- Prevent leading whitespace in markdown code blocks from being stripped #2203 (@peytondmurray)
- Fix bullet list parsing in markdown #2177 (@douglas-raillard-arm)
- Fix crash when running with optimization #2160 (@QuLogic)
- remove any twitter mention #2206 (@Carreau)
- Update base.tex.j2 for macro compatibility with newer versions of Pandoc #2196 (@PetalAdrift)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@Carreau | @douglas-raillard-arm | @gabemorris12 | @krassowski | @PetalAdrift | @peytondmurray | @QuLogic
- Add support for mistune 3.1.0 #2199 (@fcollonval)
- Allow including
outputs in rst conversion, transition away fromtext/restructuredtext
#2167 (@takluyver)
- Do not display mathjax overlay #2181 (@timkpaine)
- Work around pip 24.1 bug which prevents installing pandocfilters 1.4.1 #2168 (@takluyver)
- Don't die if template path cannot be read #2162 (@stuaxo)
- Fix markdown2asciidoc function for pandoc >= 3.0 (closes #2017) #2152 (@thomasjm)
- enhancement dep-chain: directly depend on bleach[css], instead of pulling in tinycss2. #2166 (@xiacunshun)
- chore: update pre-commit hooks #2146 (@pre-commit-ci)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@bollwyvl | @fcollonval | @krassowski | @pre-commit-ci | @stuaxo | @t-makaro | @takluyver | @thomasjm | @timkpaine | @xiacunshun
- Revert "Set all min deps" #2138 (@blink1073)
- Set all min deps #2136 (@blink1073)
- chore: update pre-commit hooks #2134 (@pre-commit-ci)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@blink1073 | @mgeier | @pre-commit-ci
- Remove pytest pin #2129 (@blink1073)
- Add Compatibility with Pandoc 2.9.2 #2128 (@blink1073)
- Pin to Pytest 7 #2124 (@blink1073)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
- [HTMLExporter] Initialize resources before widget filtering #2118 (@yuvipanda)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
- Fix permissions for prep release workflow #2112 (@blink1073)
- Update publish workflow #2111 (@blink1073)
- fix for tests/ dir not in sys.path, closes #2066 #2108 (@ivanov)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
- Support configurable width and height of reveal presentations #2104 (@franzhaas)
- chore: update pre-commit hooks #2105 (@pre-commit-ci)
- handle xhtml void elements in mermaid diagrams #2103 (@bollwyvl)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@bollwyvl | @franzhaas | @pre-commit-ci
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
- Fix broken image scaling in case a custom width or height is provided for the image #2094 (@AndSte01)
- Allow pre-fetch of css files without attempting download #2095 (@AlexanderRichert-NOAA)
- Bump the actions group with 1 update #2091 (@dependabot)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@AlexanderRichert-NOAA | @AndSte01 | @dependabot
- Convert
function toCoalesceStreamsPreprocessor
#2089 (@ryan-williams)
- chore: update pre-commit hooks #2090 (@pre-commit-ci)
- Fix webpdf test on Python 3.12 #2088 (@blink1073)
- Clean up import #2087 (@blink1073)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@blink1073 | @pre-commit-ci | @ryan-williams
- Restore removed import #2086 (@blink1073)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
- Add table, td, tr to allowed list of tags #2083 (@yuvipanda)
- Remove twitter links that cause linkcheck to fail #2084 (@yuvipanda)
- Update ruff config #2079 (@blink1073)
- chore: update pre-commit hooks #2076 (@pre-commit-ci)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@blink1073 | @pre-commit-ci | @yuvipanda
- Use ruff on notebooks and update typings #2068 (@blink1073)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@blink1073 | @Carreau | @gnestor | @minrk | @mpacer
- Support es modules in js includes #2063 (@timkpaine)
- Clean up lint handling and list generics #2065 (@blink1073)
- Remove not needed pytest-dependency test requirement #2062 (@danigm)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@blink1073 | @danigm | @timkpaine
- Fix typing for traitlets 5.13 #2060 (@blink1073)
- Adopt ruff format #2059 (@blink1073)
- Update typings and remove dead link #2056 (@blink1073)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
- Restore ResourcesDict to the public API #2055 (@blink1073)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
- Include tests in sdist #2053 (@blink1073)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
- Update to mermaidjs 10.5.0 #2051 (@bollwyvl)
- Update typing for traitlets 5.11 #2050 (@blink1073)
- chore: update pre-commit hooks #2049 (@pre-commit-ci)
- Fixup typings #2048 (@blink1073)
- Remove redundant link check in CI #2044 (@blink1073)
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 #2042 (@dependabot)
- Adopt sp-repo-review #2040 (@blink1073)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@blink1073 | @bollwyvl | @dependabot | @pre-commit-ci
