issues Search Results · repo:mlavin/django-all-access language:Python
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inmlavin/django-all-access (press backspace or delete to remove)This is making depending projects to fail.
- Opened on Apr 18, 2022
- #83
hello every one i m new in django restframe work and i m troubling now with my project i have deadline to complete my
project too so please any one can help me to complete my project ,please its urjunt ...
- 1
- Opened on Nov 15, 2019
- #78
I am using the Facebook API, but it isn t returning the user s email and last_name. I have set the fields and scope
parameters and they seem to be sending correctly, but the info that the json response ...
- 7
- Opened on Feb 27, 2017
- #74
The FB URLs require explicit version numbers as part of the 2.0 deprecation cycle. Need to update docs and default
- Opened on Jun 27, 2016
- #71
After trying to get django-all-access to work with the OAuth2 server of FIWARE lab, I found out that it was expecting an
Authorization key in the header of the POST request that gets the access token (I ...
- 2
- Opened on May 12, 2016
- #70
django-social-auth has been deprecated for a couple of years now and doesn t support Django 1.8 from what I can tell.
These commands can t really run anymore since there are no overlapping Django versions ...
- Opened on Jan 23, 2016
- #67
I override the get_or_create_user to include the user s email on the process of creating the new Django s user but it
seems that the email is not comming along with the base request for the profile. I ...
- 7
- Opened on Sep 4, 2015
- #58
I ve read the example over the docs of how we can override the get_additional_parameters function. Since most of the
backends are now running version 2.x i think we can provide a less intrusive way to ...
- 2
- Opened on Sep 3, 2015
- #57
I usually use the default server from django to make my development: python runserver (no different port/ip).
Which makes the straight forward configuration to use this app (without need to ...
- 5
- Opened on Sep 3, 2015
- #56
Upcoming bug fix release will add 1.8 support. I think that means it s time to drop support for everything 1.7 which
means we can get rid of the South migrations.
- 4
- Opened on May 12, 2015
- #54

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