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Academic Honesty

Plagiarism occurs where a student represents the work or ideas of another person as his or her own. Cheating includes plagiarism, occurs where a student or group of students uses or attempts to use, unauthorized aids, assistance, materials or methods. 

Cheating is a serious educational offence.

Kwantlen has a strict policy about any form of academic dishonesty. Click here to read details on what constitutes cheating and plagiarism. You will find guidelines on how to avoid being in a situation that may be construed as cheating or plagiarism.


Kwantlen accommodates students with disabilities who have registered with the Disability Resource Centre. Kwantlen accommodates students whose religious obligations conflict with attendance, submitting assignments, or completing scheduled tests and examinations. Please let your instructor know in advance, preferably in the first week of class, if you will require any accommodation on these grounds.

Missing Exams

The only exceptions to missing an exam are medical excuses.

Three criteria must be met:

  1. You must notify Dr. Orban before the exam. This may be as little as 5 minutes before the exam, and may be completed by email.
  2. You must present a medical note within 7 days of missing the exam. The medical note may be scanned and emailed if a meeting with Dr. Orban cannot be arranged.
  3. The make-up must be written within one week of the last day the medical note covers.

If any one of these conditions are not met, a make-up exam cannot be written.

Classroom and Technology

  • Note taking during the class is essential for three reasons: (1) some material is presented only in the class; (2) a lecture points you to the most important content in the textbook (ever wonder what's on the exam?); (3) writing down what you hear helps you internalize the material -- the first step in learning.
  • I cannot guarantee that powerpoint/keynote slides are provided ahead of each class. Sorry -- I often update slides before the start of the class
  • Taking notes using laptops, tablets or smartphones is encouraged.

Communicating with Dr. Orban

Mode of Communication Typical Use
Github Issues For course related questions, please use the GitHub Issues and start a new ticket. You can use this form of communication to ask questions from fellow students.
Office Call May be used during office hours
Email Use for personal issues and sensitive questions. Response typically within 48 hours
Office Hours Drop by with any questions, or for a chat