- #11
- Attempted Fix for
NoMethodError: undefined method 'line' for #<Pronto::BundlerAudit::Results::ProntoMessagesAdapter::DeepLine...>
- Attempted Fix for
- #10 Pronto 0.11.0 compatibility
- Fix Pronto -> GitHub call :publish_pull_request_comments instead of :create_pull_request_review
This version requires pronto 0.11+ and bundler-audit 0.8+. Use v0.6.0 if you cannot update pronto and bundler-audit at this time.
- Unreleased... see 0.7.0 instead.
- #7 Add configurability via .pronto-bundler_audit.yml file
- For now, the only configuration available is ignoring advisories in the bundler_audit scan. See the README.
- Fix Pronto -> GitHub reporting errors
- If Gemfile.lock is not in the PR then Pronto would fail when attempting to create a comment on the Gemfile.lock file withing the PR.
- Note: This issue isn't fully fixed yet, but at least doesn't fail flat out.
- To fully fix: would like to still add a PR-level comment with CVE issue(s) instead of requiring the user to dig into their CI output to see the CVE issue(s).
- Note: This issue isn't fully fixed yet, but at least doesn't fail flat out.
- If Gemfile.lock is not in the PR then Pronto would fail when attempting to create a comment on the Gemfile.lock file withing the PR.
- Fix Pronto -> GitHub reporting errors
- Thanks to Inestor for the bug report.
- Credit for the approach taken here goes to to os6sense and his hard work
- Remove patch-level processing... just always scan Gemfile.lock when this runner is invoked.
- Internal rewrite into smaller objects with full test coverage
- Switch to using the verbose advisory formatter by default
- Fix handling of the Pronto::Git::Patches collection in Pronto::BundlerAudit#run
- Ensure an Array is returned by Pronto::BundlerAudit#run, as expected by Pronto
- Fix conditional for running Bundle Audit scans -- was always running even if there was nothing to run on in a given Pronto::Patches set
- Add line number to Pronto::Message; fixes GitHub API usage error when attempting to add errors to PR comments
- Add gem version requirements to gemspec
- Initial release!