virtually due to COVID-19. Everyone new to the team and our current staff will remain working from home until it is safe to return to our offices. If/when relocation is required, we have a team dedicated to global mobility and have partnered up with the best companies in the market to make sure processes run smoothly. We also offer a very competitive relocation package for international hires.
7dcd6f00-6bfa-42d3-8572-0a2bff86484b Customer Excellence Supervisor | Analytics https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3592014 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil Sobre o NubankO Nubank foi fundado em 2013 para libertar as pessoas de um sistema financeiro burocrático, lento e ineficiente. Desde então, por meio de tecnologia inovadora e excelente atendimento ao cliente, a empresa vem redefinindo o relacionamento das pessoas com o dinheiro em toda a América Latina. Com operações no Brasil, México e Colômbia, o Nubank é hoje uma das maiores plataformas de serviços financeiros e uma das maiores empresas de tecnologia do mundo.Hoje, o Nubank é uma empresa global, com escritórios em São Paulo (Brasil), Cidade do México (México), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colômbia), Durham (Estados Unidos) e Berlim (Alemanha). Foi fundado em 2013 em São Paulo, pelo colombiano David Vélez, e tem como cofundadores a brasileira Cristina Junqueira e o americano Edward Wible. Para mais informações, visite www.nubank.com.br.Buscamos alguém que: Tenha habilidade para manipulação de grande volume de dadosDesenvolvimento de estudos analíticos para tomada de decisões e acompanhamento (planilha, gráficos, dashboards, etc);Seja colaborativo com a equipe, fornecendo feedbacks Comprometa-se a alavancar o engajamento, motivação e desenvolvimento de carreira da equipe;Estamos buscando profissionais que tenham:Habilidade em analisar e usar dados para tomar decisões (planilhas, gráficos, dashboards, etc);Experiência em gestão de projetos e/ou análises (prazos, KPIs, cronograma, divisão de tarefas);Praticidade e disposição a arregaçar as mangas para fazer as coisas;Aprenda rápido e goste de trabalhar em um ambiente dinâmico;Experiência em sql, phyton, R;Experiência com Looker, Tableau ou Power BISe eu me inscrever, eu vou automaticamente participar do processo seletivo?Todas as pessoas inscritas nessa vaga terão seus perfis revisados e caso cumpram os requisitos mínimos, participarão do processo seletivo.Eu moro fora de São Paulo, posso me inscrever?Sim, o Nubank está constante buscando por talentos em todo o Brasil e, devido à pandemia, todos os nossos processos de recrutamento e integração de novas pessoas contratadas estão sendo feitos de maneira remota e 100% online. Nós iremos avaliar a possibilidade de contratação de pessoas fora de São Paulo a depender da área e contexto de negócio.* Entrevistas e integração atualmente são feitas virtualmente devido ao COVID-19. Todos os novos funcionários e a nossa atual equipe continuarão trabalhando em casa até que seja seguro retornar aos nossos escritórios. Se/quando o retorno for necessário, contamos com uma equipe dedicada à mobilidade global e firmamos parcerias com as melhores empresas do mercado para garantir o bom andamento dos processos. Também oferecemos um pacote de realocação muito competitivo para contratações internacionais.
7b1478e3-143b-4fa9-a8c3-fa3885423a5a Supervisor de Relacionamento (CPA20 ou PQO Operações) https://boards.greenhouse.io/nubank/jobs/3518974 São Paulo São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil Sobre o Nubank:O Nubank foi fundado em 2013 para libertar as pessoas de um sistema financeiro burocrático, lento e ineficiente. Desde então, por meio de tecnologia inovadora e excelente atendimento ao cliente, a empresa vem redefinindo o relacionamento das pessoas com o dinheiro em toda a América Latina. Com operações no Brasil, México e Colômbia, o Nubank é hoje uma das maiores plataformas de serviços financeiros e uma das maiores empresas de tecnologia do mundo.Hoje, o Nubank é uma empresa global, com escritórios em São Paulo (Brasil), Cidade do México (México), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bogotá (Colômbia), Durham (Estados Unidos) e Berlim (Alemanha). Foi fundado em 2013 em São Paulo, pelo colombiano David Vélez, e tem como cofundadores a brasileira Cristina Junqueira e o americano Edward Wible. Para mais informações, visite www.nubank.com.br. Conheça mais sobre o Nu Invest:Nu Invest é a plataforma do Nubank 100% focada em investimentos. Ele tem o objetivo de ampliar o leque de produtos financeiros que o Nu oferece hoje e, assim, atender clientes que buscam por diversificação e variedade em seus investimentos.Toda essa experiência vem com o melhor histórico possível: o pioneirismo de mercado e solidez herdados da Easynvest. A empresa foi fundada em 1968 com o nome de Título Corretora de Valores e se tornou uma das maiores plataformas de investimento do Brasil.Agora, a Easy se transformou em Nu invest para revolucionar o mercado financeiro e simplificar ainda mais a sua maneira de investir. E tudo continua totalmente digital, fácil, sem burocracia, só que agora com um visual repaginado.O Nu invest tem mais de mil produtos de investimentos, muitos deles sem taxa de corretagem. Isso inclui produtos de renda variável, como ações, fundos imobiliários, fundos de investimento e BDRs, bem como renda fixa, como títulos do Tesouro Direto, CDBs e muito mais.Por que esse papel é tão importante?A missão da Central do Investidor é garantir uma experiência encantadora em cada atendimento (seja ele por chat, telefone, e-mail, whatsapp), trazendo sempre muito conhecimento do mercado, de economia e finanças para nossos clientes!Quais serão as principais atividades no seu dia a dia:Esclarecer as dúvidas dos analistas de investimentos em relação a investimentos, processos e sistemasControlar os indicadores da Central (taxa de abandono, SLA de e-mail, satisfação, etc.)Acompanhar relatórios de performance da Central e dos analistas (painel de desempenho, monitorias, etc.)Aplicar feedbacks individuais e para o timeRelacionamento com outras áreas (Mesa de Operações, Backoffice, Cadastro, entre outras)Participar das reuniões de calibração com o time de monitoriaBuscamos alguém que:Tem conhecimento dos indicadores de atendimento, rotina de monitoria de qualidade e aplicação de feedbacks de melhoriaCertificação CPA 20 ou PQO-Operações e experiência com investimentosEnsino Superior CompletoExperiência com gestão de equipes de atendimentoBenefíciosSalário compatível com mercado, com revisões feitas anualmenteSem Dress Code: venha como se sente bem!Ambiente descontraído, diverso e inclusivoDay off no mês de aniversárioFlexibilidade de horárioGympassPlano de saúde e odontológicoAuxílio crecheVR, VA e VT * Entrevistas e integração atualmente são feitas virtualmente devido ao COVID-19. Todos os novos funcionários e a nossa atual equipe continuarão trabalhando em casa até que seja seguro retornar aos nossos escritórios. Se/quando o retorno for necessário, contamos com uma equipe dedicada à mobilidade global e firmamos parcerias com as melhores empresas do mercado para garantir o bom andamento dos processos. Também oferecemos um pacote de realocação muito competitivo para contratações internacionais.