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dc987d0 · Dec 13, 2024


86 lines (72 loc) · 4.38 KB

File metadata and controls

86 lines (72 loc) · 4.38 KB
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A simple bash script that tries to find deadlock by running proj2 executable 160 times. First suite of tests are simple, with no noise functions runnig. Second suite of tests run noise functions and increas the chance of deadlock. After finding a deadlock, script will stop and kill all proj2 processes. When automatic deadlock detection is disables, it needs to be killed by pressing ctrl-c or killall command.


  1. Make script executable by:
chmod +x
  1. Run in a directory with compiled project executable named proj2:
./ 3 2 100 100 100
  1. Example (in your Makefile):
deadlock: all
    @./ 5 3 0 0 0
    @./ 1 3 10 10 0
    @./ 3 2 100 100 100
    @./ 33 22 100 100 1000
    @./ 100 100 100 100 1000
  1. Disable automatic deadlock detection (optional argument -d):
$ ./ 100 100 100 100 0 -d
Info: automatic deadlock detection disabled
Test 1: (no noise)
[################################################################################] 9189 ms
Test 2: (random noise)


when no deadlock is detected:

Test 1: (no noise)
[################################################################################] 210 ms
Test 2: (random noise)
[################################################################################] 1426 ms
You are awesome! No deadlock detected!

when deadlock ocurs:

Test 1: (no noise)
[################################################################################] 9285 ms
Test 2: (random noise)
Deadlock detected! Output file was not changed in 1 second. Killing program.
[1]    253046 terminated  ./ 100 100 100 100 0

wrong input:

Usage: ./ NZ NU TZ TU T (-d)
  NZ: Number of customers
  NU: Number of officials
  TZ: Maximum time in miliseconds, that customers waits after creation and before they
      enters the post office (eventually leaves, when post office is closed)
  TU: Maximum time of official break in miliseconds
   F: Maximum time in miliseconds in which post office is open for new customers
  -d: Disable automatic deadlock detection (optional)