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Let's get started!

Ruby on Rails runs better in a *nix environment, so we'll use VirtualBox and Vagrant to install Linux on your machine.

Table of Contents

Install VirtualBox

Download for Windows, then run the Installer and follow the instructions.

Install Vagrant

Download for Windows, then run the Installer and follow the instructions.

Install Git

Download Git for Windows.

Run the installer, and choose the following options where appropriate (use default options for the rest):

Adjusting your PATH environment

Choose option Use Git and optional Unix tools from the Windows Command Prompt.

Adjusting your PATH environment: Use Git and optional Unix tools from the Windows Command Prompt

Configuring the line ending conversions

Choose option Checkout as-is, commit Unix-style line endings.

Configuring the line ending conversions: Checkout as-is, commit Unix-style line endings

Configuring the terminal emulator to use with Git Bash

Choose option Use Windows' default console window.

Configuring the terminal emulator to use with Git Bash: Use Windows' default console window

Use a Pre-Built Linux (Vagrant) Box

This should take about 10 min or less. See sample log.

Open up your Terminal.

click on Windows Start and type "cmd" in the "Search programs and files" search field.

Open cmd.exe. That's the Terminal equivalent in Windows.

Create and change into into a directory which you'll be using for all of your coding needs, e.g. C:\workshop:

$> mkdir workshop
$> cd workshop

Download our pre-built Linux (Vagrant) box - Ubuntu 14.04, Ruby 2.3.0 and Rails

First check if you're using 32-bit / 64-bit machine. Otherwise, just follow the instructions for a 32-bit machine.

# For 32-bit box. Suitable for most systems.
$> vagrant box add --name jgc/trusty32

# OR

# For 64-bit box. Pick this only if you are sure that you are using a 64-bit machine.
$> vagrant box add --name jgc/trusty64

Init a Vagrantfile from the downloaded Vagrant box.

# For 32-bit box.
$> vagrant init jgc/trusty32

# OR

# For 64-bit box.
$> vagrant init jgc/trusty64

In the directory, type the following to bring up the Virtual Machine for Ubuntu 14.04.

$> vagrant up

SSH into the VM.

$> vagrant ssh

You're almost there!

Verify Everything Works!

Go to the synced folder.

$> cd /vagrant

Clone an existing GitHub repository.

/vagrant $> git clone

Go into the cloned repository.

/vagrant $> cd workshop_app

Setup Rails app, migrate database and create some seed data:

/vagrant/workshop_app $> bin/setup

Verify that Rails console is working.

/vagrant/workshop_app $> rails console
Loading development environment (Rails
2.3.0 :001 > Workshop.count
   (0.2ms)  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "workshops"
 => 3
2.3.0 :002 > Workshop.pluck(:title)
   (0.3ms)  SELECT "workshops"."title" FROM "workshops"
 => ["Beginner Ruby on Rails", "Intermediate Ruby on Rails", "Advance Ruby on Rails"]
2.3.0 :003 > exit

Verify that Rails server is working.

/vagrant/workshop_app $> rails server --bind
=> Booting WEBrick
=> Rails application starting in development on
=> Run `rails server -h` for more startup options
=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server

Open up your browser and go to http://localhost:3000. You should see the Welcome page:

Rails 4.2 welcome page

That's it! You're all done!

Start writing some awesome apps now!