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ForerunnerDB - A NoSQL JSON Document DB

ForerunnerDB is developed by Irrelon Software Limited, a UK registered company.

Version 1.3.6 (4th March 2015)

What is ForerunnerDB

ForerunnerDB is a NoSQL JavaScript database. It supports the same query language as MongoDB and runs on browsers and Node.js.

What is ForerunnerDB's Primary Use Case?

ForerunnerDB was created primarily to allow web application developers to easily store, query and manipulate JSON data in the browser via a simple query language. It provides the ability to store data passed by an API to the front-end and query it throughout your application making handling JSON data client-side significantly easier.

Furthermore, if you use the optional data-binding module, changes to your JSON data stored in ForerunnerDB are automatically propagated to the DOM. Some web application frameworks provide similar functionality which is why data-binding is an optional module.

Many web applications take data from an API and then represent that on screen to the user. ForerunnerDB allows you to sort that data and filter it so that you don't have to make API calls whenever you want data in a different order or filtered by specific fields and values.


You can see an interactive demo at


Tutorial 1: A Simple Todo List

Tutorial 2: Simple Chart


If you are using Node.js (or have it installed) you can use NPM to download ForerunnerDB via:

npm install forerunnerdb

This will also work for browser-based development, however if you prefer a more traditional download, please click here.


Please see licensing page for latest information:

Browser Compatibility

ForerunnerDB works in all modern browsers (IE8+)

  • Android Browser 4
  • Blackberry 7
  • Chrome 23
  • Chrome for Android 32
  • Firefox 18
  • Firefox for Android 25
  • Firefox OS 1.0
  • IE 8
  • IE Mobile 10
  • Opera 15
  • Opera Mobile 11
  • Phonegap/Apache Cordova 1.2.0
  • Safari 4 (includes Mobile Safari)

Use ForerunnerDB in Browser

Include the fdb-all.min.js file in your HTML (change path to the location you put forerunner):

<script src="./js/dist/fdb-all.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Use ForerunnerDB in Node.js

After installing via npm (see above) you can require ForerunnerDB in your code:

var ForerunnerDB = require('forerunnerdb');

Create a Database

var db = new ForerunnerDB();

Collections (Tables)

To create or get a reference to a collection object call (where collectionName is the name of your collection):

var collection = db.collection('collectionName');

In our examples we will use a collection called "item" which will store some fictitious items for sale:

var itemCollection = db.collection('item');

Setting Initial Data

When you get a collection instance for the first time it will contain no data. To set data on the collection pass an array of objects to the setData() method:

	_id: 1,
	name: 'Cat Litter',
	price: 200
}, {
	_id: 2,
	name: 'Dog Food',
	price: 100

Setting data on a collection will empty any existing data from the collection.

Inserting Documents

You can either insert a single document object:

	_id: 3,
	price: 400,
	name: 'Fish Bones'

or pass an array of documents:

	_id: 4,
	price: 267,
	name:'Scooby Snacks'
}, {
	_id: 5,
	price: 234,
	name: 'Chicken Yum Yum'

Searching the Collection

Much like MongoDB, searching for data in a collection is done using the find() method, which supports many of the same operators starting with a $ that MongoDB supports. For instance, finding documents in the collection where the price is greater than 90 but less than 150, would look like this:

	price: {
		'$gt': 90,
		'$lt': 150

And would return an array with all matching documents. If no documents match your search, an empty array is returned.

Supported search operators:

  • $gt Greater Than
  • $gte Greater Than / Equal To
  • $lt Less Than
  • $lte Less Than / Equal To
  • $or Match any of the conditions inside the sub-query
  • $and Match all conditions inside the sub-query
  • $exists Check that a key exists in the document
  • arrayKey.$ Positional selector query

Searches also support regular expressions for advanced text-based queries. Simply pass the regular expression object as the value for the key you wish to search, just like when using regular expressions with MongoDB.

