- Recap and revision of what you've learnt this term
- Reproducing analyses in either R or Python
Let's do some analyses.
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A method to identify properties of genes or proteins that are over-represented. GSE is a (relatively) straightforward method to sumamrize the results of your experiment, in particualr when you believe there is some link or association to a known phenotype (e.g., enrichment for dopamine receptors in Parkinson's disease). Uses statistical approaches to identify significantly enriched groups of genes, and the main annotation database is the Gene Ontology (GO) and the Molecular Signatures database (MSigDB).
The most well known method is GSEA: http://www.pnas.org/content/102/43/15545.short, but it can be a little complicated to run on other data (mostly for gene expression experiments) and interpret (old dispute here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20048385).
There have been many others, and the simplest is a hypergeometric test to measure overlap.
One such method in R is enrichR: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/enrichR/vignettes/enrichR.html
dbs <- listEnrichrDbs()
dbs <- c("GO_Molecular_Function_2015", "GO_Cellular_Component_2015", "GO_Biological_Process_2015")
enriched <- enrichr(c("Runx1", "Gfi1", "Gfi1b", "Spi1", "Gata1", "Kdr"), dbs)
- Or, we can build a gene by function matrix and perform our own gene set enrichment (function is in helper.R)
annot = make_annotations( (GO.mouse[,c(1,3)][GO.mouse[,4]!="IEA",] ), unique(GO.mouse[,1]), unique(GO.mouse[,3]) )
enriched2 <- gene_set_enrichment(c("Runx1", "Gfi1", "Gfi1b", "Spi1", "Gata1", "Kdr"), annot, voc)
- How do the results compare?
- One worry we might have with GSE is gene multifunctionality (genes having many functions).
- Multifunctional genes will return many functions in an enrichment assessment (not very useful!).
- We can assess our results and genes by calculating how multifunctional genes and gene sets/functions are using the EGAD package
multifunc_assessment <- calculate_multifunc(annot)
auc_mf <- auc_multifunc(annot, multifunc_assessment[,4])
names(auc_mf) = colnames(annot)
hist <- plot_distribution(auc_mf, xlab="AUROC", med=FALSE, avg=FALSE)
- How multifunctional are our results?
m = match( enriched2[,1], names(auc_mf))
hist <- plot_distribution(auc_mf[m], xlab="AUROC", med=FALSE, avg=FALSE)
Let's take a look at this paper: https://genome.cshlp.org/content/22/4/602
- They've made their data available: https://genome.cshlp.org/content/suppl/2012/01/03/gr.130468.111.DC1/Supplemental.Database.primateRNAseq.zip
- Let's try reproducing the heatmap (Supplementary figure 5). https://genome.cshlp.org/content/suppl/2012/01/03/gr.130468.111.DC1/SupplementalFigures_08_09_11.pdf
- Get data
download.file(url="https://genome.cshlp.org/content/suppl/2012/01/03/gr.130468.111.DC1/Supplemental.Database.primateRNAseq.zip", destfile="primateRNAseq.zip")
unzip("primateRNAseq.zip", files = NULL, list = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE, junkpaths = FALSE, exdir = "primateRNAseq", unzip = "internal", setTimes = FALSE)
unzip("primateRNAseq/Gene.expression.data.zip", files = NULL, list = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE, junkpaths = FALSE, exdir = "primateRNAseq/", unzip = "internal", setTimes = FALSE)
gene_expression_file = "primateRNAseq/Gene.expression.data/Normalized.expression.data.txt"
exprs = read.table(gene_expression_file, header=T, row.names=1)
samples = matrix(unlist(strsplit(colnames(exprs)[33:94] , "_" ) ) , byrow=T, ncol=2)
- Clean up data
exprs.means = t(sapply(1:dim(exprs)[1], function(i) tapply( as.numeric(exprs[i,33:94]), samples[,1], mean, na.rm=T) ))
samples.sub = names(tapply( as.numeric(exprs[1,33:94]), samples[,1], mean, na.rm=T))
colnames(exprs.means) = samples.sub
rownames(exprs.means) = rownames(exprs)
- Data analysis
- Which genes are present in enough species?
- Which species does not have enough data?
colSums(is.na(exprs.means ))
filt.species = which.max(colSums(is.na(exprs.means )))
gene.subset = rowSums(is.na(exprs.means[,-filt.species ] ) ) >5
samples.cor = cor(exprs.means[gene.subset,-filt.species ], m="s", use="p")
- Plot/graph
samples.cor = cor(exprs.means[ ,-filt.species], m="s", use="p")
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