- Fix: Prevent error from all whitespace lang string #2036 (@Adamtaranto)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@Carreau | @lkeegan | @pre-commit-ci
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
- [Accessibility] some accessibility improvements #2021 (@brichet)
- Adopt playwright #2013 (@brichet)
- Update to Jupyterlab 4 #2012 (@brichet)
- html: write image/svg+xml data as base64 and skip clean_html #2018 (@jstorrs)
- Remove HTML escaping JSON-encoded widget state #1934 (@manzt)
- Fix lint error #2010 (@blink1073)
- Support Python 3.8-3.12 #2008 (@blink1073)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@blink1073 | @brichet | @jstorrs | @maartenbreddels | @manzt | @martinRenou | @pre-commit-ci
- Update to Mistune v3 #1820 (@TiagodePAlves)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@blink1073 | @kloczek | @TiagodePAlves
- Fix pdf conversion with explicitly relative paths #2005 (@tuncbkose)
- Ensure TEXINPUTS is an absolute path #2002 (@tuncbkose)
- bump pandoc max version #1997 (@tuncbkose)
- exclude bleach 5.0.0 from dependencies resolution #1990 (@karlicoss)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@blink1073 | @bollwyvl | @karlicoss | @pre-commit-ci | @tuncbkose
- Add ExtractAttachmentsPreprocessor #1978 (@tuncbkose)
- Moved ensure_dir_exists to FilesWriter #1987 (@tuncbkose)
- Tweak exporter default_config merging behavior #1981 (@tuncbkose)
- Revert unintended effects of #1966 #1974 (@tuncbkose)
- Fix test_errors_print_traceback test #1985 (@blink1073)
- Ensure toml support in coverage reporting #1984 (@blink1073)
- Use local coverage #1976 (@blink1073)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@blink1073 | @krassowski | @pre-commit-ci | @tuncbkose
- Remove overwriting of default KernelManager #1972 (@tuncbkose)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
- Allow pattern in output_base #1967 (@JeppeKlitgaard)
- Make date configurable in latex/PDF #1963 (@achimgaedke)
- Update jupyterlab CSS #1960 (@martinRenou)
- Update ci badge #1968 (@blink1073)
- More detailed release instructions #1959 (@Carreau)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@achimgaedke | @blink1073 | @Carreau | @JeppeKlitgaard | @martinRenou
- Add cell-id anchor for cell identification #1897 (@krassowski)
- Do not import pyppeteer for installation check #1947 (@krassowski)
- Clean up license #1949 (@dcsaba89)
- Add more linting #1943 (@blink1073)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@blink1073 | @dcsaba89 | @krassowski | @pre-commit-ci
- Fix handling of css sanitizer #1940 (@blink1073)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
- Update codecov link #1935 (@blink1073)
- Fix types and add lint to automerge #1932 (@blink1073)
- Add type checking #1930 (@blink1073)
- Add spelling and docstring enforcement #1929 (@blink1073)
- Add scheduled ci run #1926 (@blink1073)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@blink1073 | @maartenbreddels | @martinRenou | @minrk | @pre-commit-ci
- Fix Hanging Tests on Linux #1924 (@blink1073)
- Adopt ruff and handle lint #1925 (@blink1073)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
- Include all templates in sdist #1916 (@blink1073)
- clean up workflows #1911 (@blink1073)
- CI Cleanup #1910 (@blink1073)
- Fix docs build and switch to PyData Sphinx Theme #1912 (@blink1073)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2 to 3 #1904 (@dependabot)
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 #1903 (@dependabot)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
- Handle jupyter core warning #1905 (@blink1073)
- Add dependabot #1902 (@blink1073)
- Add Py-typed marker. #1898 (@Carreau)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@blink1073 | @Carreau | @pre-commit-ci
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
- Fix default config test #1885 (@blink1073)
- Add ensure label workflow #1884 (@blink1073)
- Add release workflows #1883 (@blink1073)
- Maintenance cleanup #1881 (@blink1073)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
- Fix version handling #1878 (@blink1073)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
- Prep for jupyter releaser #1877 (@blink1073)
- Add support for jupyter_client 8 #1867 (@blink1073)
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
- Fix markdown table not render bug by @Neutree in #1853
- Replace lxml.html.clean_html with bleach; drop lxml dependency by @akx in #1854
- Remove CircleCI badge from README by @akx in #1857
- Added support for section (slide) "data-*" attributes by @bouzidanas in #1861
- Update to Mistune 2.0.2 by @TiagodePAlves in #1764
- Add qtpdf and qtpng exporters by @davidbrochart in #1611
- Add recursive flag for glob notebook search by @paoloalba in #1785
- Encode SVG image data as UTF-8 before calling lxml cleaner by @emarsden in #1837
- Fix lab template output alignment by @dakoop in #1795
- Handle nbformat 5.5 by @blink1073 #1841