Ordering / Sorting Results

You can specify an $orderBy option along with the find call to order/sort your results. This uses the same syntax as MongoDB:

	price: {
		'$gt': 90,
		'$lt': 150
}, {
	$orderBy: {
		price: 1 // Sort ascending or -1 for descending

Updating the Collection

This is one of the areas where ForerunnerDB and MongoDB are different. By default ForerunnerDB updates only the keys you specify in your update document, rather than outright replacing the matching documents like MongoDB does. In this sense ForerunnerDB behaves more like MySQL. In the call below, the update will find all documents where the price is greater than 90 and less than 150 and then update the documents' key "moo" with the value true.

	price: {
		'$gt': 90,
		'$lt': 150
}, {
	moo: true

Quick Updates

You can target individual documents for update by their id (primary key) via a quick helper method:

collection.updateById(1, {price: 180});

This will update the document with the _id field of 1 to a new price of 180.

Update Operators


The $inc operator increments / decrements a field value by the given number.

}, {
	$inc: {
		<field>: <value>

In the following example, the "count" field is decremented by 1 in the document that matches the id "445324":

	_id: "445324"
}, {
	$inc: {
		count: -1

Using a positive number will increment, using a negative number will decrement.


The $push operator appends a specified value to an array.

}, {
	$push: {
		<field>: <value>

The following example appends "Milk" to the "shoppingList" array in the document with the id "23231":

	_id: "23231"
}, {
	$push: {
		shoppingList: "Milk"


The $splicePush operator adds an item into an array at a specified index.

}, {
	$splicePush: {
		<field>: <value>
		$index: <index>

The following example inserts "Milk" to the "shoppingList" array at index 1 in the document with the id "23231":

	_id: "23231"
}, {
	$splicePush: {
		shoppingList: "Milk"
		$index: 1


Adds an item into an array only if the item does not already exist in the array.

ForerunnerDB supports the $addToSet operator as detailed in the MongoDB documentation. Unlike MongoDB, ForerunnerDB also allows you to specify a matching field / path to check uniqueness against by using the $key property.

In the following example $addToSet is used to check uniqueness against the whole document being added:

// Create a collection document
	_id: "1",
	arr: []

// Update the document by adding an object to the "arr" array
	_id: "1"
}, {
	$addToSet: {
		arr: {
			name: 'Fufu',
			test: '1'

// Try and do it again... this will fail because a
// matching item already exists in the array
    _id: "1"
}, {
    $addToSet: {
        arr: {
            name: 'Fufu',
            test: '1'

Now in the example below we specify which key to test uniqueness against:

// Create a collection document
	_id: "1",
	arr: []

// Update the document by adding an object to the "arr" array
	_id: "1"
}, {
	$addToSet: {
		arr: {
			name: 'Fufu',
			test: '1'

// Try and do it again... this will work because the
// key "test" is different for the existing and new objects
    _id: "1"
}, {
    $addToSet: {
        arr: {
        	$key: 'test',
            name: 'Fufu',
            test: '2'

You can also specify the key to check uniqueness against as an object path such as ''.


The $pull operator removes a specified value or values that match an input query.

}, {
	$pull: {
		<arrayField>: <value|query>

The following example removes the "Milk" entry from the "shoppingList" array:

	_id: "23231"
}, {
	$pull: {
		shoppingList: "Milk"

If an array element is an embedded document (JavaScript object), the $pull operator applies its specified query to the element as though it were a top-level object.


The $move operator moves an item that exists inside a document's array from one index to another.

}, {
	$move: {
		<arrayField>: <value|query>,
		$index: <index>

The following example moves "Milk" in the "shoppingList" array to index 1 in the document with the id "23231":

	_id: "23231"
}, {
	$move: {
		shoppingList: "Milk"
		$index: 1

Get Data Item By Reference

JavaScript objects are passed around as references to the same object. By default when you query ForerunnerDB it will "decouple" the results from the internal objects stored in the collection. If you would prefer to get the reference instead of decoupled object you can specify this in the query options like so:

var result = db.collection('item').find({}, {
	$decouple: false

If you do not specify a decouple option, ForerunnerDB will default to true and return decoupled objects.

