Easy, reliable and low stress way of making the original Béchamel sauce
Time: 10 minutes
Persons: 1, multiply ingredients if more.
- Small pot / boiler
- Whisk
- Tablespoon
- Teaspoon
- Measuring cup (250 ml or more)
- White flour
- Butter* - 50g (3-4 tablespoons)
- Milk** - 250ml
- Salt (powder)
- Pepper (powder)
- Nutmeg (powder)
* Keep in mind that your butter might be salted. This is fine.
** Fat amount does not matter
- Don't burn the sauce. It's better to use less heat and more time, the result is the same.
- If you are not happy with the consistency when finished - either heating it longer to make it thicker or add more milk to make it thinner.
Melt 50g of butter in a pot / boiler. Make sure you don't burn it. Then move the pot from the heat source.
- Add 1/2th teaspoon of salt. Regardless of salted or unsalted butter.
- Add 1/3th teaspoon of pepper.
- Add 1/5th teaspoon of nutmeg.
- Carefully add enough flour and stir (1 tablespoon at the time, max 6) until it is just past the point of being liquid.
Add 250ml of milk, and stir until perfectly blended. It will seem to be too liquid, but will solidify until perfect consistency with heat.
- Move pot to heat source and stir on medium heat until you have your preferred consistency.
- Move your pot from the heat source.
Remember: This will make or break your sauce.
Do not for any reason exceed 1.5 teaspoons at this step.
If you start getting uncertain, then stop.
Salt can always be added later when serving.
- Carefully add salt while tasting.
You should now have a good Béchamel sauce!