Mission: encourage reuse of discarded items
- Find free food or furniture near your current location
- Or on your route
- Rate the freecyclers (trustworthy, high quality stuff?)
- Two languages?
- Scrape existing sites?
- Suggestions based on usual routes
- Cost of getting there (gas, time)
- Different travel modes
- Potluck event
Opportunistic management/sharing
What's the morality?
How to decide who get's it?
Talk to Ana Maria Bustamante Duarte (researches refugees) and Mehrnaz Ataei (privacy morality)
Must be present to give (has to be a live status?)
Collocation as a requirement
- index.html
- One div that everything goes into: root
- index.js
- app object required here (main component)
- on document ready, render into the root div
- bundle.js
- contains all the code that you right for the app
- app.js
- main component of the app
- add class with extent
- classes have constructors
- this constructor sets this.state
- render() function
- renders the app
- render_tabs() render all the sub-components (map, picture view, settings)
- another file for each of these
- settings.js
- responsible for settings view
- Ons = Onsenui framework
- map and settings are on the same level
- cannot pass data between them
- must pass data via the parental class