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149 lines (130 loc) · 3.51 KB

Generator LB

Yeoman generator for creating static website/templates using Sass, Jade, Gulp, Bower used by Lighting Beetle.


(sudo) npm install -g yo
(sudo) npm install -g gulp
(sudo) npm install -g bower

Built-in tools

  • Gulp (Task Manager)
  • Bower (Web Package manager)
  • Sass (Compass/LibSass) (CSS Preprocessor)
  • Jade (HTML templating)
  • Bootstrap (Frontend framework) (Sass version) (optional)
  • Foundation (Frontend framework) (optional)
  • Modernizr (HTML5/CSS3 features detection) (optional)
  • jQuery 1.x/2.x(feature-rich JavaScript library) (optional)
  • LightingFly (SCSS mixins library) (optional)
  • Mocha (Unit testing) (optional)
  • ES6 compilation to ES5 (optional)

Built-in features

  • CSS autoprefixing
  • Webserver with liverelaod
  • Jade compilation
  • Sass compilation
  • CSS/JS concating and minification
  • JS linting
  • ES6 compilation
  • Automatic wiring up Bower components
  • Image optimaliztion
  • Lean Modernizr builds
  • Mocha unit testing (optional)
  • Improved file caching
  • Deploying via rsync/sftp
  • Multi-language templates support (optional)
  • Advanced routing in development

Installation guide

  1. Install via npm (sudo) npm install -g generator-lb
  2. Create folder for your project and run inside: yo lb
  3. Complete installation
  4. ?
  5. Profit


Gulpfile contains some useful tasks:

  1. gulp serve for development with livereload
  2. gulp build for building from source to dist folder
  3. gulp serve:dist for build preview
  4. gulp deploy for deploying on dev server via sftp (config is in .env file)
  5. gulp deploy:prod for deploying on prod server via sftp (config is in .env file)
  6. gulp help for information about other tasks

Folder structure

+-- app
    +-- fonts
    +-- icons
    +-- images
    +-- scripts
        +-- modules
        +-- plugins
        +-- main.js
    +-- styles
        +-- modules
        +-- plugins
        +-- main.scss
    +-- views (optional)
        +-- data
            +-- index.json
        +-- layouts
            +-- _default.jade
            +-- _footer.jade
            +-- _header.jade
        +-- index.jade
    +-- .htaccess
    +-- favicon.ico
    +-- robots.txt
+-- bower_components
+-- dist
+-- gulp
    +-- tasks
        +-- browserSync.js
        +-- build.js
        +-- clean.js
        +-- clearCache.js
        +-- copy.js
        +-- deploy.js
        +-- images.js
        +-- modernizr.js (optional)
        +-- scripts.js
        +-- serve.js
        +-- styles.js
        +-- templates.js
        +-- watch.js
        +-- wiredep.js
    +-- utils
        +-- buildHelper.js
        +-- handleError.js
        +-- jsHintErrorReporter.js
    +-- config.js
+-- node_modules
+-- test (optional)
+-- .editorconfig
+-- .env
+-- .gitattributes
+-- .gitignore
+-- .jshintrc
+-- .yo-rc.json
+-- bower.json
+-- gulpfile.js
+-- package.json


  • Gulp tasks can be configured inside config.js file in gulp folder.
  • Data for jade templates can by stored as JSON objects inside. app/views/data/
  • Build can be forced with gulp build --force


  • gulp-ruby-sass do not use notification system


Lighting Beetle