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Setup Linux Binary Manual

Wolfgang Manousek edited this page Apr 20, 2017 · 29 revisions

Linux binary manual installation

This page will walk you through the process of installing the Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK) based on a binary distribution we have prepared and you can download from our website.

These instructions apply to release 2.0.rc2.

Note: You can find an overview about all the available installation options for CNTK on this page.

We will install the CNTK binaries, the CNTK prerequisites, and create (or update) a Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, or 3.6 environment on your computer. The changes are as much localized as possible to not impact any other installed software.

Note: If you previously installed an earlier version of the CNTK Python package, you can skip steps 1 through 3 below and directly jump to step 4 to update your existing CNTK package installation from your Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, or 3.6 environment.

Step 1: Download and install pre-requisites

Docker users please follow the instructions here. Others please continue reading.

CNTK V2 on Linux requires the following prerequisites to be installed from the links below:

  • C++ Compiler
  • Open MPI IMPORTANT! We strongly recommend to follow Open MPI installation procedure described by the link above to ensure the correct work of CNTK.
  • For GPU systems ensure that you have the latest NVIDIA driver

Download the required binary package from CNTK Releases page and extract it to your machine.

Step 2: CNTK setup for Python

Please follow these instructions to set up CNTK for Python on your machine.

Step 3: CNTK setup for BrainScript

  • Set the following environment variables (we assume that the CNTK archive is extracted to /home/username/cntkbin):
export PATH=/home/username/cntkbin/cntk/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/username/cntkbin/cntk/lib:/home/username/cntkbin/cntk/dependencies/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Note: If you've built openmpi yourself (for example, on Ubuntu 14), make sure to add its library directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH as well:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=[path-to-your-openmpi-installation]/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

To validate, please perform the following commands:

cd /home/username/cntkbin/Tutorials/HelloWorld-LogisticRegression
cntk configFile=lr_bs.cntk makeMode=false command=Train

The last lines of the CNTK output on the console should look similar to this:

Finished Epoch[42 of 50]: [Training] lr = 0.04287672 * 1000; err = 0.01152817 * 1000; totalSamplesSeen = 42000; learningRatePerSample = 0.039999999; epochTime=0.050296s
Finished Epoch[43 of 50]: [Training] lr = 0.04388479 * 1000; err = 0.01206375 * 1000; totalSamplesSeen = 43000; learningRatePerSample = 0.039999999; epochTime=0.052143s
Finished Epoch[44 of 50]: [Training] lr = 0.04223433 * 1000; err = 0.01105073 * 1000; totalSamplesSeen = 44000; learningRatePerSample = 0.039999999; epochTime=0.057235s
Finished Epoch[45 of 50]: [Training] lr = 0.04208072 * 1000; err = 0.01140516 * 1000; totalSamplesSeen = 45000; learningRatePerSample = 0.039999999; epochTime=0.051414s
Finished Epoch[46 of 50]: [Training] lr = 0.04261674 * 1000; err = 0.01158323 * 1000; totalSamplesSeen = 46000; learningRatePerSample = 0.039999999; epochTime=0.051115s
Finished Epoch[47 of 50]: [Training] lr = 0.04326523 * 1000; err = 0.01164283 * 1000; totalSamplesSeen = 47000; learningRatePerSample = 0.039999999; epochTime=0.051611s
Finished Epoch[48 of 50]: [Training] lr = 0.04225255 * 1000; err = 0.01148774 * 1000; totalSamplesSeen = 48000; learningRatePerSample = 0.039999999; epochTime=0.0509s
Finished Epoch[49 of 50]: [Training] lr = 0.04173276 * 1000; err = 0.01124948 * 1000; totalSamplesSeen = 49000; learningRatePerSample = 0.039999999; epochTime=0.049659s
Finished Epoch[50 of 50]: [Training] lr = 0.04399402 * 1000; err = 0.01202178 * 1000; totalSamplesSeen = 50000; learningRatePerSample = 0.039999999; epochTime=0.052725s


If you have an NVidia GPU and installed a GPU build, you can also try this command:

cntk configFile=lr_bs.cntk makeMode=false command=Train deviceId=auto

To validate that the GPU was being used, look for the following line in your output:

Model has 9 nodes. Using GPU 0.
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