- Remove downloaded CSS from repository by @martinRenou #1827
- Switch from entrypoints to importlib-metadata by @konstin in #1782
- Updates for sphinx 5.0 support by @blink1073 in #1788
- Fixed unique div ids in lab template, fixed #1759 by @veghdev in #1761
- WebPDFExporter: Emulate media print by @martinRenou in #1791
- Fix fonts overridden by user stylesheet by inheriting styles by @dakoop in #1793
- Fix lab template output alignment by @dakoop in #1795
- Clean up markdown parsing by @blink1073 in #1774
- Switch to hatch build backend by @blink1073 in #1777
- Support bleach 5, add packaging and tinycss2 dependencies by @bollwyvl in #1755
- Drop dependency on testpath. by @anntzer in #1723
- Adopt pre-commit by @blink1073 in #1744, #1746, #1748, #1749, #1757
- Add pytest settings and handle warnings by @blink1073 in #1745
- Update cli example by @leahecole in #1753
- Clean up workflows by @blink1073 in #1750
- HTMLExporter: Respect the embed_images flag for HTML blocks #1721
- Remove ipython genutils #1727
- Add section to customizing showing how to use template inheritance #1719
- Adding theme support for WebPDF exporter #1718
- Add option to embed_images in Markdown cells #1717
- HTMLExporter: Add theme alias and docs #1716
- Add basic support for federated labextensions themes #1703
- Always hide the collapser element #1712
- Raise pyppeteer requirement to >=1,<1.1 #1711
- Handle needs_background cell metadata #1704
- Fix styling regression #1708
- Fix DOM structure of markdown cells in lab template #1709
- CodeMirror style bleed fix #1710
The full list of changes can be seen on the 6.4.0 milestone
- Allow passing extra args to code highlighter #1683
- Prevent page breaks in outputs when printing #1679
- Add collapsers to template #1689
- Optionally speed up validation #1672
The full list of changes can be seen on the 6.3.0 milestone
The full list of changes can be seen on the 6.2.0 milestone
- Add the ability to fully customize
#1614 - Enable users to customize MathJax URLs #1609
- Add CLI configuration for disable-chromium-sandbox #1625
- Enables webpdf to be rendered with templates #1601
- Adds dejavu #1599
This release is mostly a long list of bug fixes and capability additions. Thanks to the many contributors for helping Improve nbconvert!
The following 31 authors contributed 81 commits.
- Adolph
- Alessandro Finamore
- Angus Hollands
- Atsuo Ishimoto
- Bo
- David Brochart
- Frédéric Collonval
- Jeremy Howard
- Jim Zwartveld
- José Ignacio Romero
- Joyce Er
- joyceerhl
- Kyle Cutler
- Leah E. Cole
- Leah Wasser
- Nihiue
- Matthew Seal
- Michael Adolph
- Mohammad Mostafa Farzan
- Okky Mabruri
- Pill-GZ
- ptcane
- Raniere Silva
- Ryan Moe
- Stefan Lang
- Sylvain Corlay
- Tobin Jones
- txoof
- Yuvi Panda
- Dropped Python 3.6 and added Python 3.9 #1542 and #1556
- Convert execute preprocessor wrapper to resemble papermill #1448
- Feature: support static widgets in Reveal.js slides #1553
- Feature: add speaker notes to Reveal.js template #1543
- Add correct output mimetype to WebPDF exporter #1534
- Set mimetype for webpdf correctly #1514
- Fix docstring issue and a broken link #1576
- Add CLI example for removing cell tag syntax #1504
- Include output of stdin stream in lab template #1454
- Don't use a shell to call inkscape #1512
- JupyterLab export as HTML with widgets fails to load widgets #1474
- Move note inside Reveal.js HTML slideshow #1510
- fix issue 1507: broken command line option --CSSHTMLHeaderPreprocessor.style= #1548
- Fix order of template paths #1496
- Changed documentation of external_exporters #1582
- Fix template precedence when using a custom template (#1558) #1577
- add pip to docs envt #1571
- Fix CI By Adding PIP to conda envt for docs build #1570
- Explicitly install pip in docs environment.yml #1569
- small update to docs hide cell #1567
- Allow child templates to override mathjax #1551
- Allow get_export_names to skip configuration check #1471
- Update docs: Tex Live package on Ubuntu #1555
- Test jupyter_client #1545
- Update jupyterlab css #1539
- Webpdf: Use a temporary file instead of an URL #1489
- Applied patch for marking network changes #1527
- Change webpdf display name #1515
- Allow disabling pyppeteer sandbox #1516
- Make pagination configurable in webpdf #1513
- Fix Reveal.js version in documentation #1509
- Fix dangling reference to get_template_paths() #1463
- Solved svg2pdf conversion error if Inkscape is installed into the default path on a windows machine #1469
- fix typo #1499
- Update version dependency of traitlets #1498
- Update execute.py #1457
- Fix code output indentation when running nbconvert --no-input #1444
- fix issue (i'd call it a BUG) #1167 #1450
- #1428 add docstring #1433
- Update nbconvert_library.ipynb #1438
- Supports isolated iframe when converting to HTML #1593
Primarily a release addressing template extensions issues reported since 6.0 launched.
