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+# Page settings
+layout: default
+keywords: Azure AppSource Marketplace Partner Center
+comments: false
+# Hero section
+title: Flexible billing for private offers preview
+description: Flexible billing for private offers preview
+ - toc
+These videos focus on the flexible billing for private offers feature currently available in preview only.
+1. [Flexible billing for private offers overview](#flexible-billing-for-private-offers-overview)
+1. [Configure flexible billing on customer private offers](#configure-flexible-billing-on-customer-private-offers)
+1. [Configure flexible billing for multiparty private offers](#configure-flexible-billing-for-multiparty-private-offers)
+1. [The flexible billing customer experience](#the-flexible-billing-customer-experience)
+## Flexible billing for private offers overview
+Video | [Slides](./pdfs/03.0-flex-billing-overview.pdf)
+Learn about the Flexible Billing feature for Private Offers in the Azure marketplace. This video explains what Flexible Billing is, how the feature works, and covers details of capabilities and restrictions. This video covers the following topics.
+- Feature overview, capabilities, and availability
+- Flexible billing for private offers scenarios and examples
+## Configure flexible billing on customer private offers
+This demo-heavy video shows ISVs how to create a direct Customer Private Offers with a Flexible Billing schedule. This video covers:
+- Flexible billing on Customer Private Offer
+- Example billing scenario
+- Creating a Customer Private offer with Flexible billing
+## Configure flexible billing for multiparty private offers
+This demo video shows how to create Multi-party Private Offers with Flexible Billing. This topic is valuable for ISVs and Channel Partners. This video includes the following.
+- Demo: Partner Flexible Billing MPO experience
+- Demo: Channel partner Flexible Billing MPO experience
+## The flexible billing customer experience
+This demo-only video shows the Customer purchase experience for a Marketplace Private offer which has a Flexible billing setup. This video is valuable to ISVs and Customers.
+- Demo of the customer experience
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