A comprehensive CLI for CKS exam preparation
docker-compose run --rm cks help
- Create a set of virtual machines (Amazon EC2 or Azure VMs)
- One of the machines will be your master node and the other(s) will be your worker node(s)
- Note: Ensure the virtual machines have network connectivity between them otherwise you will not be able to establish a connection or joined the nodes together
- curl -o cks https://k8s.tn/cks-cli/latest/cks-linux-amd64
- chmod +x cks
- sudo mv cks /usr/local/bin
- curl -o cks https://k8s.tn/cks-cli/latest/cks-darwin-amd64
- chmod +x cks
- sudo mv cks /usr/local/bin
cks cluster install-master
once above is complete, you will get a command that will be executed on the worker node looking like:
cks cluster join --master <master-host>:<api-port> --token <token> --ca-hash <sha256:xxxx
cks cluster install-worker
cks cluster join --master <master-host>:<api-port> --token <token> --ca-hash <sha256:xxxx>
cks falco install
- on your master node, run:
kubectl get nodes
You should now see your nodes running.
- @abdennour - Abdennour TOUMI
- @moabukar - Mohamed Abukar