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MPS Sample for Drive Orin



This sample demonstrates how to enable Multi-Process Service (MPS) on Drive Orin to allow concurrent execution of CUDA kernels from different CUDA contexts on Orin iGPU.

This MPS enabling sample is added on an application that already supports to run following tasks in parallel within one CUDA context:

  • Multiple TensorRT GPU inference instances
  • Multiple TensorRT DLA inference instances
  • Multiple CUDA kernels

How to Enable MPS

The package includes two "*.diff" patch files:

add_client_server.diff: add two applications, mps_server and mps_client, without MPS enabled

add_mps_support.diff: add MPS-related changes to enable MPS for both mps_server and mps_client applications. Refer to "add_mps_support.diff" for the necessary changes to enable MPS.

  • MPS on Primary CUDA context
    • In the beginning of the process, call etiEnableSharedPrimaryCtx to enable primary contex as mps shared context
      etblSharedCtxFunc->etiEnableSharedPrimaryCtx(&shareKey, 0);
    • Call CUDA runtime api like cudaSetDeviceFalgs to create primary CUDA context In this sample, in mps_utils.h, we called:

Build and Run

1. Build

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. && make

2. Preparation

Generate a TensorRT engine with trtexec

$ /usr/src/tensorrt/bin/trtexec --onnx=/usr/src/tensorrt/data/resnet50/ResNet50.onnx --int8 --saveEngine=ResNet50GPU.engine
$ /usr/src/tensorrt/bin/trtexec --onnx=/usr/src/tensorrt/data/resnet50/ResNet50.onnx --useDLACore=0 --fp16 --saveEngine=ResNet50DLA.engine  --allowGPUFallback

3. Run

The sample supports running with or without MPS, allowing users to compare performance.

Run with MPS


$ ./build/mps_server --mps

Terminal#2, #3, and more:

$ ./build/mps_client --mps --GPU=ResNet50GPU.engine,ResNet50GPU.engine --DLA_0=ResNet50DLA.engine --DLA_1=ResNet50DLA.engine --custom=CudaKernelTask
$ ./build/mps_client --mps --GPU=ResNet50GPU.engine,ResNet50GPU.engine --DLA_0=ResNet50DLA.engine --DLA_1=ResNet50DLA.engine --custom=CudaKernelTask

Performance data will be aggregated and displayed in Terminal#1

Run without MPS


$ ./build/mps_server

Terminal#2, #3, and more:

$ ./build/mps_client --mps --GPU=ResNet50GPU.engine,ResNet50GPU.engine --DLA_0=ResNet50DLA.engine --DLA_1=ResNet50DLA.engine --custom=CudaKernelTask
$ ./build/mps_client --mps --GPU=ResNet50GPU.engine,ResNet50GPU.engine --DLA_0=ResNet50DLA.engine --DLA_1=ResNet50DLA.engine --custom=CudaKernelTask

Performance data will be aggregated and displayed in Terminal#1:

Additional Application Capabilities

  1. The app also supports you to:
  • Benchmark the TensorRT/GPU, TensorRT/DLA with multiple CUDA streams in one process(one CUDA context)
  • Benchmark the TensorRT/GPU, TensorRT/DLA in multiple processes without MPS
  • Benchmark the TensorRT/GPU, TensorRT/DLA in multiple processes with MPS
  1. With this app, you can simulate the multiple process Deep learning tasks arrangement with MPS


file: mps_server.cpp, mps_client.cpp



  • Testing device: Drive Orin-X, Drive OS
  • Unit: img/sec
model 2 process without MPS 2 process with MPS 2 CUDA-streams in 1 CUDA-context MPS/stream
Resnet50_224_b1 1380 1498 1630 0.920
Resnet50_224_b8 3163 3192 3608 0.885
Resnet50_224_b16 3640 3648 3955 0.922
Resnet50_224_b32 3802 4064 4198 0.968
Resnet50_224_b64 3939 4269 4366 0.978
yolov4_416_b1 254 297 300 0.990
yolov4_416_b8 373 416 416 1.000
yolov4_416_b16 387 430 432 0.995
yolov4_416_b32 397 441 445 0.991
yolov4_416_b64 403 446 451 0.990



Ensure the CUDA_DEVICE_MAX_CONNECTIONS is set to a value equal or larger than CUDA stream number ($STREAM_NUM) in the CUDA context. This can avoid initialization failures due to over-allocation of limited GPU resources, and the false dependencies among the CUDA streams, false dependencies could cause unexpected long CUDA syteam sync time.
User can run "export CUDA_DEVICE_MAX_CONNECTIONS=$STREAM_NUM" under the same terminal of the application, or just call setenv("CUDA_DEVICE_MAX_CONNECTIONS", "$STREAM_NUM, 1) to set CUDA_DEVICE_MAX_CONNECTIONS, max value of CUDA_DEVICE_MAX_CONNECTIONS on Orin is 32.

2. MPS best practice

MPS on Primary cuda context(RECOMMANDED)

  • the best way to use MPS is enabling the primary CUDA context to be a "MPS context", please call etiEnableSharedPrimaryCtx at the beginning of the process. By doing so, when you call a CUDA runtime API such as cudaSetDeviceFlags or cudaFree, the primary context will be created with MPS enabled.

Create Explicited CUDA context

  • User can create and manage the MPS CUDA context by calling:
    etiSharedCtxCreate(&cuda_context, 0, &(mps_resource.createParams));

3. Others

  • After enabling MPS, there will be only one CUDA context as you can find in nsys log since all the contexts running on MPS will be bound into one.
  • MPS will not cause higher CPU utilization, if meet high CPU loading while cudaStreamSynchronize, Check the flags with cudaGetDeviceFlags.
  • MPS only supports compute, so graphics context can't run on MPS now
  • CUDA objects are CUDA context locally, sharing them accross CUDA contextes could cause error,e.g., cuda error 705 : cudaErrorPeerAccessNotEnabled
  • MPS Shared key and Device key are different among processes
  • User can check with nsight-system if there is GPU context switch inside the application, sample command
    nsys profile -t cuda,cudnn,osrt,nvtx --gpuctxsw true --duration=30 --accelerator-trace=tegra-accelerators --process-scope=system-wide ./build/mps_client --mps --GPU=ResNet50GPU.engine