Keep in mind that if you switch off decoupling for a query and then modify any object returned, it will also modify the internal object held in ForerunnerDB, which could result in incorrect index data as well as other anomalies.

Primary Keys

If your data uses different primary key fields from the default "_id" then you need to tell the collection. Simply call the primaryKey() method with the name of the field your primary key is stored in:


When you change the primary key field name, methods like updateById will use this field automatically instead of the default one "_id".

Removing Documents

Removing is as simple as doing a normal find() call, but with the search for docs you want to remove. Remove all documents where the price is greater than or equal to 100:

	price: {
		'$gte': 100


Sometimes you want to join two or more collections when running a query and return a single document with all the data you need from those multiple collections. ForerunnerDB supports collection joins via a simple options key "join". For instance, let's setup a second collection called "purchase" in which we will store some details about users who have ordered items from the "item" collection we initialised above:

var db = new ForerunnerDB(),
	itemCollection = db.collection('item'),
	purchaseCollection = db.collection('purchase');

    _id: 1,
    name: 'Cat Litter',
    price: 200
}, {
    _id: 2,
    name: 'Dog Food',
    price: 100
}, {
    _id: 3,
    price: 400,
    name: 'Fish Bones'
}, {
	_id: 4,
	price: 267,
	name:'Scooby Snacks'
}, {
	_id: 5,
	price: 234,
	name: 'Chicken Yum Yum'

	itemId: 4,
	user: 'Fred Bloggs',
	quantity: 2
}, {
	itemId: 4,
	user: 'Jim Jones',
	quantity: 1

Now, when we find data from the "item" collection we can grab all the users that ordered that item as well and store them in a key called "purchasedBy":

itemCollection.find({}, {
	'join': [{
		'purchase': {
			'itemId': '_id',
			'$as': 'purchasedBy',
			'$require': false,
			'$multi': true

The "join" key holds an array of joins to perform, each join object has a key which denotes the collection name to pull data from, then matching criteria which in this case is to match purchase.itemId with the item._id. The three other keys are special operations (start with $) and indicate:

  • $as tells the join what object key to store the join results in when returning the document
  • $require is a boolean that denotes if the join must be successful for the item to be returned in the final find result
  • $multi indicates if we should match just one item and then return, or match multiple items as an array

The result of the call above is:

	"name":"Cat Litter",
	"name":"Dog Food",
	"name":"Fish Bones",
	"name":"Scooby Snacks",
	"purchasedBy": [{
		"user":"Fred Bloggs",
	}, {
		"user":"Jim Jones",
	"name":"Chicken Yum Yum",

Indices & Performance

ForerunnerDB currently supports basic indexing for performance enhancements when querying a collection. You can create an index on a collection using the ensureIndex() method. ForerunnerDB will utilise the index that most closely matches the query you are executing. In the case where a query matches multiple indexes the most relevant index is automatically determined. Let's setup some data to index:

var db = new ForerunnerDB(),
	names = ['Jim', 'Bob', 'Bill', 'Max', 'Jane', 'Kim', 'Sally', 'Sam'],
	collection = db.collection('test'),

for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
	tempName = names[Math.ceil(Math.random() * names.length) - 1];
	tempAge = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100);

		name: tempName,
		age: tempAge

You can see that in our collection we have some random names and some random ages. If we ask Forerunner to explain the query plan for querying the name and age fields:

	name: 'Bill',
    age: 17

The result shows that the largest amount of time was taken in the "tableScan" step:

	analysis: Object,
	flag: Object,
	index: Object,
	log: Array[0],
	operation: "find",
	results: 128, // Will vary depending on your random entries inserted earlier
	steps: Array[4] // Lists the steps Forerunner took to generate the results
		[0]: Object
			name: "analyseQuery",
			totalMs: 0
		[1]: Object
			name: "checkIndexes",
            totalMs: 0
		[2]: Object
			name: "tableScan",
            totalMs: 54
		[3]: Object
			name: "decouple",
            totalMs: 1,
    time: Object