- Comment typo fix #1425
- Documented updated to default conversion changes from 6.0 #1426
- Allow custom template files outside of the template system to set their base template name #1429
- Restored basic template from 5.x #1431
- Added proper support for backwards compatibility templates #1431
A range of bug fixes for webpdf exports
- Removed CSS preprocessor from default proprocessor list (fixes classic rendering) #1411
- Fixed error when pickling TemplateExporter #1399
- Support for fractional height html / webpdf exports #1413
- Added short wait time for fonts and rendering in webpdf #1414
- Updated template documentation
- Minor fixes to the webpdf exporter #1419
- Fixup use with a running event loop within webpdf #1420
- Prevent overflow in input areas in lab template #1422
- Revert networkidle2 change which caused custom cdn-fetched widgets in webpdf
- The webpdf exporters does not add pagebreaks anymore before reaching the maximum height allowed by Adobe #1402
- Fixes some timeout issues with the webpdf exporter #1400
Execute preprocessor no longer add illegal execution counts to markdown cells #1396
A patch for a few minor issues raised out of the 6.0 release.
- Added windows work-around fix in CLI for async applications #1383
- Fixed pathed template files to behave correctly for local relative paths without a dot #1381
- ExecuteProcessor now properly has a
function to overwrite #1380
- Updated README and docs with guidance on how to get help with nbconvert #1377
- Fixed documentation that was referencing
instead oftemplate_paths
A quick patch to fix an issue with get_exporter #1367
The following authors and reviewers contributed the changes for this release -- Thanks you all!
- Ayaz Salikhov
- bnables
- Bo
- David Brochart
- David Cortés
- Eric Wieser
- Florian Rathgeber
- Ian Allison
- James Wilshaw
- Jeremy Tuloup
- Joel Ostblom
- Jon Bannister
- Jonas Drotleff
- Josh Devlin
- Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- Kerwin.Sun
- letmerecall
- Luciano Resende
- Lumír 'Frenzy' Balhar
- Maarten A. Breddels
- Maarten Breddels
- Marcel Stimberg
- Matthew Brett
- Matthew Seal
- Matthias Bussonnier
- Matthias Geier
- Miro Hrončok
- Phil Austin
- Praveen Batra
- Ruben Di Battista
- Ruby Werman
- Sang-Yun Oh
- Sergey Kizunov
- Sundar
- Sylvain Corlay
- telamonian
- Thomas Kluyver
- Thomas Ytterdal
- Tyler Makaro
- Yu-Cheng (Henry) Huang
Nbconvert 6.0 is a major release of nbconvert which includes many significant changes.
- Python 2 support was dropped. Currently Python 3.6-3.8 is supported and tested by nbconvert. However, nbconvert 6.0 provides limited support for Python 3.6. nbconvert 6.1 will drop support for Python 3.6. Limited support means we will test and run CI on Python 3.6.12 or higher. Issues that are found only affecting Python 3.6 are not guaranteed to be fixed. We recommend all users of nbconvert use Python 3.7 and higher.
- Unlike previous versions, nbconvert 6.0 relies on the nbclient package for the execute preprocessor, which allows for asynchronous kernel requests.
has becometemplate_paths
. If referring to a 5.x style.tpl
template use the full path with thetemplate_file
argument to the file. On the command line the pattern is--template-file=<path/to/file.tpl>
.- Nbconvert 6.0 includes a new "webpdf" exporter, which renders notebooks in pdf format through a headless web browser, so that complex outputs such as HTML tables, or even widgets are rendered in the same way as with the HTML exporter and a web browser.
- The default template applied when exporting to HTML now produces the same DOM structure as JupyterLab, and is styled using JupyterLab's CSS. The pygments theme in use mimics JupyterLab's codemirror mode with the same CSS variables, so that custom JupyterLab themes could be applied. The classic notebook styling can still be enabled with
jupyter nbconvert --to html --template classic
- Nbconvert 6.0 includes a new system for creating custom templates,
which can now be installed as packages. A custom "foobar" template
is installed in Jupyter's data directory under
and has the form of a directory containing all resources. Templates specify their base template as well as other configuration parameters in aconf.json
at the root of the template directory. - The "slideshow" template now makes use of RevealJS version 4. It can now be used with the HTML exporter with
jupyter nbconvert --to html --template reveal
The --to slides
exporter is still supported for convenience.
- Inkscape 1.0 is now supported, which had some breaking changes that prevented 5.x versions of nbconvert from converting documents on some systems that updated.
We merged 105 pull requests! Rather than enumerate all of them we'll link to the github page which contains the many smaller impact improvements.
The full list can be seen on GitHub
The following authors and reviewers contributed the changes for this release -- Thanks you all!
- Charles Frye
- Chris Holdgraf
- Felipe Rodrigues
- Gregor Sturm
- Jim
- Kerwin Sun
- Ryan Beesley
- Matthew Seal
- Matthias Geier
- thuy-van
- Tyler Makaro
RegExRemove preprocessor now removes cells regardless of cell outputs. Before this only cells that had outputs were filtered.
