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Platform Technical Overview and API

Sam Hesssenauer edited this page Jan 9, 2018 · 6 revisions

The Matryx Platform Smart Contracts

The Matryx Platform is built using a series of Smart Contracts on the Ethereum Network.

Alpha v1

The current iteration of the Platform that is released is Matryx Alpha v1 and is a standalone Smart Contract meant to aid in the end-to-end integration into our Virtual reality interfaces synced with our backend, and of course, the Ethereum Mainnet Blockchain.

Below is the Matryx Alpha v1 Architecture utilizing the Matryx Ethereum Private Chain as a stepping stone for Mainnet development.


In this current architecture, the Matryx Platform is deployed on the private chain and interacts with the MatryxOracle, a backend service on our servers that gets balance of MTX tokens from the main net.

The user will need to load their wallet into the Private chain when they interact with the contract (their wallet needs to be unlocked). When the transaction is made to the Platform a prepareBalance() function is called which creates an event on the blockchain. This gets picked up by our MatryxOracle and makes a call to the Ethereum MainNet and retrieves the balance of MTX from the wallet of the sender. Then you can start making transactions!


In the future iterations, a full Mainnet Dapp will be available after going through intense 3rd party audits. The architecture for the next gen solution is below:


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