From the explain output we can see that a large amount of time was taken up doing a table scan. This means that the database had to scan through every item in the collection and determine if it matched the query you passed. Let's speed this up by creating an index on the "name" field so that lookups against that field are very fast. In the index below we are indexing against the "name" field in ascending order, which is what the 1 denotes in name: 1. If we wish to index in descending order we would use name: -1 instead.

	name: 1

The collection now contains an ascending index against the name field. Queries that check against the name field will now be optimised:

	name: 'Bill',
	age: 17

Now the explain output has some different results:

	analysis: Object,
	flag: Object,
	index: Object,
	log: Array[0],
	operation: "find",
	results: 128, // Will vary depending on your random entries inserted earlier
	steps: Array[6] // Lists the steps Forerunner took to generate the results
		[0]: Object
			name: "analyseQuery",
			totalMs: 1
		[1]: Object
			name: "checkIndexes",
            totalMs: 1
		[2]: Object
			name: "checkIndexMatch: name:1",
            totalMs: 0
		[3]: Object
			name: "indexLookup",
            totalMs: 0,
		[4]: Object
			name: "tableScan",
            totalMs: 13,
		[5]: Object
			name: "decouple",
            totalMs: 1,
    time: Object

The query plan shows that the index was used because it has an "indexLookup" step, however we still have a "tableScan" step that took 13 milliseconds to execute. Why was this? If we delve into the query plan a little more by expanding the analysis object we can see why:

	analysis: Object
		hasJoin: false,
		indexMatch: Array[1]
			[0]: Object
				index: Index,
				keyData: Object
					matchedKeyCount: 1,
					totalKeyCount: 2,
					matchedKeys: Object
						age: false,
						name: true
				lookup: Array[12353]
		joinQueries: Object,
		options: Object,
		queriesJoin: false,
		queriesOn: Array[1],
		query: Object
	flag: Object,
	index: Object,
	log: Array[0],
	operation: "find",
	results: 128, // Will vary depending on your random entries inserted earlier
	steps: Array[6] // Lists the steps Forerunner took to generate the results
    time: Object

In the selected index to use (indexMatch[0]) the keyData shows that the index only matched 1 out of the 2 query keys.

In the case of the index and query above, Forerunner's process will be:

  • Query the index for all records that match the name "Bill" (very fast)
  • Iterate over the records from the index and check each one for the age 17 (slow)

This means that while the index can be used, a table scan of the index is still required. We can make our index better by using a compound index:

	name: 1,
	age: 1

With the compound index, Forerunner can now pull the matching record right out of the hash table without doing a data scan which is very very fast:

	name: 'Bill',
	age: 17

Which gives:

	analysis: Object,
	flag: Object,
	index: Object,
	log: Array[0],
	operation: "find",
	results: 128, // Will vary depending on your random entries inserted earlier
	steps: Array[7] // Lists the steps Forerunner took to generate the results
		[0]: Object
			name: "analyseQuery",
			totalMs: 0
		[1]: Object
			name: "checkIndexes",
            totalMs: 0
		[2]: Object
			name: "checkIndexMatch: name:1",
            totalMs: 0
		[3]: Object
			name: "checkIndexMatch: name:1_age:1",
            totalMs: 0,
		[4]: Object
			name: "findOptimalIndex",
            totalMs: 0,
		[5]: Object
			name: "indexLookup",
            totalMs: 0,
		[6]: Object
			name: "decouple",
            totalMs: 0,
    time: Object

Now we are able to query 100,000 records instantly, requiring zero milliseconds to return the results.

