- Added
prop to theCarousel
component #316 by @mmarfat - Added the
component and updatedChip
to work with it. #327 and #355 by @AnnMarieW and @BSd3v - Added GitHub actions workflow for automated tests on PRs #333 by @BSd3v
- Added new and missing props to the charts. Enables figure animation, right Y axis and more! #349 by @AnnMarieW
- Added
prop to Carousel, allowing callbacks to be triggered based on the currently displayed slide. #354 by @AnnMarieW - RadioGroup and ChipGroup (in single mode) now have a
argument to allow resetting the radio value #351 by @RenaudL
- Excluded the
prop from being passed to the DOM. Addeddata-dash-is-loading
attribute to components during callback execution, allowing custom CSS styling for loading states. #325 by @AnnMarieW - Enabled the
prop to trigger callback in the Popover component #353 by @AnnMarieW - Stepper component can be stepped through by clicking on steps buttons #352 by @RenaudL
- Reduced the package size by excluding the 5MB metadata.json file #357 by @AnnMarieW
- Upgraded to latest Mantine (7.13.2)
for Date components:
- enable date parsing based on the valueFormat
- locale now works with persistence and on first render
- This PR #314 is based on #265 - Thanks for your contribution @albavilanova
in theMenuTarget
component #309 by @datenzauberai -
Ensure that Mantine and stylesheet versions match to the exact version rather than the major version. #317 by @AnnMarieW
prop name toopened
in dmc.Collapse #311 by @AnnMarieW -
When updating the
in aSelect
component in a callback, the value now correctly reflects only valid options. #301 #324 by @AnnMarieW.
- Added
prop toFieldset
component #306 by @AnnMarieW - New components #266 by @stpnvkirill
- MonthPickerInput
- YearPickerInput
- Added
for the BarCharts #300 by @AnnMarieW
- Upgrade to latest Mantine (7.13.0)
- Image and BackgroundImage supports base64 encoded images #282
- Time parsing in DateTimePicker. #273
- Show MenuItem as disabled when argument is set to True. #202
- Update selection when options are changed in combobox components - Select, MultiSelect and TagsInput. #201
- Add readOnly prop to input components. #252
- Ability to control Spoiler state. #277
- Expose stylesheet links at dmc.styles.*
- Upgrade to latest Mantine (7.11.0)
- TagsInput component
- Corrected transition props.
- Burger component
- Click callback in chart components by subscribing to
property. This feature might change in future.
- TooltipFloating has been renamed to FloatingTooltip as its not a compound component.
- Corrected prop structure of few components
- Updated to use latest Mantine - v7
- Detailed changelog for Mantine v7 can be found here: https://mantine.dev/changelog/7-0-0/.
- Added a bunch of new components like nprogress, charts, carousel, etc.
- Fixed issues revealed in process of developing 0.13 series based on Mantine v6.
- Wild card aria-and data- props to all components
- New component:
- InputWrapper
- Missing input props from TimeInput
- Pass empty list as default prop for Select and MultiSelect
- Remove left over MantineProvider from Switch testing
This release is based on Mantine v6.
- New components
- Autocomplete
- Box
- ColorInput
- Flex
- Popover
- Rating
Detailed changelog for Mantine v6 can be found here: https://mantine.dev/changelog/6-0-0/.
- Date components freezing the entire UI
- Persistence props for TransferList #171
- Clearing datepicker via callback #167
- Trigger callback when new options are created using the creatable prop in Select and MultiSelect #164
- Add
prop to all components
- Disabled dates losing effect in DatePicker and DateRangePicker #137
- Date range selection issue when selecting adjacent dates #66
- AppShell prop types #162
- Updated to use latest Mantine - v5.10.5
- New Mantine Style props. #142
prop to text input components #133style
prop for MediaQuery inner box component #148- New props to few components because of Mantine version upgrade.
- New components
- NavLink
- TransferList
- Indicator
- Add
property in Checkbox #150 - Pass initial value to Checkbox component #140
- Stepper icon bug #146
- Missing style props in Notification component.
- Bullet and title were not rendered. #126
- Accessibility props in some components.
- New components
- HoverCard #114
- Stepper #109
- Notification!!
- Disable browser autocomplete in input components #111
- Search value prop for Select and MultiSelect #89
- Missing persistence props from text inputs
- Ability to set Select/Multiselect options using callbacks
- ActionIcon was not reflecting disabled state.
- MenuItem links now work like Anchor (which in turn works as dcc.Link now).
- Make persistence props optional.
- New components:
- Card, CardSection
- Burger
- AppShell
- Persistence props
prop in text inputs for forms. #103- Ability to debounce callbacks by specifying a duration in all text inputs. #102
- Button not showing disabled state. #106
- Inability to move RangeSlider left handle when
prop is set to a negative value. (Fixed in upstream)
This is an alpha release based on Mantine v5. This version of dmc is a big overhaul with lots of new features but at the cost of backward compatibility for many components.
- Updates for Mantine v5.
- New component APIs such as for Tabs, Accordion, RadioGroup, etc.
- Prop names
- Adopted typescript which simplified the code a lot. Thanks to @plotly team.
- Organisation of components source code.
- New components:
- FloatingTooltip
- Aside, Footer
- RangeSlider
- Notification and NotificationsProvider component for now, as they are not compiling for some reason.
prop in Timeline and TimelineItem.
- Tooltip component was not working properly.
- Typo in
prop name in Textarea component.
- New components
- Textarea
- Missing id's from Stack and Timeline components.
- New components
- PasswordInput
- Stack
- Pagination
- Input element types for TextInput component
- ActionIcon component
- (Specific to dmc-docs) DemoSlider, ThemeSwitcher
- Missing default icon bug in accordion and Blockquote.
- Slider onChange callbacks
- New props in various components
- Add persistence to all inputs as well as tabs
- New components:
- Menu, MenuItem, MenuLabel Code List, ListItem BackgroundImage
- Chip disabled state was not passed to component.
- New components:
- Kbd
- Avatar, AvatarGroup
- Highlight
- Timeline, TimelineInput
- Mark
- MediaQuery
- DateRangePicker will clean up the half selected range on dropdown close. #47
- DatePicker and DateRangePicker timezone issue. #33
- LoadingOverlay component similar to dcc.Loading
- Persistence in DatePicker, DateRangePicker, MultiSelect, RadioGroup, Select, TimeInput
- Skeleton component was not using loading_states.
- Props in Tooltip
- Underline prop in Text
- Mantine default theme colors.
- New components:
- NumberInput
- JsonInput
- ThemeIcon
- Table
- RingProgress
- TimeInput
- Props in SimpleGrid, Navbar, Header, Spoiler, and Title.
- Issues in Notifications system.
prop from Center, as it doesn't work right now.
- Corrected props for Datepickers, Notification, and slider.
- Props were not rendered correctly in InputWrapper.
- DatePicker and DateRangePicker will now accept date/dates through callbacks. #23.
- Updated props for some components to follow Mantine components more strictly.
- MantineProvider to allow theming, more specifically dark theme.
- Support for passing and rendering components other than
. - Transition and shadow props to all components that support them.
- A new Notification component.
- Removed the NotificationHandler component which was not easy to work with.
- DatePicker and DateRangePicker now accept date/dates under the prop name
to support pattern matching callbacks and to follow the Mantine convention.