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EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector



EAST (Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detection) is an efficient, accurate, and lightweight OCR detection algorithm mainly used for text detection in natural scenes. The algorithm extracts text features using deep residual networks, fuses features in a feature pyramid network, and adopts two branches for binary classification and text location detection. EAST has achieved significant results in the accuracy and robustness of text detection.

Figure 1. east_architecture

Figure 1. Overall EAST architecture (We use ResNet-50 instead of PVANet in fig. above)

The overall architecture of EAST is shown in Figure 1 and includes the following stages:

  1. Feature extraction: EAST uses Resnet-50 as the backbone network, feature extraction is performed at different levels, which are stages 2, 3, 4, and 5.

  2. Feature fusion: The features from different levels of the backbone network are fused in feature fusion stage. The feature maps are enlarged and connected along the channel axis to handle different text regions of varying sizes and improve detection accuracy.

  3. Boundary box regression: EAST uses regression for the position and rotation angle of the text box, enabling detection of inclined text to perform better of text detection tasks in natural scenes. Currently, the detection of rotated rectangles is supported.

  4. Text detection branch: After determining the location and size of the text region, EAST further classifies these regions as text or non-text areas. For this purpose, a fully convolutional text branch is employed for binary classification of the text areas.


mindspore ascend driver firmware cann toolkit/kernel
2.5.0 24.1.0 8.0.0.beta1

Quick Start


Please refer to the installation instruction in MindOCR.

Dataset preparation

ICDAR2015 dataset

Please download ICDAR2015 dataset, and convert the labels to the desired format referring to dataset_converters.

The prepared dataset file struture should be:

├── test
│   ├── images
│   │   ├── img_1.jpg
│   │   ├── img_2.jpg
│   │   └── ...
│   └── test_det_gt.txt
└── train
    ├── images
    │   ├── img_1.jpg
    │   ├── img_2.jpg
    │   └── ....jpg
    └── train_det_gt.txt

Update yaml config file

Update configs/det/east/east_r50_icdar15.yaml configuration file with data paths, specifically the following parts. The dataset_root will be concatenated with data_dir and label_file respectively to be the complete dataset directory and label file path.

  ckpt_save_dir: './tmp_det'
  dataset_sink_mode: False
    type: DetDataset
    dataset_root: dir/to/dataset          <--- Update
    data_dir: train/images                <--- Update
    label_file: train/train_det_gt.txt    <--- Update
  dataset_sink_mode: False
    type: DetDataset
    dataset_root: dir/to/dataset          <--- Update
    data_dir: test/images                 <--- Update
    label_file: test/test_det_gt.txt      <--- Update

Optionally, change num_workers according to the cores of CPU.

EAST consists of 3 parts: backbone, neck, and head. Specifically:

  type: det
  transform: null
    name: det_resnet50
    pretrained: True    # Whether to use weights pretrained on ImageNet
    name: EASTFPN       # FPN part of the EAST
    out_channels: 128
    name: EASTHead


  • Standalone training

Please set distribute in yaml config file to be False.

# train east on ic15 dataset
python tools/ --config configs/det/east/east_r50_icdar15.yaml
  • Distributed training

Please set distribute in yaml config file to be True.

# worker_num is the total number of Worker processes participating in the distributed task.
# local_worker_num is the number of Worker processes pulled up on the current node.
# The number of processes is equal to the number of NPUs used for training. In the case of single-machine multi-card worker_num and local_worker_num must be the same.
msrun --worker_num=8 --local_worker_num=8 python tools/ --config configs/det/east/east_r50_icdar15.yaml

# Based on verification,binding cores usually results in performance acceleration.Please configure the parameters and run.
msrun --bind_core=True --worker_num=8 --local_worker_num=8 python tools/ --config configs/det/east/east_r50_icdar15.yaml

Note: For more information about msrun configuration, please refer to here.

The training result (including checkpoints, per-epoch performance and curves) will be saved in the directory parsed by the arg ckpt_save_dir in yaml config file. The default directory is ./tmp_det.


To evaluate the accuracy of the trained model, you can use Please set the checkpoint path to the arg ckpt_load_path in the eval section of yaml config file, set distribute to be False, and then run:

python tools/ --config configs/det/east/east_r50_icdar15.yaml

MindSpore Lite Inference

Please refer to the tutorial MindOCR Inference for model inference based on MindSpot Lite on Ascend 310, including the following steps:

  • Model Export

Please download the exported MindIR file first, or refer to the Model Export tutorial and use the following command to export the trained ckpt model to MindIR file:

python tools/ --model_name_or_config east_resnet50 --data_shape 720 1280 --local_ckpt_path /path/to/local_ckpt.ckpt
# or
python tools/ --model_name_or_config configs/det/east/east_r50_icdar15.yaml --data_shape 720 1280 --local_ckpt_path /path/to/local_ckpt.ckpt

The data_shape is the model input shape of height and width for MindIR file. The shape value of MindIR in the download link can be found in Notes.

  • Environment Installation

Please refer to Environment Installation tutorial to configure the MindSpore Lite inference environment.

  • Model Conversion

Please refer to Model Conversion, and use the converter_lite tool for offline conversion of the MindIR file.

  • Inference

Assuming that you obtain output.mindir after model conversion, go to the deploy/py_infer directory, and use the following command for inference:

python \
    --input_images_dir=/your_path_to/test_images \
    --det_model_path=your_path_to/output.mindir \
    --det_model_name_or_config=../../configs/det/east/east_r50_icdar15.yaml \


EAST were trained on the ICDAR2015 datasets. In addition, we conducted pre-training on the ImageNet dataset and provided a URL to download pretrained weights. All training results are as follows:


model name backbone pretrained cards batch size jit level graph compile ms/step img/s recall precision f-score recipe weight
EAST ResNet-50 ImageNet 8 20 O2 250.32 s 254.54 628.58 80.36% 84.17% 82.22% yaml ckpt | mindir
EAST MobileNetV3 ImageNet 8 20 O2 313.78 s 91.59 1746.92 73.18% 74.07% 73.63% yaml ckpt | mindir


  • The training time of EAST is highly affected by data processing and varies on different machines.
  • The input_shape for exported MindIR in the link is (1,3,720,1280).


[1] Xinyu Zhou, Cong Yao, He Wen, Yuzhi Wang, Shuchang Zhou, Weiran He, Jiajun Liang. EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector. arXiv:1704.03155, 2017