Examining the output from an explain() call will provide you with the most insight into how the query was executed and if a table scan was involved or not, helping you to plan your indices accordingly.

Keep in mind that indices require memory to maintain hash tables and there is always a trade-off between speed and memory usage.

Data Persistence (Save and Load Between Pages)

Data persistence allows your database to survive the browser being closed, page reloads and navigation away from the current url. When you return to the page your data can be reloaded.

Persistence calls are async so a callback should be passed to ensure the operation has completed before relying on data either being saved or loaded.

Persistence is handled by a very simple interface in the Collection class. You can save the current state of any collection by calling: (err) {
	if (!err) {
		// Save was successful

You can then load the collection's data back again via:

collection.load(function (err) {
	if (!err) {
		// Load was successful

If you call collection.load() when your application starts and when you make changes to your collection you can ensure that your application always has up-to-date data.

Manually Specifying Storage Engine

If you would like to manually specify the storage engine that ForerunnerDB will use you can call the driver() method:


var db = new ForerunnerDB();


var db = new ForerunnerDB();


var db = new ForerunnerDB();

Grid / Table Output

ForerunnerDB 1.3 includes a grid / table module that allows you to output data from a collection or view to an HTML table that can be sorted and is data-bound so the table will react to changes in the underlying data inside the collection / view.

Grid Template

Grids work via a jsRender template that describes how your grid should be rendered to the browser. An example template called "gridTable" looks like this:

<script type="text/x-jsrender" id="gridTable">
	<table class="gridTable">
		<thead class="gridHead">
				<td data-grid-sort="firstName">First Name</td>
				<td data-grid-sort="lastName">Last Name</td>
				<td data-grid-sort="age">Age</td>
		<tbody class="gridBody">
			{^{for gridRow}}
			<tr data-link="id{:_id}">

You'll note that the main body section of the table has a for-loop looping over the special gridRow array. This array is the data inside your collection / view that the grid has been told to read from and is automatically passed to your template by the grid module. Use this array to loop over and output the row data for each row in your collection.

Creating a Grid

First you need to identify a target element that will contain the rendered grid:

<div id="myGridContainer"></div>

You can create a grid on screen via the .grid() method, passing it your target jQuery selector as a string:

// Create our instances
var db = new ForerunnerDB(),
	coll = db.collection('testGrid'),

// Insert some data into our collection
	firstName: 'Fred',
	lastName: 'Jones',
	age: 15

// Create a grid from the collection using the template we defined earlier
coll.grid('#myGridContainer', '#gridTable');

Auto-Sorting Tools

The table can automatically handle sort requests when a column header is tapped/clicked on. To enable this functionality simply add the data-grid-sort="{column name}" attribute to elements you wish to use as sort elements. A good example is to use the table column header for sorting and you can see the correct usage above in the HTML of the table template.


  • The AutoBind module must be loaded

Data Binding

Data binding is an optional module that is included via the fdb-autobind.min.js file. If you wish to use data-binding please ensure you include that file in your page after the main fdb-all.min.js file.

The database includes a useful data-binding system that allows your HTML to be automatically updated when data in the collection changes. Here is a simple example of a data-bind that will keep the list of items up-to-date if you modify the collection:


  • Data-binding requires jQuery to be loaded
  • The AutoBind module must be loaded


<ul id="myList">
<script id="myLinkFragment" type="text/x-jsrender">
	<li data-link="id{:_id}">{^{:name}}</li>


var db = new ForerunnerDB(),
	collection = db.collection('test');'#myList', '#myLinkFragment');

Now if you execute any insert, update or remove on the collection, the HTML will automatically update to reflect the changes in the data.

Note that the selector string that a bind uses can match multiple elements, allowing you to bind against multiple sections of the page with the same data. For instance, instead of binding against an ID (e.g. #myList) you could bind against a class:


<ul class="myList">

<ul class="myList">

<script id="myLinkFragment" type="text/x-jsrender">
    <li data-link="id{:_id}">{^{:name}}</li>

JS'#myList', '#myLinkFragment');

The result of this is that both UL elements will get data binding updates when the underlying data changes.

