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Releases: matchory/elasticsearch

Version 2.1.0 (Beta 1)

11 Nov 09:55
Choose a tag to compare

Change log

Version 2.0.3

18 Sep 16:54
Choose a tag to compare

Change log

  • Fix: Some type hints were wrong and led to crashes
  • Other: Introduced psalm to prevent further issues

Version 2.0.2

16 Sep 15:01
Choose a tag to compare

Change log

  • Fix: Some types were not correctly attributed, leading to errors.

Version 2.0.1

16 Sep 14:29
Choose a tag to compare

Change log

  • Fix: Strict version requirements would sometimes clash with Laravel

Version 2.0.0

16 Sep 14:18
Choose a tag to compare

Change log

This is the first release of the fork. As the minimum PHP version requirement has been raised to 7.3, this can be considered a breaking change.

  • Breaking: Minimum PHP version requirement has been raised to 7.3
  • Breaking: All methods have been statically typed where possible, to allow more IDE auto-completion. Additionally, docblocks have been fixed, so newQuery() actually returns a Query instance.
  • Feature: Additional elasticsearch meta data for result sets has been incorporated into collections (fields like total, took, and timedout, for example) and can be accessed using getters now.
  • Fix: Added logger instance instead of the missing method call to ClientBuilder::defaultLogger
  • Chore: Made code follow PSR standards