My personal node and react playground.
View the app at
git clone <repo>
cd <cloned repo dir>
npm install
Quickest method is to use:
npm run start
Alternative method is to:
npm run build
npm run serve
Then browse to http://localhost:3000
Unit tests and linting can be performed by simply running:
npm test
To simply run unit tests:
To simply lint:
./node_modules/.bin/eslint --ext .js --ext .jsx src
Based off
- TravisCI unit tests are setup with Mocha Test Framework and Chai assertion library.
- Additionally the src js/jsx are linted with ESLint
- I seen lots of people are starting to use Jest - seems like it is an easier test framework to grok (but some sites suggest it is slower to run and less polished).
- Auto deploys from Github to a free Heroku account.