- Add support for alt tags for jpeg and png images #1112
- Allow HTML header anchor text to be HTML #1101
- Change RegExRemove to remove code cells with output #1095
- Added cell tag data attributes to HTML exporter #1090 and #1089
- Update svg2pdf.py to search the PATH for inkscape #1115
- Fix latex dependencies installation command for Ubuntu systems #1109
- Added Circle CI builds for documentation #1114 #1120, and #1116
- Fix typo in argument name in docstring (TagRemovePreprocessor) #1103
- Changelog typo fix #1100
- Updated API page for TagRemovePreprocessor and TemplateExporter #1088
- Added remove_input_tag traitlet to the docstring #1088
The following 24 authors and reviewers contributed 224 commits -- Thank you all!
- 00Kai0
- Aidan Feldman
- Alex Rudy
- Alexander Kapshuna
- Alexander Rudy
- amniskin
- Carol Willing
- Dustin H
- Hsiaoming Yang
- imtsuki
- Jessica B. Hamrick
- KrokodileDandy
- Kunal Marwaha
- Matthew Seal
- Matthias Geier
- Miro Hrončok
- M Pacer
- Nils Japke
- njapke
- Sebastian Führ
- Sylvain Corlay
- Tyler Makaro
- Valery M
- Wayne Witzel
The full list of changes they made can be seen on GitHub
The jupyter_client
dependency is now pinned to >5.3.1
. This is done
to support the Parallel NBConvert below, and
future versions may require interface changes from that version.
NBConvert --execute
can now be run in parallel via threads,
multiprocessing, or async patterns! This means you can now parallelize
nbconvert via a bash loop, or a python concurrency pattern and it should
be able to execute those notebooks in parallel.
Kernels have varying support for safe concurrent execution. The ipython kernel (ipykernel version 1.5.2 and higher) should be safe to run concurrently using Python 3. However, the Python 2 ipykernel does not always provide safe concurrent execution and sometimes fails with a socket bind exception. Unlike ipykernel which is maintained by the project, other community-maintained kernels may have varying support for concurrent execution, and these kernels were not tested heavily.
Issues for nbconvert can be viewed here: #1018, and #1017
This release completely rewrote the execution loop responsible for monitoring kernel messages until cell execution is completed. This removes an error where kernel messages could be dropped if too many were posted too quickly. Furthermore, the change means that messages are not buffered. Now, messages can be logged immediately rather than waiting for the cell to terminate.
See #994 for exact code changes if you're curious.
- Make a default global location for custom user templates #1028
- Parallel execution improvements #1018, and #1017
- Added
option topreprocess_cell
#1055 - Simplify the function signature for preprocess() #1042
- Set flag to not always stop kernel execution on errors #1040
passes kwargs tostart_new_kernel
- Very fast stream outputs no longer drop some messages #994
- LaTeX errors now properly raise exceptions #1053
- Improve template whitespacing #1076
- Fixes for character in LaTeX exports and filters #1068, #1039, #1024, and #1077
- Mistune pinned in preparation for 2.0 release #1074
- Require mock only on Python 2 #1060 and #1011
- Fix selection of mimetype when converting to HTML #1036
- Correct a few typos #1029
- Update
names #1027 - Dedenting html in ExtractOutputPreprocessor #1023
- Fix backwards incompatibility with markdown2html #1022
- Fixed html image tagging #1013
- Remove unnecessary css #1010
- Pip-install nbconvert on readthedocs.org #1069
- Fix various doc build issues #1051, #1050, #1019, and #1048
- Add issue templates #1046
- Added instructions for bumping the version forward when releasing #1034
- Fix Testing on Windows #1030
- Refactored
#1015 - Fixed documentation typos #1009
The following 18 authors contributed 144 commits -- Thank you all!
- Benjamin Ragan-Kelley
- Clayton A Davis
- DInne Bosman
- Doug Blank
- Henrique Silva
- Jeff Hale
- Lukasz Mitusinski
- M Pacer
- Maarten Breddels
- Madhumitha N
- Matthew Seal
- Paul Gowder
- Philipp A
- Rick Lupton
- Rüdiger Busche
- Thomas Kluyver
- Tyler Makaro
- WrRan
The full list of changes they made can be seen on GitHub
Python 3.4 support was dropped. Many of our upstream libraries stopped supporting 3.4 and it was found that serious bugs were being caught during testing against those libraries updating past 3.4.
See #979 for details.
Now when a notebook executing contains Jupyter Widgets, the state of all the widgets can be stored in the notebook's metadata. This allows rendering of the live widgets on, for instance nbviewer, or when converting to html.
You can tell nbconvert to not store the state using the
jupyter nbconvert --ExecutePreprocessor.store_widget_state=False --to notebook --execute mynotebook.ipynb
This widget rendering is not performed against a browser during
execution, so only widget default states or states manipulated via user
code will be calculated during execution. %%javascript
cells will
execute upon notebook rendering, enabling complex interactions to
function as expected when viewed by a UI.
If you can't view widget results after execution, you may need to
select File --> Trust Notebook
in the menu.
See #779, #900, and #983 for details.
Based on monkey patching required in
the run_cell
code path in the ExecutePreprocessor was reworked to
allow for accessing individual message parses without reimplementing the
entire function. Now there is a process_message
function which take a
ZeroMQ message and applies all of its side-effect updates on the
cell/notebook objects before returning the output it generated, if it
generated any such output.
