- This project use modifed M5Core2 M5StackSAM and EspAudio libraryes from project local storage.
- Download (and unzip) this repository
- Download and Install Visual Studio Code https://code.visualstudio.com/
- Install the PlatformIO Extension
- Install ESP32 Platform on PlatformIO
- Open the MultiApp Project folder on PlatformIO
- Click the BUILD button
- This will build and Flash the firmware to M5Core2 connected to your PC USB
- To use Local Ota to flash your M5Core2
- The M5Core2 must be connected to the same network as your PC
- In the project "platformio.ini" file set "upload_port = [your M5Core2IP]"
- Applications
- Dual Channel Oscilloscope
- Signals
- Pin 35 Channel 1
- Pin 36 Channel 2
- Pin 26 Signal Generator
- Oscilloscope Menu Structure:
- Stop / Run frame
- Sensitivity for each channel:
- 50mV, 100mV, 200mV, 500mV, 1V per division
- Sample Rate
- 0.3ms, 0.6ms, 1ms, 2ms, 5ms, 10ms, 20ms, 50ms, 0.1s, 0.2s, 0.5s, 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s per division
- Channel modes for each channel
- Normal, Inverted, Off
- Offset for each channel
- Trigger Switch
- Trigger from Channel 1 or Channel 2
- Trigger Mode
- Auto, Normal, Scan, One Frame
- Trigger Level 0 - 100 %
- Trigger Edge
- Rising (UP)
- Falling (DN)
- Internal Signal Generator mode
- Wave signal
- Square signal
- Triangular Signal 1
- Triangular Signal 2
- Signal Generator OFF
- Exit Oscilloscope App
- Signals
- WebRadio
- Support Volume Adjustment
- Support Stations change on the fly
- Long press NEXT key to exit from Radio App
- Display Volume Level
- Display Data buffer state
- If the connection is lost or the buffer runs empty, will try to recover the connection.
- If the connection can't be recovered, will connect to the next station on the list
- Can play MP3 streams
- Web Radio streams are stored on SD Card on "RadioStations.txt" file
- Support theoretically unlimited station list
- The stations must be defined on separate lines as follow: "StationName=StationLink;
- Weather Station
- Display Current Weather
- Display 5 days weather forecast
- Display Current Weather details
- Display 2 days and 2 nights forecast details
- Support multiple display languages
- The City, Country, Language and WUnderground Api key Must be defined on WeatherParams.txt file on SD card
- WebServer with web based SD File manager
- Can run in the background once started
- You can use other apps when the webserver is running
- List SD Folders
- Create Folder
- Delete Folder
- Download files
- Upload Files
- Delete Files
- Display Files Content (images, text, etc...)
- SD Browser that support
- Play video files
- limited to 290x162 rezolution for standard M5Core2 without PSRam.
- Higher resolutions can be used with PSRam option.
- Display Jpeg files on the screen
- Resize Jpeg to fit to screen size
- Play MP3 Files using Mp3 Player App
- Display File properties for the files that can't be open with included apps
- Play video files
- Tools list
- Wifi Packet Monitor
- Wifi Scanner
- I2C Scanner
- DHT Sensor reader
- Support any DHT sensor type
- Stopwatch
- Games (just for fun)
- Tetris
- Flappy Bird
- Space Shooter
- Return (to menu root)
- Dual Channel Oscilloscope
- System
- System Informations
- CPU Frequency, Number of cores, Chip Revision, Flash Speed, Current Free RAM space, Wifi MAC address, Wifi IP Address, Wifi current Mode
- Minimum FREE heap (RAM) since the device was started, Flash Size, SPIFFS Size, SPIFFS used space, SD Card Type, SD Card Size, SD Card used space
- Wifi Connection
- Wifi Smart Config
- Wifi WPS PushButton
- Wifi WPS PIN Code
- Wifi STA: Set Wifi to STATION (Reciever) mode
- Wifi AP: Set Wifi to ACCESS POINT (Sender) mode
- Wifi OFF
- Display Backlight Settings
- Set and save Display backlight so the settings survive reboot and flash
- System Informations
- Sleep
- Puth the device into Sleep mode
- The device can power back on by pressing ButtonB or reset key