Local LLM enables you to run Large Language Models (LLMs) and other AI models locally on your computer without requiring access to the internet.
For the smoothest installation, you will need to install a virtual environment manager like Mamba.
To install Mamba, please refer to the official documentation here:
Tip: If you are using Windows, add the following path to your PATH environment
variable: C:\Users\Username\miniforge3\condabin
, replacing Username
your current user profile's username. If you do not know how to do this, please
search up "windows add to path".
Tip: If you are using Windows, run mamba init
. Make sure to let the changes
through your antivirus.
Tip: To stop conda from invasively activating itself upon every startup of your
terminal application, run conda config --set auto_activate_base false
We will be using Mamba to install most of our Python dependencies because pip is an extremely unintelligent and poorly programmed package manager that takes a long time to install packages.
First, create an environment and activate it using mamba:
mamba create -n "local-llm"
# Run activate with both mamba and conda in case mamba does not work.
mamba activate local-llm
conda activate local-llm
Then, install Node if you do not have it installed:
# If you do not have Node installed on your system, install Node below
mamba install -y nodejs # Installs Node and npm
Then, install backend dependencies with Mamba:
mamba install -y transformers accelerate flask waitress pytorch -c pytorch -c nvidia
Then, install frontend dependencies with npm:
npm install
First, ensure that the virtual environment for the project is activated:
# Run activate with both mamba and conda in case mamba does not work.
mamba activate local-llm
conda activate local-llm
Then, run
node start.js
If you ever make changes to the Javascript code of local-llm, please run
node start.js --build
to force local-llm to recompile the frontend and intermediate server layer.
If you are new, please navigate to the welcome page to get setup. We hope you enjoy using Local LLM!