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PI Sense Hat Remote simulator

The goal of this project is to create a web PI SenseHat simulator to speed up development and testing. Online simulator:


This project has 3 parts:

  • Web Socket Server to allow communication between apps and web simulator.
  • Web Simulator to display the LED matrix and also to simulate sensors (enviromental and motion).
  • Client library to build applications. The client library has the same interface as my other package pi-sense-hat-library to allow swapping simulation and production modes easily.


  • You can launch the server with npm run ws-serve or run it with docker with run-server-docker.ps1
  • You can launch the web simulator with npm start and opening http://localhost:3000 into a browser.

You can use online version of the client if you deploy server with a valid TLS certificate and a secure connection with wss://. Otherwise, you can install a self signed cert generated on to use localhost server, already generated as dev-cert.cert and dev-cert.key when server is launched.

Client library

The client library is built with ESM modules and is also distributed as "classic" CommonJS modules for compatibility. There are 4 modules available:

  • RemoteDisplay (led matrix, messaging display)
  • RemoteJoystick (joystick)
  • RemoteEnvironmentSensors (temperature, humidity, pressure)
  • RemoteMotionSensors (acceleromenter, gyroscope, orientation, compass)
    // setup using CommonJS modules
    const { 
    } = require('pi-sense-hat-remote-simulator/cjs/client');
    const { nodeWebSocketFactory } = require('pi-sense-hat-remote-simulator/cjs/client/node-web-socket-provider');
    const display = new RemoteDisplay(nodeWebSocketFactory, SERVER_URI, DEVICE);
    const joystick = new RemoteJoystick(nodeWebSocketFactory, SERVER_URI, DEVICE);
    const environmentSensors = new RemoteEnvironmentSensors(nodeWebSocketFactory, SERVER_URI, DEVICE);
    const motionSensors = new RemoteMotionSensors(nodeWebSocketFactory, SERVER_URI, DEVICE);

    // setup using ESM modules
    import { 
    } from 'pi-sense-hat-remote-simulator/client';
    import { nodeWebSocketFactory } from 'pi-sense-hat-remote-simulator/client/node-web-socket-provider';
    const display = new RemoteDisplay(nodeWebSocketFactory, SERVER_URI, DEVICE);
    const joystick = new RemoteJoystick(nodeWebSocketFactory, SERVER_URI, DEVICE);
    const environmentSensors = new RemoteEnvironmentSensors(nodeWebSocketFactory, SERVER_URI, DEVICE);
    const motionSensors = new RemoteMotionSensors(nodeWebSocketFactory, SERVER_URI, DEVICE);

Web simulator

  • Joystick Keyboard is mapped to send joystick events using this keys:
    • ArrowLeft => left
    • ArrowUp => up
    • ArrowRight => right
    • ArrowDown => down
    • Enter => click
  • Display.
  • Environmental sensors. Use temperature, humidity and pressure sliders to simulate values.
  • Motion sensors. Use xyz sliders on accelerometer, gyroscope, orientation and compass to simulate values.
