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Frank Seide edited this page Aug 16, 2016 · 18 revisions

Composes an array of functions into a new function that calls these functions one after another (forward function composition).

Sequential (arrayOfFunctions)


arrayOfFunctions: a BrainScript array of functions, e.g. constructed with the : operator: (LinearLayer{1024} : Sigmoid)

Return value

This function returns another function. That returned function takes one argument, and returns the result of applying all given functions in sequence to the input.


Sequential() is a powerful operation that, in a nutshell, allows to compactly express a very common situation in neural networks where an input is processed by propagating it through a progression of layers. You may be familiar with it from other neural-network toolkits.

Sequential() takes an array of functions as its argument, and returns a new function that invokes these function in order, each time passing the output of one to the next. Consider this example:

FGH = Sequential (F:G:H)
y = FGH (x)

Here, the colon (:) is BrainScript's syntax of expressing arrays. For example, (F:G:H) is an array with three elements, F, G, and H. In Python, for example, this would be written as [ F, G, h ].

The FGH function defined above means the same as

y = H(G(F(x))) 

This is known as "function composition", and is especially convenient for expressing neural networks, which often have this form:

     +-------+   +-------+   +-------+
x -->|   F   |-->|   G   |-->|   H   |--> y
     +-------+   +-------+   +-------+


Standard 4-hidden layer feed-forward network as used in the earlier deep-neural network work on speech recognition:

model = Sequential (
    DenseLayer{2048, activation=Sigmoid} : 
    DenseLayer{2048, activation=Sigmoid} : 
    DenseLayer{2048, activation=Sigmoid} : 
    DenseLayer{2048, activation=Sigmoid} : 
    DenseLayer{9000, activation=Softmax}    # last is a Softmax 
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