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Auto Labeler

Automatically label issues and pull requests via configuration
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GitHub Action allowing for applying labels to issues and pull requests based on patterns found in the title or description.

NOTE Thanks to the awesome efforts from the people at GitHub, v2 and later support labeling from forked repositories via the pull_request_target event.


Define .github/labeler.yml

This action requires a configuration file defined at .github/labeler.yml in your repository. The contents must follow either the simple schema or the full schema shown below.

NOTE The file must exist on your release branch (e.g. master, main, etc.).

Feel free to use one of the following schema examples to get started.

Simple Schema

# labeler "simple" schema
# Comment is applied to both issues and pull requests.
# If you need a more robust solution, consider the "full" schema.
comment: |
  👍 Thanks for this!
  🏷 I have applied any labels matching special text in your issue.

  Please review the labels and make any necessary changes.

# Labels is an object where:
# - keys are labels
# - values are array of string patterns to match against title + body in issues/prs
    - '\bbug[s]?\b'
  'help wanted':
    - '\bhelp( wanted)?\b'
    - '\bduplicate\b'
    - '\bdupe\b'
    - '\benhancement\b'
    - '\bquestion\b'

Full Schema

# labeler "full" schema

# enable labeler on issues, prs, or both.
  issues: true
  prs: true
# comments object allows you to specify a different message for issues and prs

  issues: |
    Thanks for opening this issue!
    I have applied any labels matching special text in your title and description.

    Please review the labels and make any necessary changes.
  prs: |
    Thanks for the contribution!
    I have applied any labels matching special text in your title and description.

    Please review the labels and make any necessary changes.

# Labels is an object where:
# - keys are labels
# - values are objects of { include: [ pattern ], exclude: [ pattern ] }
#    - pattern must be a valid regex, and is applied globally to
#      title + description of issues and/or prs (see enabled config above)
#    - 'include' patterns will associate a label if any of these patterns match
#    - 'exclude' patterns will ignore this label if any of these patterns match
      - '\bbug[s]?\b'
    exclude: []
  'help wanted':
      - '\bhelp( me)?\b'
      - '\b\[test(ing)?\]\b'
      - '\bfeat\b'
    exclude: []

Create a Workflow

The action requires a single input parameter: GITHUB_TOKEN. This token allows the action to access the GitHub API for your account. Workflows automatically provide a default GITHUB_TOKEN, which provides full API access. You create a secret from a new token with public_repo scope to limit the action's footprint.

NOTE Binding to issue or pull_request edit actions is not recommended.

Create a workflow definition, for example .github/workflows/community.yml:

name: Community
    types: [opened, edited, milestoned]
    types: [opened]


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Check Labels
      id: labeler
      uses: jimschubert/labeler-action@v2
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}

Notice that the PR event is pull_request_target rather than pull_request. The difference is that pull_request_target is a newer event which runs in the context of the base repository, allowing access to the secrets necessary to label the pull request. If you use pull_request, the action will be able to label pull requests originating from the same repository (i.e. no forks!).


This project is licensed under Apache 2.0

Auto Labeler is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Automatically label issues and pull requests via configuration

Auto Labeler is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.