The change required a much more extensive test suite covering cell execution as test coverage on the various, sometimes wonky, code paths made improvements and reworks impossible to prove undamaging. Now changes to kernel message processing has much better coverage, so future additions or changes with specs over time will be easier to add.
When running out of memory on a machine, if the kernel process was killed by the operating system it would result in a timeout error at best and hang indefinitely at worst. Now regardless of timeout configuration, if the underlying kernel process dies before emitting any messages to the effect an exception will be raised notifying the consumer of the lost kernel within a few seconds.
See #959, #971, and #998 for details
The latex template was long overdue for improvements. The default template had a rewrite which makes exports for latex and pdf look a lot better. Code cells in particular render much better with line breaks and styling the more closely matches notebook browser rendering. Thanks t-makaro for the efforts here!
See #992 for details
- IPyWidget Support #779, #900, and #983
- A new ClearMetadata Preprocessor is available #805
- Support for pandoc 2 #964
- New, and better, latex template #992
- Refactored execute preprocessor to have a process_message function #905:
- Fixed OOM kernel failures hanging #959 and #971
- Fixed latex export for svg data in python 3 #985
- Enabled configuration to be shared to exporters from script exporter #993
- Make latex errors less verbose #988
- Typo in template syntax #984
- Improved attachments +fix supporting non-unique names #980
- PDFExporter "output_mimetype" traitlet is not longer 'text/latex' #972
- FIX: respect wait for clear_output #969
- address deprecation warning in cgi.escape #963
- Correct inaccurate description of available LaTeX template #958
- Fixed kernel death detection for executions with timeouts #998:
- Fixed export names for various templates #1000, #1001, and #1001:
- Added tests for each branch in execute's run_cell method #982
- Mention formats in --to options more clearly #991
- Adds ascii output type to command line docs page, mention image folder output #956
- Simplify setup.py #949
- Use utf-8 encoding in execute_api example #921
- Upgrade pytest on Travis #941
- Fix LaTeX base template name in docs #940
- Updated release instructions based on 5.4 release walk-through #887
- Fixed broken link to jinja docs #997
Thanks to the following 11 authors who contributed 57 commits.
- Benjamin Ragan-Kelley
- Carol Willing
- Clayton A Davis
- Daniel Rodriguez
- M Pacer
- Matthew Seal
- Matthias Geier
- Matthieu Parizy
- Rüdiger Busche
- Thomas Kluyver
- Tyler Makaro
- Expose pygments styles #889
- Tornado 6.0 support -- Convert proxy handler from callback to coroutine #937
- Add option to overwrite the highlight_code filter #877
- Mathjax.tpl fix for rendering Latex in html #932
- Backwards compatibility for empty kernel names #927 #924
- DOC: Add missing language specification to code-block #882
Python 3.3 support was dropped. The version of python is no longer common and new versions have many fixes and interface improvements that warrant the change in support.
See #843 for implementation details.
There were a few new metadata fields which are now respected in nbconvert.
metadata attribute will be respected in latex
exports. Multiple authors will be added with ,
separation against
their names.
will be respected ahead of nb.metadata.name
title assignment. This better matches with the notebook format.
will override the default
when extracting notebook resources in the
. The attribute is helpful for when you want
to consistently fix to a particular output filename, especially when you
need to set image filenames for your exports.
The raises-exception
cell tag
) allows for cell
exceptions to not halt execution. The tag is respected in the same way
by nbval and other
notebook interfaces. nb.metadata.allow_errors
will apply this rule for
all cells. This feature is toggleable with the force_raise_errors
configuration option. Errors from executing the notebook can be allowed
with a raises-exception
tag on a single cell, or the allow_errors
configurable option for all cells. An allowed error will be recorded in
notebook output, and execution will continue. If an error occurs when it
is not explicitly allowed, a 'CellExecutionError' will be raised. If
is True, CellExecutionError
will be raised for
any error that occurs while executing the notebook. This overrides both
the allow_errors
option and the raises-exception
cell tags.
See #867, #703, #685, #672, and #684 for implementation changes.
The kernel manager can now be optionally passed into the
and the executenb
functions as the
keyword argument km
. This means that the kernel can be configured as
desired before beginning preprocessing.
This is useful for executing in a context where the kernel has external dependencies that need to be set to non-default values. An example of this might be a Spark kernel where you wish to configure the Spark cluster location ahead of time without building a new kernel.
Overall the ExecutePreprocessor has been reworked to make it easier to use. Future releases will continue this trend to make this section of the code more inheritable and reusable by others. We encourage you read the source code for this version if you're interested in the detailed improvements.
See #852 for implementation changes.
Exporters are now exposed for front-ends to consume, including classic notebook. As an example, this means that latex exporter will be made available for latex 'text/latex' media type from the Download As interface.
See #759 and #864 for implementation changes.
