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Node PR Versioning

Upate node project version using githubs pull request labels
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GitHub Action: Node PR Versioning

This GitHub Action automates the versioning process for pull requests in a repository. It checks for specific labels on the pull request to determine whether to increment the version as major, minor, or patch. If a version change is necessary, it updates the package.json file in the repository with the new version.

The action will make a commit to the

How It Works

  1. Token Retrieval: The action retrieves the GitHub token from the action inputs. Use PAT if you are committing to a protected branch.
  2. Pull Request Check: It checks if the action is triggered by a pull request.
  3. Label Fetching: The action fetches existing labels from the pull request.
  4. Version Increment Logic: Based on the labels, it determines the type of version increment:
    • Major: If a label from the major labels list is found, the major version is incremented.
    • Minor: If a label from the minor labels list is found, the minor version is incremented.
    • Patch: If a label from the patch labels list is found, the patch version is incremented.
  5. Version Update: If a version change is detected, it updates the package.json file with the new version.
  6. Commit Changes: The action commits the changes back to the repository if the skip-commit input is not set to true.
  7. Tag Creation: Optionally, it can create a tag for the new version based on the create-tag input.
  8. Path: Optionally, it can specify the path to the package.json file to be updated.
  9. Dry Run: Optionally, it can run in dry run mode to check if the version will be updated without actually committing the changes.


Input Required Default Value Description
github-token N/A The GitHub token for authentication.
labels-minor N/A A comma-separated list of labels that trigger a minor version increment.
labels-major N/A A comma-separated list of labels that trigger a major version increment.
labels-patch N/A A comma-separated list of labels that trigger a patch version increment.
commit-message chore: version update {{version}} -> {{new-version}} The commit message. {{version}} is the current version and {{new-version}} is the new version.
pr-number N/A The pull request number to check (optional: when using push event).
skip-commit false If set to true, the action will skip committing changes.
create-tag false If set to true, the action will create a tag for the new version.
tag-name v{{new-version}} The name for the tag. {{new-version}} is the new version returned by the action.
path package.json The path to the package.json file (default is package.json).
dry-run false If set to true, the action will not commit changes.


Output Description
new-version The new version returned by the action.
pr-number The number of pull request used for the action.

Example Usage


name: "Run on pull request merged"


    runs-on: "ubuntu-latest"
      - uses: "actions/checkout@v4"
      - uses: "henrynoowah/[email protected]"
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          labels-minor: "enhancement"
          labels-major: "major"
          labels-patch: "chore, bug"

Commit bumped version on pull request merged

name: "Run on pull request merged"

    types: [closed]

    runs-on: "ubuntu-latest"
    if: github.event.pull_request.merged == true
      - uses: "actions/checkout@v4"
      - uses: "henrynoowah/[email protected]"
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          labels-minor: "enhancement"
          labels-major: "major"
          labels-patch: "chore, bug"

Creating a tag on push

  • Because the push event does not have a pull request number, this action is not ideal to be use on push event as pull request number is required.
  • However, we can get the PR number from the commit message. by using git log -1 --pretty=%B to get the commit message and then use grep -oP '#\K[0-9]+' to get the PR number.
name: "Run on pull request merged"

    branches: [dev]

    runs-on: "ubuntu-latest"
      - uses: "actions/checkout@v4"
      - name: "Get PR number"
        id: pr
        run: |
          PR_NUMBER=$(git log -1 --pretty=%B | grep -oP '#\K[0-9]+' || echo '')
          echo "PR_NUMBER=$PR_NUMBER"
          echo "number=$PR_NUMBER" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
      - uses: "henrynoowah/[email protected]"
        if: ${{ != '' }}
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          labels-minor: "enhancement"
          labels-major: "major"
          labels-patch: "chore, bug"
          create-tag: true
          tag-name: "v{{version}}"


Example usage in a monorepo setup:

  • Because monorepo has multiple package.json files and if you are to manage each project version, you need to specify the path to the package.json file to be updated.
  • Filter the paths to be updated by using paths-filter action like dorny/paths-filter together.
  • Then use the noowah/pr-versioning action to update the version.
  • By using tag-name, you can specify the tag name for each project.
name: "Test Monorepo"

    branches: [main, dev]
    types: [opened, reopened, synchronize]

    runs-on: "ubuntu-latest"
      - uses: "actions/checkout@v4"
      - name: "Filter paths"
        uses: dorny/paths-filter@v3
        id: filter
          filters: |
              - 'apps/admin/**'
              - 'apps/client/**'

      - name: "Update admin version"
        if: steps.filter.outputs.admin == 'true'
        uses: ./
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          labels-minor: "enhancement"
          labels-major: "major"
          labels-patch: "chore, bug"
          create-tag: true
          skip-commit: true
          path: "apps/admin/**"
          tag-name: "@repo/admin@v{{version}}"
          dry-run: true

      - name: "Update client version"
        if: steps.filter.outputs.client == 'true'
        uses: ./
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          labels-minor: "enhancement"
          labels-major: "major"
          labels-patch: "chore, bug"
          create-tag: true
          skip-commit: true
          tag-name: "@repo/client@v{{version}}"
          dry-run: true

Node PR Versioning is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Upate node project version using githubs pull request labels

Node PR Versioning is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.