Highcharts: Charts & Visualisations

ForerunnerDB can utilise the popular Highcharts JavaScript library to generate charts from collection data and automatically keep the charts in sync with changes to the collection.


The Highcharts JavaScript library is required to use the ForerunnerDB Highcharts module. You can get Highcharts from


To use the chart module you call one of the chart methods on a collection object. Charts are an optional module so make sure that your version of ForerunnerDB has the Highcharts module included.


Function definition:

collection.pieChart(selector, keyField, valField, seriesName);


// Create the collection
var coll = db.collection('chartData');

// Set the collection data
	name: 'Jam',
	val: 100
}, {
	name: 'Pie',
	val: 33
}, {
	name: 'Cake',
	val: 24

// Create a pie chart on the element with the id "demo-chart"
coll.pieChart('#demo-chart', 'name', 'val', 'Food', {
	chartOptions: {
		title: {
			text: 'Food Eaten at Event'

Note that the options object passed as the 5th parameter in the call above has a chartOptions key. This key is passed to Highcharts directly so any options that are described in the Highcharts documentation should be added inside the chartOptions object. You'll notice that we set the chart title in the call above using this object.


Function definition:

collection.lineChart(selector, seriesField, keyField, valField);


// Create the collection
var coll = db.collection('chartData');

// Set the collection data
	type: 'Jam',
	date: String(new Date('2014-09-13')).substr(0, 15),
	val: 100
}, {
	type: 'Jam',
	date: String(new Date('2014-09-14')).substr(0, 15),
	val: 33
}, {
	type: 'Jam',
	date: String(new Date('2014-09-15')).substr(0, 15),
	val: 24

// Create a pie chart on the element with the id "demo-chart"
coll.lineChart('#demo-chart', 'type', 'date', 'val', {
	chartOptions: {
		title: {
			text: 'Jam Stores Over Time'

Note that the options object passed as the 5th parameter in the call above has a chartOptions key. This key is passed to Highcharts directly so any options that are described in the Highcharts documentation should be added inside the chartOptions object. You'll notice that we set the chart title in the call above using this object.

Other Chart Types

The lineChart() function uses the same parameters as the rest of the chart types currently supported by ForerunnerDB:

  • collection.barChart()
  • collection.columnChart()
  • collection.areaChart()

Removing a Chart

You can drop a chart using the dropChart() method on the collection the chart is assigned to:

Function definition:




Dropping a chart will remove it from the DOM and stop all further collection updates from propagating to Highcharts.


Unit Tests

Unit tests are available in the ./unitTests folder, load index.html to run the tests.

Building / Compiling

This step is not required unless you are modifying ForerunnerDB code and wish to build your own version.

ForerunnerDB uses Browserify to compile to single-file distribution builds whilst maintaining source in distinct module files. To build, ensure you have Node.js and browserify installed. To install browserify if you already have Node.js:

npm install -g browserify

Now you can then execute browserify to build ForerunnerDB:

browserify ./js/build/all.js -o ./js/dist/fdb-all.js

Continuous Compiling

Browserify will compile to a single-file each time you run it. If you would prefer to automatically compile each change (for faster development) you can run watchify instead. Install watchify:

npm install -g watchify

You can then run watchify using the same command line arguments as browserify:

watchify ./js/build/all.js -o ./js/dist/fdb-all.js

The fully minified version of ForerunnerDB is run through Google's Closure Compiler with simple optimisations switched on.

Contributing to This Project

Contributions through pull requests are welcome. Please ensure that if your pull request includes code changes that you have run the unit tests and they have all passed. If your code changes include new features not currently under test coverage from existing unit tests please create new unit tests to cover your changes and ensure they work as expected.

