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Git Changelog Jenkins Plugin Build Status

Jenkins plugin to extract a changelog out of commit messages between two GIT revisions. This changelog can be postprocessed and converted to either an human readable git changelog listing all commits, or a JIRA filter URL.

It implements basically the features of git-changelog and git-changelog-lib.

The plugin is also documented in the Jenkins wiki.


You can use this plugin either

  • As a post-build action
  • To crate a summary on Jenkins job containing changelog or releasenotes.
  • To create a file in workspace containing changelog or releasenotes.
  • To create a MediaWiki page containing changelog or releasenotes.
  • To produce a file containing the jira filter and some informative lines.
  • To provide replacement text for the Token Macro Plugin, to send emails, for example.

This is also documented in Jenkins wiki.

Using a Post-build Action

When the plugin is installed, it will add some new post build actions in Jenkins job configuration.

Jira Filter

The following documentation explains to set up the JIRA Filter post-build action. Using the basic changelog post-build action is even easier, as it does not need any further configuration.

On any jenkins project using Git as Source Code Management, add "Publish JIRA Filter" Post-build Action. A form with a few input fields appears where you can configure the behaviour. Just below the input fields their meaning and default behaviour is explained.

If you leave the file input empty, the information will be logged into the jenkins console.

If you specify a filename, you can use other plugins like HTML Publisher Plugin to save the files as jenkins report.

Using as Token Macro Replacement Provider

Having installed the Token Macro Plugin plugin (which will be the case, as it is a dependency of this plugin), following macros for replacement are provided: GITCHANGELOGJIRA and GITCHANGELOG.

If you use these macros in any plugin supporting token macro replacements, this will be replaced with either the Jira URL or the changelog.

The Email-ext plugin supports token macros, so you can include this URL in an automatically sent email.


This plugin can be built and started with maven and Jenkins' hpi plugin:

mvn clean install

The run scripts opens a debug port on 8000.

The functionality is implemented in git-changelog and git-changelog-lib. Pull requests are welcome!