This directory contains scripts to prepare files for use in EvolvePro. There are two main scripts for processing mutation data: one for experimental data and another for deep mutational scanning (DMS) data. The source functions used here are in evolvepro/src/
For process, use the evolvepro environment:
conda activate evolvepro
This script shows examples of how to generate single amino acid mutants and n-mutant variants for proteins to improve. The output target is a FASTA file of all single AA substitutions relative to the WT sequence.
To generate a wild-type FASTA file and create single amino acid mutants:
from evolvepro.src.process import generate_wt, generate_single_aa_mutants
generate_wt('MNTINIAKNDFS', 'output_path/dataset_WT.fasta')
generate_single_aa_mutants('output_path/dataset_WT.fasta', 'output_path/dataset.fasta')
To suggest a random set of mutants to assay:
from evolvepro.src.process import suggest_initial_mutants
suggest_initial_mutants('output_path/dataset.fasta', 10)
To generate n-mutant combinations:
from evolvepro.src.process import generate_n_mutant_combinations
generate_n_mutant_combinations('output_path/dataset_WT.fasta', 'beneficial_mutations.xlsx', 3, 'output_path/dataset_3rd.fasta', threshold=1)
This script processes deep mutational scanning (DMS) data for various proteins.
Many of these DMS datasets were taken from Livesey & Marsh (Mol Syst Biol.) and can be accessed through Figshare. A high activity cutoff was set manually for each of these datasets. The output target is a FASTA file of all single AA substitutions in the DMS dataset, as well as a file that contains activity measurements in a specific format.
from evolvepro.src.process import process_dataset
cutoff_percentiles=[90, 95]
To create visualization plots:
plot_histogram_of_readout(processed_df, 'DMS_SCH', 2.5)
Adjust the input files and parameters as needed for your specific datasets, such as in preprocess_cas12f