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A transformation would be most effective when it can either reveal potential failures in a model or act as a data augmenter to generate more training data.

Table of Contents

Evaluation Guideline and Scripts

To evaluate how good a transformation is, you can simply call in the following manner:

python -t ButterFingersPerturbation 

Depending on the interface of the transformation, would transform every example of a pre-defined dataset and evaluate how well the model performs on these new examples. The default dataset and models are mentioned here. These dataset and model combinations are mapped to each task. The first task you specify in the tasks field is used by default. The task (-t), dataset (-d) and model (-m) can be overridden in the following way.

python -t ButterFingersPerturbation -task "TEXT_CLASSIFICATION" -m "textattack/roberta-base-imdb" -d "imdb" -p 20

Note that it's highly possible that some of the evaluate_* functionality won't work owing to the variety of dataset and model formats. We've tried to mitigate this by using models and datasets of HuggingFace. If you wish to evaluate on models and datasets apart from those mentioned here, you are welcome to do so. Do mention in your README how they turned out!

Note that it's highly possible that some of the evaluate_* functionality won't work owing to the variety of dataset and model formats. We've tried to mititgate this by using models and datasets which are commonly used. If you wish to evaluate on models and datasets apart from those mentioned here, you are free to do so. Do mention in your README how they turned out!


Here, we provide a leaderboards for each default task, by executing transformations on typical models in each task (p=20). If you would like to join the leaderboard party encourage you to submit pull requests!

Text Classification

Transformation roberta-base-SST-2 bert-base-uncased-QQP roberta-large-mnli roberta-base-imdb
BackTranslation 94.0->91.0 (-3.0) 92.0->90.0 (-2.0) 91.0->87.0 (-4.0) 95.0->92.0 (-3.0)
ButterFingersPerturbation 94.0->89.0 (-5.0) 92.0->89.0 (-3.0) 91.0->88.0 (-3.0) 95.0->93.0 (-2.0)
ChangePersonNamedEntities 94.0->94.0 (0.0) 92.0->92.0 (0.0) 91.0->89.0 (-2.0) 95.0->95.0 (0.0)
CloseHomophonesSwap 94.0->91.0 (-3.0) 92.0->88.0 (-4.0) 91.0->89.0 (-2.0) 95.0->96.0 (1.0)
DiscourseMarkerSubstitution 94.0->94.0 (0.0) 92.0->92.0 (0.0) 91.0->91.0 (0.0) 95.0->95.0 (0.0)
MixedLanguagePerturbation 94.0->90.0 (-4.0) 92.0->86.0 (-6.0) 91.0->86.0 (-5.0) 95.0->91.0 (-4.0)
PunctuationWithRules 94.0->94.0 (0.0) 92.0->92.0 (0.0) 91.0->91.0 (0.0) 95.0->90.0 (-5.0)
ReplaceNumericalValues 94.0->94.0 (0.0) 92.0->92.0 (0.0) 91.0->90.0 (-1.0) 95.0->95.0 (0.0)
SentenceReordering 94.0->95.0 (1.0) 92.0->93.0 (1.0) nan 95.0->94.0 (-1.0)

Default models and datasets:

Text-to-Text Generation

Text Tagging

Dialog Action to Text




Question Answering

Transformation deepset/roberta-base-squad2 bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-finetuned-squad
RedundantContextForQa 5.6 -1.9

Question Generation


End-to-End Task