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Swim Core Java Framework

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The Swim Core framework implements a dependency-free foundation framework, with a lightweight concurrency engine, incremental I/O engine, and flow-controlled network protocol implementations. Swim Core is part of the broader Swim System framework.


The Swim Core framework consists of the following component libraries:

  • swim-util – extended collection, iterator, and builder interfaces, lightweight cache sets and maps, and other foundational utilities.
  • swim-codec – incremental I/O; functional parsers and writers; display, debug, and diagnostic formatters; and Unicode and binary codecs.
  • swim-collections – immutable, structure sharing collections, including hash array mapped tries, finger tries, B-trees, and S-trees (sequence trees).
  • swim-args – composable command line argument parser.
  • swim-structure – generic structured data model, with support for selectors, expressions, and lambda functions. Used as a common abstract syntax tree for Recon, JSON, XML, and other data languages.
  • swim-recon – object notation with attributes, like if JSON and XML had a baby.
  • swim-json – JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) codec that incrementally parses and writes swim-structure values.
  • swim-xml – eXtensible Markup Language (XML) codec that incrementally parses and writes swim-structure values.
  • swim-csv – Comma-Separated Values (CSV) codec that incrementally parses and writes swim-structure values.
  • swim-avro – Apache Avro codec that incrementally parses and writes swim-structure values.
  • swim-protobuf – Protocol Buffers (protobuf) codec that incrementally parses and writes swim-structure values.
  • swim-decipher – universal decoder that detects and incrementally parses Recon, JSON, XML, Protobuf, raw text, and binary data formats as swim-structure values.
  • swim-math – mathematical and geometric structures, including rings, fields, vector modules and spaces, affine spaces, tensor spaces, probability distributions, and associated operators.
  • swim-security – signing and encryption of swim-structure values using the JSON Web Key (JWK), JSON Web Signature (JWS), JSON Web Token (JWT), and OpenID standards.
  • swim-spatial – geospatial projections and spatial collections, including sparse prefix Q-trees optimized for continuous n-body geofencing and real-time spatial clustering and reduction.
  • swim-streamlet – stateful, streaming component model for application componets that continuously consume input state from streaming inlets, and continuously produce output state on streaming outlets.
  • swim-dataflow – compiler from swim-structure expressions to live-updated data models.
  • swim-observable – collection interfaces that notify registered observers of precise state changes.
  • swim-uri – rich object model for working with Uniform Resource Identifiers, URI subcomponents, and URI patterns, including an efficient and safe codec for parsing and writing compliant URI strings.
  • swim-deflate – DEFLATE codec that incrementally compresses and decompresses streams.
  • swim-mqtt – MQTT packet model and wire protocol codec that incrementally decodes and encodes MQTT streams without intermediate buffering.
  • swim-http – HTTP message model and wire protocol codec that incrementally decodes and encodes HTTP streams without intermediate buffering.
  • swim-ws – WebSocket frame model and wire protocol codec that incrementally decodes and encodes fragmented WebSocket streams without intermediate buffering.
  • swim-warp – WebSocket protocol for dynamically multiplexing large numbers of bidirectional links to streaming API endpoints, called lanes, of URI-addressed distributed objects, called nodes, that run stateful distributed processes, called Web Agents.
  • swim-concurrent – timer, task, and continuation passing style interfaces, with lightweight scheduler and execution stage implementations.
  • swim-db – lock-free document store—optimized for high rate atomic state changes—that concurrently commits and compacts on-disk log-structured storage files without blocking parallel in-memory updates to associative B-tree maps, spatial Q-tree maps, sequential S-tree lists, and singleton U-tree values.
  • swim-io – explicitly flow-controlled, non-blocking, parallel I/O engine, with swim-codec-modulated socket modems, and TCP and TLS transports.
  • swim-io-mqtt – MQTT socket modem for concurrently transporting explicitly flow-controlled MQTT streams over a network without blocking or intermediate buffering.
  • swim-io-http – HTTP client and server socket modems for pipelining and concurrently transporting explicitly flow-controlled HTTP streams over a network without blocking or intermediate buffering.
  • swim-io-ws – WebSocket modem for concurrently transporting explicitly flow-controlled WebSocket streams over a network without blocking or intermediate buffering, and swim-io-http requesters and responders for upgrading HTTP client and server modems to WebSocket modems.
  • swim-io-warp – WARP socket modem for multiplexing and concurrently transporting prioritized, explicitly flow-controlled WARP treams over a network, without blocking or intermediate buffering
  • swim-web – high-level web server API and routing DSL, with HTTP, WebSocket, and WARP routing directives.


Swim Core runs on any Java 8+ VM with a minimal java.base classpath. Swim Core uses Gradle as its standard build system. The included gradlew script can be used to build the framework.

Compiling sources

swim-core-java $ ./gradlew compileJava

Running tests

swim-core-java $ ./gradlew test

Building documentation

swim-core-java $ ./gradlew :javadoc