Template exporters can now be assigned raw templates as string
attributes by setting the raw_template
class AttrExporter(TemplateExporter):
# If the class has a special template and you want it defined within the class
raw_template = """{%- extends 'rst.tpl' -%}
{%- block in_prompt -%}
raw template
{%- endblock in_prompt -%}
exporter_attr = AttrExporter()
output_attr, _ = exporter_attr.from_notebook_node(nb)
assert "raw template" in output_attr
See #675 for implementation changes.
The --no-input
will hide input cells on export. This is great for
notebooks which generate "reports" where you want the code that was
executed to not appear by default in the extracts.
An alias for notebook
was added to exporter commands. Now --to ipynb
will behave as --to notebook
See #825 and #873 for implementation changes.
- No input flag (
) #825 - Add alias
--to ipynb
for notebook exporter #873 - Add
#864 - If set, use
for LaTeX author line #867 - Populate language_info metadata when executing #860
- Support for
#830 - Allow the execute preprocessor to make use of an existing kernel #852
- Refactor ExecutePreprocessor #816
- Update widgets CDN for ipywidgets 7 w/fallback #792
- Add support for adding custom exporters to the "Download as" menu. #759
- Enable ANSI underline and inverse #696
- Update notebook css to 5.4.0 #748
- Change default for slides to direct to the reveal cdn rather than locally #732
- Use "title" instead of "name" for metadata to match the notebook format #703
- Img filename metadata #685
- Added MathJax compatibility definitions #687
- Per cell exception #684
- Simple API for in-memory templates #674 #675
- Set BIBINPUTS and BSTINPUTS environment variables when making PDF #676
- If
is set, default to that for notebook #672
- Drop support for python 3.3 #843
- Default conversion method on the CLI was removed (
--to html
now required)
- Fix api break #872
- Don't remove empty cells by default #784
- Handle attached images in html converter #780
- No need to check for the channels already running #862
- Update
version for slides #793 - Properly treat JSON data #847
- Skip executing empty code cells #739
- Ppdate log.warn (deprecated) to log.warning #804
- Cleanup notebook.tex during PDF generation #768
- Windows unicode error fixed, nosetest added to setup.py #757
- Better content hiding; template & testing improvements #734
- Fix Jinja syntax in custom template example. #738
- Fix for an issue with empty math block #729
- Add parser for Multiline math for LaTeX blocks #716 #717
- Use defusedxml to parse potentially untrusted XML #708
- Fixes for traitlets 4.1 deprecation warnings #695
- A couple of typos #870
- Add python_requires metadata. #871
- Document
command line flag. #839 - Fix minor typo in
#863 - Add note about local
#844 - Move
decorator to test-specific utils #854 - Include LICENSE file in wheels #827
- Added Ubuntu Linux Instructions #724
- Check for too recent of pandoc version #814 #872
- Removing more nose remnants via dependencies. #758
- Remove offline statement and add some clarifications in slides docs #743
- Linkify PR number #710
- Added shebang for python #694
- Upgrade mistune dependency #705
- add feature to improve docs by having links to prs #662
- Update notebook CSS from version 4.3.0 to 5.1.0 #682
- Explicitly exclude or include all files in Manifest. #670
- MANIFEST.in updated to include
when creating sdist. #666
For removing individual elements from notebooks, we need a way to signal to nbconvert that the elements should be removed. With this release, we introduce the use of tags for that purpose.
Tags are user-defined strings attached to cells or outputs. They are stored in cell or output metadata. For more on tags see the nbformat docs on cell metadata.
- Apply tags to the elements that you want to remove.
For removing an entire cell, the cell input, or all cell outputs apply the tag to the cell.
For removing individual outputs, put the tag in the output metadata
using a call like
display(your_output_element, metadata={tags=[<your_tags_here>]})
NB: Use different tags depending on whether you want to remove the entire cell, the input, all outputs, or individual outputs.
- Add the tags for removing the different kinds of elements to the following traitlets. Which kind of element you want to remove determines which traitlet you add the tags to.
The following traitlets remove elements of different kinds:
: removes cellsremove_input_tags
: removes inputsremove_all_outputs_tag
: removes all outputsremove_single_output_tag
: removes individual outputs
- new: configurable
in ServePostProcessor #618 - new:
command line flag to clear output in-place #619 - new: remove elements based on tags with
. #640, #643 - new: CellExecutionError can now be imported from
#656 - new: slides now can enable scrolling and custom transitions #600
- docs: Release instructions for nbviewer-deploy
- docs: improved instructions for handling errors using the
#656 - tests: better height/width metadata testing for images in rst & html #601 #602
- tests: normalise base64 output data to avoid false positives #650
- tests: normalise ipython traceback messages to handle old and new style #631
- bug: mathjax obeys
(both nbconvert & pandoc) #609 #617 - bug: specify default templates using extensions #639
- bug: fix pandoc version number #638
- bug: require recent mistune version #630
- bug: catch errors from IPython
messages #642 - nose completely removed & dependency dropped #595 #660
- mathjax processing in mistune now only uses inline grammar #611
- removeRegex now enabled by default on all TemplateExporters, does not remove cells with outputs #616
- validate notebook after applying each preprocessor (allowing additional attributes) #645
- changed COPYING.md to LICENSE for more standard licensing that GitHub knows how to read #654
In this release (along with the usual bugfixes and documentation improvements, which are legion) we have a few new major features that have been requested for a long time:
You now have the ability to remove input or output from code cells, markdown cells and the input and output prompts. The easiest way to access all of these is by using traitlets like TemplateExporter.exclude_input = True (or, for example HTMLExporter.exclude_markdown = True if you wanted to make it specific to HTML output). On the command line if you just want to not have input or output prompts just use --no-prompt.
