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f9b2c17 · Mar 19, 2025




Target Data

This folder is used to store target data (also called "ground truth" or "truth data") relevant to the modeling efforts.

For any questions or issues, please feel free to open an issue.

Heterogeneities Round

This folder contains the calibration data for phase 1 and 2 of the COVID-19 Scenario Modeling Hub (SMH) Heterogeneities Round.

Demographic data

Data is reported for incident cases and deaths.

  • target_data_phase1.csv: Calibration data to be used for Phase 1. This file contains incident cases and deaths for California and North Carolina as reported to respective public health departments up until 11/14/2020.

  • target_data_phase2.csv: Calibration data to be used for Phase 2. This file contains incident cases and deaths for California and North Carolina as reported to respective public health departments up until 4/3/2021.

Race/ethnicity grouping in North Carolina includes "black", "white", "asian", and "other".

Race/ethnicity grouping in California includes "latino", "black", "white", "asian", and "other".

Case demographic data is sourced from the COVID-19 Race-Ethnicity Timeseries from California Department of Public Health and NC COVID-19 Dashboard Data from the North Carolina Department of Public Health. Death demographic data is sourced from The National Center for Health Statistics


  • source/nc_case_demographics_county.csv: raw county-level estimates of cases by race in North Carolina with more detailed information on suppression from NC COVID-19 Dashboard Data from the North Carolina Department of Public Health.

  • source/NCHS_death_source_data.csv: data from The National Center for Health Statistics where total number of suppressed deaths that occurred before the end of the projection period in each state so that teams can distribute suppression using the method they prefer. We deduced from public health department data that there are 1932 total suppressed deaths in California and 223 total suppressed deaths in North Carolina over the study period.

Overall population data

  • cases_overall_jhu.csv: Overall cases reported to Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU-CSSE) in California and North Carolina. This gives full cases reported, whereas the public health department case data has some missingness by race/ethnicity.


The definitions of race/ethnicity can differ across various datasets. Racial/ethnic groups are reported consistently across death data, serology, and census data, where if an individual is Hispanic or Latino, their primary racial/ethnic group is “latino,” and all other racial subgroups are interpreted as non-Hispanic. Note that serology is subject to self-reporting whereas death certificate and census data are not, so although classifications are the same, there may still be slight differences in groups represented. We provide tables for mapping how data is reported to how it is observed in the target data.

Serology and census data are available in the covid19-smh-research_resources GitHub repository, heterogeneities folder

Serology and census data

State Race_ethnicity Target Data
California Hispanic or Latino latino
California non-Hispanic White white
California non-Hispanic Black black
California non-Hispanic Asian asian
California non-Hispanic Other other
North Carolina Hispanic or Latino other
North Carolina non-Hispanic White white
North Carolina non-Hispanic Black black
North Carolina non-Hispanic Asian asian
North Carolina non-Hispanic Other other

NCHS Death data

In the target death data, there are more detailed breakups of the same population groups. This dataset is also subject to a small proportion of known suppression, where suppressed values can range from 1-9. We have set all suppressed values to the minimum value of 1 and this is noted in the "min_suppressed" column in the target data files.

Teams will be evaluated on the sum of the "value" and "min_suppressed" columns in the target death data, since this represents the most complete and accurate version of the dataset.

State Race_ethnicity Target Data
California Hispanic or Latino latino
California non-Hispanic White white
California non-Hispanic Black black
California non-Hispanic Asian asian
California non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaskan Native other
California non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander other
California non-Hispanic more than once race other
North Carolina Hispanic or Latino other
North Carolina non-Hispanic White white
North Carolina non-Hispanic Black black
North Carolina non-Hispanic Asian asian
North Carolina non-Hispanic Other other
North Carolina non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaskan Native other
North Carolina non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander other
North Carolina non-Hispanic more than once race other

Case and Vaccination data

Case and vaccination data is derived from state public health department data. California reports racial/ethnic grouping consistently with other data sources but North Carolina reports race and ethnicity separately. We choose to use race data in North Carolina given higher completeness and consistency with other data sources. Cases and vaccination data are mapped in the following format:

State Race_ethnicity Target Data
California Latino latino
California White white
California African American black
California Asian American asian
California American Indian Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander other
California Multiracial other
California non-Hispanic more than once race other
North Carolina White white
North Carolina Black or African American black
North Carolina American Indian or Alaskan Native other
North Carolina Asian or other Pacific Islander asian
North Carolina Additional Groups other