Post management API written in Go. Called by the frontend
via reverse proxy.
docker build -t post-service .
docker tag post-service <my_user>/post-service:latest
docker login -U <my_user>
docker push <my_user>/post-service:latest
Lists all image posts.
Example request:
curl -v \
--location \
--request GET 'http://localhost:8090/posts'
Example response: 200 OK
"mime": "image/jpeg",
"image": "base64 encoding of binary file omitted due to size"
Saves a new image post. You need to provide the binary image file and its MIME through a Content-Type
Example request:
curl -v \
--location \
--request POST 'http://localhost:8090/posts' \
--header 'Content-Type: image/png' \
--data '@/home/my_user/Downloads/dog.png'
Example response: 204 No Content