You can now use the executenb function to execute notebooks as though you ran the execute preprocessor on the notebooks. It returns the standard notebook and resources options.
This removes cells based on their matching a regex pattern (by default, empty cells). This is the RegexRemovePreprocessor.
Now there is an entrypoint for having an exporter specific to the type of script that is being exported. While designed for use with the IRkernel in particular (with a script exporter focused on exporting R scripts) other non-python kernels that wish to have a language specific exporter can now surface that directly.
- new: configurable ExecutePreprocessor.startup_timeout configurable #583
- new: RemoveCell preprocessor based on cell content (defaults to empty cell) #575
- new: function for executing notebooks:
#573 - new: global filtering to remove inputs, outputs, markdown cells (&c.), this works on all templates #554
- new: script exporter entrypoint #531
- new: configurable anchor link text (previously ¶)
#522 - new: configurable values for slides exporter #542 #558
- improved releases (how-to documentation, version-number generation and checking) #593
- doc improvements #593 #580 #565 #554
- language information from cell magics (for highlighting) is now included in more formats #586
- mathjax upgrades and cdn fixes #584 #567
- better CI #571 #540
- better traceback behaviour when execution errs #521
- deprecated nose test features removed #519
- bug fixed: we now respect width and height metadata on jpeg and png mimetype outputs #588
- bug fixed: now we respect the
filter inreport.tplx
#577 - bug fixed: output metadata now is removed by ClearOutputPreprocessor #569
- bug fixed: display id respected in execute preproessor #563
- bug fixed: dynamic defaults for optional jupyter_client import #559
- bug fixed: don't self-close non-void HTML tags #548
- buf fixed: upgrade jupyter_client dependency to 4.2 #539
- bug fixed: LaTeX output through md→LaTeX conversion shouldn't be touched #535
- bug fixed: now we escape
inside math formulas when converting to html #514
This release has been larger than previous releases. In it 33 authors contributed a total of 546 commits.
Many thanks to the following individuals who contributed to this release (in alphabetical order):
- Adam Chainz
- Andreas Mueller
- Bartosz T
- Benjamin Ragan-Kelley
- Carol Willing
- Damián Avila
- Elliot Marsden
- Gao, Xiang
- Jaeho Shin
- Jan Schulz
- Jeremy Kun
- Jessica B. Hamrick
- John B Nelson
- juhasch
- Livia Barazzetti
- M Pacer
- Matej Urbas
- Matthias Bussonnier
- Matthias Geier
- Maximilian Albert
- Michael Scott Cuthbert
- Nicholas Bollweg
- Paul Gowder
- Paulo Villegas
- Peter Parente
- Philipp A
- Scott Sanderson
- Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy
- Sylvain Corlay
- Thomas Kluyver
- Till Hoffmann
- Xiang Gao
- YuviPanda
- fix version numbering because of incomplete previous version number
- improved CSS (specifically tables, in line with notebook) #498
- improve in-memory templates handling #491
- test improvements #516 #509 #505
- new configuration option: IOPub timeout #513
- doc improvements #489 #500 #493 #506
- newly customizable: output prompt #500
- more python2/3 compatible unicode handling #502
- Use
by default for latex export, improving unicode and font support. - Use entrypoints internally to access Exporters, allowing for packages to declare custom exporters more easily.
- New ASCIIDoc Exporter.
- New preprocessor for sanitised html output.
- New general
filter to reduce the need to hard-code lists of filters in templates. - Use pytest, nose dependency to be removed.
- Refactored Exporter code to avoid ambiguity and cyclic dependencies.
- Update to traitlets 4.2 API.
- Fixes for Unicode errors when showing execution errors on Python 2.
- Default math font matches default Palatino body text font.
- General documentation improvements. For example, testing, installation, custom exporters.
- Improved link handling for LaTeX output
- Refactored the automatic id generation.
- New kernel_manager_class configuration option for allowing systems to be set up to resolve kernels in different ways.
- Kernel errors now will be logged for debugging purposes when executing notebooks.
- added live widget rendering for html output, nbviewer by extension
Custom Exporters
can be provided by external packages, and registered with nbconvert via setuptools entrypoints.- allow nbconvert reading from stdin with
option (write intonotebook
basename) - Various ANSI-escape fixes and improvements
- Various LaTeX/PDF export fixes
- Various fixes and improvements for executing notebooks with
- setuptools fixes for entrypoints on Windows
- various fixes for exporters, including slides, latex, and PDF
- fixes for exceptions met during execution
- include markdown outputs in markdown/html exports