Code style is also important. Tabs are in use instead of spaces for indentation. Braces should start at the end of lines rather than the next line down. Doc comments are in JSDoc format and must be fully written for public-facing methods in any code you write. Private methods also require doc comments in master but can be merged into the dev branch without them.

So to summarise:

  • Always check unit tests are running and passing
  • Create new tests when you add or modify functionality that is not currently under test coverage
  • Make sure you document your code with JSDoc comments

iOS Version

You may notice in the repo that there is an iOS folder containing a version of Forerunner for iOS. This project is still at an alpha level and should be considered non-production code, however you are welcome to play around with it and get a feel for what will be available soon.

The iOS version is part of the roadmap and will include data-binding for list structures like UITableView, as well as individual controls like UILabel. Data-persistence is already working as well as inserting and basic data queries, update and remove.

Future Updates

ForerunnerDB's project road-map:

Roadmap Completed Items

  • Views that can join multiple documents together and data-bind - sort of like virtual collections
  • Primary key violation checking
  • Collection indexing
  • Index violation checking
  • Unit tests
  • Server-side login and CRUD security - allow client login to server with pre-determined credentials that can be locked down to CRUD not only on particular collections but also only matching documents-- e.g. a user account could have a CRUD security record containing {profileId: '352349thj439yh43'} so that only documents that match that query can be edited by the user. This means they would only have update privilege on their own records as an example, but their read privilege could be {} allowing read on all documents.
  • Query remote database from browser
  • Data persistence on client-side
  • NPM installation
  • Rewritten data propagation system
  • Added new class "Document" to allow data-binding against a single document object
  • Added new class "Overview" to allow data-binding against auto-propagated map-reduce data
  • Rewritten view sync system for performance

Supported query operators

  • $ (array positional)
  • $gt
  • $gte
  • $lt
  • $lte
  • $or
  • $and
  • $exists
  • $push
  • $addToSet
  • $pull
  • $in
  • $nin
  • $mul
  • $rename
  • $unset
  • $pop
  • $position
  • $each
  • $pullAll

Operators that are unique to ForerunnerDB:

  • $move
  • $splicePush

Future Updates

  • Data persistence on server-side
  • Collection / query paging-- e.g. select next 10, select previous 10
  • Pull from server - allow client-side DB to auto-request server-side data especially useful when paging
  • Push to clients - allow server-side to push changes to client-side data automatically and instantly
  • Push to server - allow client-side DB changes to be pushed to the server automatically (obvious security / authentication requirements)
  • Replication - allow server-side DB to replicate to other server-side DB instances on the same or different physical servers
  • Native iOS version
  • Native Android version

Query operators still to implement

  • $setOnInsert
  • $min
  • $max
  • $currentDate
  • $slice
  • $sort
  • $bit
  • $isolated
  • $ array positional in sub arrays of objects inside arrays e.g. arr.$.idArr

Scheduled Features - Version 1.3

  • Data-bound grid (table) output of collection / view data - COMPLETE

Scheduled Features - Version 1.4

  • Fix package.json to allow dev dependencies and production ones, also fix versions etc (Irrelon#6) - COMPLETE
  • Data persistence added to documentation - COMPLETE
  • Remove iOS from this repo, add to its own - COMPLETE
  • Remove server from this repo, add to its own - COMPLETE
  • Support localforage for storage instead of relying on localStorage (Irrelon#5) - COMPLETE
  • Highcharts support from views instead of only collections
  • Fix bug in relation to index usage with range queries as per (Irrelon#20)
  • Trigger support

Scheduled Features - Version 1.5

  • Add further build files to handle different combinations of modules (Irrelon#7)
  • Add caching system so requests to a collection with the same query multiple times should generate once and serve the cached results next time round. Cache invalidation can be done on any CRUD op to make subsequent query re-build cache.

Scheduled Features - Version 1.6

  • Support Angular.js by registering as a module if ajs exists (Irrelon#4)
  • Server-side operation in line with other production databases (e.g. command line argument support, persist to disk etc)