The current master has a proposed fix for issue #7 on board. It seems to work fine but if you run into trouble, please try the 'stable' branch.
git checkout origin/stable
- Error had been dropped silently.
- Merge pull request #16 from binarin/master.
- Quote sql statement passed when preparing it.
- Always turn prepare error into exit().
- Thanks to Alexey Lebedeff / binarin.
- Strings passed as lists to prepared statements as parameters are now converted right.
- Issue #14, automatic conversion of list strings to utf-8.
- Common Test suite for unicode conversion.
- Fixed float notation parsing to work with the form 1e-1 besides 1.0e-1.
- Thanks to Erik Seres / eseres.
- Common Test suites for basic operations, and environment set up.
- Avoid name collision with RabbitMQ for the connection record.
- Merge pull request #12 from lsowen/master.
- Thanks to Logan Owen / lsowen.
- PoolId restrictions removed to prevent atom overflow
- Thanks to Patrick Atambo / partoa.
- Proposal for fix of issue #7 after quite some research.
- The fix goes deep, so to be safe, tagging of previous master as 'stable' branch.
- Tagging of dev branches for issue #7 and #9.
- Support by Seven Du / seven1240 and Brendon Hogger / brendonh
- Merge branch 'fix_pattern_mismatch'
- Thanks to Joel Meyer / JoelPM
- Added capability to reopen a timedout connection when one is encountered.
- Thanks to Erik Seres / eseres
- Improved and extended support for client/server 4.0 and 4.1 protocol.
- Fix issue #6: Added support for MySQL server's password plugin.
- Added emysql_conn:hstate/1 to return human readable server state flag.
- Docs for module emysql.erl complete
- Correct handling of stored procedures result packages
- Module emysql_tcp extended to handle the flag SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXIST correctly
- Error packages parse additional sql status flag of mysql 4.1 format.
- Additional example for stored procedures
- Renaming of samples
- Much extended docs